Monday, March 25, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A+ list model has been passed around by her boyfriend the past six months as his punishment for her disobeying him. Apparently she went through his phone because she was being jealous and saw some things she was not supposed to see. She begged to stay with him. He has been making her life miserable but she has not given up on being with him.


  1. Leo sharing with Jonah Hill?

  2. Why do women put up with this sh*t?!

  3. WTF is wrong with these women?

    And this just goes to show that beauty doesn't mean a thing this is an A+ model who obviously feels shit about herself.

  4. @Cathy I read your comment as Leo passing Jonah Hill around. o.O

  5. Are Bar Rafaeli and David Fisher still together? He's a businessman...
    "Mr Fisher, 35, is a property tycoon based in Herzliya Pituach, and holds a 12 per cent stake in the East Mediterranean Gas Company. He bought the stake for more than £1.3 million in 2007 from a confidante of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. "

  6. My point is, he sounds powerfulish, and powerfulish people can be intimidating.

  7. @Reese - I think I like that even better! :)

  8. And she is an A-List model? There is no accounting for self-esteem issues. What's her attraction though? She has her own money and fame, and we know its not his winning personality. so she needs to dump this loser and find a regular guy who worships her

  9. I would enjoy this if this were Naomi campbell.

    1. Naomi wouldn't have just gone through the phone she would have thrown it.

  10. She's should be independent making enough to take care of herself ...why take crap from anyone ?

  11. He's a pig. Now he is going to sleep with her even though all of his friends just had sex with her? She has no self-esteem and he is disgusting and probably disease-ridden.

  12. I know a couple of beauty queens and those girls have the most problems of anyone I know. Sad, really.

    1. @Napassasin, yup that's usually the case. Most of the time these lovely women haven't been as praised for their intellect as much as for their beauty, so after a while the only thing they feel gives them any value, is their looks... Being beautiful is a trait that is valued highly in our society, but paradoxically it's not very respected. Great self esteem starts with your parents, but comes from within!

  13. Any woman successful on her own who would let a man "punish" her by passing her around to his friends is in need of some serious therapy. Not to mention she already suspects that he is cheating on her. Just what does she see in him?
    It might be easier to join a club and let someone spank her and dump the boyfriend altogether if she won't get help for her need to be humiliated.

  14. I hope it's Naomi too!

  15. Hes a dick, and she is an idiot. Case closed.

  16. Naomi, I have read some strange stories about these models with these very very wealthy men. Of course, I really have no idea but this was my first guess.

  17. I would love it to be Naomi, but I am not sure. I thought her boyfriend was upset after she jumped Coco Rocha on the set of her show and he was already giving her some "distance." Two - she is worth $48 million, not too poor in her own right.

  18. This is so sad! Why would a beautiful, successful woman be this desperate!???

  19. Well, if she went through with it, she obviously felt she deserved it.

    I bet she saw her dude's sexting exchanges with other dudes.

    If Keibler was a model or A-list, she'd be my guess. As it is I got nuthin.

  20. I hope this one is fake because if not, this lady obviously has ZERO self esteem!

  21. Just to be different Kate Upton and Justin Verlander. He meets all types in road hotels.

  22. Naomi "jumped" Coco Rocha on the set of their show? I'd like to read more about that.

    Gosh I'd love it if this were Naomi but somehow I find that unlikely. Maybe though, maybe.

  23. We need a Queen of self esteem.

  24. Oh please Naomi is too crazy for a guy to try that shit, she would rather collect from the mags when she sells the info

  25. Naomi is a good guess!

  26. Oh, sweetie, whoever you are...get rid of this loser ASAP! Anyone who'd treat you like a toy to be passed around to his buddies isn't anyone worth keeping (unless, of course, the two of you are into this kind of thing, but that's not the impression I'm getting). Kick the bum to the curb, and find a good man who treats you well, because you don't need this schmuck!

  27. "Punish"? What is this, the 1600's? Sheesh.

  28. Naomi's boyfriend is a BILLIONAIRE who gives her lavish 25 bedroom houses. Maybe she wants to feather her nest more before flying the coop. $48 million doesn't last forever when you like to live the high life.

  29. Anonymous3:26 PM

    This is gross. She needs help, sad she probably looks complete package from the outside.
    He's a dick I hope he gets an uncurable STD.

  30. Christian Grey for the guy.

  31. When I read these kinds of blinds, I just think, 'ew!' I don't care if he's got a 14 karat gold dick, ain't no man worth all that business. Especially if it's being shared with Jonah Hill...again, ew.

  32. What about Heidi Klum and her bodyguard/boyfriend? She's certainly A+, and the sad truth is, anything is possible. Just because she projects an air of confidence, doesn't mean she's like that in her private life.

  33. @jsierra-HAHA, good one!

  34. Any chance it's one of Adam Levine's model gals?

  35. Rose and Jason Statham, she saw texts from men in his phone. She is with him for her career and wants more acting roles

  36. Is this a d/s relationship? I can't think of any other reason a woman would tolerate being passed around
