Monday, March 25, 2013

Blind Item #3

This B-/C+ list actress with A+ list name recognition is just about broke. She owed her drug dealer thousands of dollars and has given him every penny she has. Now it appears she has been on a payment plan and is paying her dealer in sexual favors until she can get some more money. Not Lindsay Lohan.


  1. Oh God, Amanda Bynes?

  2. Replies
    1. I think I laughed so hard at 1) your comment and 2) your profile picture that I cried a little.

      Thank you. I needed that.

  3. FSP - I think you outdid yourself this week, my man. Damn. Glad that photo is super small on my iPhone

    And yes, this is definitely Betty White (Y)

    1. @dia - thank your drink buddy Colada!

    2. Crap on a cracker! Is that the real Lilo? Was she at an orgy? YIKES!

    3. Sorry, my 8.49AM comment was directed to @FSP re the disturbing avi.

    4. @Lotta - you have some explaining to do!

      *psst... This pic is actually hysterical. But don't tell FSP I said that*

      Happy Monday! It could be worse. You could have a giant butt in your face. At least that's what I thought when I saw this. Haha!

    5. @dia- :-P what can I say? *shrugs* lol

  4. Def Bynes. Funny, I was thinking on the other post that she'll probably be totally broke soon. She seems to shop a lot, obviously does a lot of drugs, and blows a ton of money on hideous makeup.

  5. Pamela Anderson. She is selling her Malibu house too.

    1. I like this guess too. Hiw the mighty have fallen.

  6. Wait...with A+ recognition. What about Demi Moore? That could possibly explain why she's being so difficult about taking Ashton's money rather than just being done with that mess. And it's possible that her money isn't necessarily liquid i.e. tied up in assets, so even though she should be loaded, she doesn't have actual cash.

    1. Her divorce papers listed $150 million. She hasn't gone through all that, plus, she funds the Tater Head sisters' lifestyles. They gotta but the good drugs, from somewhere!

  7. Does Amanda have A+ list name recognition though?

  8. Hey Amber! I love your new Avi!!!

    This seems to be poor Amanda B. All around a huge waste. It's like we can visually see her psyche cracking day by day as she descends into full madness. This one makes gives me the sads :(

  9. I just completely forgot what my blind guess was because I was distracted by FSP's avi pic! Ummmm...that picture needs its own disclaimer - that's some serious a$$ in there! LOL!

  10. Paz?? I think Enty had her rated way higher than my opinion of her.

    Hot scenario, but I would feel bad selling coke or smack. I wonder if a drug dealer would sell the debt, so I could get sexual favors from an attractive addict?

  11. I'm kinda liking the Demi guess. would Amanda even be B-/C+ at this point?

  12. @dia - thank you! It's an old pic, but I just grabbed the first one I saw after changing back from my Lohan avi for her court day.

  13. I don't think it's Demi - it was reported the other day that she's worth something like upwards of $40 mil and was suing Ashton for spousal support out of spite.

    Melanie Griffith is in the DM. I wonder where she is on the spreadsheet.

  14. I do agree that Pambo has A+ name recognition. Where are her kids?? She's photographed all over the world all the time, but no kids seem to be in tow.

  15. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Amanda Bynes makes sense, she's had so many super sexual comments, blinds weird stuff written about her. Stripping in to her bra in spin class, telling Drake to murder her V, walking up to strangers in bars and telling them to come over and do her.

  16. I know that DM stands for daily mail and it seems like alot of the blinds may come from there. But I either am looking in the wrong spot or something because I never seem to see the same people you guys do. I didn't see Melanie in today's (although i'm no disappointed in that).

  17. I like the Pamela guess...

  18. @liz, the article is about Antonio, but it's Melanie's face you see (he's kind of turned away and wearing a baseball cap in the small picture).

  19. There's no way Amanda Bynes has
    A+ name recognition.

  20. initially i liked Amanda for this but after @curlyhairslacker's comment i do agree she does not have A+ recognition. I am going with Pambo.

    on a completely different note, not sure if you guys see something different when you use this -> (Y) symbol... and maybe i need to get my mind out of the gutters.. but this reminds me terribly of a camel toe.. or to be more precise a very specific female anatomical part.. there is a reason they call it 'dining at the Y'!!!!
    i though i would mention this.. :)

  21. @L - hahaha I see the same thing as you. I think I remember someone saying it's a thumbs up, so it must be some sort of emoticon that doesn't show up on PC platform.

  22. @L and Amber - last week I asked how to do a thumbs up. Lizjaxe helped me out. But it doesn't work on blogger.

    Then... A few jokesters (you know who you are) did a play on shapes and made up several off-color versions of (Y). Ya know boobs, butt, camel toe, etc. I used it today bc of FSP's butt Avi. Although I should have used ( Y ). Haha!

    My day started out poopy. Dog diarrhea times one million on the carpet. Trying to laugh my way back to a good day.

