Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blind Item #1 - Easy Easy Easy

This A+ list mostly movie actress decided to try and show she is just like the rest of us. She wanted to appear more human and likable so took mass transit. Showing this was all for our perception of her she kept trying to get people to film her and her husband and then upload it to YouTube so the message would get out that she is nice. No one took her up on her offer.



  2. Ah, Cathy, the DMC never fails us.

  3. Greta Garbo, FTW!

  4. Is it wrong that the thing that would make me start liking AnnE is if she started snorting coke off the streets of NY with Lindsay Lohan?

    1. She's not snorting coke, her drunk ass fell.

  5. Anne has taken mass transit before---This blind IS kinda dumb. I mean, you have to assume that NOW she's only doing it to be likable. Or read her mind, or whatever.

  6. Damn, @VIP, that's one messed up photo! And it was TWO years ago!!

    I thought Anne's desperate attention grabbing would die down after winning the Oscar and I could go back to liking her. :/

    Still loved Devil Wears Prada.

  7. She's always trying too hard, it comes off as fake

  8. It's just like when Jay-Z rode the subway & that lady didn't know who he he was, except that was funny & this is sad.

    1. And the lady was actually a well known writer if I'm not mistaken.

  9. I read that as Goopster.

  10. Taking mass transit doesn't mean you're "nice"; it means you're poor.

    1. @Pogue- not in big cities like NYC. You see people from all walks of life on the subway.

    2.'s ridiculous to drive/own a car in NYC and to some extent D.C and Chicago.

  11. This is why celebs live here, Anne. It's because we don't give a f*** if we see you on the subway. Head back to LA and take a bus if you want more attention.

  12. LottaColada: I just meant too poor to buy a car, that's all.

    1. I take it you've never lived in a city like NY/Chicago etc? Otherwise you'd know what a ridiculous expense owning a car is.

    2. Not true at all Pogue...I have friends that make very good money but choose the subway because it's faster than the hassle of driving in that congested city and above all..parking! You will get to your final destination in less time than driving your own car sometimes. Trust me...lived there a few the sub!

  13. Goop 2.0, tbqh. Embrace your upper class roots, Anne. Embrace your inner-Goop.

  14. Actually lots of people in Manhattan don't have cars, they're a pain in the ass. If you don't want to pay a lot for a parking lot, then you've got alternative side of the street parking. And mass transit is so good you really don't need one. It's faster than a car because no traffic, plus you don't need to find yet another parking spot! I never had a car when living there.

    But I guess I'm poor compared to someone like AnnE! But really, you get all economic demographics in the subway, I've known rich people to take the subways. But never the filthy rich, unless they come from humbler backgrounds.

  15. @Lynn Cloud - the Goopster was in the Daily Hate yesterday, some story about how she doesn't let her kids eat pasta, rice or potatoes.

    I don't see her as someone who would take public transport, she wouldn't be able to reserve seats for her cooler bag of edamame sprouts, her nannies, the security guy to check for unauthorised foodstuffs left behind by the common folk, her yoga mat, 17 white T shirts at £100 a pop in case she gets some poor people on her (they stain so!), her kids, her oversized stroller and her enormous ego. That ego doesn't fit in a train carriage, it needs First Class, at the very least some spreading out room.

  16. Anonymous7:59 AM

    What's the deal with AnnE's husband? He must be fed up having to listen to all the various versions of acceptance speaches, the endless rants abouts dressses, the pre oscar photo ops now having to try and get someone to take your video on the subway.

    Maybe this sort of crap is the real reason behind the oscar wife dumping curse, the women become insufferable.

  17. Did Anne do something so horrible that everyone hates her? I know she wanted to taylor her acceptance speech to touch the hearts of the people...but I'm sure they all do that. She just got busted.

  18. sorry but Hathaway and husband took subway since a long time
    Hathaway subway july 2012

  19. @Pogue, that's exactly the point: lots of upper-income people live in urban areas and forgo cars because of it. I live in Chicago, and most of my friends do not have vehicles. Of the ones that do, it's one car per family. We got one after seven years of living in the city.

