Friday, March 01, 2013

Blind Item #2

It is not so much that this keeps saying he is getting married A++ list mostly movie actor buys pot. I think most of us would be shocked if he didn't smoke pot. After seeing some of the things he has done, lately, I certainly hope he was on pot. The very very interesting thing is that when our A++ lister has gone to buy pot from his dispensary, he has had, for the last two or three times with him a barely out of her teens blonde and they are all over each other.


Nosey Parker said...

Brad Pitt?

StewMcG said...

Brad Pitt? Hmmm...

a non a miss said...

Pitt but this is obviously FAKE

blondegossip said...

Brad Pitt

Pip said...

The two plus signs makes me think this is Laurence Olivier.

Unknown said...

Brad Pitt?

katie said...

Pitt and the Calvin Klein commercial that you have to be high to appreciate.

Alexstrasza said...

Brad Pitt.

MISCH said...

What CALVIN KLIEN commercial ?

FSP said...

I see what you're doing @PuggleWug.

Enties, please mix in a comma or two.

Livia said...

Yes, rejectedcarebear, this has to be FAKE. There are NO A++ mostly movie stars. NONE. And PuggleWuggle, you are a ghostly BURRITO WHORE for even suggesting one. I mean, I can buy an A one plus "preponderance of movie" star, but an A two plus "mostly movie" star fills me with a sudden, frothy, indescribable RAGE.

Jules_345 said...

This is supposed to be Brad Pitt and whether or not I believe it, I am curious to know if he and Angelina have been seen together recently. Remember the blind about the couple that doesn't want to let each other take the kids out of the country? Was thinking about that this morning wondering if it was the Jolie Pitts.

Anonymous said...

What is a burrito whore and can I be one?

VIPblonde said...

@MISCH By Calvin Klein, I think @katie meant Chanel

a non a miss said...

Lmao ghostly burrito whore!!! Livia- that's the best compliment I've ever gotten. A tip of the hat to you!!!

Anonymous said...

That is assuming that by ghostly you mean I will be ghostly (check and check on the paleness) and not the burrito, because that would just be sad.

BigMama said...

This must be about to hit the "papers", Enty doesn't usually make the blind so paper thin unless it's about to hit

Livia said...

Empress of Socks - I think Count Jerkula is the keeper of the formula for determining whether you are just a boring plain whore, or a fabulous, ghostly, porn-watching burrito whore (do the jazz hands here). I'm sure he's accepting applications.

Anonymous said...

Livia, I see what you're doing there. :)

I guess Enty doesn't read the comments or he does and doesn't give a shit was some people think of his ratings.

My moneys on Pitt for this one.

LottaColada said...

@VIP- Yeah it was a rip-off of Calvin Klein ads from the 90's.

MISCH said...


Thank You...I was afraid I missed some of his artistry ...

While I don't think Pitt & Jolie will ever get married (he can't be that crazy) I don't think he'd be this sloppy.

Anonymous said...

@livia: well then. I think I saw him yammering about meth in another post, perhaps I'll saunter over there, apropos of nothing and ask if I can be a burrito whore. Off to that thread!

EmEyeKay said...

LOL @Livia!

Livia said...

@Empress of Socks - yeah, the whole thing stems from the "Blind Item #1" thread yesterday. A poster got weirdly upset over the BI rating system and started yelling about ghosts and whores,and threatening people with exposing their porn habits, and someone wanted to know if having sex for burritos made you a whore, and then everything got just got weird.

Sunny said...

And a high fivin curtsy to Livia this morning. Brilliant!

Munch said...

James Gandolfini is in the Daily Heil today at a medical pot shop. I can't see him as A++ though, more like XXXL.

@Livia - Ghostly Burrito Whores is a great band name. If I can find out what constitutes a burrito whore can I join you? Or maybe it's meant to be Ghastly Fajita Floozie? Will there be tequila?

Kelly Simmons said...

Oh ghosties, you are hilarious today.
You are the A+++ of comments, like Elizabeth Taylor.( Oh why am I even trying, I can't keep up!)

