Monday, March 25, 2013

Blind Item #1

This A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee who spent one weekend night talking to women in a bar. When they approached him, he asked each what they would be willing to do for $1000. Apparently one of them answered the way he wanted because he invited her to sit down and then left the bar with her a short time later.


  1. Sounds like DiCaprio. Isn't he between models at the moment?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like your DiCaprio guess. He's the only A+er that I'd think would just be hanging out in a bar. Doesn't seem like a Clooney-type thing, yanno?

  4. if it was leo or sean it wouldn't really be a blind.. I mean who cares that they did that. This has to be someone married or has a high profile SO... right?

  5. How about Sean Penn? I think he would be brazen enough to be that tacky and scuzzy.

  6. Mel Gibson. Leo's models don't need $1000.

  7. I wanna know what it is! What's so dirty that it costs you a grand? Pegging?!?!

  8. Maybe it's Tommy and he asked for a strap-on.

  9. As @Izzie taught us on Friday, maybe she was down to plam.

    1. Ah shit. Now I gotta look up plam. Off to urban dictionary!

    2. Ouch! Sounds painful for both parties!

    3. I did the google for it. The sex act and Pro-Life Action Ministries came up. I found that highly amusing.

      OT: my dearly beloved grandma passed away yesterday. Surrounded by lots of family, praying her favorite prayer, Hail Mary. It was a fast decline and we were all caught off guard.

      Hug a loved one today and let them know what they mean to you.

    4. Hee @Lotta! Talk about higher education - and all of that from a Your Turn about plastic bags!

      Hugs @rexruther - sounds like she knew she was loved.

    5. @rexruther Sorry for your loss, but glad family was with your grandma surrounding her with love. Prayers for you & your family.

  10. That is a lot of burritos, but that is weird, you would think in the current celeb culture your A+ wouldn't have to pay, so it must be something really unusual.

    Maybe Adrien Brody and something with that nose...

  11. @rejectedcarebear: It's probably nothing special. This person probably just gets off on treating/turning women into whores and getting what he wants at that moment. It speaks to a real ugliness of character in the heart of this person.

  12. I would think that the $1000 isn't for the sex - A+ listers can generally get whatever sex they want for free.

    The $1000 is for the silence. And for leaving right afterwards.

  13. For some reason I thought of Jack Nicholson.

  14. If he wants something that weird that'll cost 1K, why not hire a professional? That way they get exactly what they want.

  15. You know who we never guess for any blinds, and somewhere something's got to fit for him, James McAvoy. Was watching First Class this weekend and he lives a low key life, but something is there...maybe not this one...but something.

  16. I like the Mel guess. I'm still a fan of his but he would definetely have to pay me and a lot more than what he is offering.(Just Kidding, maybe, not).

  17. 1000 dollar ?These chicks man are too easy . Cone man he got ma money. At Least try to get 10,000- 20,000

  18. I doubt the $1000 is just for the act then split. It is probably for an overnight.

    I'd guess the whore took it in the butt or tossed his salad.

  19. Noooo!!! Not James McAvoy. It can't be, he seems like such a normal bloke. Him and Anne Marie Duff (wifey) used to live in a small flat in an unglamourous location (eg not Primrose/Notting Hill) and used to drive a Micra (small/tiny type of car grannies drive). They are very low key, she inspired him to continue acting, to not give up (so he's said in interviews,I don't know them personally obv)

    I'm sure he's v much wysiwyg.

    I reckon it sounds more like Adrien Brody.

  20. I hope not, but gotta throw it out there. Johnny Depp?

    Sounds more like Mel...

  21. I thought Johnny Depp.

    Who's James McAvoy? (Not exactly an A+er in my opinion.)

  22. yeah i was wondering when McAvoy would start getting blinds done about him. definately not for this one though. i would say he's almost A list. B+ for sure maybe A-. he's headlining the new Danny Boyle film, trance, as well as welcome to the punch. was professor x in the new x men.

    i don't think this is Leo. i'm thinking Penn or Bradley Cooper?

  23. McAvoy hasn't been nominated for an Oscar.

  24. "Academy Award winner/nominee," excludes Depp & DiCaprio as well as anyone else who hasn't won an Oscar. Neither of them would do this, anyway.

  25. Depp was nominated, but I hope it's not him.

  26. Well, I learned what "pegging" and "plam" is today. I guess it's not a wasted day after all. Thanks guys!

  27. for some reason I was thinking of Tom Hanks while reading this.

  28. Wth is with women?? Who knows where this guys twigs and berries have been??!! Yuck!

  29. Yeah, because a broad willing to leave a bar and earn a grand the hard way probably has very strong morals and is quite selective in the drunks she lets flop on top of her. She probably had her fingers crossed for the condom to break.

  30. Cooper? Dicaprio? Depp? Clooney? .... all?

  31. I'd be willing to kick him in the balls. Maybe he's into that kind of thing.

  32. DiCaprio has been nom'd but never won an Oscar. Mel has however. This totally sounds like his MO these days.

  33. @Sherry:
    Oscar nominee/winner = Oscar nominee or Oscar winner

  34. I thought of Mel right away but is he still A list?

  35. He got his house painted for cheap...

  36. @rexruther, sorry for your loss, big hugs to you.

  37. DiCaprio has never won an Oscar so it isn't him. My guess is Adrien Brody.

  38. Anonymous4:46 PM

    @rexruther My condolences. I hope the fact that her passing was peaceful will help you through this difficult time.

  39. Michael Fassbender - he left the bar with that old blonde a couple of weeks back, not sure what she was into though.

    1. Bwahaha if it was Fassbender the 1000 bucks was for the jaw reconstructive surgery later

  40. Fassbender is not an Academy Award winner or nominee.
