Thursday, March 07, 2013

Blind Item #1

This B-/C+ list celebrity with A list name recognition left a half of a cow in front of this A+ list mostly movie actor's hotel door. She also nailed a note to the door. The note said, "You are dead meat." Apparently she thought they had something exclusive. He didn't.


  1. Oh my god- that poor cow!!!

  2. I'm guessing it was the A$$-end?

  3. Ahhhhhhahahahahahahahaha! If this is fake, it is fucking HILARIOUS!

    Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively.

    You can't get much more thinking you're exclusive than marriage! Plus I just love imagining Blake Lively walking down the street carrying a side of beef over her shoulder.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      I love it. Should have used the Godfathers horse head

  4. @rejectedcarebear yeah I have the same feeling lately with >80% of the blinds.

  5. Good lord. Someone insane? Courtney love? no, i don't think she'd do that to a cow. is this real?

  6. Read the fine print...I think we can file this one under 'fiction'
    Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction.

  7. Stacey Keibler (sp?)/George Clooney?

    Don't mess with her, I guess!

  8. I call cowshit on this one.

  9. Since this is a fake blind I am just going to take a minute to go off topic and ask if anyone else has seen the KK headlines about miscarriage scare?

    Sounds like my "Kim's Miscarriage Heartbreak" headline prediction may actually happen.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Kims london aborton clinic visit to get the aborton pill is more like it

    2. One more dramatic ploy to get Kris H. To cave. Don't do it, Kris!

  10. I hope this is Miley and Liam!!!! LOL

  11. This is udderly hilarious

  12. VIPBlonde - Perfect!!!

    Miley would do this, fo sho! I still think its fake. Half a cow is really heavy. I only know this bc one year my mom decided to go halfsies with a friend and buy a cow from the butcher. We froze all the meat (I'm from a family of six) and that freezer was full to the brim!

  13. Sean Young is the only one I can see dragging around half a cow.

  14. A tip of that hat to you Seachica!

  15. Come on you guys how hard would it be to carry HALF of a cow through a hotel lobby, in the elevator and down the hall? Easy peasy!

  16. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Miley is unstable enough to do something like this. Anyone recall her recent cover of "Jolene, Jolene, please don't take my man, even though you can...." She's obsessed with Liam and him being seen leaving the oscars after party with January Jones, known homewrecker with no self respect, would speak to this blind. Plus she may know someone in the cattle/meat industry and could have called in a favor, wouldn't you need a winch for that sort of thing? that's going to a whole lot of trouble, and that's a bi polar jilted woman, who we know miley is right now. Sorry Smiles.

    1. Awwww I love Miley. She seems like she is just trying to find her way- and she doesn't go out constantly and get wasted. Anyways why do you think she is unstable?

  17. If by some small chance this is real, I really hope it's revealed. I need the visual.

  18. If by some small chance this is real, I really hope it's revealed. I need the visual.

  19. I am in udder disbelief

  20. This does sound pretty far fetched, but I think it's supposed to be about Stacy Keibler. She could wrestle a side of beef.

  21. Yep I buy 1/2 cow of meat at a time, a small one weighs more than 300 lbs, I don't see anyone lifting a carrying 1/2 cow.

  22. I hate that there are fakes on here. It makes me wonder if it's all made up. I re-read that article that was printed about cdan in the NY Post and it really does make Enty seem sketchy. I'm spending more time over at blind gossip. They reveal the blinds as they go

  23. Good one @timebomb

    On the miley / Liam train. Also on the bullshit train but would like to think she's this crazy.

  24. @Karrots yes I thought the same thing: STUNT. And then I thought that maybe I was a cynic. but yeah, well see

  25. Yeah, I thought this was improbably, to, but maybe she had the butcher deliver a large side of beef?

  26. Oh, and this is Miley in my world of fantasy blinds.

  27. Holy cow, I need more coffee.

  28. All the wonderful puns available, and the star comes up with something as lame as "you are dead meat"? So sad.

    Fwiw, I am choosing to believe that this was a fake cow, not a real one. Like a stuffed animal that came from Her bed.

  29. If this is indeed fake, stop milking it, Enty.

  30. I don't think this is real. But if it was, some hotel is gonna be pissed about the cow in the hallway and the nail hole in the door.

  31. This blind is as fake as Zsa Zsa's husband's title.

  32. Given that the average cow is 1650 pounds, but can reach over 4.5k lbs, this can only be one c-celeb, with Enty being generous: Chynna. For Sylvester Balboa, Conan Schwarzenegger, the Rock, or Thor Helmsworth.

  33. P.s. or Lindsay .. Fr Charlie .. Bitch can't keep her paws off even the damn farm animals! I hope the cow presses charges and gets his other half back.

  34. Yeah, logistically impossible. Maybe its an exaggeration and it was a brisket or something. Either way, gross ans wasteful.

  35. i dont think this is Miley. for many reasons.. also this:

    "Apparently she thought they had something exclusive. He didn't"

    they were engaged. how could Liam NOT think they were exclusive?

    this blind sounds too crazy for me

  36. It's a numbered BI, so most likely fake but...

    I love the idea of Miley doing something like this. It cracks me up on so many levels.

  37. You hire someone to deposit the half a cow of course, a staffer in the hotel would do it for a few hundred bucks, esp if the actor is an a-hole to staff

    Hard to believe that vain KK would let herself get so fat and puffy before pulling the plug

  38. @Blakeverse Most of us know that this is just gossip and most of it is probably false; we read the fine print as well. But sometimes it's just fun guessing who the celebrity might be. We don't take everything on this site literally; especially if we read the discloser located at the bottom. But some of the blinds have turned out to be true, even though some of it is just fabrication. Who cares!

