Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Blind Item #1

She finally slipped and said something. After two years this former almost A list mostly movie actress and now probably a C+ finally admitted to someone that she has been sleeping with this married A+++ list celebrity with A+++ name recognition and would be a HUGE scandal.


  1. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.

  2. So it's an actress sleeping with a very famous musician or athlete. Too vague.

  3. Oh Ent. We figured out the game. The more plus signs, the faker the blind!!

  4. Or maybe the pope - he's A+++ list and that would be a HUGE scandal, right?

    Seriously though, I got nothing.

  5. Sharon Stone and....

    Brad Pitt? Not married & doubt Angie would care


    Clooney? Not married

    Ben Affleck!

  6. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Agree Cathy. This could be anyone. I know Enty likes to limit his clues but this one is too vague.

  7. OMG where is Bprofane to see all the +'s and promptly lose his shit?

  8. I don't think the guy is an actor. In fact, we don't even know that the A+++ lister is even a guy!

  9. The A+++ could very well be President Bill CLinton.

    1. Exactly who I thought of, too!!

  10. Could the former A list, now C+ other woman, be Tom Hanks' co-star fr DaVinci Code?

  11. I imagine all the pluses narrows it down to currently being Number 1 in whatever area he's famous for.

  12. Cathy, good catch. I forget Celebrity means not an actor. Oh my, please don't be Sting.

  13. First time post...maybe Kate Hudson and Slick Willie?

  14. Angela Bassett and Obama

    1. Well, that would be a HUGE scandal! And he has A+++ name recognition.

  15. Yeah, thanks @Cathy for pointing out that even the A lister's gender is unknown. Tough one.

  16. You can't get more A+++ than Obama right? Maybe Bill Clinton

  17. Kerri Washington and Obama

    1. @Suzie P- lol you must watch Scandal

    2. Kerri Washington is on Michelle Obama's banned list of folks to stay away from her husband so there is something there and not just on tv.

    3. But Kerri was not almost A list movies.

  18. George Clooney and Julia Roberts

  19. I like the Clinton/Hudson guess. I can totally see it. Yuk.

  20. Gina Gershon and Bill Clinton

  21. If it weren't for the fact that just this weekend, Enty classified ScarJo as B+, I'd say it could be her and Clinton.

  22. It has gotta be.....Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell.
    That explains everything.
    He is A+++ in his own mind, right? And she was kinda good in 'A League of Their Own'

  23. Former A and now C+. Is this about LiLo?!

  24. Clinton, not Obama. Sitting POTUS sneaking with a known celebrity, not just in broom closets w/ randoms, and we wouldn't hear about it? nah....

    Definitely my Bill though & Kate Hudson. Although she's a bit o the lean side for him.

  25. I like the Kate Hudson & Bill Clinton guess. There was that time they hit up a party together or something a few months ago.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I think Phil and FSP got it.

  27. I wasn't insinuating that President Obama gets it on w/ randoms, I was just saying random is really the only way not to get caught these days, hell. They even got Willy with his intern, Obama would have to be triply-careful.

  28. I like the Gershon/Clinton guess, but I just googled the two of them and their "affair" was in 2008. That's more than 2 years...

  29. I'm liking Lisbeth's guess. Clinton and Hudson.

  30. In my wildest imagination I can't imagine Obama doing anything that could potentially provoke personal scandal, and I sure hope Bill Clinton isn't about the implode for a second time.

  31. The Obama guess was a joke.

  32. I'm not saying that I don't think anything happened between Clinton and Hudson, but I don't think the timeline fits for this to be her. We're looking for someone he might have been seen with two years ago, not two months ago.

  33. Sharon stone and bill clinton

  34. Oh man...this sounds juicy! Especially with the 50 + signs added to the A's! Reveal this one, Enty!

  35. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Elizabeth Banks and Wubya Bush. ( JUst kidding)

  36. Lotta--sorry, it wasn't you, it was me, always over-clarifying.

    Call me naive, but I do think the current Pres is too smart to do it, has enough self control while he's Pres. Before the internet, they didn't really have to, but now it's just too risky.
    Better not let me down, Barack! *shakes fist*

  37. Would it be that big a scandal for Bill Clinton? maybe more so for Hilary. Certainly would put a crink in her 2016 Presidential run - if it's even something she's considering.

    Kerry Washington is on TV so she's not mostly movie.

  38. Doubt it's Brad & Angie, she might not care but she does not want to be embarrassed .

  39. Clinton has always been super close to the blonde from Sex and the City - Samantha I think. Cant remember her real name, but they've attended events together.

  40. You're thinking of Kim Cattrall. Interesting though I sort of doubt it, what do I know.

    I like the Clinton guess regardless of who the woman is.

  41. "After two years.. finally admitted.. has been sleeping with.."

    That makes me question the Kate Hudson guess because she started dating, had a baby with, and then married Matt Bellamy from Muse during the same time period.

    @Lotta, thanks for pointing out Obama was intended as a joke. Duh me, lol

  42. The Celebrity President and Barbra.

  43. @Lotta. He's having a burrito.

    @Libby. You know the real reason he'd never consider it is because Michelle would kick his ass if she ever caught him.

  44. My guess, before reading any guesses, is Gina Gershon and Bill Clinton.

    Now, up to the guesses.

  45. I read this as Jay-Z, not a president. After all the attention Bey-Bey has been getting lately, I think that would be a huge scandal.

  46. @Jason Blue Eyes - it's a joke. On the tv show Scandal, Kerry Washington is (was) having an affair with the President (on the show). The Prez is the guy who killed Patrick Swayze in Ghost!

