Monday, March 18, 2013

Blind Item #1

This former A list Tweener was busted by a teacher in the restroom of a school that the Tweener was visiting for a literacy event. The Tweener was set to read to the kids, but the teacher asked the Tweener to leave after she was caught doing lines of coke in the bathroom at the elementary school that kids were using.


  1. Elementary school? I know Demi has visited high schools to talk about bullying but idk about this one.

  2. Bieber visited Whitney Elementary School a year ago ... so maybe he visited again?

    1. Hahaha it says she but since you said beiber I'll let it slide..

  3. IDK about this one - what adult goes into the children's bathroom at an elementary school? There are adult facilities provided! I only go into the kids' bathroom to root out a slowpoke - total glamor part of the job, let me tell ya :-). Only little boys think the bathroom is the perfect place to have a party during lunch!

    Anyway, WTF? I GUESS she could have ducked in there real quick and then got busted, but I'm throwing shade on this BI. Love you, Enty, but there you have it.

  4. Demi. Definitely a girl-she was caught doing lines of coke.

  5. Miranda Cosgrove visits schools for the "Read To Lead" reading literacy program, as a "reading ambassador," and reads to kids.

  6. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Selena is in the DM

  7. Smaller elementary schools often either don't have any "adult" facilities or only a few.

    If I was a teacher in need of a quick piss, I will use what's near me rather than walk across the school (especially if my classroom is on the opposite end of the building).

    Of course, I don't think anything of using a women's restroom if it is single use with a lock if the men's restroom is occupied.

    Teachers used the student restrooms all the time in every public school I attended.

  8. Thanks, Evil K. I have never been in an elementary school where the adults used the kids' restrooms, but my experience has always been in very large (over 1000 students) school settings.

  9. Plus, many schools (again, just in my experience) have a "no adults using the kids potty" rule to eliminate any hint of wrongdoing from ever being a possibility. Sad but true reality.

  10. Frufra: Where ya been? Nice to see you!

  11. isnt this miley? didnt she have a BI where she did coke and talked about how liam was fuckiing someone else?

  12. Anonymous8:16 AM

    At the school I taught at the kindergarteners were in a portable building with a girls and boys potty and I always used the kids potty instead of hiking to the main building. I liked having a bathroom/sink and water fountain between the two classrooms in our portible too. It helped alot with disapline issues and stuff.

  13. curly - why would lines of coke indicate this has to be a woman? Men don't do lines of coke?

  14. Hi Sherry - I've started teaching full time, so I've become a nighttime lurker, mostly. But I'm baaaack - it's Spring Break!

    Don't be too jealous - it's a balmy 44 degrees here - not getting a tan or anything :-).

  15. @Seachica, this line: teacher asked the Tweener to leave after she was caught doing lines of coke

  16. Seachica - SHE was caught doing lines of coke. Read what Enty wrote.

  17. How inapprociate can u be??!! And if im at school, i will use any loo handy, kid or adult.

  18. And here's a better question..Can't you shut the door and sniff discretely? Or hey here's an idea..Wait til you get finished? Jeez!


  19. If I am a teacher, and I catch a celebrity doing lines of coke in the bathroom of an elementary school do I:

    a) tell the principal
    b) tell the publicist
    c) tell the police

    I would love to know what the first instinct would be -- from a teacher.

  20. You better believe I'm picking a. Chain of command is in play in elementary schools. And the administration has to be mindful of the sort of publicity they bring down on their school and district as well. Calling 911 without notifying your principal, and the cops roll up with lights a blazin'? No thank you.

  21. At the schools I'm familiar with, the teacher's toilets are all locked & only the staff has the keys, so everyone else uses the regular toilets.

  22. I'm calling total BS on this one. NO ONE is that effing stupid. NO ONE.

  23. Most likely the object of the BI slipped into the little girls room without anyone's knowledge. It doens't say she was in the kid's bathroom. She could have been caught in the adult's bathroom.