    1. Ive lived in Chicago and DC proper and owning a car is just an unnecessary expense if you don't need it. People I knew did the one per family as well and usually for wknd getaways.

  20. Replies
    1. And she was born in Brooklyn, so I am sure she's ridden the subways before

  21. I didn't have a car when I lived in Chicago. I took public transit and cabs and used services like I-GO. I never needed a car bc the train took me everywhere I needed to go without the hassle of parking, and gas, and that damned city sticker. I moved to Portland and had to buy a car within 3 months after being car free for 5 years. Trimet has nothing on the CTA. I miss the clack clack of the L

    Staple611 - street cleaning day = best money making ticket scheme evah!

  22. Poor Anne. This is a damned if you do, damned if you don't sort of a situation.

  23. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Anne. Just give up, start smoking cigarette, eat cheesburgers, gain ten pounds, and in general STOP TRYING TO MAKE US LIKE YOU, IT'S HAVING THE OPPOSITE EFFECT. If she just didn't care quite so much how we feel about her, I wouldn't mind her so much. It's offputing. Anne Goaway.

  24. The only thing that would make me like Anne was if she stepped in front of Mass Transit.

    I know that's mean; I didn't have my morning coffee.

  25. I used to like AnnE. 'Havoc' and 'Rachel Getting Married' were pretty good movies. And my daughter adores the Princess series.
    I guess once she shaved her head and was on the Oscar campaign trail is when I started to gag whenever I saw her.

    1. Havoc, is one if my all time favorite comedies, that's right I view it as a comedy watching Anne hath talk like that is hilarious my husband and I quote it to each other all the time.

  26. I just feel like Anne's humility comes off so fake. Like in public she's all "Oh, please! I don't deserve such accolades!" (Bats eyelashes) And then at home, she says, "That's right, Bitches!! Kneel before me!!" yes, it's all made up in my head, but I'm pretty sure that's how it really happens. ;-)

  27. I just feel like Anne's humility comes off so fake. Like in public she's all "Oh, please! I don't deserve such accolades!" (Bats eyelashes) And then at home, she says, "That's right, Bitches!! Kneel before me!!" yes, it's all made up in my head, but I'm pretty sure that's how it really happens. ;-)

  28. Well, truly upper crust people in NYC use limos to travel around town, they don't take the metro..
    I was a tutor for the kids one one such wealthy family and whenever travelling with the kids it was always hired cars.

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      In nyc, nobody calls the subway "the metro".

    2. Anonymous7:33 AM

      In nyc, nobody calls the subway "the metro".

  29. Add me to the list of people pointing out that poverty isn't necessarily the reason for taking public transportation--our former governor Mike Dukakis used to take the Green Line train in from Brookline every morning to the State House, so if it's good enough for a governor, it's good enough for the rest of us.

    I will point out, though, that when I lived in Athens, GA, there was definitely the attitude that public transit (buses in Athens, buses & trains in Atlanta) was not something respectable, middle-class people ever used; taking the bus was proof that you were poor, and probably a minority to boot. (It was said at that time that the name of Atlanta's transit system, MARTA, stood for "Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta".) I distinctly remember putting up w/a certain amount of attitude from some of my co-workers at the University of GA for taking the bus; then again, one particular woman never would have liked me anyway, seeing as I wasn't an upper-middle-class suburban native Southern Baptist; she was exactly the kind of person whose motto should have been "You don't have to be nice as long as you act nice." (Yes, someone actually told me that once, in all seriousness.)

    1. Robin - in the south, the word NICE is the kiss of death. Oh My! I absolutely believe that was someone's motto. My sister lives in Georgia now. The stories she has for me.

