Sunday, March 17, 2013

Blind Item #3

This celebrity is A+ list. Not many who really get higher on that list. She seems like she is waiting for the day they decide to remake Grease and she gets cast as Sandy. She has seriously thought of financing the movie herself to get her dream. This is how she lives her life and her friends would be so sick of it all except for the fact that the celebrity gives massive presents to her friends. Things that cost $100K are routine birthday presents. One friend though said what she wanted instead of a present was for the celebrity to get drunk. The celebrity likes to think she is cool, even if stuck in a time warp and thirty minutes and five shots later was drunk as hell and funny for thirty minutes and then spent the next three hours hunched over a toilet and spent the night on the bathroom floor. Her friends loved her for it though.


  1. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Taylor Swift?

  2. Pretty crappy friends.

  3. Ugh yes, Taylor **wretches**

  4. Who was it that just said that she wished life was like grease? I just read that this week. Was it Taylor?


      I think the popular guess was emma roberts?

  5. Wasn't there a blind about someone wishing she could just kiss and hug like they did in Grease? Was that Swifty?

  6. I completely read this as Taylor Swift. Didn't she get Harry something really expensive for xmas & then was taking him on a private getaway for his birthday?

  7. well, she already has the wardrobe for it...

  8. Shit, I would be Swifty's friend for a grand prize! Can she get me a car for my birthday?

    Happy St Patty's day to all who celebrate! Green beer for everyone!

  9. Good girl gone bad=Hollywood cliche. Don't go there Taylor!

  10. Think you guys got this one immediately.

  11. Taylor needs to fire her PR. She has now became the butt of too many jokes. Happy saint paddy's day, CDANers!

  12. @Hazel, I immediately thought Goop, too, don't know why.

    @Lotta, a car for a *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* date? :b

    Boy, that's one very nice friend.

  13. I don't have Irish in me but I've had Irish in me if you know what I mean. That being said I hope everyone had a great St. Patty's Day

  14. I don't have Irish in me but I've had Irish in me if you know what I mean. That being said I hope everyone had a great St. Patty's Day

  15. @izzie-I'll be accepting cars for those too ;-]

  16. I was thinking J. Simpson. I could see something happening like that with her a couple of years ago (pre-pregnancy) and her wanting to be Sandy

  17. I just wish Goop would get drunk sometimes so she'd relax long enough for the stick to fall out of her ass. Damn that girl is uptight.

  18. Taylor Swift absolutely. I'm just shocked someone hasn't made the movie already, or hasn't already cast her as Sleeping Beauty.

  19. "Look at me, I'm Swif-iftee...
    blooming with, virgin-ity..." makes sense...

    well, i can't believe i'm gonna stick up for ts here but 5 shots in 30 minutes for a chick who's never drank before?

  20. Everything about this said Taylor to me.

  21. The only thing throwing me is Taylor is a singer more than celebrity.

  22. Taylor is a multi-hypenate -- singer/songwriter/model/actress/spokeswoman/covergirl etc. And absolutely is a celebrity at this point as much as she is a singer/songwiter.

  23. (I'd argue she started out as a celebrity, shooting to fame the night Kanye interrupted her. Some people ONLY know of her as a celebrity in the tabloids from day one and have never heard her music.)

  24. She was devastated moping around Paris when she got passed over for Le Miz. She bombed her audition and her singing live was the killer since all the actors sang live for the movie. No fixing in post op. Though how Russell Crowe got in the movie befuddles me.

    I can totally see this as Taylor. She wants that movie musical to take her higher on her cotton candy clouds to fame.

    1. Yes! There was talk of her playing Joanie Mitchell, too, last year, but that was a disaster, from what I heard.

  25. @Amy, imma let you finish... but I agree with you. :)

    I didn't know she auditioned for Les Miz - which role?

  26. @Izzie she auditioned for the role Amanda Seyfried won Cosette.

    Tay Tay was even running around Paris with Eddie Raymond until she got passed over and sent back home. She truly thought she had the role.

  27. TimeBob: I am with you on Russell Crowe and anytime Helena Bonham Carter gets a singing role I cringe! And then in response to someone's criticism he recorded another one live and still sounded like shit! That was the funniest part.

  28. Taylor. But I want it to be Gwyneth.

  29. Friends? As in more than one? I thought Swifty's only friend was Selena Gomez.

  30. Pick me, Taylor! Pick me! You can call/text all you want and I will even go on tour with you. Only, instead of a present would you pay off my student loans? If this is the Goopster instead of Taylor, we can bond over gluten-free meals and laugh about how approachable you are now that you're 40. Smooches!

  31. Pick me, Taylor! Pick me! You can call/text all you want and I will even go on tour with you. Only, instead of a present would you pay off my student loans? If this is the Goopster instead of Taylor, we can bond over gluten-free meals and laugh about how approachable you are now that you're 40. Smooches!

  32. @timebob: I thought she was going after Eponine instead--that's what I remember hearing back when casting was still ongoing--but Samantha Banks won the role instead. I can see Taylor wanting to play the lovesick, rejected girl somehow... :-(

  33. @Robin you could be right, I thought it was Cosette but Eponine could be right also. I just remember the pictures of her moping around Europe alone after the audition when she heard she got passed over.

  34. There are pictures of Taylor today in the DM. I'm getting red arrowed into oblivion over there for a comment I made hours before this blind was posted, about her thinking she was Sandra Dee. I love erika's comment "Look at me, I'm Swif-iftee...
    blooming with, virgin-ity..." That should be Taylor's next single.

  35. Considering how nauseating TS is, that seems only fair.

    Corned beef is in the crock - Happy St. Patty's to all!

  36. @bren - I'll look for your comment & give a green up. :) DM lurrrves Taylor & KK - did you see the article about KK's "gorgeous" dress at the premiere of her "starring" role in "her new movie" where she "cradles" her "beautiful baby bump"? (Apologies for the overuse of quote marks but no way in hell are those words going to be attributed to me.)

  37. She's dazzling! Kim Kardashian dresses her bump in stunning lace as she makes her mark at screening of her big first movie.

    Somebody at the DM has been downing the purple stuff, or PMK has secured yet another great PR contract.

  38. Thanks, Izzie Marceaux. I would never ask for a green arrow unless you agree with my comment. I appreciate the fellow CDAN'er love though. As for Kim K post, I don't know what the hell is going on there. Not to be insulting, but she looked like Shamu a few weeks ago in that B&W dress. Then she barely had a bump in pap shots days after that. Now, at the "Temptation" premiere she looks six months pregnant. I believe she has been using spanx, but I could be wrong. Maybe she has been using something else, like prosthetics. I don't know anymore.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Dang, you guys are great! I was thinking Jen Aniston or Reese Witherspoon, but Taylor sounds perfect for it!

  41. Surely Taylor Swift is not "A+ list. Not many who really get higher on that list." I mean, right? A+ list is people like Brad, Angie, Whitney Houston, etc., right?

  42. LOL, it's Goop.

  43. Oh yeah...Swifty.