LottaColada said...

Am I missing something involving delicious Taco Bell delicacies? Lol I'm afraid to ask

Jamie 2 said...


Anonymous said...

@livia: I caught that yesterday, but it was in the afternoon. I wanted to play too, but as I was scrolling past post #156 or thereabouts and noticed it was at 10:00 am I was a little sad I had missed so much excitement. That's a lot of angry typing for so early in the morning. People must get up earlier than I since I can't manage that kind of fury until noon

katie said...

I was so high I got my designers mixed up.

ethorne said...

Lol, I hope I'm a ghostly jazz hands burrito whore

Pip said...

@Lotta, B.Profane went apeshit over the rating system yesterday, and the fact that we didn't care that the blinds could be fake. We were called ghostie whores, and then he threatened to reveal our identities and porn history.

lelale said...

@Jules they were papped at a family outing on Valentine's Day. Aren't they pretty much on the record as having an open relationship?

Anonymous said...

This has become one of those team building excersizes where you sit in a circle and everyone adds one word to the story when it's their turn:
Burrito whore
Ghostly burrito whore
Ghostly, jazz hands burrito whore

Pip said...

Just adding that my porn history consists of looking up terms that I have learned from the wonderful commenters of CDaN.

Livia said...

@much - LOL at "Ghastly Fajita Floozies." I feel like there could be a whole chain. Puckish Pupusa Prostitutes. Ethereal Enchilada Enty-whores.

@Empress - yeah, the thread got crazy right quick. But oh so entertaining.

Anonymous said...

So I'm adding A+++++++ ghostly, jazz hands burrito whore since this thread has already been thoroughly hijacked anyway

a non a miss said...

When we don't give BProfane enough attention, he has a hissy fit so yesterday we gave him too much attention which means he'll be gone for a month but he'll be back. And us ghostly burrito whores will be waiting.

Cathy said...

As long as Brad brought the pot AND the blonde back home to share with AJ, I'm sure it's all fine.

FSP said...

So am I a ghostly burrito man whore?

g.strathmore said...

There were rumors that he was spending a lot of time with some young production assistant on the set of one of his recent movies.

ethorne said...

@Puggle- Then we're all in trouble. Ass to ass! (It's been awhile.)

Unknown said...

omg, this thread is killing me. It helps that I got The Bell for lunch.

Cheap Burrito Whore?

LottaColada said...

@Puggle- SAY WHAT?!? Oh man, he finally flipped the lid and lost his shit and I missed it? Damn! I have to go look at the older posts now.

By the way I have to say after googling so many sexual terms from here I feel more informed than when I took sex-ed in high school. Bravo ladies!

lazyday603 said...

What sort of animal allows a beautiful blonde in her early 20's to show him affection in public? For shame Lord Olivier, for shame.

LottaColada said...

@Puggle- lol @ your search history! I have some that I don't think have been mentioned:

Purple mushroom, angry dragon, cleveland steamer.

Jules_345 said...

@leale, thanks for the info!

mikey said...

I missed a B. Profane meltdown? Dang, I may make an effort and take a looksee.

I am a proud burrito whore - and where is my tequila? It's almost noon and it's time for shots!

Livia said...

@FSP - We'll need to see your jazz hand technique before we know if we can officially declare you a burrito whore.

Also: do you declare your undying devotion and faith to Enty and hold every Blind Item to be the One True A+++++++ Mostly-Movie Gospel?

What are your porn-viewing habits like? Are you familiar with IR DP? Can you post your history on a "hard" site outside the US along with your SSN and CC numbers?

Yes? Then congrats, you're a ghostly jazz hand burrito whore along with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

So anyone get a fraud alert on their credit report since yesterday?

Let me guess no. I mean negative ghostwriter. I mean negative ghostly writers.

cheese toast said...

I have learned a lot also and I have laughed even more. Like space docking? Who does that? I refuse to Google burrito whore.

Erin B said...

I fancy myself more of a quesadilla jezebel, but I think we can all still be friends.