    2. MARTA still has that nickname.

      I think in cities where public transportation is very extensive and housing is dense, you see everyone but the upper crust on the subway. In cities where single family homes dominate and public transportation is limited, that's where it is seen as a poor thing. NYC/London/SF = good for all. Atlanta/Los Angeles = a poor thing. Seattle/Portland = being ecofriendly but better you ride a bike :-)

  30. @dia---ughhh street cleaning day is THE WORST! When my husband and I moved into a new place on the west side, we went from a neighborhood that posted big orange signs a day or two before street cleaning as a reminder to a neighborhood that only has one measly sign per block that you never notice. First street cleaning day I got TWO tickets in 10 minutes because it started at 9 and I didn't get to my car til 9:10. $120 bucks down the drain in 10 minutes! Grrrr. I work on the far northwest side so I have to drive, but the moment I quit that job I'm so selling my car. HATE IT. Chicago street parking is so lucrative and such BULLSHIT.

    1. You should have protested the second ticket. They can only give you one per day for the same offense. So glad I have a garage.

  31. Anne's husband seems like a nice guy. Maybe he'll help keep her grounded.

  32. @Seachica, if you live outside of PDX proper, public transport sucks. You've got the bus, or light rail to get into town or into the city. And the way the bus routes are set up, it's way easier to just bike or drive than it is to take the bus. I bike to the light rail stop faster than it would take for the 10 bus stops between my house and the stop.

    And yeah, biking is like it's own culture out here! :)

  33. @Pogue I have a car and live 20 minutes outside of the city but when I go there I take mass transit.

    People take mass transit because it's cheaper than driving and paying for parking in the city. Also it's less stressful than sitting in traffic, especially here in NY. I know quite a few people with money who don't even own a car becasue they live, work and partyin the city; therefore they don't need one. Plus what some people pay in transit fare monthly can equal to a monthly car payment. So your comment is not true; mass transit is not for poor people who can't afford cars.

  34. Everybody in NYC rides the subway. Unless you're out very early in the morning or late at night it's impossible to get around otherwise.

    That said Paltrow is the one person I'm willing to bet has never been near the subway.

  35. I cant hate on Anne. She wanted an Oscar and worked hard to get it. What's wrong with that? She wouldn't be the first, and she won't be the last. She's a good actress and I like most of the movies she was in, and I think she deserved it. But I think she should have got it for Catwoman instead.

  36. She absolutely worked hard, just goes to show the value of a good cooch shot.

  37. Annie has to disappear for a little while. I was going to say the Goop, but Annie makes sense too.

  38. Given the title, it can only be AnnE or Goop. I read it as Goop, but I think you guys are right. First, I don't believe Goop has ever, or will ever, ride public transit. 2nd, Goop is oblivious. I think she has no idea she doesn't seem human or likeable. I bet she thinks everyone loves her. AnnE KNOWS we can't stand her, and has a history of crafting an image so we will hate her less. This is Anne. Fo Sho.

  39. Keanu Reeves takes the Keanu Reeves subway. People take pics and post videos of him on the subway. And he's worth 350 million.

    That said, lay off AH. I know she was annoying during awards season, I got sick of her too, but she seems like a nice person.

  40. Plus I bet Enty wouldn't give Goop the plus sign.

  41. I thought I saw a pic of Anne Hathaway on the subway the other day.

  42. Whoever it is, that's so funny. Seriously, stop trying so hard.

  43. It was AnnE .

  44. This blind is clearly meant to be Anne, but come on - does anyone think she'd talk to anyone on the subway never mind ask them to film her and upload it? From the photos at the DM she looks completely cold and unapproachable. I doubt she spoke to anyone other than her hubs.

    A better written blind would have asked "what A+ actress rides the NYC subways wearing no pants?" Answer: Anne apparently.

  45. this BI is bullshit: Hathaway took subway before yesterday

  46. I HATE driving, so if I lived in NYC, Chicago, DC, downtown ATL, etc. I'd sell my car and walk/use public transit, no question. It is the most efficient way (usually) to get around a city, so why on earth would I want to get stuck in traffic every day?

    @Robin - I heard that nickname in college and was a little horrified. :(

  47. @Basil and @hothotheat - I felt the same way you do about Anne (though maybe felt she was more pretentious than you do) until I heard about the absolute SHIT FIT she threw about Amanda Seyfried wearing a similar dress to hers for the Oscars. Like, actual diva-meltdown. So, so uncalled for.
