Thursday, March 14, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A list celebrity/singer got the shock of her life two days ago. Well, it was a shock. Maybe not the shock of her life, but it was good. A buzz maybe? More than a 9 volt to the tongue though. A radio host was interviewing the singer and said he would love to talk to her husband and they should call him. Backed into the corner, and unable to think of an excuse, our singer agreed and when the husband answered and she said hello, he said, "How come you have not called or texted in three days?" Then she said she was on a radio show. The management was kind enough to delete the first part when it aired for broadcast later in the day. So, at least for now, her secret is safe from the public. She loves the married image, just not being married.


  1. Carrie Underwood

  2. Replies
    1. @CamColty Nick wishes that Mariah wouldn't call or text in three days! LOL. I bet it's more like every 30 minutes while she's awake. "I need coffee" "I need water" "Can you come fetch my slippers? They're a little too far for me to reach" "Did you get the food yet?" "The babies need to be changed!!!"

  3. Anonymous11:06 AM

    First person I thought of was Carrie Underwood. Phony Barbie doll.

  4. Definitely Mariah.

  5. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Is "shock" being hammered in too hard to be a clue? Anyone with hits revolving around shock or electricity (of the bangin' kind)?

  6. Oh I like the Mariah guess, too.

  7. Mariah* And it would make sense that they would call her husband since Nick Cannon is famous.

  8. I think it's Carrie Underwood. Isn't Mariah A+?

  9. Carrie Underwood's husband is also famous. He's a professional hockey player.

    Carrie Underwood is in DM today,she was at BBC2 radio station

  11. This wouldn't be Mimi IMO, because of 'them babies.' Most likely someone without children so I'll go with the Carrie Underwood guess.

  12. They are both doing a lot of radio right now to promote their songs. I'm going with Carry because Mariah has a diva rep and wouldn't do anything that she wouldn't want to...

  13. Not Carrie & Mike. They are still building their new house in my area. She even visits the grocery store & freaks out all of the cashiers. True story!

  14. I like the Gwen guess.
    A lot!

  15. Carrie's bday is March 10, 2013. Maybe it is her.

  16. Carrie does have a song called State of Shcok

  17. Thought of Gwen Stefani immediately

  18. Is Gwen still A list though?

  19. Beyonce; a lot of people say their marriage is more of a partnership and that's why she has no problem with Jay cheating.

  20. Although I don't think Mariah's people would allow this stunt to be pulled on her I thitnk this is her.

  21. Gwen Stefani makes the most sense, but I kept thinking Pink. She is rarely seen with her husband. I reckon they are like me and my man, we love the bones of each other but also like some time apart too.

  22. It never occurred to her to say "No"?

  23. Gavin is in Random Photos today, so this is probably he & Gwen.

  24. I can't imagine someone even remotely asking Beyonce to call JayZ because it's all about HER!

    Supposedly Beyonce and JayZ are just an empire trick, and not the real thing.

  25. The clues have me terrified that it mights be Pink. Please Dear Baby Jesus don't let this be Pink.

  26. No way in hell it's Pink. Not only did she talk about it a lot when they broke up before, she wrote a whole frickin' album about it!

  27. The only reason I don't think it's Carrie Underwood is because I can't think of a reason why a British radio station would want to talk to a hockey player.

  28. Carrie Underwood. She's from Oklahoma backwoods where being married is a status symbol. Great for PR.

  29. Not Carrie. She's my cousin's grand big in her sorority. She's totally aces. And hothotheat, you must be from Texas. Go OU!

  30. Fuck you, hothotheat. Nothing wrong with Oklahoma.

  31. It may be Miranda, if she's mad at big Blake for something, I can see her not talking to him for 3 days. She looks like she could be mean, I like that about her.

  32. Mariah and Nick actually seem happy together. I lean towards Carrie.

  33. Gavin wouldn't even ask her. & I highly doubt she wouldn't check in w/ him & the kids

  34. Carrie's been in the UK for some days, why would a UK radio station want to talk to her husband? Do they even play hockey there?

    My first thought was Mariah, but Beyonce is in the DM so I'll go with her.

  35. Carrie Underwood is B- at the most.
    Sounds like Miranda Lambert, but again, she isn't really A list.

  36. I don't have much of a guess, except that I think this is someone younger and more inexperienced who isn't comfortable making up a quick lie or just saying no.
