Sunday, March 24, 2013

Blind Item #1 - Kid's Choice Awards

This must have been a sight to see last night. Kid's Choice Awards after party. Two huge tweener stars on a a show that is currently airing. Mid-teens at best and bent over with their knees on the bathroom floor and short dresses riding up while they do lines of coke off a menu from the party. Meanwhile there were five or six other people in the bathroom.


  1. Not really up on the tween shows, but my guess is Bella Thorne and Zendaya from Shake It Up

  2. That girl on DWTS with the Z name & someone else from that Disney dance show she's on (Shake it Up I think)?

  3. Wow, such "good" examples for teens today.Sigh.

  4. Was Dan Schneider there?

  5. That is sad. My girls are 10 and almost 12 and we watch a lot of Nick and Disney. These kids aren't even much older.
    I know it happens all the time but when it is kids so young it makes me sad.

    1. And I meant to say I don't have a guess because it really could be any of them.

  6. Wtf put your menu on the sink dumbasses.

    1. @ethorne - classic rookie mistake.

      Think there's clear on the "beer on liquor, never sicker; liquor on beer, never fear" routine? They really need to get better management if they're going to embrace the HWood lifestyle - sheesh.

    2. "They're clear" sorry couldn't edit

    3. Or you act like a mutha-f- diva and make some lackey hold it for you. Gawd, get it together!

    4. Come on they did ok. At least they didn't snort lines directly off the toilet seat. :)

  7. Although I saw a picture of Scott Baio on the Red Carpet with one of the girls from his show, Ryan Newman. Maybe her & the other girl from that show? They're young teens too. Knowing he's probably involved, it wouldn't surprise me in the least.

  8. See Dad Run, that's the Scott Baio show. Thank you The Google.

  9. One of the kids that used to work for me is an intern on the Conan show and got to be a 'talent escourt' last night. She said that josh Duhmel was super friendly and personally high fived, shook hands with and thanked every single person working. No word on anyone acting up yet, but she's a glass half full kinda kid and I hate to change her perspective just yet.

    1. Hey EGB! Did your family make it on Family Feud? That was you right?

  10. Stephanie Scott and Zendaya.

  11. Dizknee & Knick are cesspools of youngster corruption. It's disgusting. I don't know why those networks aren't boycotted by parents.

  12. Why must everything for kids be so tainted?

  13. It's so depressing Lotta. It really is.

    1. Yeah it is, I still can't look at elmo the same way I used to.

    2. @Lotta- Tell me about it. I'm still coming to terms about Pee Wee Herman.

  14. If it isn't the girls from Shake it Up, then I think it's someone from A.N.T. Farm. Those are about the only shows I could find that have more than one actual teenage girl (as opposed to a 20 something playing a teenager).

  15. I'm starting to think kids shouldn't be on TV or in movies anymore. If you want to entertain kids, use cartoons. Show biz just seems to ruin 99% of children.

  16. Zendaya seems too down to Earth and it seems like her parents have her pretty grounded and on a short leash. I follow her on Instagram so that's the impression I get. Bella, I could definitely see. For a 14-15 year old girl she spends WAY too much time with her Boyfriend, what appears to be unsupervised. Again, my impression from Instagram.

    1. I agree. I don't think this is zendaya.

  17. I don't know who these people are, but why do you need an after party for a Kids awards show?? Gross.

  18. My 8 year old son made me watch part of this with him last night. I have no guess of these girls, but Josh did a surprisingly good job! He was really great.

  19. Zendaya's glorious eyebrows would never let her snort coke off a menu on the floor!

  20. I don't have a guess really; I mean, I could throw names out there because we watch all of these shows, but c'mon people, I know a 15 year old shouldn't be snoring coke, and I pray my 14 year old never does, but who amongst us was up to these types of hijinks at that age? I've got my hand raised. I was an honors student who went to church at least twice a week, but could drink many a dude under the table by the time I was 15. And I lived far, far, away from LaLaLand. My point is, simply, don't think this couldn't happen to a "nice kid". Keep your eyes open, parents!

    1. Exactly Fufra! Not that it makes it better but they aren't much different than normal kids. They just have more access and money, and unfortunately the public eye watching.

    2. I didn't. I never drank (still don't) & never had the desire to party. It's not all teens and it's not fair to say all teens do it. It's heightened because of the access and it's accepted and probably pushed.

  21. Exactly- the goody goodies are the ones you need to look out for. They're the ones that have more to hide!

  22. Yeah, I don't buy the Zendaya guess. I think she's supposed to be pretty down to earth with involved parents.

    Bella Thorne however... (there is another teen who is a supporting actress and at least a couple others who appear regularly so it could still be her).

  23. Jesu, will anybody EVER learn drugs are dead end????? Just look around you, baby children, and get your shit together!! Whoever saw this shld hv photo-ed it and outed all of them. Crawling around on the floor for drugs!!!! Get some self respect!!

  24. Penn State, The Franklin Case long before they were exposed?

    It appears that there's a major pedo ring in Hollywood that is protected and used by those at the top. It'the one thing that the 1% on the far left and the 1% on the far right have in common.

    How long will it take for this to get exposed? They are the same people supplying these young children drugs!

  25. @sugar, yep, that's me! We haven't heard yet, we will hear in the next two weeks. I was AWFUL, but the women in my family got to play against the men, and the guys did really well. I will keep you posted!

  26. HOT! If they are coke whores in their mid teens, then by the time they are legal, they will really know how to throw that poontang on a dude. It is also good that they are getting used to being on their knees in the shithouse of a club early on. I figure they will be doing lots of that in the years to come.

  27. Debbie Ryan and Peyton List (Jessie) were my guess.

  28. Debby Ryan is 19. Just FYI.

  29. why the floor though? was the sink too sanitary?

  30. Count Jerkula, thank you for seeing thngs my way:)

  31. Bella and Chyna

  32. It blows my mind that these crazy things are never recorded with cell phones and sold to the tabloids. You hear about stuff like this happening, but most of it is never recorded/seen. i thought people recorded every wild thing they saw (to show others).

  33. In Paul Reubens's defense, his scandal had 0000 to do with kids. I guess he wasn't comfortable committing self-abuse while visiting his parents. So he snuck out to an adult theater. The only thing I found shocking about the Pee Wee Herman scandal was that adult theaters still existed 10 years after VCR's showed up in people's homes.

  34. Anonymous11:02 AM

    they must have been pretty drunk to be doing it on the floor... yuck.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I really hope it is nor Bella and Zendaya, if true might as well call the show SNORT IT UP.

  37. I would not be surprised if it was the Jenners. They are the obvious and have been getting into trouble for a while, nothing that has made the news but lemme tell you, that family knows how to keep things under lock and key. I was leaning towards Bella and Zendaya from Shake it Up as my second guess.
