Friday, March 15, 2013

Blind Item #1

This almost A list mostly movie actor from a nice franchise who has A+ name recognition was asked if he would like some company from ladies while he was in town. The actor said that he would skip it because he assumed they would all be Asian and he does not like to have sex with anyone unless they are white.


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Arnold Schwarzenegger?

  2. Where's the next Hangover filming?

    1. @ VIP - in Tijuana, apparently

  3. Oh no....really !

  4. Who is in Japan? Hong Kong? Thailand? Filming or premier?

  5. Apparently Liam Hemsworth is in the Phillipines

    1. @Karen Ah! Then this should have been marked Easy Easy!

      Karen's right. Liam FTW!

    2. @Karen, yeah i just saw that @bri posted that in the Liam thread. She said he's in Manila and his franchise would the HG.

  6. I was thinking about nice francise and all I could come up with is Harry Potter. I don't get the feeling that Harry's into girls so not him and the ginge is no way A list, so I got nothing.

  7. If it's Liam my fantasy has died....

  8. Ugh, who's the racist?

  9. I don't give a fig about Liam. I only hope that his hound-doggery isn't a family trait. Chris is the one who makes my heart skip a beat.

    Oh, also, I can only get the ones marked "easy, easy"!

  10. Wait, wait, it's racist to have sexual tastes, now? Diversity bangs?

    Hey, I'm fat and ugly, can I sue for discrimination if Cameron Diaz won't do me?

  11. Just the thought process behind this:
    Random Foreign Prostitute---YES PLEASE

    Asian Random Foreign Prostitute---No way, gross!


  12. I thought all dudes loved Asian chicks. Guess not.

  13. How about, "Random foreign chick whose look turns me on? Sure. Random foreign chick whose look doesn't? No, thanks."

  14. I don't see this as racist. The guy just knows (or thinks he knows) what his sexual tastes are. If he was offered a couple of guys, and he said he was only into ladies, that wouldn't make him homophobic.

  15. now Liam Hemsworth is almost A list actor? in what world?

    he's in DM today and how can Enty know it? Enty isn't in Philippines

  16. @JAS: Wanna go in on a class action lawsuit? (I use the term "class" loosely, of course.)

  17. Good. Yellow fever is repulsive. Voice like a catfight, face like puke isn't just a clever cartoon. Nice to see a white guy with standards.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      And this, folks, is why we dislike comments like those from the actor. Because it encourages crap like this.

  18. @FSP Can I get a RDJ...

    This could really be him unless this person was in Japan; he was told not to return due to his criminal record when he went there to promote the first IM; unless the ban has been lifted.

  19. @888 I don't know wtf race you are but I'm sure the Asians find you repulsive too. Keep your racial comments to yourself.

  20. @888 I don't know wtf race you are but I'm sure the Asians find you repulsive too. Keep your racial comments to yourself.

  21. Someone tell this tool that it's all pink inside.

    Taste the rainbow, bro.

  22. Whatever happened to a simple "No, thank you"? No reasons necessary.
    @ Count Jerkula: shame on us both, but LOL!
    Re. the number-named commenter: do not feed the troll.

  23. I bet you whoever it is, is skipping it, not because he'll only sleep with white women, but because he's really gay and doesn't want to sleep with any women.

  24. Anonymous8:33 AM

    wow, this thread went downhill quick!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @karen - totally right ? Lol

    I'm not picky when it comes to race. My first husband was Jamaaican and Cuban - My second Jewish - I was briefly engaged to a guy from Kuwait and it was a joke among my family that my womb was named " The UN "

  27. The Rock promoting GI Joe in Korea

  28. Thank you, @Basil. I was just coming on to make a similar comment. Not being turned on by Asian women doesn't mean you're racist. It means you have a type, and in this case it's white. I'm particularly attracted to middle Eastern or European types myself. I like dark, swarthy men. I don't get hot over blond guys AT ALL. Means nothing.

    BTW, Liam is in Australia, not the Philippines. There have been a million articles over the last few days pointing that out.

  29. @Hits unless the Rock has changed over the past few years, he is not exclusive to White Chicks. I know for a fact.

    I don't think this was a racist comment; it's just the man's preference. I myself date various races but my preference is White men with brown hair or dark skin Black men.

    Now if he had said it like that douche bag John Meyer; than it might have came off as a little racist.

  30. I don't really think it is racist. I've a Caucasian friend who is attracted exclusively to Asian guys. I (very Anglo) personally don't dig Nordic-lookers but love Latino guys. Entire porn libraries have been created to cater to these attractions. No biggie.

  31. Asian women are some of the most beautiful women in the world. I guess this makes up for all the white guys who won't date caucasian women.

  32. Not being turned on by Asian women doesn't mean you're racist. It means you have a type, and in this case it's white.

    He just might not like Asian types. He might like Latinas or even Black females.

  33. How do y'all know where celebrities are on any given day? I would have no clue who is in Asia right now.

  34. I agree that this doesn't sound racist more like he has his preference. If he would have said something offensive about Asians that would be racist. I dated different types, black, Latinos, Asians and my husband is Egyptian but I understand if others like a certain type.

  35. HEmsworth is in Manila

  36. Thank you Rosemary. I cannot understand why anyone takes the bait. Once people here actually ignored someone and they kept trying like hell to get a rise out of everyone. They finally stopped and went the hell away.

    I think this isn't racist either. What if his preference was only blondes or only Asian. Would that be racist? Everyone has a sexual ideal. How about kudos for NOT buying a prostitute?

    So is Liam in the Philippines now or still home in OZ?