  23. @dia - oh no! That's so beyond grody. I wouldn't be able to deal with it. We have concrete floors, so when there's an accident it's much easier to clean up. Hope your day gets WAY less shittier!

  24. @dia - thanks for making my start to the day with dog vomit seem a whole lot less shitty than your day.

  25. Pam Anderson because she sells her Malibu house

  26. Haha! Dog lovers unite!

    We only have one room with carpet. Dogs are smart like that I guess. Little f*cker. He has sick tummy so I can't be that mad, right?

    Anyway... Back to the blind!

  27. Demi has earned almost nothing for 15 years with her movie parts. After a succession of flops (GI Jane, Striptease...), producers were fed up with her and more or less blacklisted her.
    Then Drew Barrymore tried to gamble on her by casting her as the lead villain in the Charlie's Angels sequels, which was supposed to be her big comeback. But she stole media attention at the premiere by being photographed for the first time with both Bruce Willis and Ashton Kutcher, and poor performances at the box office were partly put on this kind of attitude.

    Since that, she will get a part in an indie film but nothing more. She apparently made much more money from the Austin Powers movies, that she produced through her company, "Moving Pictures".

  28. Amanda isn't even an actress anymore. She retired.

    Pam Anderson has always been referred to as a C+, not B-.

    I have no clue who it is. All my drug dealer/sleeping around/trouble actress answers are always LiLo. Now I don't know what to do.

  29. Thanks @Amber - I take comfort it was not just me :P
    oh no!! @Dia and @Cathy - good luck with your sick doggies!
    and it think it's an animal thing.. my cats always manage to puke on the new carpet or my new shoes.. :(

    oh, and since we are talking about emoticons Dia, i would like to suggest this one for FSP's picture: ( ! ) haha so rude!! sorry!!!

  30. @dia - yes! my entire main floor is hardwood and the only parts of my house that are carpeted are the master bedroom and the basement. why do my dogs always go to the carpeting to get sick??

  31. I couldn't pick Amanda Bynes out of a lineup, and I read gossip blogs faithfully. No way in hell she's A+ name recognition.

    I'm on board with Pam Anderson.

  32. Of all the names mentioned, Tara Reid, Amanda Bynes and Pam Anderson only Anderson is A+ in name.

  33. @dia & @Cathy--hope your doggies are feeling much better very soon! I have a rather elderly cat snoozing away at the moment who has this weird tendency to try & eat plastic shopping bags, and then pukes all over the damn place when they make her sick. She's also been crapping just outside the litter box about 1/2 the time for years as well...good thing for her I love the little booger, right?

    BTW, does anyone have any experience w/elderly cats & senility? Jezebel will be 17 in May, which makes her about 84 in human years, and I'm getting the distinct impression that her mind is kind of slipping lately--sometimes when she starts whining for more food, I have to lead her out to the kitchen and point out her food bowl to her, at which point she usually starts nomming away; she never did that kind of thing before. Also, for the last year & a half she's been very noisy--I'm talking yowling and damn near moaning, in a way that would make people think I'm being a mean old mommy to her if they didn't know better. I know some of this is due to her hyperthyroid (she's on meds for that), and while she's literally half the cat she used to be (at her peak she was 18 lbs. of Marlon Brando Kitty; now she's around 9 and looks like a slender but normal-sized cat), her fur is still shiny and her eyes reasonably bright. Any suggestions?

  34. @Robin - my darling M'Liv passed away last spring at the ripe old age of 18 and that describes her last year and a half or so pretty well, except add in that she slept almost constantly and we had to buy kitten training pads because she wouldn't go in the litterbox, only this one spot by my desk. She had bright moments where she'd be her old self and play for a bit, but then she'd sleep it off for hours. She was always a slender kitty but by the end, she was like a feather. Her coat was still shiny, and her eyes were bright, too, and she still loved to sit on my shoulders and purr like a racecar.

    The vet said she could have lived for another 6 days or another 6 months, but we really needed to think about her quality of life versus our desire to have her with us. I'd had her longer than I'd had Mr and was utterly devastated, but I think we made the right choice. I was holding her when she passed (sobbing like a little baby the entire time), and we took her home. All of us sat around the table and stroked her (still warm) body and shared our favorite memories of her, then we buried her under my favorite hydrangea bush in the backyard. Then I had a gigantic glass of wine and more sobbing.

    I miss my little kitty with all my heart and it was a tough decision. Hugs to you & Jezebel.

  35. @Robin - I have an elderly cat boy and he kinda does that because he can't see too well (has some cataracts). Doesn't stop him any, he sleeps, eats, poops and romps around killing his catnip toys and then naps some more. But occasionally he makes noises to check on where I am or he pats dark lumps of a blanket or a piece of clothing to make sure what it is. He's also hyperthyroid, so I know his meds need to be adjusted when he mohr-yowr's at 3am for more wet food (even though there's always dry food out).

    good luck!
