Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blind Item #1

This B list mostly movie actress and sometime model thought she had her B list celebrity boyfriend all to herself. He is older and high profile so she thought she would know if he was cheating if he wanted to. Well, she has been dropping the ball. Even though they have worked together almost all of the past year, she never noticed that he and his assistant were having a little fling. Well, not just a little fling. It has been going on since he was married and cheating with our actress.


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Ashton and Mila

  2. Is Liberty Ross B list? Jimmy Iovine is older and high profile.

  3. @anna - as much as I want this to be those two, I don't think it is as Enty says celebrity and not actor. So who is an older athlete, singer, performer dating a younger lady friend?

    All of them! I'm totally stumped.

  4. As much as it pains me to say, I think Ashton is higher than B-list.

  5. Yeah.. "they have worked together almost all of the past year" doesn't fit Ashton & Mila either.

  6. If Gabrielle Union played for the Miami Heat, I would say her and Dwayne Wade. But she doesn't...

  7. I immediately thought of Nigel Barker from things I've heard about his cheating ways. Makes sense if she models and he's had attractive assistants before.

  8. Halle and Oliver? Probably not since they are engaged. I'm the worst with blinds.

  9. Who has reason to work together? I know this isn't correct but I'm thinking on a khloe and lamar track?

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Khloe has never been in a movie.

  10. So is the celebrity still married or recently separated/divorced?

    And my Nigel would never!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I took it to mean that he and the assistant have worked together for over a year.

  13. The Great Oz is over 150 million world wide in 2 days. Mila isn't B list anymore.

    I'm going to say Ginny Goodwin and Prince Charming/Josh Dallas. He is divorced, and have been working dating for awhile now.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @funkyniblets, I think you're right. That's why I'm so bad at these. The ambiguity goes right over my head every time.

  16. @timebob, good guess! Josh Dallas is so boring. Howard Wolowitz makes a better Prince Charming!

    1. Oh his prancing little body! Amazing. Thank you.

    2. Oh his prancing little body! Amazing. Thank you.

  17. hahahahahahhahahaha!!! @izzie you just made my day!

  18. No, I think it's pretty clear that the subject of the blind has been working with her boyfriend for the past year. The assistant has also been keeping his bed warm since way back when he was married and started cheating on his wife with the subject of the blind. Having said all that, I have no guess. I hardly ever have a guess on these...

  19. Mila is no longer a B- she's A- or on her way to A-list.

  20. Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis

  21. Olsen and captor. Fairmaiden, that is too fucking funny!

    @ Izzie - OMG Bernadette was hilarious the other night when the other "bitches" wanted to be Cinderella, LOL! She looked really good, too. I might watch that ep again today in between my Breaking Bad marathon.

    As for the Blind, I got nothin'.

  22. I love Bernadette! "As a microbiologist, I can tell you that even the tiniest organisms can still tear you a new one."

    @timebob - :D

  23. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Dropping the ball makes me think our celebrity has to be an athlete. If this were an old blind I would say it fit Cami or Kate and ARod. Must head to Daily Mial for clues....

  24. agreed dropping the ball is a clue. need to think about this one, not good with sports figures

  25. Dropping the ball. Ashton was in New years eve.

  26. First time commenting: Peter Facinelli and Jaimie Alexander? He has a higher profile than her, and they worked together on Loosies and Nurse Jackie... Not sure about the dropping the ball clue tho :)

  27. Gotta be Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union.She was the home wrecker that ruined his marriage to his HS sweetheart and she isn't going down without a fight.There were also some questionable photos of him out with women a few years back. Rumors have surrounded this guy for years
