Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blind Item #4

This A list reality star apparently caught her A list celebrity boyfriend in way more than just a lip lock with another guy. It does not seem to have slowed down their relationship at all though.


  1. Well, that can't be the first time that's happened. Wake me up when the guy that Kim catches Kanye with is her brother

  2. so does this mean Kim will the highly predict "miscarriage" based off this stress and have to give Beyonce back her prosthetic stomach?

  3. ryan seacrest and whats here name hough.

    1. There was a blind over at Blind Gossip yesterday that Seacrest was "dating" Julianne and their situation was working ourquite well, but that he was REALLY dating her brother and it was THEIR break-up that put the kibosh on the beard.

  4. Jacwe, sure she'll have to give Bey back the stomach but who gets the extra hips, butt and thighs?

  5. I don't really care about the Kardashians, but that being said: that is a life in her uterus. Respect it. Jibs and jibes and just plain mean shit about that baby or any child makes you an asshole. Rule No. 1- Don't be an asshole. Say what you want about Kim or Kanye or especially Kris, but leave that poor child out of it.

    Rant over- no idea on the BI, but I lean towards a RH. Don't watch the shows personally, but whichever one has a younger BF is probably it.

  6. Rage on Beaver! oh, um, Badger!

  7. Kanye likes boys. That kid is going to be one ugly, screwed-up child

  8. Does anyone have a guess for the Lainey blind item?

  9. The Raving Badger said...

    Khloe, take a seat.

  10. kidding. The only reason she isn't upset about it, is because she signed a contract and knew from the start that he was gay. Hell...everyone on this site knows he's gay. There's nothing wrong with it...there's just something wrong with hiding it.

    1. Bingo @crila!!!! It's a Kontractual agreement.

  11. I think the Lainey blind is Michelle Williams and Jason Seigel. Very juicy, but sad too because I'm a fan of his.

  12. Hi everyone, long time lurker and have been following all the comments. I think helps me guess these blinds. I agree with KK and KW.

  13. For those scratching their heads about "what is the Lainey blind?" Here it is

    I think @jeneral got it. And Russell Brand for the celeb he reached out to

  14. Anonymous10:15 AM

    @DAMD tech: they should keep figures bangin' in the next 7 or 8 seasons of RuPaul's drag race

  15. No, not Jason Segal! I love Marshall!

  16. They broke up Roxie, well, actually Ryan broke up with Derek and Juliane was just along for the ride (or jewelry)

  17. Thanks for the link VIP

  18. Thanks for the link to the Lainey Blind. Wondered what everyone was talking about.

    I don't think anyone is giving the fetus a hard time. I personally believe the "miscarriage" will happen soon. And don't worry, it's not a real miscarriage. ACTING! THANK YOU.

  19. Wow you guys think it's fake? She is way too wide in the hips for it to not be real. Kim wants a baby and she'll do whatever it takes to get one. If Kanye wasn't such a jerk, I'd feel bad for the pr move she's going to pull years down the road. "He lied to me! Told me he loved me, but he never did. He has always been gay!" And voila, she becomes a somebody again!

  20. I think KK and Kanye are the best fit for this blind.

    The Lainey blind made me think of Michelle Williams and Jason Segel, I wish they would get back together but if he does have these issues then she did the right thing, she's got a child to think of.

  21. Kim's face is really puffy and fat these days. Like a pregnant lady.

  22. I can't believe anyone thinks Kim is faking the pregnancy. Have you seen pictures of her lately? That is not just ordinary weight gain; she's knocked up.

  23. Jason Segel may get sober someday, but Michelle Williams will always be a cunt.

  24. I don't think Kim is faking the pregnancy. Her belly might be fluctuating, but she's put on steady and considerable weight in both her chest and badonk

  25. @Mooshki - I'll drink/hit my bong to that.

  26. KK isn't faking it. Different outfits, angles, water retention, etc. can affect how one looks. The boob growth gave it away. My kid is a year old and that first 3 months of pregnancy, holy Shiite. I thought I would end up an H cup the way those puppies were taking off. Thank god they slowed down. Anyhow, @Sherry, you really suck. Miscarriages aren't something to joke about. Just not kosher. Even if it is about a Kardashian.

    1. Badger I totally agree that's why I prefaced it with it NOT being real. No one should cry rape or miscarriage out of respect for others who actually suffer such tragedies. Sorry I didn't make that come through in my post.

  27. What happens when you get pregnant and you have had fat injections, let's say in your ass or face... Guess where you gain weight?

  28. While I would love for Kim to not really be pregnant with Satan's spawn, I think she is. She has gotten ENORMOUS. So, the next best thing in my view is for her to get so obese, she has a nervous breakdown, and goes away forever.

  29. Jason could be reaching out to Russell Brand. Says he's reaching out to someone he's worked with who has been through this.

  30. Thanks, @VIP, I was just about to go searching. lol

  31. I didn't know Bieber was dating a reality star?

  32. If Kim was faking it her outfits would be better cos that shit would have been planned out in advance.

    Currently it seems like she's playing catch up and has no idea how to dress for the baby bulge.

  33. @ The Raving Badger - I'm sorry if miscarriage is a tender subject with you, but you'll find that there are a lot of posters here who think that Kim K is faking her pregnancy. I though so myself until she started, ah, blossoming.

    Yes, until her ass started looking like the back of a city bus, I too thought she was faking a pregnancy for attention and that she'd have a convenient "miscarriage" for attention and magazine covers so she could talk about her "private pain". No stunt is too low for that family to pull.

    1. Mango,

      Thank you for making that point. As much as I find the Kartrashians abhorrent human beings I would never wish Kim to suffer the pain of such an occurrence IF she really is truly pregnant. However all previous behavior (and some possible blinds) suggests it could very well be a PR stunt. Still think she's just eating to her hearts content hence the weight gain in her most obvious spots.

  34. KK is definitely preggers and looking the part like Beyonce never did ...