  39. Hope it wasn't a veal chop though aka calf

  40. not that enty has ever been known to exagerate anything, but it was probably just a couple of raw steaks or something...

  41. maybe it was a side of beef? Hopefully the actor sent it down to the kitchen and had steak for dinner..;)

  42. Assuming this is true (which is a bit of an assumption, but what the hell...), I really don't see the lady in question butchering a cow on her own for the dirty deed--she would have gotten in touch w/a farmer, a butcher, a slaughterhouse, or something similar. (When the Mythbusters do experiments involving dead pigs in lieu of humans, I believe they get them already dead from a butcher.) Yes, some poor bastard at a hotel probably could be persuaded w/sufficient cash to help out with such a thing, esp. in the guy is question was behaving badly to everyone, or if they liked/felt sorry for the woman. It's unlikely, but not completely impossible.

    (Somehow this is reminding me of the Norwegian death metal band--Mayhem, I think--who had an interesting episode happen a few years back. The singer was brandishing a sheep's head stuck on a butcher's knife when, during one particularly flamboyant gesture, the head went sailing off the knife and knocked out some poor SOB in the crowd. He ended up being OK in the end, and had quite a story to tell, but damn...)

  43. Oh boy, I've certainly WANTED to do something like this, and my hat's off to someone who actually did.

  44. Who thinks Liam Hemsworth is A+ List?

  45. Robin that is one hell of a story! See this one could possibly be true. I'm sure she probably put a lot of meat at the door but not a whole 1/2 of a cow. I'm going with a RHOA person like Kenya Moore..She seems crazy enough to do it.

  46. For those of you who still don't seem to grasp what's going on here:

    noun Rhetoric.
    obvious and intentional exaggeration.
    an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

    Casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.

  47. I had a hard enough time sneaking a small cat carrier into a hotel. Oh, and she had the foresight of packing a hammer, nails, notepad and pen before tossing the partial cow over her shoulder?

    Why even bother publishing this kind of drivel?

  48. Kirstie Alley and John Travolta. It was a whole cow when she started.

  49. Too funny. You guys crack me up!

  50. That's just Miley bein' Miley, Y'all! She must've really had a BEEF with her guy! Seriously though, where does someone get a 1/2 a cow? Worse...can you imagine the poor assistant who had to find one for her? She's going to have PETA, the Beef Council, and all LA hotel managers up her a** if this comes out.

  51. Uhmmm - FYI, I happen to know some of the past numbered blinds to be true. Personally. So, at least for me, that shoots the theory that all numbered blinds are fake full of holes. Or a couple of holes at least. ;-)

  52. wait wait wait... Miley and Liam split?

    I know I have been out of the loop since I've started classes again but damn...

  53. Whoever this was should have gone all the way and put the cow in bed with him - Godfather style.

  54. Hotel, no. Motel, possibly.

    @ Seachica - The stuffed animal's an interesting theory but then the gesture would lose all impact, unless it was a gag played by other cast members (or that wacky prankster George Clooney).

    @ EllenPo - if you like it over at Blind Gossip so much, don't let the screen door hitcha where the good lord splitcha.

  55. idont know, this is just a little TOO crazy to make up, don't you think? can you imagine enty sitting in his office thinking and the, aha, half a cow! haha. i think it's obviously an exaggeration but i like to think it's true.

    no idea who though.

    oh and enty never said that she carried it herself.

  56. Back in the day Texas A&M was all male and all rotc. The seniors could be real bastards to the freshman. One senior was especially hated by my grandfather and his roommates. At the start of a long holiday weekend after the seniors had gone home, my grandfather and his buddies led a cow into the bastards room and shot it. A bit rough, but Texas in the 1920s was a different place. Three days of dead cow and no air-conditioning got the message through.

    The actress' actions seem improbable. Hotel security cameras? Leaving a threatening note? She really put herself at risk. One can buy a whole or partial butchered carcass that woukd only way a few hundred pounds so could be possible to move around, but not easy and would require several helpers.

  57. What if it wasn't a literal half-cow? what if it was frozen ground beef or something you could walk through a hotel in a cooler?
    I just really want this to be true. It sounds like a Jackie Collins novel.

  58. Wow Mango, I was just stating an opinion. No need to be mean

  59. No idea who the actress is, but the actor was Bart Simpson.

    He was quite upset! He ended up leaving her a voicemail that said:

    "Don't half a cow, man!"

  60. Half a cow? I am thinking Enty means a lot of meat, not half a cow has in a head and 2 legs (hahahahhaahha).

  61. I would have at least made sure there was some bacon in the mix. Not only would he be dead meat but a pig too.

  62. EllenPo, don't take it personally; some of us here have heard that same opinion hundreds of times and we're sick to death of it.

  63. Now THIS is what those baggage carriers were invented for, to put a half a cow in front of a cheater's door. Yippee Kai Yay, Miley Cyrus! ;-)

  64. As a vegetarian and animal lover, the "blind item" disgusts me, but not as much as some of the comments.

    Animal slaughter isn't entertaining or humorous.

    Having said that, I call bullshit on this (and many other) "Enty" blind items.

  65. Security camera video or it didn't happen.

  66. Feed Watcher - I only poke fun at this because it's ridiculous, completely unbelievable. It falls into the same category as Facebook forwards like "onions suck disease from the air" and "Obamacare is making us all get the mark-of-the-beast microchip by the 23rd."

    I'm with you, though, I can't tolerate killing animals for fun or fashion (animal testing, I'm looking at you) and I detest the way animals used for food are kept.

  67. Hey All,

    I don't come here very often, could someone please explain the "numbered blinds are fake" thing to me?

  68. Additionally, Blind Gossip has posted (and even revealed) at least a few blinds (prob more) that aren't at all true, so I don't know how much better they are than here.
