Sunday, March 17, 2013

Blind Item #4

This one is from a few years ago. At the time, this actress was probably still B list. In the handful of years since, she has dropped down to D list in the acting department, but she still has A list name recognition and a list of millionaires who all want to have sex with her. I'm not sure why. Anyway, she was getting paid to be at an event and got absolutely wasted. Hammered. She said she was fine though and decided everyone should go to the pool. She made everyone get naked and then she tried to break into a pen holding dolphins which guests could play with during the day. Somehow she got in and instead of being nice, the dolphins started smacking her and pushing her and she almost drowned. The thing is she had been such a horrible person all night and to the people at the event who were paying her a lot of money, that everyone did nothing to help her until she finally got her head slammed against a cage door and sunk beneath the water. They took her out and the hotel doctor checked her out. The hotel did charge her $25K for what she did to the dolphin enclosure.


  1. these are all easy easy today, even I can get them LOL

  2. The dolphins didn't like it when she tried to do ass to ass :(

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    This one is a toss up between Tara and Blohan.
    I would guess Tara for this one.

  4. Dolphin's are very good judges of character...

  5. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Haha VIP!

  6. Hayden Panatierre

  7. Yea, you're right Lotta. It is Tara

  8. There was some bizarre photo of Tara this week (she's so rarely snapped anymore) looking like, well, maybe she'd been dragged under by a bunch of dolphins.

  9. Does anyone really think Lindsay would pay a 25k bill? LOL She would probably have filed a lawsuit claiming the hotel OWED HER money for emotional distress, hospital bills, or some shit.

  10. Wait, Enty says this one is from a few years ago.

  11. @Amy that article in the Sun was from 2007

    1. It says it is from a few years ago.

  12. The visual of Blohan getting smacked around by dolphins is almost too much for me to handle.

    Hello all. Long-time lurker, first time commenter. :)

  13. Agree with Lotta, Lohan would of sued and Tara is too nice to even think of that and just paid it.

    Tara at 38 is still a yacht girl for the rich.

  14. Hi, Harmie - welcome to Whore Island! Hope you like burritos! :b

    @VIP, hahahaha, I almsot spit OJ on the keyboard! Poor dolphins.

  15. Enty's blowing up my Twitter today lol

  16. He said this happened a few years ago. 2007 sounds about right.

  17. I have never heard of a dolphin behaving aggressively to anyone, but if anyone could cause them to snap, it'd be Lilo.

  18. damn burrito whore!

  19. Whoever this is never heard of dolphin rape caves. I'm going with Lindsay thinking she is remaling Flipper!

  20. I actually heard that dolphins can be quite aggressive and even rape people, so whoever this is is lucky it wasn't much worse if that's true.

  21. Hey Harmie! I'm thinking the same thing. The Dolphins knew this person was a shit and treated them as such.

    I still don't think it's Liho or Reid but I don't have a better guess.

  22. @SusanB- I know I've seen a few aggressive dolphins on YouTube if you want to take a look

  23. I can totally see a bunch of old men paying money to party with her. She's young, pretty, and a movie star in their mind. Low hanging fruit but whatever.

  24. Male Dolphins rape the female dolphins. People like to pretend animals aren't capable of things like that.

    1. Very true Feral. They can also gang up on other groups of different dolphins and kill them. Just like humans they have different types of behaviours; some good, some bad.

  25. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I was thinking Pam too!

  26. Dolphins tried to kill Blohan? Damn!!! BWAAAAAAAAHAAHHAHAHAHA!

  27. This should be an ep of SVU. A heinous case of dolphin rape.

    1. Lol where is @dragon to SUV this shit out when you need him

    2. Maybe the dolphins just smoked a lot of pot & wanted a threesome.

    3. @Lotta damn now we have to do SVU Animal Unit.

  28. Yep it's either Tara or LiLo. VIP's snark made me laugh out loud.

  29. He says this is from a few years ago; I don't think it's Lindsay. I think it's Tara.

  30. If it's not Tara, it's Blohan.

    tee-hee @ ethorne!

  31. that rancid bitch.

    Dolphins are beautiful and beautiful hearted! i got one chance to swim w/ them in the wild, no big boats/tourists, just me and my friend a/ 2 the indian coast in zanzibar! i tried to keep up w/ a pod...including a baby!

    knowing THIS? Crackroach keeps adding penalties but this tops it! I hope she kicks the can..and soon!

  32. I am thinking this is Tara, and Enty hauled this one out of the archives, because most of us felt bad for her, seeing that pathetic picture of her being carted out of the club this week.

  33. Dolphin rape isn't like rape-rape ~ Whoopi Goldberg

  34. Tara or Lohan. Pam to me has no reputation for being mean to people, and the other mean ones (I put Paris and Kim in this category) aren't D list actresses with A List recognition.

  35. Really want this to be Lindsay but I think PARangergirl got it with the link

  36. What about Tara Reid?

  37. Ha!! brakewater - that made me laugh!!:)

  38. I'm gonna go with Tara Reid.

  39. The "paid the bill" part tells you for a fact it wasn't LiLo. That just doesn't happen. Another day in Taradise!

  40. Who would do something so incredibly stupid? Eva Longoria?
    Lots of rich dudes want her.

  41. Pam Anderson. Isn't it rumored that she'll spend time with a European millionaire to make a living these days?

  42. It doesn't say she paid the bill, just that they charged her for the damage. They may have deducted it from her fee if she had not been paid yet.

    Tara is def a drunk but is she a b-tch too?

    Lohan is known to be horrible and def bossy.

    I'm not sure which one or someone else?