LottaColada said...

@gstrathmore- I assume you're talking about b.profane here.

cheese toast said...

I have learned a lot also and I have laughed even more. Like space docking? Who does that? I refuse to Google burrito whore.

hunter said...

You guys are killing me. Yup, B.Profane threatened to expose ALL OF US!!!! Noooooooo!!!!!!!!

I think he threatened our careers too so y'all better watch out. Damn - now where did I leave my sex tape last?

Pip said...

I will be chased out of town once it is learned I Googled space docking.

crila16 said...

Everyone knows Brad's a pot smoker.

Carolyn said...

I always miss the most fun discussions!

tealily said...

Oh, you guys...

Karen said...

I just got through reading that thread yesterday. Ah-may-zing!

violet said...

I can't belevie I missed all the excitement.But now that I know it was B Profane...things are starting to make more sense.
Can someone explain to me ass to ass. I know its referenced w Lilo a lot but I must have missed class that day :(

Count Jerkula said...

I'm gonna say this real quick: Any burrito whore that attempts to do the jazz hands thing will be spanked to tears. No safe word to save you, just tears. In the case of you hardened burrito whores out there, spanked until I have to ice down my hand.

Some things just can't be tolerated, like Jazz Hands and Listening to Feelings. The entire purpose of a whore is they have no soul and therefore no feelings, which leads to less yappin and more tappin.

KS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ethorne said...

@Count-Don't threaten me with a good time!

KS said...

Oh and Enty definitely reads the comments.

Not now Ironman!

fritters said...

I would do unspeakable things for Chipotle right about now. So I guess that could be what a burrito whore is...?

Frufra said...

Oh, Livia, thanks for the laff - I needed that!

Lucas said...

Huh. I will have to go check that out from yesterday. And I think I already outed my porn viewing habits yesterday when I linked to /r/gonewild. But, for the record, I really like /r/gonewildcurvy better, because I am an affirmed chubby-chaser.

Frufra said...

I love you guys - thanks for making my lunch great :-).

Brea McCain said...

@pugglewug hahaha

Count Jerkula said...

OK, I found my comment and will explain the burrito whore thing for those that missed it late yesterday.

B Profane called all y'all Enty's whores or some shit.

I said I was appalled that he called all y'all whores, as there are probably some that haven't traded sex for cash and still possess souls.

Amber asked if trading sex for burritos would make "her friend" a whore.

This was my explanation:

"@Amber: Depends. Guy shows up at a hotel room w/ sack full of burritos for ya, hits it and splits, then Whore. Burrito delivery guy shows up, and gets a BJ in lieu of cash, again, Whore. Guy takes you out for burritos with some door holding, listens to some yappin, etc and you decide to show him you enjoyed yourself by offering a taco (nod to Mango) to put his burrito in, NOT a Whore."

This was her reply:

"@Count - if "I'll let you do me if you go get me a burrito" makes me a ho, I don't wanna be...not a ho..?"

Thus began the burrito whore class of posters in our CDAN caste system.

I only need one clarification, If a Whore asks for a Lamb Burrito, is that the high sign that she offers Greek?

urban chaos said...

All I'm taking away from this thread is burritos. And now I want some chipotle!

joymama said...

A pap who shot Brad with an assistant was killed execution style.

Taco Bell meat found to have horse bits in it.

I love tacos but don't care for burritos.

Amber said...

LOL brilliant. Just getting caught up again over here.

It's super weird that Brad Pitt takes Shiloh with him to score.

Count Jerkula said...

@ethorne: You may enjoy the spanking, but the sex will be the worst 2minutes and 45seconds of your life. No shower will wash away the shame.

I am liking this Burrito Whore concept. It would make a funny porn site. Dude working a Burrito cart, and each weekly update features a different type of chick wandering up, looking for nourishment. would cost $9.99, but for $15 flat, I could get .org, .info and .net also.

No one bird dog me on this one, I gotta run to the bank.

LottaColada said...

