Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blind Item #2

This B- list mostly movie actress from some of the biggest hits of all-time, who also happens to be married, did not seem to let that stop her when she ran into a now C list mostly television actor who can't find work after his hit series. She was openly hitting on the actor and told him that her ring was just for show and could not stop yammering about how much she loved his work. Yes, he was on a hit show, but it required no acting talent at all. She would not leave his side the entire event. It was embarrassing how hard she was hitting on this guy.


  1. John Rhys Meyer and someone?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No idea for the woman. Adrien Grenier for the dude at the TriBeCa Film Featival. But if it was me, I would have been shamelessly throwing myself at Jason Momoa over at the Game of Thrones premiere. Yum!!

    1. @VIP, mmmmm...Jason Momoa is yummy, I would gladly be his khaleesi

  4. This read like Maggie Gyllenhaal to me, but I can't figure out who the guy would be.

  5. Anonymous8:07 AM

    No idea on the woman either but Adrien fits.

    @VIP. Off topic but I know you're a HW fan, did you catch Faye last night? WTF? She acts like she's running lines for Days of our Lives! I noticed Camille acting bitchy too I think it was her last ditch effort to stay on the show.
    Faye is such a phony bitch and dying to get air time, Lisa should have thrown her out. NO MORE FAYE!

    Sorry to all you HW non fans.

    1. Yes, I saw her for two seconds and my blood was boiling! She was acting like a freaking pit bull!! Trying to stir up drama and get a regular spot, or at least a check, on the show. How much you wanna bet that when she goes after Lisa, in her own home nonetheless, Kyle says nothing? I don't understand people like Faye who want to get some type of notoriety from making enemies out of powerful people.

    @katydid Don't even get me started! Did you see how all the women were licking Adrienne's taint at her event?! They were all trying to outdo eachother with Brandi bashing to try to get in her good graces. And why? To quote Yolanda, "Who is Adrienne Maloof in this world?"

    I'm so beyond over the morally corrupt Faye Resnick (although I did enjoy Brandi's repeated butchering of her name!!)

  7. @katydid and VIPblonde: Yolanda won me over last night. I never liked her before--she seems uptight and way too rigid and homophobic with her daughters--but I admired her for telling Marissa to take it to the source instead of gossiping. She showed a lot of courage and integrity throughout last night's show and went from love-to-dislike to admired in my book.

    Apologies to RHOBH non-fans, but it was a good episode last night.

    1. NeNe Leakes is my spirit animal, so I dont usually favor you many HWs, but YoFo is the shizznizzle. I love her AND her bad ass refrigerator.

    2. I was starting to not like Yolanda, but when she called Marissa out and made her fess up to the crap she said, I fell in love. Finally, somebody to call these beotches out on their two faced BS!

  8. OH and FAYE! Good Lord, she is starting to remind me of Joyce Wildenstein.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sounds like Chace Crawford for the guy but not sure who the woman is.

  11. Jesse Metcalfe for the guy. I like one if the twilight women for the actress.

  12. Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall?

  13. Anonymous8:31 AM

    VIP and Gladys, agree that Yolanda was the best last night. Also when Brandi said "Faye came over and put her dick on the table" I almost choked! I can't even go there on Adrienne's party, tacky.

  14. I like the Nikki Reed guess.

    ***RHOBH-Faye is the worst. I cannot believe her last night. Did you see the preview for next week? Holy Shit! She is so desperate for camera time. Yolanda was amazing last night. She is a great friend to Brandi. Marisa really stepped in it last night. She got called out!***

  15. ****RHOBH****
    Is it rude to start placing bets on when Marisa's marriage will implode? Or at least when her husband will start cheating? I love how she was sooooo catty with Adrienne, then tried to backpedal in front of Brandi when Yolanda called her on it. And then went on to completely contradict herself within the same sentence about wanting to have sex with men that are not her husband!! From her first couple episodes, I thought I was going to like her. I was wrong. I can't with her

    1. She may be a movie exec but fails miserably at playing both ends against the middle. And she obviously underestimates the opponents. Brandi & Yolanda have amazing bullshit meters, and good memories.

  16. Jesse Metcalfe is on the remake of Dallas; not him, but he IS a douche with no acting talent.

  17. RHOBH- who even invited Faye? I seriously doubt Lisa would have knowing how Faye likes to attack Brandi, but she didn't come with Kyle. So why is she there? From tr previews for next week I hope Lisa throws her ass. Team Yolanda!

