Friday, March 15, 2013

Blind Item #2

This actor was getting close to A list. Mostly movies and some very very big roles. High profile ones and popcorn type movies.Some of the movies bombed and lost a ton of money, but our actor does not seem worried that he does not get cast as much. He still has an unusual name which helps him get recognized and he is the actor you turn to for all of your recreational drug needs, including connections to doctors who are very pro-prescription. He runs a kickback thing with them and makes a ton of money. Our actor probably makes $1M a year from all of his illicit activities.


  1. ....Djimon Hounsou?

  2. This feels like James Franco

  3. Taylor Kitsch

    Because he is my guess for any blind about an actor who makes movies that bomb.

  4. Jonathan Rhys Meyers?

  5. I mean...I saw August Rush. I know I was one of 5.

    1. I guess in number 4 then.

    2. Well then I am numbers 3 & 2 because I saw August Rush twice.

  6. I also thought of Taylor Kitsch so I ran over to IMBD and he has 3 upcoming projects so he's still getting work.

  7. Not Tim Riggins!

  8. what big roles did taylor kitsch ever have other than the big movie bomb? no way he was ever close to A list.

  9. Shia Leboeuf's father was not dealer or i confuse with another actor?

  10. How about Val Kilmer?

  11. Shia's big roles were in Transformers and Disturbia. The ones that bombed could be Wall Street and Lawless. Strange name. Nothing in pre or post-production aside from what is being released this year. This feels like Shia to me.

  12. Star Wars's actor Hayden christensen?

  13. Shia would fit so well. Access to mucho pills explains ALL his history better than just alcohol.

    Would also explain why he burns bridges constantly, like he has another job or something....

  14. @FSP I was waiting for you; damn it! Where have you been? LOL

    @Dr. Linda; that Josh Harnett guess is a good one; where has he been lately. He is one of my forever dongs.

  15. Hayden works for me. Always thought that was a girl's name.

  16. Josh Hartnett is a great guess, he did just disappear and was close to A.

  17. NM I like The Beef guess. His name is pretty unique, and considering his upbringing surrounded by druggies and drunks, it's not surprising he would be into it.

  18. @nevermindthat - Harnett is incredibly attractive in person. And tall! He's about 6'2", and in really, really great shape. I see him around town during the summer.

  19. @ Amber I'm booking my flight to your town now.

  20. @nevermind - MSP!

  21. Taylor Kitsch is a freak about fitness and a certified personal trainer. I know that doesn't mean he can't do drugs, but if you met him you'd know what I mean.

  22. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Benecio Del Toro

  23. What about breckin meyer (sp?). he was in the randoms yesterday...

  24. Kitsch of Death? He might have picked up a few pointers from "Savages". I know "John Carter" and "Battleship" disappointed, but other than that, I don't know anything about him. Oh, and he's smokin' hot.

    I can see Shia "A Real Man" doing this.

  25. I think Shia is a good guess.

  26. Toby McGuire. Gotta keep up with the gambling habit!

  27. This is the kind of dumb stuff I did in my very early 20's, but I believe she is much older. Yikes!

  28. Oops, I meant to comment on the Tara Reid story above.

  29. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Which cowardly fat fuck who runs an anonymous gossip site uses information about criminal activity to extort and blackmail his targets for information about other celebrities, rather than reporting what he knows to law enforcement, all for personal gain through his website?

    Call the FBI, folks. This is a gossip/blackmail/extortion ring. Don't forget the pedophilia blinds or why the sex-trafficking continues.

    1. Wow @BetterOffSingle ... so you're saying that all the blinds *are* real then? Brilliant!

  30. Hi, CDaNers - Happy Friday!

    I'm on the Shia train, too.

    {waves at Kympossible - erm, BetterOffSingle}

  31. Skeet Ulrich sounds good to me.

  32. Has anyone here seen "John Carter"? I know it bombed big time but I was wondering if anyone here saw it and had thoughts on why they thought it tanked.

  33. @Mango, I haven't seen the movie, but I have the read book and I imagine the reason it tanked was because there was *so much* going on, the scope was just too big for a single movie.