@Mikey- THERE WAS A LAST TIME?! what happened last time?

Jessica said...



Paparazzo who caught Brad Pitt with another woman was found executed with a single bullet wound to his head in Rome

redronnie said...

I am too old to be a burrito whore so can I be a tequila madam?

Jessi said...

God damn I missed the B freak out as well!!! I'll have to go back and check it out!

Nosey Parker said...

@Count - I missed that. TFF!

Anonymous said...


Snapdragon said...

Ghostly, jazz hands burrito whore

Holy crap, you guys, I am cracking up.

It took me at least 30 seconds to parse that first sentence. For everyone's sanity:

It is not so much that this keeps-saying-he-is-getting-married A++ list mostly movie actor buys pot.

ablake said...

From the looks of it, B's ploy for attention worked. Overtime.

Sometimes you just need to step back and realize it's just the internet, not middle school all over again.

Yes, I read this as Brad as well. He's well known for the pot (I worked with a guy that went to college with him, he was known to stink up the hall in the dorm with the smoke coming from under his door). I agree about thinking he wouldn't be so careless (the blonde) but then again he probably figured his dealer of all people wouldn't talk about it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

brad is the most photographed actor. i mean if hes out with a woman he has to know his picture is going to be taken

ablake said...

*correction - the disp (ie that means he has a medical mj card). Still, that's a Dr or someone else affiliated with the medical profession. Loose lips sink ships named HIPPA

Jessica said...

I *almost* feel sorry for B.Profane - he/she/it/ seems to have a SERIOUS mental problem. Hard to have sympathy when he/she/it goes on the attack though. I would not be surprised if most of the idiotic rants were at the end of the month, as if someone had run out of their meds and their "check" hadn't come in yet. Or something.

Lucas said...

@Count Jerkula - you complete me. Should you ever find yourself in the great NW I would love to drink a few beers together.

Also, from yesterday's whole thing I learned that a bottle of wine and good burrito will serve a fella pretty well. Especially if you can somehow connect yourself to Norman Reedus.

LottaColada said...

@Jessica, I guess Angie's taking matters into her own hands. We all know she can handle a gun! Dun dun dun

SusanB said...

But I don't like burritos. Can I be one of the ghastly fajita floozies?

delete account said...

Brad Pitt for the win. Too easy.

seaward said...

OMG LottaColada, there have been SEVERAL "last times," but yesterday's hissy fit has been the biggest and most impressive by far. And this is why I love B. Profane. He is the gift that keeps giving.

Mari said...

I love all of you!
Ghoulish Guacamole Dom.

eris hilton said...

"on pot" lol. I thought brad lived in france or something.

JSierra said...

Mmmmm burritos sound delicioso right now. Holla at a hungry ho if you got any!

Lotta damn you and your google suggestions! Soggy waffles is always as a good one, as is my favorite porno I Love the fishes. It never fails.

Count Jerkula you are like the Bachelor of CDAN land

Pip said...

What does Count pass out though? I doubt it is roses, like the Bachelor.

JSierra said...

Pug he passes out burritos!

The Real Dragon said...

Who is this teen tho. She is giving me Life. Smoking Pot and Screwing Pit. My role model!

ethorne said...

@dragon- And I bet he buys her burritos & Mountain Dew afterward too!

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

*ears perk up*

@Lucas, so...just how old are you, anyway? And how chubby do you like your women? *bats eyelashes*

Damn, sounds like I missed a lot of fun yesterday after I posted in that thread...hmmm, time to check it out...

Count Jerkula said...

@ Lucas: I have a few e-friends up that way. I may take a trek one day.

@JSierra: After that link, I will never feel shame linking something on this site again. I have a Shittles concept that I've been floating around to porn industry people. It involves Skittles, a Funnel and a over sized wine glass. I can't get any takers, even though my asking price for the concept is extremely low.

If there are any lesbos in the audience, they could be called the Taco Tarts.

I only have one burrito to pass out, think you ladies could share?

