Monday, March 11, 2013

Barbara Walters Might Leave The View

As much as it probably pains her to not be seen everyday on television, now might be the best time for Barbara Walters to leave the show she helped create. After 17 years on the show, Barbara may follow original member Joy Behar out the door and also fired host Elisabeth Hasselbeck. That would leave just Whoopi and Sherri remaining. Do you think they would ever consider adding a guy? That might make it slightly more interesting. They have been talking about adding Brooke Shields which would be boring. The whole show is usually boring. It is the kind of thing that you turn on for background noise and if you see an interesting guest you turn up the volume for a second to see what new words they find for the day to kiss the butt of their guest.


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    They need to cancel the show. Barbara is in delicate health, Joy is heading for better pastures, Elisabeth's unlikable self has gotten the boot. Whoopi has checked out a long time ago and Sherri is just silly. There's nothing worth saving here. Pull the plug.

  2. They should add Tyra. Bwahahaha

  3. They should hire AC Slater. Then he and Hooptie can make googly eyes at each other.

  4. I thought that Babs was barely ever on the show anyways?

  5. I don't know if this show is worth saving, has been boring for a long time.

  6. I love Whoopi. I watch the View every day while I'm painting, which means enty is right. It's background and I turn it up or pay attention when someone of interest comes on. Elizabeth is far to righteous and opinionated and Joy obviously hates her. Makes for some interesting arguments. Barbara Walters needs to be put out to pasture (in a nice way) she's done a lot but she's 80 something now and it shows in her miscues. Sherri is hysterical with some of her comments. I'll miss their camaradrie.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "too" and camaraderie --for the spelling police. Not enough tea this morning.....

  9. She should have retired years ago...
    Do you know that Whoppie has Total Recall, once she's met you she remember you..your name ...everything..

  10. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I totally agree Enty. Brooke is going to be people pleasing and blah. They need more snap, more sass, more sizzle. They just kiss but and blah blah in a non offensive way about the days news issues. Star was fiesty, and Meredith was cool and grounded, how about someone sharp and opinionated like Nancy Grace? And ooh, this is evilgood, that Lion King faced Housewife that just got fired, Adrienne Maloof, with Star Jones, Whoopi for the calm one, and Sherri for the dull dim one. Sherri, Nancy, Star, Whoopi, and Adrienne.

  11. Anonymous7:59 AM

    It was fun in the beginning because there was balance and contrast between personalities, and they all seemed like real girlfriends, the way they talked, sniped, got on each other, talked over each other. That loose camaraderie and girlfriend fun has been missing on that show for a long time.

  12. Babs just announced Elizabeth is NOT leaving and neither is Babs.

    1. Well crap. I wonder what Asselhat thinks about the internet celebrating her alleged firing? There sure wasn't an outpouring of support!

  13. They need Mama June. :-)

    Remember when Sherri talked about the world being flat? That was an awesome display of stupid.

  14. I wouldnt give too much credit to the statement that EH isnt leaving...BW said the same thing regarding Rosie to calm the fires and the next thing you know...bye,bye.

  15. Babs said Debbie Mataopolis (sp) wasn't fired when she was. Babs also said that about Star Jones. Hasselcrack will be gone by summer.

  16. Well, Babs did say when anyone did leave it would be when THEY chose, so they are covering their asses. EH will be announcing in the next couple of mo's she is leaving. I would say add Ali Wentworth, but heard she turned it down, maybe they need to offer her more money.

  17. I knew it. Sweaty Gedde did NOT look happy this morning.

    I bet if ABC has indeed turned the heat up that Elizabeth will be beating the bushes finding a "new opportunity" before contract renewal time in August. It didn't make sense that they would fire her when they could just not renew her in the summer and she'd go away.

    Barbara has really deteriorated a lot this past year--she is very out of touch with current news and half the time she doesn't know who the guest are or what show they are on. It is sad to see someone who's been so on top of the game showing signs of getting old.

  18. Elizabeth is not leaving, just announced on the View.

  19. I love Whoopi! She's the best part of the show!

  20. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I think EH should stay. Brooke is gonna bring the SNOOZE.


    EH is cute and spunky. I can appreciate that. A bit too rabid with her politics, but such is life.

  21. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I think its over for that show

  22. I love Whoopi but I've never watched the View. Isn't Sherri Shepherd kind of an idiot? They should get Michael K from Dlisted, Margaret Cho or Janeane Garafalo or Rosie Perez. And then if they want another idiot, one of the Donald Trump wives, past or present.

    1. OMG GStrath I would so watch THAT show. Otherwise they cancel this dog for all I care. I've never even watched it.

  23. exactly if Babs is leaving shut it down

    how about a bunch of gay guys for A Different View, or 4 gays and bi, all hot, prone to taking their shirts off from time to time

  24. and then they can wink when the male stars come on the show to let us know how their gaydar is pinging I'd PVR that

  25. Remember when Sherri talked about the world being flat?

    I'd heard about Sherri being stupid, but holy shit, did she really say that?

    Do you think she says idiotic things so she can play at being "the stupid one", or the one who says outrageous things for attention?


    Dataloungers think that EH got canned cause she blabbed.

  27. Sherri never said the world was flat she was making a point to Whoopi that in the context of her world there were things she did and didn't know and Whoopi said sarcastically well is the world flat? Sherri said "I dunno Whoopi is the world flat?"

    Babs said today the report that EH got canned is false. She said EH is there as long as she wants to be there. Rumor has it EH was the one who released she got canned to garner sympathy.

  28. How is Brooke going to do the show and Army Wives also?

  29. Bring on Roseanne and Rosie plus Sasha BC as the dude from Kazakstan. Now THAT I'd watch!

  30. This has been on for 17 years?? Really??

  31. I lost all respect for Whoopi when she said Polanski didn't commit 'rape, rape' on that girl. I guess after so many years pass, the rapey-ness of the act wears off, I dunno. Every time I look at her, though, I think about it and become angry at her ass-kissing at the expense of a child all over again.