  18. @VIP @katydid, last night's episode was fantastic. I LOVED when Yolanda put all those bitches in their place. I was waiting for her to shush them at the end. In regards to Marisa, I liked her at first too...but EVERY episode she's in, she puts down her marriage and sex life with her husband...ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. So glad I finally figured out how to comment from my new iphone (my last phone met it's doom in my toilet and firs time iphoner).

  19. I don't know why I want Nikki and her hubs to make it, but I do. Hope it's not her.

  20. oh ya, and for the blind, seems like Nikki Reed, no idea for the actor tho..

  21. *RHOBH*

    VIPblonde-Their marriage has 2 years tops. Poor Dean, she emasculates him so much. He probably likes it. Did you see the fear in Marisa's eyes when Yolanda and Brandi pulled her aside. Such an asshole move(Marisa).

  22. RHOBH: I loved Yolanda just confronting Marissa with Brandi--she just stated the facts. I do have to say that it probably wasn't a good idea to do it at Lisa's party/vow renewal--maybe a coffee shop would have been a better choice, but I think Lisa understands COMPLETELY why Brandi needs to get a head start on any double talk/bs about her. I used to like Marissa but I really can't stand the way she trashes her husband/meal ticket. She's only a Zanuck because of him, and she should be a lot more respectful of her husband, especially in public. After last night, I just think she's a coward. She tried to back away from her actions, instead of acknowledging that she was out of place and apologizing to Brandi, which would have been the grown up thing to do.

  23. RHOBH
    Did anybody else here Brandi say "the morally corrupt Faye Resnick" or did I imagine that? Miss Andy said that he was overwhelmed with negative tweets about the the morally corrupt Faye Resnick .

  24. You weren't the only one Agent. Camille started that phrase on season 1.

    Loved Brandi and Yolanda turning heel and walking away from MCFR mid-sentence. She's just nasty.

    Marisa lost me last night. I was disappointed with her desperation to be accepted.

  25. RHOBH - Marisa is the new Adrienne. I didn't like Yolanda at first as I thought she was too holier-than-thow (sp) but I like her honesty now.

  26. Just to chime in; RHOBH is one of my guilty pleasures and I despise Faye. I also believe that Kyle brings Faye around to stir the pot with Brandi; while Kyle try to play all innocent and pretends she's Brandi's friend. I'm glad they kicked Adrienne off the show and Camille can follow suit.

  27. ****RHOBH
    Stay tuned for next week, when Kyle doesn't have Lisa's back. Again. I'm with all of you who are excited for what appears to be Lisa throwing Faye out next week!! Good riddance. Hopefully the Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick will never appear on Housewives again!!!!!

    Also, I used all my DWTS votes for Lisa last night!!


  28. "Also, I used all my DWTS votes for Lisa last night!!" That made me laugh!

  29. @VIP blonde: me too. Voted by text AND Facebook.

  30. RHOBH on my bucket list is to treat myself to all the leftovers in Yolanda's fabulous refrigerator, take home a crate of fresh lemons and stop by Mohammed's for a few cocktails:)I would ask Enty's pretty pal Jennifer to be my designated companion:)

  31. I haven't watched every episode religiously, but what the hell happened with Kyle? She used to seem so level headed, I mean sure she was a bitch but she wasn't as bitchy as everyone else. Now? She's just that desperate chick in high school who will cosign with whoever has the most money/attention.

    And that Marissa trick is gonna be divorced pretty soon, if she's not being cheated on already. NO ONE laughed, they aren't jokes. You hate your husband and your sex life and pretty much are only with him for the money. Can't wait til Karma comes back to bite her ass...at least Adrienne has some money of her own...

    The last time I saw Yolanda on screen she was talkin to those workers in her house about learning to speak English, and while I understood what she was trying to say it seemed pretty crass. But I respected her for how she called everyone out for gossiping and telling them to go to the source and talk it out like women.

  32. But Marisa's husband wants sex with her every day! Her marriage is fine!


  33. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I think Marisa and Deans marriage won't survive the airing of the season. I would expect an announcement by Summer.
    She should be ashamed of the things she said about him.
    I thought it was funny last night when Camille was jumping on the bandwagon with Faye, she used to hate her! And yes she created the title MCFR.
    Last nights episode was gold!
    How did Lisa do on DWTS? I can't bring myself to watch but am interested in our Lisa did, I love her.