Seriously though, I don't watch the Bachelor, does he give rose to show you stay or leave? If it is to show that you stay, I'll give out bottles of booze or wine, which will be your cue to step forward and choose your spanking implement.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

OK, I just went over to and looked up purple mushroom, angry dragon, and soggy waffle (I already knew about cleveland steamer & space docking)...dear God. *shudder* What's w/all the emphasis on abusing and degrading women during sex these days? I know it's always gone on, but to have terms like these known on a large scale?...

The Real Dragon said...

@ethorne I love mountain Dew. Call me brad.

auntliddy said...

Mountain dew!!!! I saw a documentary on people in appalachia, and the amazing amount of mountain dew they drink, starting IN THEIR BOTTLES!!!!!!! Huge problem with rotted out teeth. Their diet is appalling- white bread, cheap baloney, mountain dew, twinkies, chips- never s fruit or a vegetable. Anyway i always think of that show when i see mountain dew.

feraltart said...

Lotta, I looked those up, couldn't help myself. Further education from CDan.

feraltart said...

violet, in the movie Requiem for a Dream, a female character does ass to ass dildo with another female to pay for her drugs. It is an amazing, frightening movie.

MalibuBarbie said...

Okay, I leave CADN for a day or two, and all hell breaks loose...I was on a conference call while reading this thread, and had to explain why I kept snorting into the phone repeatedly - you all are hilarous!

Count, even though I'm a Taco Tart, I love you.

Empress, I see what you did - and I raise you:
Ghostly, ass to ass jazz hands burrito whore

And, who/what IS B.profane? I'm going to have to look up that thread...

Sugar said...

I got urban dictionary on speed dial now, bitches! Must be in the know!!!

SueRH said...

"What is a burrito whore and can I be one?" - Bahahahahahahahahaha!

Lucas said...

@Robin - I'm turning 38 soon. And to give you an idea, Google "London Andrews" (do yourself a favor and turn safe search off). She's on my laminated list :)

Tara said...

You guys are hilarious and I love you.

KS said...

Lotta, (and anyone else who is new or forgot)
B. tried to Enty last summer and it went on all weekend. He ended up deleting all of his weirdo clues (which I have copies of-but it doesn't matter because that person is NOT Enty.)
The next day AlexT came on another thread and HILARIOUSLY tried to describe the Enty outing. Hence the expression "Not Now Ironman". (I posted it yesterday in Blind Item #1).
B. Profane left for about one month then came back with his little smart ass comments. When someone would try to call him out, he just left the thread. He's been back for a while now and must be off his meds again cause anyone who reads this site knows he's been getting angrier the past few weeks. (I hope the meds comment doesn't offend anyone)

Amber said...

@Mikey - good recap! I was on a road trip when that BS happened in August, and I was trying like hell to research on my iPhone. Talk about cumbersome. And for nothing! :P I wish we could get a truthful reason as to why BP is so butthurt. Is he just bored? What's up with the tantrums?

Tara said...

I believe there are also a few of us fajita floozies and quesadilla jezebels here wondering what sublime punishment we'll suffer if we do a Westside Story Rumble Snap.

Tara said...

We all should tip glasses at the Mecca or 5point if you're ever in Seattle.

Mango said...

If anyone missed it, all the craziness happened in yesterday's Blind Item #1. It was, at times, surreal.

re the Blind: I think Amber's right. That's Shiloh sitting on some telephone books in the shotgun seat. And that's not meth mouth, she's got a baby tooth missing in front.

Count Jerkula said...

@Tara, if this is what you mean, I am at a loss for words.

I think only real physical violence would be the remedy for that, kink thrown out the window. That crowd is itchin to be tear gassed into dispersing. It would be just punishment for what my own eyes went through in viewing that. Jazz Hands are merely annoying as fuck.

@MalibuBarbie: It's cool if you adhere to a strict Taco Tart diet. You can always prove your love by allowing me to view the aforementioned ass to ass.

Anonymous said...

I want to be a tofu burito whore unless it involves emma stone or charlize theron then I will be a taco tart. And I like beer, scotch, and irish whiskey not tequila. Can I be a irish nacho??

