Monday, March 11, 2013

Blind Item #4

This A list mostly movie actress with A+ name recognition has no idea what happened to her dog. She used the dog for publicity purposes and to make her look like she was sympathetic and then let some friends take care of it and they gave it to someone else and now the actress has no idea. A reporter wanted to do a story and the actress has been scrambling trying to find the "dog she loves."


  1. Doris Day. She's a closet animal hater.

  2. It's a living creature, not a purse! Geez!

  3. I love my dogs people like this make me sick

  4. Anne Hathaway is in DM and she has a chocolate dog Esmeralda

  5. A friend of Ellen Degeneris:)

  6. I am not trying to stick up for her because I think her actions are despicable but do you guys think there is an overall push to seem animal friendly perpetuated by society? in order to be viewed highly, you have to accomplish key milestones; a wife (or husband), the children, with the dog (or cat). Maybe I'm reaching but being an animal lover seems a must.

    1. This is an interesting point. I see it a lot in my office, people are obsessed with their pets.

      I expressed my dislike of tiny dogs one time, speaking generally, and I swear I was persona non grata for like a week until people forgot about it haha

    2. And yet Pink Pickle celebs are almost worse with their children. I read a NYTimes article about a Nanny "Dr."that helps celebrities understand their nannies and communicate how they want their children raised. Kyle MacLachlan and his wife have 1child, 2 homes and FOUR nannies. I'm thiinking they should try raising the child by themselves.

    3. That's horrible fritters! Good thing they have short term memories :)

      seriously Sherry! some people (certain celebs make me cringe) don't deserve to have children/pets in their lives; parenthood (both children and furry ones) is not for everyone and people should feel comfortable not having any and society not demanding it (i.e. Aniston).

      I'm going try to find the article you are talking about. I'm sure I'll be seething when I'm done reading it.

  7. Did Anniston get a dog while she filmed Marly and Me?

  8. I don't think there's any pressure for celebrities to own pets. If they believe that, it's probably because their desperate insecurities.

  9. I haven't seen Amanda Seyfriend with her dog in a while.

  10. Oh Amanda Seyfriend goes everywhere she can with her dog he's is beautiful and probably has enough air miles to go round trip to Hong Kong...
    She has an apartment a few blocks from me in New York

  11. Jen Aniston used to be photographed with her dog on the beach all the time, post-Brad...

  12. Anne Hathaway. She's still trying too hard. She was parading her parents around recently, too. Pathetic.

    1. Anne was at the opening night of a play in which her mom starred. So flip the parading around and you're correct.

  13. I don't think it could be Aniston. She is supposedly truly crazy about her dogs and got her dog Norman's name tattooed on her foot when he passed away.

    Anndd, I have no guess.

  14. The only thing Anne Hathaway have on a leash is her husband.

  15. Jen A's dog Norman passed away last year.

  16. Anonymous10:24 AM

    It's Chastain. She was showing off that 3-legged dog of hers during award season. When her PR people suggested that she actually get a human poodle to pose in pictures with, the 67 year old actress started showing up with that Italian trust fund baby.

    Also, her best friend, Jesse... something, tweeted once that she was taking care of that stupid dog while the 92 year old actress was busy with her play.

    You haven't seen that crippled dog in weeks and I'm sure that the 115 year old actress doesn't give a cat's shit about it.

    I liked that 325 year old actress when she was just a "30 year old actress" and wasn't controlled by her management team.

  17. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Along came justin

  18. *pricks up ears* Did somebody say "Anthony Hopkins' naughty bits"? *makes mental note to check out Beowulf*

  19. Oops, wrong thread...sorry about that. *cringe*

  20. I hope this one is revealed, because those of us who love animals don't want to spend our money supporting this horrible excuse for a human being.

  21. Archer Dalton

  22. Jennifer Anniston loved her dog, Norman. After he passed away, she had his name tattooed on her foot where he used to sleep. This is so NOT her!

  23. Except for my comment earlier about enty not referring to Kstew as A list, well its been rumored for a while that the dog "Bear" supposed to be Robert's and Kristens dog together was really rented occasionally for their pr relationship. The dog hasnt been spotted in awhile.

