Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former A list mostly television actor has not spoken to his daughter in a year. The reason? They both have drinking problems. Big drinking problems. Blackout type drinking problems. Neither one knows what happened exactly but almost a year ago to this week the pair woke up together in bed. Naked. Our actor has a girlfriend but she has not said a word about the situation and still is together with her boyfriend. All that anyone knows is that father and daughter don't speak to each other or to anyone about what may or may not have happened that night.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. please don't let it be Ryan and Tatum.

    1. @timebob, that's exactly who I was thinking.

      Ryan Fuckhead O'neal

  3. Please don't let it be ANYONE.

  4. Kitties, unicorns and rainbows...kitties, unicorns and rainbows...kitties, unicorns and rainbows...

    1. Singing next to Reese....

      Soft kitty,
      Warm kitty,
      Little ball of fur.
      Happy kitty,
      Sleepy kitty,
      Purr, purr, purr.

      (cause that made me sick.)

    2. You guys make all this better!

    3. You guys make all this better!

  5. @Timebob. I hope to hell it's been a lot longer than a year since Tatum talked to Ryan. He is toxic. Those kids should take a group restraining order out against him.

  6. So sad, but at least yhey know enough to stay away ftim each other. And get help, both of you!!!!!

  7. Is Ryan "mostly television?" I'm super old, but I associate him with movies, not TV.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Ryan Fuckhead O'Neal is a regular on Bones...I only see him on TV.

  10. I'm not trying to be a whiny "but" O'Neal has only been sole TV since 2003 , prior to that it was all movies. Just as an aside, isn't Tatum writing another Tell All for cash? Why would she see him if MORE crap was coming down?

  11. I think Ryan O'Neal is mostly movies, not television.
    Hasselhoff fits better.

  12. My first thought was also Hasselhoff but then I thought perhaps it could be Kiefer Sutherland.

  13. O'Neal started in TV on a huge hit show called Peyton Place. He was on that for several seasons before hitting it big in movies. So he's legitimately a mix of both since he's back on TV as a recurring character on Bones.

  14. Cosign the Hasselhoff guess. His eldest daughter (20) just got hit with a DUI.

  15. ETA - For those not familiar with Peyton Place, it was THE water cooler show and O'Neal was the show's hunk. Think George Clooney on ER.

  16. To quote Meanie

    Kitties, unicorns and rainbows...kitties, unicorns and rainbows...kitties, unicorns and rainbows...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. omg I think I like the Hasselhoff guess

  18. I really hope that this is Ryan and Tatum. Otherwise, it means there is another family out there that is as creepy as they are.

  19. I can see ONeal OR Hasselhoff for this. And cosign on ONeal on Peyton Place - he was absolutely adored back then. I was a little kid then, my parents wouldn't let me watch that show but I remember the hype. When I think of Oneal (and God knows I try not to), I tend to think of him as TV, not movies, although I know he's done movies also.

  20. Anonymous8:59 AM

    How does anyone know about this for it to get out to this site?

  21. i'd like to think all the Hoff and his kid did was eat a sloppy cheeseburger. Not each other.

  22. Brooke and Hulk Hogan.

  23. What about David Cassity?

  24. Ooh, I like the Hulk Hogan guess. He has said some truly improper things about his daughter in the past.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hulk is married, but his wife is a Brooke look alike. OH this is all way tooo creepty today!

  27. So if the girlfriend hasn't talked about it, and the father/daughter won't even talk to each other about it, how did this get out??

    1. Ok, so the only two people who know about this happening are the two people who were there....

      So, Um, Enty? There is help if you need it.

      (calling shenanigans.)

  28. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  29. I'm with figgy - who ever said a goddamn word to a soul for this to be on CDAN???

    That said I'm with Hasselhoff as much as it grodys me out. The Hogans don't really have a known alcohol problem. Oh except for that DUI but whatever.

  30. Okay, but how could this one be a blind then? Talk about "on the qt."

  31. Ugh, reminds me of the Phillips. I say Hoff.

  32. This is what is called Eurotrip Syndrome. The motto for this sort of blackout situation is "Worst twins ever". It applies to any immediate family member combination though, not just twins

  33. Oh yeah...could totally see this as Hasselhoff. The guy does like to be naked with puppies...maybe he mistook his daughter for a puppy and took his all his clothes off.

    No matter how drunk I was, I would never ever ever in forever what the BV said she did with her dad. I can't even say it, cause the thought repulses me.

  34. Aaaaannnnndddd Id walk straight from the house into traffic

    fkn EWWW

  35. Aaaaannnnndddd Id walk straight from the house into traffic

    fkn EWWW

  36. I always swore to NEVER when I was sober....I'm not surprised it got out. There is always at least 1 go to person in everyone's life. As I am someone else's vault, for something like this I would need counsel myself. Allegedly :)

  37. BTW? Peyton Place started in 1964, I would think even Enty would give O'Neal a break and refer to his career prior to 03 as all movies. I mean, 50 years? C'mon.

  38. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I though Don Johnson too. Yuck brain bleach please

    1. I was just scrolling down to ask for brain bleach. If I find any, I'll def share.

  39. How the HELL is that not a 'rock bottom'? They should be seeing each other in DAILY AA meetings.

  40. I thought Hoff the whole time. Did they get a burger after?

    Oh, and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!

  41. Lazyday, that movie is the bomb. ♫ Scotty doesn't know! ♬

  42. Hey, why are you hating on David Cassidy?

    1. I know zero about his relationship w/his daughter, but I do know he's a huge anal wart of an ass. Another childhood crush, crushed. OTOH, Sean is a sweetie.