Jason Blue Eyes said...

@Lucas - I've never heard of London Andrews before. I was expecting somebody a little more Eva Angelina-ish. Eva is on my laminated list. You will Let me know if SHE shows up on C. Jerkula, won't you?

Count Jerkula said...

I usually offer my dates Roofie Colattas and Roofitinis, but if all y'all comin out as whores, I guess you could drink whatever you want.

MAC said...


I'm classifying myself as a Nacho Nympho.

Count Jerkula said...

@JasonBlueEyes: Did you hear she just started doing hair in LA?

I don't have the money to run a porn site, but I do have money to buy the name and float the idea around to see if there is a buyer.

Kaja said...

Omg check ours the DM now. A photographer who had photographs of brad Pitt cheating has just been shot dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All about Eve said...

@Count, Roofitinis sound good to me lol

Sarah said...

Funniest thing I've read all day!

Lucas said...

@Jason - in no universe is Eva Angelina chubby. Busty? Yes. Smoking hot (especially with the blonde hair and glasses)? Yes. But chubby? Not a chance. She'd be "thick" at best.

Lucas said...

See also: Tara Lynn and Lizzie Miller.

Anonymous said...

I thought guys would be more into kate upton or blake lively laminated than london andrews ;-) or Lizzie Miller. So I worry about my belly for nothing lol. Maybe i need implants instead. (SHY B CUPPPER). Lol.

Anonymous said...

And im hungry. Fuzzy Tacos tonight

yodelay said...

awww, I can't believe I missed a B Profane meltdown. He'll be back, just like always.

This was so funny I went back and read the blind (to remind myself what I had clicked on in the first place)and read the last line as "and they were all over each other like two burrito whores."

The Real Dragon said...

@aunt What in the world lol

Lucas said...

@Kimberly -all boobs are wonderful, especially real ones. And yes, women worry entirely too much. If a guy isn't going to want you because of a few extra pounds his priorities are screwed up anyway. And I'd be a complete asshole if I got too fussy, considering the spare tire I'm lugging around.

LottaColada said...

Mountain Dew Baja Blast is my ultimate favorite dew.

LottaColada said...

@Mikey, lololol I knew recently he was "on the verge" of outing enty but had no idea it's been going on for over a year. Why come back if it bothers him that much who is running this site?

I went to yesterdays thread and he's talking about SSN and porn history.... WTF! It is not that serious around here.

LottaColada said...

@Amber, if all that happened in August that explains why I missed it. I took my vacation in Aug. and missed a lot of good shit around here from what I've heard.

Anonymous said...

You guys are the best! Again I got busy today at work at just now checked back. You are a funny, good natured group of people (Count Jerkula included I think you're all bark and no bite). B.Profane needs professional help.

One more thing in your sex acts list, you missed Dirty Sanchez and Donkey Punch. That last one I gotta warn Robin is pretty degrading to women.

Have a great weekend everone! I'm on my way home but gotta stop and get some bubbles!

LottaColada said...

@Count- I really should just change my name to RoofieColatta

Count Jerkula said...

@Lotta: Only if you put people to sleep.

@Katydid: I like to joke and have fun. Am I out there terrorizing the countryside roofie-ing and spanking innocent women? No. Would I EVER roofie and spank a woman? Only if she was into that sort of stuff and we worked out some parameters ahead of time.

Buddy of mine years ago had a funny thought about the Donkey Punch:

I wonder if there is like a local flavor to the Donkey Punch. Like if you are banging a chick and go for it, but hit her in the ribs, would she look back and say, "Oh, your from Jersey, Huh?"

Tara said...

Wow there's another Tara!

Is Pitt mostly movie though? A commercial and a guest episode of Friends is all I have for television. He doesn't even really do theater...

Kelly said...

