Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blind Item #1

This B list mostly television actor was thrilled that his almost network hit show was going off the air. He finally felt that he could be more free about his sexuality and even date men openly. His management team said no to the idea though and have set him up with a girlfriend which they say he needs until he starts landing parts again.


  1. Somebody from

  2. Chace Crawford. The show was Gossip Girl.

  3. Chace was in the DM yesterday with a "mystery brunette" canoodling. Good guess Andrew

  4. damn the chace guess is solid. but is B though...?

    1. Well no one has commented "who?" So I am ok with the B list reference. And why does the other team always get the good ones! (Bad eighties movie reference I know.)

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    oh the hypocrisy of Hollywood.

  6. There are gays? In Hollywood? Well, I never!!!

  7. Happy Zombie Jesus Day CDaner's!!! Hope everyone has an awesome day <3 btw... Chace Crawford fo' sho!

  8. Chace's giant lip herpe was so distracting on the last season of Gossip Girl

  9. @VIP, he didn't have a cold sore, I believe he split his lip open and had to get stitches, which led to residual swelling. I can feel for him, about 5 years ago I took a fall and did the same thing - it took two years for my upper lip to look "normal" again...I looked like I was addicted to lip injections!

  10. Happy Lich Jesus Day to you too, warecat! I'm more amped for GoT tonight!!! I have no guesses, but find this really sad. Gay shouldn't outweigh talent to casting directors.

  11. Hollywood is as twisted at the Catholic Church.

  12. Johnny Galecki..?

  13. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Chace Crawford.

  14. Anonymous10:50 AM

    For sure Chace, remember that article outting him, gossip girls finished and he was just spotted with a girlfriend

  15. I like the galecki guess. Altho i personally dont care who is what, but i know its def a factor in actors lives. Idk why, because actors whole life is pretending to be someone else. You know the actor that played jane seymour's afopted son in medicine woman? Chad something? Well he is gay and has done all his acting on gay tv and venues. Why cant we see him?? Hes a good actor! He says he knew he had to make that choice to have a career.

    1. The BBT hasn't gone off the air, and its NOT Galecki. Sorry. Def Chace Crawford.

  16. Please read the clues in the blinds. Big Bang on CBS - not Galeki.

  17. So many problems with Galecki. 1) straight 2) not almost network 3) not going off the air

  18. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Chace 'n' Ed 4EVA!

  19. Pretty sure it's Chace, and think he needs a new management team.

  20. Chace's lip was so annoying but I'm glad it wasn't a cold sore!

  21. Honestly, wtf is wrong with you if you let your management team tell you "This is now your girlfriend."

    Spineless twit, those people work for you, not the other way around.

    Cuz being out has hurt Neil Patrick Harris and Zach Quinto so much...

  22. I want Chance Crawford & Zac Efron to be a couple.

  23. i'll date you, chace <3

  24. @Sandy - though I do think that Jack McBrayer is probably gay, 30 Rock was on NBC which is definitely a network. I like Chace Crawford for this. Wasn't he one of Ted C's more infamous blind monikers?

  25. Same shit, different day. Speculation and innuendo is on par with outing someone but Enty WOULD NEVER DO THAT. There's a blind about someone's sexuality everyday. You're dying to tell us who's gay but don't believe in outing. Again, we get it CC likes peen. Same rehashed, repackaged gossip. Bye.
