Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former B list mostly television actress who held on to her fame way longer than she should have thanks to a very hit network show has been writing a book. Well, she is having people write her a book. The sample chapter she is having prospective writers write, is about the time she dated this A list celebrity/reality star/everything else. She describes when she tried to initiate sex and he told her he had never been naked in front of a woman with the lights on. I would not be surprised if it was the first time he was with a woman. I don't know if the act was consummated. She does not have them writing that part.


  1. Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen! just for fun

  2. Teri Hatcher/Ryan seacrest

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Maybe he is Ryan Seacrest?

  5. I thought of Elizabeth Cuthbert for some reason, with JT as the guy. But reality star is a stretch for him.

  6. Definitely Hatcher and Seacrest. His comment sounds like that of a former fattie who still has body issues.

  7. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Ryan Seacrest and Terri Hatcher would be a good guess. I'd be very surprised if it was consummated.

  8. Can we talk about the Lainey blind item, since you guys seem to have this one nailed? Any guesses for the young actress with mother troubles?

  9. Jeneral - I think it's Chloe Moretz

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Agree with the Teri Hatcher/ Ryan Secrest vote. That wasn't that long ago was it? Maybe 5 years.

    He's a strange bird. She's a crackpot.

  12. I agree with Seacrest/Hatcher

    As for Lainey's post - I read it as Mila Kunis.

  13. @Jeneral, I was thinking Gomez until it got to the line about the boyfriend. I dunno.

  14. I thought she already wrote a book. She told how after her daughter was born she didn't have sex with her husband like, ever again. That she had sex issues.

  15. @Jeneral, I'm pretty sure it's Kristen Stewart. He mom got divorced in 2012, the mom was involved in movies, and the bf is Robert Pattinson.

  16. I was thinking Hatcher/Seacrest. Then I laughed because of the B list mostly television description reminded me of Lisa B's comment yesterday...

  17. LOOOVE the Seacrest guess.

  18. I would like Ryan more if he would just come out as the big feathered queen that he is. He never looks comfortable in his suits, you know he is just jonesing for some sequins and a tiara.

  19. But Teri Hatcher already wrote a book. This BI is written as though it's the first one from this actress.

  20. Was thinking Shannen Doherty

  21. As I read this I was sure immediately it was Ryan Seacrest. There's NO way he's actually having sex with Juliet Hough, right?
