Monday, March 25, 2013

Blind Item #2

This married almost A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee sure has been spending a lot of time with a new guy who is most definitely not her husband. I'm sure they must have had a reason for meeting in his hotel room rather than in the dining room of a hotel where he was staying.


  1. No hints on this so I'll guess CZJ

  2. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Julia Roberts

  3. Almost A list I think is more like any Amy Adams type...

  4. @MAC - this would make sense if Jessica Alba were cheating on her husband :)

  5. Funny Cathy I thought about that as I was typing that. I also thought about Isla Fischer because I get her and Amy Adams mixed up :)

  6. I really want this to be Naomi Watts! Girl get yours.... he obviously is getting his on the side!

  7. There are never enough hints in these blinds. :(

  8. What about Paltrow? I feel like I've been hearing rumblings about infidelity in her marriage a lot lately....

  9. Why do women like Naomi stay with spouses they know cheat? I'm serious. I want to know. Especially a beautiful successful woman with her own substantial income. Why not lose the douche? And I don't believe it's for the kids.

    1. I knew a woman who stayed with a cheater. She said she liked the money, the lifestyle and believe or not, the sex, so she overlooked the cheating. Flash forward 20+ years, she divorced him, had affair with married man, realized she was hardcore alcoholic, and went to some serious rehab. Dont know how shes doing now, but i think she paid for 'overlooking' the cheating by becoming sn alcoholic.

    2. @Pugstersmom...its called sex and love addiction. Google it especially the characteristics.

  10. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Are Naomi and Liev married? I know he's a cheating douche but I'm not sure they ever married. This sounds like the same actress from the blind last week where the actor called her "a manipulative bitch"

    On another note, after all the comments on the GOOP post about her $450,000 spring wardrobe I created a blog post with money saving tips on a spring/summer wardrobe for the 99% and a pinterest link with everything under $200 most things under $100. It's a work wardrobe so may be a little preppy for some but if I get good feedback I'll do a weekend and a vacation one. Click on my blogger profile the the blog has a clickable link. The pinterest link is at the bottom of the blog post. I would post them clicky but am on my phone. There is clicky links for both on the GOOP post from Saturday.

    1. Ohh! This sounds fun @katydid. Can't wait to take a peak :)

      And.. I like Naomi for this one too. CZJ and Julia seem like definite A-list to me.

  11. I like the julia roberts guess.

  12. Naomi watts is not married
    Amy adams is not married
    CZJ is A list or former A list
    Roberts is A+ list or former A+ list

  13. Emily Blunt never was nominated for Oscar

  14. Julianne Moore and Maggie Guyllenhal are in the DM today

  15. In defense of having dinner in a hotel room, I don't know if I was a celebrity how comfortable I'd feel in public trying to have a decent conversation with someone without it getting it getting picked up and/or misreported. I mean, if you can get totally catered to in a private suite the same as in a loud, nosy dining room, I think I'd be choosing the former option.

  16. Divorce attorney :)

  17. Nobody is guessing Anne Hathaway?

  18. I thought about miss Ann w an E