    I hate watching Friday Night Lights when Tim Riggins is on. The character is conceivably young enough to be my son but I find Taylor Kitsch incredibly handsome.

  34. And a Happy Friday to you, Miss Izzie!

    @ Lipstick Mystic - Matthew McConaughey is married with 2 (3?) kids but he's goofy enough to do all that shit! Great guess!

  35. @ Izzie - I'd read that the director had only directed animated films previously and never live action and then was given this big, big budget movie; changed the story (protagonist grieving about his dead family?), etc. It was set up to fail.

  36. How about Paul Walker or Stephen Dorf?

  37. I read this as Shia even before I finished the paragraph.

    Izzie..don't. And actually not the same person but this one's a doozy too....Be vewy vewy quiet..

  38. Haha, Sherry, thanks for the heads-up. :)

  39. Shit Paul Walker is a good guess because outside of the Fast & Furious Franchise what has he done. Then I realized the blind said unusual name and Walker's nor Hartnett names are unusual. But damn they are both hot.

  40. Hasn't Shia No-Shower said his father is a drug dealer and lived with him in the recent past? A real man would know how to find a hookup. A real man would distribute. He would admit that he intended to.

    PS The fake apology to Alec Baldwin was the first performance he's given in year's that I actually enjoyed.

  41. My boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble.....

  42. I would say macauly culkin but he was A for sure at least back in the day. Skeet Ulrich sounds good. As much as I hate LaBouf, he seems to have trouble keeping his shit private and seems to have lofty ideas about his "art" - branching into theater, the artsy music video he was in, the von trier sex scenes.

  43. I would say macauly culkin but he was A for sure at least back in the day. Skeet Ulrich sounds good. As much as I hate LaBouf, he seems to have trouble keeping his shit private and seems to have lofty ideas about his "art" - branching into theater, the artsy music video he was in, the von trier sex scenes.

  44. Anonymous11:45 AM

    shia?! seriously. he looks like he is all bite not actual bark. I cant imagine my drug dealer bring shia le fuckin beouf

  45. Nudibelle...I like his name much better now.

  46. Paul Walker gets 10 mil from fast franchise why does he need money.

    I'll got with Taylor Kitsch

    Pop corn movies; John Cater and Battleship both bombs.

  47. orlando bloom for me. On his way to A list, had those big budget bombs and now what does he do? Nada. probably living off of the pirates of the carribbean money.

  48. Anonymous12:48 PM

    thou shalt not take RDJ's name in vain for a bad blind :(

    LeBeouf, Franco, Ribisi are all good. I'm going to go with Franco. He's got that odd cement gray palor and circles under his eyes that scream liver abuse and toxic blood stream to me.

  49. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Culkin is a goooood guess too!

  50. I think it's Megan Fox's husband Brian Austin Greene?

  51. At first I thought of Shia LeBluff, but I don't see him as a dealer. This has to be someone more badass, like Benicio del Toro, whose name is weird for non-Spanish speakers.
    I would trust Shia's stash as Justin Beaver's. They are not drug dealing type.

  52. Super late to the party, but, for what it's worth, had to throw in my 2 cents about the John Carter movie. We saw it and actually liked it! I think it fell victim to really bad marketing. It felt like it was almost purposely set up to fail - like a Producers type scenario. Anyway, just one woman's opinion.

  53. Frufra, I agree, it was a decent movie with godawful marketing.

  54. Iam Sommeleneneidider

  55. Jake Gyllenhaal. He was BFFs with Lance Armstrong for a while - hence, access to pro-prescription docs. Cloes to A list, but some big budget flops (prince of persia?)

  56. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Way late...long day, long week happy friday! I read this as Taylor Kitsch the whole way through. But agree Paul Walker is hot, I don't usually go for blondes but he seems like the kinda guy that would look good sweating while he worked on your car. Yum.

  57. Count me as #4 for seeing August Rush! It didn't totally suck, but I did only see it once and wouldn't buy it on DVD...



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