  34. @katydid: Lisa did well. I thought she was graceful and classy; the judges were a little more harsh. Jiggy made an appearance, but only a little one. :-(

  35. @katy, I thought the same thing!! I was like WTF, when did Camille become team Faye?? I think she got pissed when Brandi called her out at the dinner in regards to Adrienne wanting to gang up on Lisa at the reunion. I also think the HWs aren't liking Brandi's rising popularity..

  36. Oh come on! You guys need to make some guesses. I never know who these are and can't do it without you. LOL!!

    I like that you're labeling the convos though. That's nice.

  37. Loving the RHOBH talk! When I discuss the show, I just refer to them by their first names & people who come in on the conversation are like, "WHO? Did WHAT?" And I'm all, "No, RHOBH" and the usual response is along the lines of "I thought you were taking about someone you actually know..." Hahahah! I love it anyway, it's my main guilty pleasure

  38. **RHOBH

    I have to jump into this convo. Last night's episode was GOLD.

    First, I love how Faye says Brandi isn't a lady. So does that make you a lady, Faye? The coke addict who capitalized on her friend's murder by posing in Playboy and writing a very unflattering book about her? Brandi should be FLATTERED that she doesn't fit Faye's def of a lady. Please!

    Second, I LOVE YOLANDA. She keeps it real, and the woman knows how to throw some shade. She doesn't call Adrienne a cunty lying biatch, she just says my favorite line EVER, "Who is Adrienne Maloof in this world?" She is the queen of shade, and I LOVE IT.

    Can't wait for the finale. I made my poor husband watch last night's ep with me and he was about to poke his own eyes out...

    1. Jolene, I had to promise my husband that I would watch a "Wipeout" marathon with him. Although he does love the phrase "The Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick".

  39. Team Giggy all the way! Bummed I can't chime in because I haven't watched last night's epi yet. But just for the record, love Yolanda, Brandi, Lisa. Hate Adreinne, Marisa and the continual bashing of her hubby (Watch it girl, you ain't all that, my dear) and of course the MCFR.
    Can't wait to catch up tonight!

  40. @katydid.

    I totally saw how Faye acted last night. She was a total loser. I was embarrassed for her bad behavior. Brandy won that round.

  41. I would have thought Liv Tyler...but she's not married any longer.

    I guess Maggie G is the best guess. For the guy I would say Adrien G.

  42. As much as I live for RHOBH (&A, &OC...) I'm here to guess blinds, so here goes. I'm feeling Kate Winslet for the randy gal (married to Ned Rocknroll and was in Titanic). Don't know the dude though.

  43. -RHOBV-

    My thoughts exactly when Faye said that! Besides, did anyone else notice how she stuttered before saying "Chanel"? How many times do you think she practiced that line and then she flubbed it! LMAO!

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Agree she'd been saving that zinger up and flubbed it terribly.
      She's a joke.

  44. Could the guy be Matt Le Blanc from friends? He really didn't have to act like Joey (judging from previous interviews)-- he is Joey!

  45. Gonna have to veto the Winslet guess. 6 Oscar nominations, and 1 win, is an A+ list in talent at least!

  46. RH of BH-Faye Resnick is such a bottom feeder. I don't understand why Brandi didn't say something about FR having been such a good friend of Nicole Brown Simpson. We need to keep tweeting Andy Cohen to not have Faye become a RH.

    Back on topic-I was thinking Matt LeBlanc for the guy. No clue about the actress.

  47. ****RHOBH****


    Last night's ep was GOLDEN. I thought that Marisa was going to be a breath of fresh air but she's trying too hard to ingratiate herself and I'm beginning to think that she's just not very bright. Seriously. And when she said that she thought that Brandi found her husband hot and that her husband thought so too... way to throw your husband under the bus! Again!

    Adrienne has her tacky party for some drink she's shilling; does she need the money that badly to sell shoes and now vodka? Paul sprays himself to look like a tree and Adrienne does a talking head segment and basically calls him an attention whore. Nice. She NEVER has a nice word for him. If he has his hand in the small of her back while they're walking she will tell him to stop pushing her. If he's holding her hand, he's pulling her. What a BITCH.

    Lisa's party: I don't think her house is all that great but OMG the grounds and the view... PARADISE! Guests are circulating and The Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick strikes, sticking her nose into a conversation and refuses to leave when she's politely asked to excuse herself! She thinks that she if she utters her venomous words in dulcet tones, she's being lady-like. SKANK!

    re the blind - I got nothin'.
