Saturday, March 30, 2013

Blind Item #2

This celebrity couple is not even hiding their affair anymore. Well, not very hard anyway. She is B list and married. On a reality show. He is a B list celebrity and generally a jerk to women. They have been spending their very very long lunches together in his trailer. The lunches are several hours long. Anywhere on set they are all over each other. Off the set, they do their best to pretend it is all just a professional thing.


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Khloe & Mario?

  2. ^That's what I was thinking.

  3. Would any of the Kardashians be considered B-list, though?

    1. @Tubie IMHO If I were to rank them:
      A list - Kim
      B list - Khloe, Kourtney, Kris, Bruce
      C list - Kendall, Kylie, Rob, and Douchelord Disick

  4. I second that notion. That is the first pairing that came to mind. Ugh. Why would you want to hump on Mario Lopez? He has such a gay face.

    1. Yes! This! He does have a gay face and so smooth I don't think he even shaves yet. **shiver**

    2. Hey Portland Jewel, what does your fine city think about having The Real World there?

    3. Anonymous2:03 PM

      I don't think our city cares one way or the other. I haven't seen any of those kids around town nor heard of them around and I tend bar as do many of my friends. However the places we work at aren't douchebag dance clubs so I'm imagining that's where they go and that's where they can stay.

  5. how about shakira and adam Levine?

  6. Shakira had a baby like a week ago. Doubt it would be her.

    1. Shakira looked smokin on the voice! My lord! did she give birth to a Lima bean or something??

  7. ya, I just googled and she's not married either. I know Mario lopez is the standard jerk to women choice, but adam Levine was the one that cheated on one of his models with their best friend didn't he?

    1. Yea I think I remember that...something with Anne V I think

  8. Would anyone on that new Splash show fit the bill?

    1. My money's on katherine webb and Louie Anderson

    2. @fritters LMAO! Just spit out my diet coke over that.

      Wonder if Brent Musburger would ogle her then. Ick nast.

  9. I think it's someone on DWTS.

  10. Khloe is the age that Mario is Slater, so I can see it. I don't wanna see it tho. Ew.

  11. Gross, Khloe! Is this the reason for her sexy new makeover and dramatic weight loss?

  12. Anonymous10:49 AM

    oh Khloe. Mario and Khloe sound about right. He's hit pay dirt. Literally.

  13. Are The tall one and the ass hat still working together? I thought whatever show they co hosted was done. This blind sounds maybe someone from Dancing with the Dimwits.

  14. Khloe has dramatic weight loss?? Where??? In her toes maybe?????

  15. But Khloe got fired so would they still be working together?

  16. x factor isn't even taping right now

  17. What about Kendra Wilkinson and Ndamukong Suh on the new diving show.

  18. Totally on the Kendra and the football player train..she always chased athletes and her marriage is toast

  19. I don't know about American reality shows (apart that what I read here), therefore I cannot make a bet, but Shakira is not married to piqué, unless it is unbeknownst to most people, including journalists.

  20. I think khloe got so thin because she stopped taking infertility meds. And she just doesnt strike me as the affair type, or putting up with mario.

  21. Anonymous1:48 PM

    X factor isn't even taping?

  22. To La Descarada and portlandjewel:

    This Mario Lopez person may have a "gay face," whatever that means, but I'd prefer it to a "hate face," which it appears the two of you are sporting.

    It's 2013—take a hint: your out and proud homophobia isn't okay anymore.

  23. Kendra and anybody

  24. @VIPblonde -

    My parents (i'm in my 20s) would consider Bruce Jenner A list because of his Olympic days back when. I'm not sure what his ranking would be now.

    They said that he was an a-hole even then lol

  25. No way it's Kourtney and Mario- [Even though I think she is beautiful] She is WAY too heavy for what he considers attractive. His wife is tiny and extremely toned and he was very controlling during her pregnancy to make sure she gained as little as possible because he was worried she wouldn't lose it all immediately afterward. He is one of the most vain celebs out there and will only sleep with/be "seen" with a woman if she is a perfect 10. And ML is not one to compromise those standards.

  26. it was only a matter of time before Khloe found a side piece of her own

  27. @fritters, I thought she looked amazing when she was pregnant during the blind auctions. She is absolutely gorgeous and seems very genuine! I hope she wins this year.



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