Awww man! I missed the fun again today! I'm also a Ghostly Burrito Whore.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

@Lucas: London's very attractive, I must say; I just wish I looked more like her. Unfortunately, I inherited my dad & paternal grandmother's bodies, which means I'm an apple w/broad shoulders, big ribcage, big boobs, a big belly, no hips, and no ass. :-( My legs, OTOH, are surprisingly slender, go figure. Why couldn't I have been built more like my mom, damn it? *sigh*

@katydid: Don't worry, I already know about the Dirty Sanchez & Donkey Punch. I guess my only question is: do people actually do all this gross shit, or do they just like to talk about it a whole lot? *shakes head*

Now if I can just decide what kind of Mexican food whore I want to be...unless someone can think of a better term involving brownies, cookies, or some other kind of baked good. ;-) (Attn. Canadians--I made a batch of Nanaimo Bars when several of my friends & I got together for some movie watching, and one friend has now dubbed them "blow job bars" based on what she's be willing to do to get her hands on more of them. I think I may have a new weapon in my arsenal... ;-)

portlandjewel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tara said...

Heh heh. I have to say I agree. We'll hold off the hard core rumble dance snap pin' and keep it civilized with the mildly annoying jazz hands :)

LottaColada said...

@Robin- don't worry I've also heard about donkey punch & dirty sanchez without having to google too. *hangs head in shame*

I really hope no one reading this site has had to experience any of these filthy fetishes.

Tara said...

Hi from your doppelgänger !

Anonymous said...

@Robin and Lotta- never I think that shit is gross/funny. I think I'm kinky with a little spanking and my "exotic" oils! That shit is meant for google-ing only no poop or punching in my bedroom.

It's a sad day in American pop culture when we're like "oh yeah a Dirty Sanchez, old news" the Internet you gotta love it!

JSierra said...

This thread today had me craving some Mexican food so I went ahead and ordered some fajitas from Las Mananietas. It's a partay in my taco pants whoooo

LottaColada said...

@katy, lol i know us commenters are talking about it for shits(no pun) & giggles but it's the readers who lurk I was worried about.

@jsierra, damn I'm getting hungry and may have to follow in your path.

Unknown said...

Damn...I'm going to have to go to Chipotle tomorrow!!!

JSierra said...

Lotta I highly recommend it! My fajitas were delicious and satisfying. A perfect accompaniment to these delicious comments! Ok maybe delicious is the wrong word to describe primarily whorey and ass to ass related comments.

Popnursing said...

@Livia- B.Profane is the one who called us whores. Count Jerkula is the one who takes his ladies to strip clubs on nights of high romance. I know it's easy to confuse the two gems.

Popnursing said...

@Puggle: your summary is hilarious. Sums up the entire incident perfectly. Made me LOL.

EGB said...

You guys are the best and I can't believe the one day I don't check in, I miss such an epic melt down thread! Also, Mexican food for lunch tomorrow, stat. Love, your flauta floozie friend, e

Popnursing said...

Oops I stand corrected. Jerkula is both the keeper of the whore scale *and* the Prince of Pole Dancing. And yet he's still preferable to Profane. Wow.

Himmmm? You out there? We could use some chivalry on the site about now....

Sherry said...

Yeah after all the tacoand burrito talk i feel like making a stop on the way from San Francisco to Arcatata tomorrow. Sorry I missed this entire exchange this morning.

Nice weekend all!

jel said...

@mikey, I believe it was Aug/Sep sometime and in a Hedi Klum bodyguard thred for those wanting to search. Such a fun CDAN weekend. I might be off on the thread but there were like 400+ responses so shouldn't be too hard to find.

KS said...
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jel said...


Anonymous said...

run from the Leg Brad ! Run!

babo said...

I would do unspeakable things for James Gandolfini too ...

Snipsnapper said...

Hmmmmmm....I see Aniston's PR are up to their usual antics

Goodnight said...

Didn't someone say they asked Enty to change 'all movies' to 'mostly movies' and Entwad did?

Because I've noticed since they mentioned that he's stopped saying 'all movies'.

Obviously eludes to Brad (going to get married, the pot, A++) but I think it's fake.


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