  37. Count Jerkula made me choke on my Diet Coke. That was funny!

  38. What's wrong with having a preference? I've heard from many sources that most Asian men (in Asia, as opposed to Asian-Americans) don't find most white women attractive... too large, even the slender ones are larger-boned than the average woman in some Asian countries, especially southeast Asia.

  39. I agree with all those who pointed out that sexual preference =/= being a bigot.

  40. I read it as Harry Potter and hoped not...

    The reason it sounds racist is b/c it specifically says he doesn't like to have sex with anyone unless they are white. Could've said "I prefer blondes" or "got a thing for Italian guys" or "BBW fan" but to specifically said "no sex unless you're white" has a race-baiting sound to it. (Not condoning or agreeing, just pointing it out.)


    does not like to have sex with anyone unless they are white.

    So he swings in both directions as long as they're white? :b

  41. Don't think it is racist either. Think he mentioned his preference to find out if any were available from the source.

  42. This could be Liam Hemsworth because according to the NY Post he did in fact arrive in Manilla today. That doesn't make him a racist but he is dumb as a rock.

  43. This guy is a fucking racist, and apparently he's not alone. :(

  44. If he's in the Philippines he's real dumb. Them broads ain't called "Lil Brown Fuck Machines" fer nuthin. I still wouldn't mail order one though. Better off dating one after the mail order relationship fails. Saves you a lot on tariffs, licensing and destination fees.

  45. Good Lord! Have we, as a society, gotten so politically correct that sexual preferences are now deemed racist???? I'm a white woman who is only attracted to/will date white men. It's not because I think white people are superior to other cultures. I LOVE learning about(and having friends from) other cultures around the world. If I had endless amounts of money, I would travel and live abroad for the rest of my life. However, in the case of physical attraction, I only find myself attracted to white men. And considering i'm pushing the ripe old age of 40, I think I have enough experience in life and love to be sure of what I am/am not attracted to.

    I'm sorry, but this whole PC thing has gotten way out of hand. Is it racist for black men to prefer only black women? Am I a misogynist because i'll only date men? Please.

  46. If he's in the Philippines he's real dumb. Them broads ain't called "Lil Brown Fuck Machines" fer nuthin. I still wouldn't mail order one though. Better off dating one after the mail order relationship fails. Saves you a lot on tariffs, licensing and destination fees.

  47. Mooshki, why on earth would you deem him racist? Did he say something particularly nasty about another race? Did the blind state that he considers himself superior to non-whites? Did he commit a hate crime against the woman?

    Definition of RACISM

    1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    2: racial prejudice or discrimination

    And no, not being sexually attracted to another race doesn't count as prejudice or discrimination, sorry.

    It is ridiculous (and frankly quite disturbing) that someone can be branded a racist because of their preferences. And truthfully, no one has the right to dictate (or force) who I (or anyone else) should be attracted to - gay, straight, black, white, boy, girl, whatever.

    Furthermore, everyone is assuming the actor is white! I certainly know of people who are non-white that strictly prefer white women/men only.

  48. I wish I was attracted to asian women. For some reason they are very attreacted to me which my wife finds endlessly amusing and loves to tease me about. I have always liked super smart redheads and found the perfect one and married her.

  49. This is not racist at all.
    It even speaks good about his manhood, because usually yellow girls are more attracted to whites (or blacks, or whatever) because their men have tiny schlongs, and standard white ones look like scud missiles to them in comparison.

  50. I think the point being made is that by specifying that he'll only sleep with white women it comes across a bit racist. He probably didn't need to be so specific...unless he was hoping he had other options?

  51. Why is this even a blind item? So this guy likes white-looking women, so what? At the same time, lots of people have no preference because physical appearance isn't important to them.
    By the way, if this is Liam H., it's not like people don't know he sleeps around. This blind is simply here to stir shit.

  52. Shouldn't the real issue be that they were offering him up ho's?

  53. Being offered whores in high dollar hotels over there is probably like being offered a continental breakfast coupon here.

  54. confirmed, Liam:,,20682292,00.html#21294937

    Liam is in the Phillippines.

  55. i like irish vag. irish chicks have clean vaginas. asians don't, especially indians from india. eew, gross!

  56. Goddamn, this thread is disappointing.

  57. Flaming Pop-Tarts, right out of the toaster!

    @Count: if I shower anymore tea out of my nose and short circuit my monitor due to your comments, my husband is going to flip out about shelling out more money for another new monitor. Your comments are pure comedy....

  58. @ Rowan: Thank you for the compliment, I am glad I entertain you.

    2 suggestions: 1. Check tigerdirect and newegg for daily deals on monitors
    2. If hubby gets that mad, turn, stick your tush out and say, "I'm sorry I was a naughty girl. Why don't you show me how naughty it was." Hopefully what ensues will distract him from the fact he gonna have to crack open his wallet.

  59. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I find the comments on here much more racist. Someone said "yellow girls"?? For fucks sake this is ridiculous. All of it, I can't believe people think being racist is funny, its not.

  60. How does Enty get this info? How in the world could someone know if this was true or just a made up pile of s**t?

  61. I think the Friday Enty JR needs to be placed on hiatus.

  62. How is this racist? It's hideously sexist and misogynistic (ie, hookers should be faceless vessels for male sperm), but there's no harm in being attracted to some people and not others.

    When I was a young single Latina woman, I only liked to date white men (ended up marrying one, too). Never found Asian or Latino men attractive - sorry. Did have crushes on a few African-American men, but THEY all wanted white girls.

    It's just personal preference.

  63. He has a preference and it is white women I guess. Which is fine. Now if he told other white guys to date only white women, then that would be an issue.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.