  47. I immediately thought Bill Clinton for the A+++ married celeb.

  48. Ashley Judd and Bill Clinton.

  49. Whatever B. Profane may say, I would say that a former president absolutely merits multiple pluses!

  50. Bigger scandal than Bill? Hillary.

    Doesn't specify whether celebrity is female or male, and we all know about the rumors.

  51. @Gayeld- LMAO

    @Izzie- snaps for Izzie! Thank you for explaining the Obama connection to this blind item. Believe it or not, there really WAS a rumor that Kerry Washington was getting close too close to our Prez and Michelle had her black listed from all future White House events. Katie Couric asked her about it on her talk show and Kerry denied it saying she still gets invited to DC events.

  52. Please don't let this be obama and kerri washington. Remind me to booo her if I ever encounter her.

  53. A+++? Is there even such a list? That would have to be Obama, can't think of anyone else :D

  54. Those rumors have surrounded every woman who has a high position in a govt. office. I think Newanda might be on to something.

  55. ...no...I think the Pope has one more + sign after it. (Just kidding)

  56. Tom hanks and ginnifer goodwin

  57. Isn't there a show called Scandal? Could it be an actress from that show?

  58. I love any guess that says "Blank and Bill Clinton". He still has it. And TOT, but Kerry Washington was at my job yesterday (I run youth programs out of a gym). She was teeny-tiny, gorgeous and very sweet to everyone (it was mid morning, so it was mostly moms and seniors). I am glad I did not know the Obama rumors yesterday, as I would have had to throw some side eye. No one messes with my FLOTUS!

  59. Ha, I was hoping Katie Holmes & someone, while she was still with Tommy. Don't think she's former A list, though.

  60. I seriously doubt Obama would cheat on Michelle for a number of reasons--he wouldn't want to cause any kind of scandal; they do seem to love each other very much; and, even if he were that foolish, she would totally kick his ass--never mind throwing phones; she'd probably have his nuts hanging from her rear-view mirror! Bill, however, I could see still being a big old horndog, and yes, it would cause Hilary no end of grief if word got out. Keep it in your pants, dude!

  61. Kerri Washington and Obama

    It explains Michelle's "midlife crisis" bangs.

  62. Gina Gershon and Kate Hudson are WAY too pretty for Clinton. He likes them a bit homelier.

  63. Man, i wanted to sleep with Bill Clinton. how are these basic bitches doing it before. I see you monica.

  64. The affair was two years ago. Clinton was seen basking in the glory of Hudson a few months back, at the Globes. I think this is Posh and Becks. Some golden couple. We already know Clinton cheats.

  65. OT. but a friend runs a dry cleaning outfit Miss Lewinsky uses. Al is hard of hearing, but the other day Monica dropped off a cocktail dress. He had his back to her, and didn't hear her clearly as she walked out and turned and said "come again?"

    "No, just mayonnaise this time" was her reply...

  66. Only two "HUGE" scandals possible: Obama, for obvious reasons, or Hillary's hubby, ditto. Everyone knows that Bill Clinton is a horndog, but we're supposed to forget if Hillary runs, I guess.

    I'm going with Clinton and Gershon, though it could be him and any chick. Seems like Obama is someone with more self-control - for the time being.

  67. Eva Longoria and Barack Obama

  68. Guys guys guys... the blind doesn't disclose the gender. Hell, it could be Hilary. BUT what about Ellen DeGeneres as the married A+++ celebrity? Everybody knows her! She's married to Portia and OMG if she was uncovered as a cheater that would be the worst scandal ever! Ugh the PR nightmare! It could seriously ruin her career.

  69. Oh please, it's not Obama. He's too smart to be stepping out, knowing he could get caught, he wouldn't do that to his kids, and I see him as a real family man.
    Enty says it would be a huge scandal, but if he knows about then others do as well, and if it is Obama it would have been made public for sure.

  70. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Kloie said:

    "Bigger scandal than Bill? Hillary.

    Doesn't specify whether celebrity is female or male, and we all know about the rumors."

    Veerrrrrrryyyyyy interesting!!!! I am intrigued!

  71. Gina Gershon and Willy Clinton

  72. A+++++ celeb with A+++++ recognition goes a bit beyond JayZ or another athelete-musician (don't we expect a lot of them to cheat anyway?). My first thought was this is a famous politician, world leader or even royalty. Someone like Prince William stepping out on Kate would generate a HUGE scandal in all caps as Enty put it here (I don't believe its him btw).

  73. Katie Holmes and David Beckham...

  74. Like the Prince William guess!

  75. I love how people think Obama is too smart to cheat on his wife. Don't you all remember back during election #1 and the early months of his first term when it was well publicized that Michelle was PISSED off at his welcoming attitude to all the women who were throwing themselves at her husband?! You don't get to be president by being a dummy, and presidents aren't known for their monogamy.

  76. The only A+++ celebrity would be the President, right? Oooh, I just scrolled up and see that others have the same idea. That being said, no. I am trying to think of who else is A+++. It has to be a head of state or someone - Clinton and Stone? There have been rumors in the past.

  77. In no way would Bill Clinton having sex with some woman be a scandal. It is sort of expected.

    And FrenchGirl, Bill did Sharon Stone a looooong time ago. Remember that whole Air Force one holding up flights at

  78. Clinton and Obama?????

  79. Jay Z and Gwyneth Paltrow

  80. Yeah ...who is considered A+++? plus married

    As others have said, the President? A News Anchor? Beckham? Beyonce? Ellen? Letterman again or Leno? Jon Stewart (I know a stretch for Alist) Robert Redford? Bruce Springsteen? Seinfeld? Bono? Cindy Crawford?
    I dunno.

  81. Anonymous11:52 AM

    A+++ would be Tom Hanks/Rita Wilson
    or Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Isn't the Jay Z and Gwyneth Paltrow blind already well known?
