Sunday, March 03, 2013

Blind Item #1

Apparently they have to be seen to be believed, but they do exist. There have long been rumors that this foreign born A+ list celebrity/athlete/model plays for both teams. At one point there were photos of our celebrity making out with another man which were bought by our celebrity and some of his endorsement partners. Those are gone forever, but from the same party another group of photos has emerged which show him shirtless and with a man in his lap that he is making out with.


  1. David Beckham or cristiano ronaldo.

  2. Hhmmm I am going to go with Rinaldo.

  3. Muppet voiced David Beckham

  4. I am going with the pretty boy Christian R. He is just TOO perfect.

  5. With so much endorsement money and his family life on the line, you think he'd find a private place to make out. In the age of mobile phones and button video cameras, making out with anyone of any gender at any party is asking to be exposed.

  6. Rinaldo. No doubt.

  7. I'm gonna have to see those pics to believe it's really Becks.

  8. Highly doubt it's Ronaldo.

  9. If it's Pique, didn't Dlisted run the photos? Or am I thinking of Marc Jacobs piece?

  10. I'd love to see those pictures!! Hubba hubba!

    1. Especially if it was both of them!

  11. Anonymous9:55 AM

    OH Becks

  12. Gerard Pique or Cristiano Ronaldo but we'll never find out because you know those photos will be purchased and destroyed just like the previous ones.

  13. Let me see those receipts

  14. Just to throw another name: Leonid Messi??

    1. @Turkish, I don't think Lionel Messi can be considered a model.

  15. Gotta go with one of Beckham, C.Ronaldo or Pique.

  16. Pique .... a tiny hint?

    I am not sure what the eventual reasoning was for this .. but it is rather decidedly a tender moment.

    And, again, let me get all sappy with it and say wouldn't it be a wonderful world if folks could just be who they are without so damned many ramifications. If I had seen that moment in real life I would have thought, "How lovely. They look a happy, sweet couple. Mazel tov to them." Instead a loving moment like that needs to be denied and explained away. : / Sad as hell if you ask me.

    1. Ohhhh myyyy, Wil!

      I totally agree with you. It's frustrating, but I try to remember that it wasn't that long ago that people thought interracial marriage was a sin.

  17. Gerard Pique is not A+ list. Becks is.

  18. @will, I don't know who Piqué is, but that picture says a lot!

  19. Dont care, but for harpers sake, hope it isnt her daddy!

  20. I only know who Ronaldo is because I read Dlisted. I would know Becks without the internet. Becks fits this description. I don't know Pique, but I like his name.

  21. @Izzie: Apparently a lot of people still do--I don't recall the exact stats, but I did see the results of a survey taken in 2 Southern states (Alabama & Mississippi, I think), and between 25-30% of the respondents still thought interracial marriage was wrong.

    1. @Robin, it's sad, isn't it? When my mom (born in the 50s, raised in the south) called to tell me my cousin was pregnant out of wedlock, she staged whispered, "By a black boy!" I was like, "And?"

    2. Izzie, on that note, a friend of my cousins went down south in the late 60's /early70's, with peace corp, and got involved with a blabk man and had a baby with him. Thus guy was twice her age, already had a coupla wives, was abusive, yet all anyone cld talk about was fact that baby half black!! I finally exploded one day and said," isnt the fact hes already married, has a bunch of kids, is abusive, and is twice her age more of a problem ????"" Eventually when baby still under a year she left him and eventually married.

  22. Good point about Pique not being A+ list and I just don't get the feeling that Becks would be that indiscreet with a man if his hookups with women have never been photographed, so Cristiano Ronaldo for the win.

  23. I thought I read in an English headline last week linking Rinaldo to being gay.Rinaldo would be A list because he is considered the best player in the world.

  24. Honestly, is Ronaldo A+ list? A+ PEOPLE! He's not. If you went up to 100 people on the street, I bet no more than 30 would have heard of him.

    A+ means everyone has heard of you and knows who you are.

    Examples of A+ athletes are Beckham, Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong.

    You can be a legend in your sport, but still not be an A+ list athlete. A+ means you're a household name.

    1. You're thinking of A+ name recognition. Like Lohan. Different.

      Ronaldo is 100% A+ list athlete.

    2. Little Miss I am guessing you ain't travelled outside the US. There's a big wide world out there and they all know who Ronaldo is.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @Little Miss, Cristiano Ronaldo may not be A+ list in your world, but he is in those of many others, and you are probably the only person left in the world who would classify Lance Armstrong as A+ list. It's all in the eyes of the subjective beholder.

  26. @Phoenix A+ doesn't mean beloved, it means universally known. I stick by my assertion.

  27. What about that tennis player? Andy Roddick?? There have been rumors about him for awhile and he did model some watch.

  28. the thing is that soccer isn't big in USA, so that's why you might not know who piqué, ronaldo, kaká etc. are.
    in the rest of the world they're known and would totally be considered A+ list.

    anyway, my money is on cristiano ronaldo. he has a child by a surrogate and the rumors about his gayness have been around for years.

