Monday, March 18, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A list mostly television actor has a movie coming out. Well, it was coming out, but there needs to be some reshoots and our actor refuses to do it and has said that he won't do any press for the movie either because he feels like everyone on the crew disrespected him. Well, if he was not such a crap actor they would not have laughed at him everytime he tried to a scene.


  1. Juicy - wish this were Timberlake but he's mostly movie.

  2. Ashton in Jobs--the release has just been pushed back.

  3. @lunaire - good one! Seconded.

  4. Yes! Definitely Ashton - I read about jOBS being pushed back a few days ago and didn't make the connection.

  5. Asston in Steve Jobs movie

  6. @lunaire - perfect! Sure sounds like Asston to me.

  7. YUP! Ashton for sure! Ha! Asswipe!


  9. Not an Asston fan, at all, but I heard ppl who saw the upfronts say it was pretty good. Or, they were lying. Pretty much the H'wood main status. I have to think this guess is right, hes such an ass.

  10. I'm tired of people demanding respect. Earn it a-holes. That is all.

  11. Ashton was doing a pretty good job (no pun intended) in that clip @Cathy linked to, but I can believe this is Ashton in new Jobs movie.

  12. Kutcher had good reviews for his acting in Jobs during Sundance fest

  13. I despise Ashton with the power of a thousand suns. He implied during an interview once that he was a better Steve Jobs than Steve Jobs was (WTF?). Demi was a fine actress with an excellent resume before she hooked up with him. Mila seems tough as nails, hopefully she can handle his a*holery. I feel about Ashton the way everyone else feels about B Coop.

  14. @Gypsy, exactly right! Respect is not a right, or automatically given just because you think you deserve it, it has to be earned.

    It would be hard to respect Ashton in any situation.

  15. ashton is a legend in his own mind. whoever hired him to play steve jobs should be drawn and quartered. seriously, what were they expecting?

  16. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Asston in Jobs!! Hooray! The sooner that ASShat gets treated like the turd he really is, considering how he treats others personally and professionally, the better. As far as I'm concerned. Let's not forget he's responsible for trucker hats. And Punk'd.

  17. He should be disrespected for trucker hats, alone.

  18. "Jobs" already premiered and has been slated for an. April release for sometime. It's finished and in the can.

  19. I thought of Ashton too.

  20. Not convinced this is Asston. I'd say he's equal tv and movies.

  21. Yes it may appear to be "in the can" but then they do market testing and depending upon how the audience reacts, they may decide to do some minor tweaking and reshoots. The link was great BTW.

  22. He's alllowed to think he's hot shit b/c, inexplicably, he maintains star status. He should have been in that movie instead of SJP -- "I Don't Know How He Does It."

  23. He's alllowed to think he's hot shit b/c, inexplicably, he maintains star status. He should have been in that movie instead of SJP -- "I Don't Know How He Does It."

  24. Nobody will pay to see an Asston movie this will wind up in the Dvd bin.

  25. I hate that Ashton could ever be referred to as "A list"

  26. Ashton should have took Cameron Crowe's advice and signed up for acting lessons.

  27. @Whocares - "Jobs" has been pushed from it's April release to an unknown release date. Being "in the can" doesn't mean it's finished. Lucas, Spielberg and Cameron all toy with their movies until a week before release.

  28. reshoots are part of the contract I would think and given the lack of success of most of his movies, Asston better do what is asked of him or he will get no more offers if he is known to be uncooperative

  29. Remind me again why Demi is still missing this ashhole? Girl, him leaving you was the best thing he ever did to you!

  30. Anonymous7:42 PM

    The unprofessional .....