  43. This is all kinds of gross. Anais Nin also slept with her father. And wrote about it. Sex with a parent is just too creepy for words.

  44. Thank you Izzie...And Reese..puppies and kittens and soft cooing babies..

  45. If both father and daughter are blackout drunks, either may have spilled this stinking pile of dirty secret to anyone...and not remember doing it.

  46. Steampunk - Would you mention George Clooney's career with no reference to ER? (Maybe you would - I'm just curious.) O'Neal was THE TV heart-throb for the run of that show. He's back on TV now. I can't help seeing him as a real mix of the two, movies and TV.

  47. Hey! Lay off David Cassidy and Don Johnson. Whatever their faults, they're a couple of my childhood crushes and I refuse to let you people tarnish "I think I love you" and "A Boy and His Dog" even with speculation.

  48. Anonymous10:23 AM

    @lazyday & Mooshki...I know right?!?!? I seen that movie like a dozen times...never gets old..."Oh, scuzi, mi scuzi"

  49. Not the Hogans cuz they'd be cool with it.

    Probably the Hoff.

  50. How have they not gotten help for their alcoholism? Isn't this rock bottom?

  51. Jon Voight and Angelina Jolie? I kid, I kid...she would have woken up in bed with her brother, not her father!!

  52. I agree with whoever said this probsably got out when either one was drunk again and started blubbing. BTW, it is entirely possible NOTHING happened. Seriously, even if for some twisted reason they started, being blackout drunk wouldn't help a guy perform.

  53. This is just wrong, wrong, wrong!

  54. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  55. Ugh I need a shower.

  56. I can't believe it's Ryan and Tatum. She's seen everything in her life, this wouldn't cause them to stop talking. The Hoff sounds like a better guess. I choose to believe nothing happened. Sometimes people get hot in the middle of the night and take off their jammies while they're half asleep. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  57. I second the Keifer Sutherland guess. Not sure if he fully matches the "mostly TV" description, although his TV work on 24 and Touch (among others) has been his highest profile work since 2001. He has a 25 y.o. daughter.

  58. Not Keifer. He is a grandfather and his stepdaughter has no drinking issues. Gross.

  59. I'm going with the Hoff...


    Let's focus on the fact that they don't know what happened.

  61. Don't think it was the Hoff.... He was recently in Australia promoting his daughters "band"

  62. Could be Charlie Sheen and his adult daughter, Cassandra.

  63. The Hoff was my first guess too and I'm really hoping nothing happened or that this is fake. I need to go watch videos of kitties and puppies now!

  64. No way is Ryan O'neal mostly movie. Don't we already know from previous blinds and reveals that he is known to have had a "relationship" with Drew Barrymore when they made "Irreconsilable differences" when she was about 10? Which is probably his last movie!(I don't really know that but I swear he disappeared for a long while before he popped up on TV) Didn't enty or himmmmm already reveal that he is lucky to get even the small amount of TV work he gets now because he is actually talented but over all loathed and known for being a sexually deviant, piece of crap? I was really new here when all of this was being posted, it was probably about a year ago... All that said, Ryan O'neal is my guess. His poor offspring!

  65. Anonymous2:50 PM

    throws up in my mouth

    disgustinggggggg bruh!

    *tip toes away from this post like it never happened

  66. I'm gonna go with the Hoff.

  67. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I know this guess is going to be unpopular, hopefully flat out wrong.....but for some reason I was picturing Jim Carrey :\ He and his daughter were everywhere for a while, then she disappeared.

  68. I'm sorry, but I think this is made up to titillate, and if that's true then how sick would somebody have to be to sit down at their desk and think: Aha, I know what I'm going to make up today...

  69. It's really sick and sad that there's more than one tenable potential guess for this blind.

  70. No way this is Keifer. And lay off David Cassidy as well.

    The Hoff is a well-known lush so I think this is him. The only reason I don't think it's the O'Neal's is because this wouldn't have happened only once. That whole family is nasty.

    1. @hothotheat. Patrick O'Neal should thank his mother every freakin' day for getting him as far away from that mess as she could.

  71. Any more brain bleach left?

    Kitties and unicorns...

  72. I hope it's not Don Johnson and Dakota. That is enough to make anyone stay sober for life.

  73. Actually Ryan admitted to hitting on Tatum at Farrah's funeral. This was just...He claimed not to realize it was her, but, I mean really, the hell he says, that's his kid! WTF was he smoking, Redmond's leftover smack? Gah! Plus, it was Farrah's funeral, the woman he professed to loooovvvee so much and he hits on women. That's so freaking classy. And I read that Tatum is off the wagon again, so I vote these two.

    I was unaware of the pedo thing with him. Ugh. Gross.

  74. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I second the kitties unicorns rainbows mantra, but adding puppies, kitties puppies unicorns rainbows, kitties puppies unicorns rainbows kitties puppies unicorns rainbows.
    And now I feel strong enough to say: Emma Roberts and Dad Eric Roberts, aaand puppies kitties unicorns rainbows puppies, kitties, unicorns rainbows, puppies kitttens unicorns and rainbows puppies kittens unicorns and rainbows. thanks Reese!

  75. OK, a little out of left field here: Alec and Ireland Baldwin?

  76. Love the guess, trashaddict. That's how i was reading it.

  77. Yeah, I think this one is crap too. I'm actually pretty convinced that most of these blinds are fantasies that are loosely based other rumors. The disclaimer at the bottom of the page says it all.