  29. ok Little Miss. I put a little more than love into my assessment. Talent in the sports world tops the list in that category, and he's considered the number one footballer (soccer player) in the world. For whatever reason he doesn't resonate with you personally.

  30. It can easily be both Ronaldo and Becks, the rumors have followed them for a few years. It would be interesting to see the pics get released. No wonder Posh always looks pissed and sad...she knows her man is cheating on her but with lads instead!!

  31. the fact you rate Beckham as A+ ahead of Ronaldo shows you haven't a about football. Ronaldo has more talent in his pinkie toe than Beckham's had his entire career!

    I fancy Ronaldo or becks for this too.

  32. Ronaldo is absolutely 100% A+ list, Pique might not have quite as many column inches, but he is definitely A+ list too, playing for Spain and Barca, and just had a baby with Anastasia.
    There's a world outside the US borders...
    BTW-this isn't Beckham. There were never rumours about that over here.

    1. @gemini, Piqué just had a baby with Shakira not Anastasia and frankly that doesn't take him out of the running for this blind.

  33. In the rest of the world, Ronaldo is A+++ list. He's considered by many to be the best player in the world.

    I think this is Cris. Pique is in no way A list, he is however, bi. Poor Shakira.

  34. Definitely Beckham. Isn't he one of the many reasons Katie Holmes managed to get away with Suri without Tom Putting up any real fight? ;)
    I'd still soooo do him <3

  35. Usain Bolt? Just throwing it out there...

  36. Remember that the blog's nom de plume is an LA-based entertainment lawyer. It's not about talent or sports or anything like that - it's about (mostly US) name recognition. That's why Enty sometimes says "A+ name with D+ talent" or something like that. Beckham is all over the place with his football, his wife, his (freaking adorable) kids, charity work, continental moves, etc.

    I'd bet on a blind about Beckham as A+ with Ronaldo as "C name recognition with A+ talent" kind of scenario. Football (soccer) in the States is not nearly as popular as it is pretty much anywhere else. Many US sports enthusiasts could name at least 3 football (US football, not soccer) and/or basketball names before 1 soccer player. And then it would be probably be Mia Hamm.

  37. Ronaldo is absolutely A+++. Soccer is the number one sport on the PLANET. Add American football AND American baseball AND basketball, and you still do not come close to the number of soccer supporters around the globe. And Ronaldo is arguably the number 1 player of that number one sport. He's worth hundreds of millions, models for top companies and dates a supermodel... Add the gossip about the baby on the could he not qualify?!? this isn't about A+ recognition of names Ina gossip rag, where I still think even most Americans would recognize him or his name (he dates Irina Sh. For crissake- they are n the mags, usually oiled up and yachting somewhere fabulous) and he qualifies easily. The blind stated a+ athlete (no question) / model (absolutely) / celebrity (more recognizable than the pope and revered by far more).

    Whether the answer is Ronaldo or Becks, if Posh and/or Irina don't care if he is bi, niether do I. And I'd they do, well. I still don't. Let him be judged if he is a liar to people in his real life, not if he hasn't shared with the world his sexual preferences. Silliness...

  38. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Oh god not Becks! he so gorgeous

  39. Anonymous4:04 PM

    It not sayin "married" or makes me believe its rinaldo..he's gorgeous too. all the gays are beautiful dammit!

  40. no one has mentioned Tom Brady...

  41. @PS, for some strange reason soccer isn't a big sport in America but is everywhere else, and sadly too many Americans tend to think that whatever doesn't revolve around them doesn't matter. I don't mind saying that as American myself because I find it personally embarrassing.

  42. scratch that, he's not foreign born.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Definitely Gerard Pique. I decided to google Gerard Pique Gay and I guess there is a few pictures around of him being too cozy with male friends and possible making out in one. Poor Shakira.

  45. Here is the link to one of the pictures that are floating around of Gerard Pique and his presumed male lover.

  46. It is probably Ronaldo, but oh bebe Jesus please let there be video, photographic any medium really of hot boy on old school Beck's action. Please. I'll say my nightly prayers until forever!

  47. I'm going with Ronaldo. No, he's not A+ in the US, but he is anywhere that soccer is the most popular sport (so pretty much EVERYWHERE else). I remember something like 5 years ago where he got caught with a prostitute and when it turned out the prostitute was cross-gender he tried to spin it by saying he only got arrested because he punched her when he figured it out or something? IDK, don't remember the details, but it seemed fishy at the time and there have ALWAYS been rumors about him.

  48. Something different, Stavos Niarchos

  49. Well...if it is Becks, that would explain why he was close to Tom Cruise and Will Smith for a while there. Something must have happened with them...and Victoria put her foot down.

  50. I co-sign Cristian Ronoldo. See here for proof of his mind being blown at the sight of another guys bulge...



    Shakira's Baby Daddy in a story back in May 7 2010 how Gerard Pique and fellow team mate Zlatan Ibrahimovic were caught getting intimate in the parking lot.