  24. Star I like your answer better because I don't want it to be Jessica Chastain even if Archer made me laugh about her ever advancing age.

  25. this isn't Anne - she's had Esmerelda (chocolate lab) for several years and it seems to be her constant companion. Same with Aniston. She and Justin did get a pit bull pup that has been seen a few times.

    I'd go with Jessica Chastain or Zoe Saldana.

  26. Even if the dog has been given away, as long as it cared for i dont fault celeb.

  27. What about Mila Kunis? I could've sworn we always saw pics of her walking Asston and her dog.

  28. @KatL - Mila's pretty small, are you sure she can walk two big dogs at the same time?


  29. I like the KStew guess.

  30. @Archer -- hahahaha! @Robin -- I just love that you are *that* excited about it!

  31. Aniston had 2 dogs...Norman and Dolly....havent seen Dolly in a LONG time....(and yes it kills me that i actually know this )

  32. As much of a bonehead I think Anne H is, I really don't think this is her.

    And somehow, I can't imagine JChas (does anybody call her that, or did I just make that up?) pulling a stunt like that. She just seems... above all that.

    ...its been rumored for a while that the dog "Bear" supposed to be Robert's and Kristens dog together was really rented occasionally for their pr relationship.

    Now KStew seems like the sort of social misfit who would love animals more than people. She strikes me as a total dog lover who would have dog hair all over her clothes. Another surprise if this is her.

    What everyone else said about Jen and Norman, and besides when she wants publicity, she just gets another boyfriend.

    Mila - I can't picture her caring enough about publicity to pull a stunt like that. If she cared that much about good publicity she wouldn't be dating the asshole of the millennium.

    Amanda S - Misch has mentioned seeing her walking her dog many times; lots of pap photos to back that up, too.

    It's not looking good for Zoe.

  33. @ Robin - I've done that so many times, I don't even cringe any more!

  34. KStew seems like the kind of cold dispassionate person who would have no empathy for animals in my opinion.

  35. Jessica Chastain was out walking a three legged rescue dog in "Vote for me for the Oscar" season.

    She hasn't been pictured with that thing for a while.

  36. I agree with the K Stew guess. She needed the sympathy of dog custody after she was in the dog house (pun intended) after the Rupert affair.

  37. A lot fo different guesses. I'm going with Charlize T cause I know how good she is at manipulating her image/paps and the rest of it and have not seen her with a dog in quite some time. Not since her little boy has become the latest accessory.

  38. @Pink, I don't know if there is a push for celebrities have pets, since people know they travel a lot for filming, but it does seem like people (in the US at least)want their politicans to have pets (usually dogs). Maybe watching them interact with a pet humanizes them. Unless they treat the pet poorly, like tying it to the roof of the car, and then they seem extra callous. So maybe watching how they interact with pets helps people feel they can more accurately judge their character, too.

  39. Not Mila:

    That dog she is seen with occasionally walking is actually Ashton's. He's had that mutt FOREVER. I'm thinking pre-Demi even.

    Demi had a bunch (3 or 4) of chihuahuas.

    I hate that I know this.

  40. Pink - You are certainly on to something. Society is about control. People are becoming more wise about government control. Same with religious control. Not sure about education but I've heard some weird stuff that is conjecture at best being taught in schools. Many people are not "into" sports. By creating the "pets" group a certain amount of control can be regained over people who have left these other "groups". Like your example, if you don't display group think you are ostracized from the group. Take a look at Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky. It's a long movie but explains clearly what goes on in a controlled society. Long live freedom!! Consensus is the quickest way to mediocrity.

  41. " well its been rumored for a while that the dog "Bear" supposed to be Robert's and Kristens dog together was really rented occasionally for their pr relationship. The dog hasnt been spotted in awhile."

    lmfao ... how can anybody type that and not feel embarrassed? Only completely desperate idiots think that. I haven't 'spotted' William and Kate's dog either, must mean they got rid of him.

