Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ashley Judd Is Going To Be A Politician

In a little over two months, Ashley Judd is going to announce that she is running for US Senate in Kentucky. This is a woman who hates paps and reporters and does everything she can to avoid them. She is not a huge fan of meeting with her fans so I am really clueless as to why she would want to run for US Senate. Publicity? Big ego stroke? realizes acting career is in the toilet? Jealous because Wynona is on Dancing With The Stars? Ashley is going to have her life gone through with a comb and if she thinks she can hide the stuff that she has done or that reporters would not be able to find it, she is going to be surprised. I will be surprised if she makes it through the summer without quitting.


  1. Didn't she bang everyone at Kentucky when she was in school there?

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Ashley Judd is going to TRY to become a politician. Big distinction

  3. She does not even live in Kentucky

  4. My guess is that she doesn't want her siater getting all the media attention when DWTS begins.

  5. If she can beat Mitch McConnell, more power to her. I'll vote for her.

  6. All gonna depend on who her competition is. The press destroys who it wants to, and ignores things that reflect negatively on whomever they have decided to help elect.

  7. So I'm guessing her husband got out of there quick before he became a "politician husband" making the rounds for votes.

  8. Is she likeable enough to become a politician? I doubt it.

  9. Jeneral, me too! I'm a Kentuckian and I would almost vote for a potato over McConnell. You can say what you want about her,but even with all her secrets she's cleaner than our politicians. Maybe she's running because she actually wants to change things for the state of Kentucky. If you don't live here, you can't know what we deal with as residents. Our outlook is bleak. We need some kind of change and she might have pockets deep enough to give him a fight.

    1. Brashear is throwing his support behind her. It should be an interesting race. But Mitch is going to be tough to beat.

  10. from accounts she is an asshole to people but kind to animals. can't blame her for that equation.

    anything is better than that last show she did on ABC, that was god awful.

  11. Shame on you, Enty, for being one of those people who judges politicians or aspiring politicians for personal indiscretions. What the hell has Ashley Judd done that is so bad that it makes her worse than a career politician? How do you think Mitch McConnell got to be the Senate Minority leader? Charm and good looks? His vast intelligence? P-shaw!

    If we continue to make it so that you have to be Jesus, practically, to run for office, then the only people we're going to get are power mad nerds who want to run for office just to make the popular girls from high school mad. far...they've pretty much made things suck for us.

    Stop trying to make an issue out of shit that doesn't matter, like a person's sex life, and start considering things that DO matter, like...who a politician is serving -- himself, his millionaire donors or the good for society.

    I'd rather have 100 sluts and mediawhores in the Senate than 100 out-of-touch old men who say things about rape not being legitimate.

    1. Well said Christine.

    2. +1 Christine
      Arnie made it to governor and he had his fair share of skeletons, did it stop him?

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  13. Also, for the record:

    Lincoln shared a bed with a man with whom he was very emotionally attached.

    Richard Nixon probably never committed adultery in his life.

    Which reanimated corpse would you rather have back in the White House? The one with the dirty little secret or the one with the clean personal life who was one of the most power-hungry and corrupt presidents we've ever had?

  14. Anything to get Mitch mc out of there! Hate that asshole

  15. Does anyone else remember that she is lucky yo be alive? She was a passenger on the TWA flight that exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988. She either changed or missed her flight. I used to like this girl, but I wonder if part of her issues are survivors guilt?!? Just a thought...

  16. @Lauren. The policital wonk in me is genuinely curious as to how the debates between Judd and McConnell will play out.

  17. Seriously, this has been news for almost 2 months.

  18. @Christine Magnotta: DAMN. Well-said.

  19. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Here here Christine Magnotta!!! I don't like hypocrites, and as long as Ashley hasn't hurt anyone I won't judge. Politicians do have that look at me, I'm special, everyone pay attention thing that Ashley has going on, maybe she'll have some good ideas, maybe she'll add something to the debate, maybe she'll get more women and mom's voting, either way, I don't really see what the problem is with her running. Spill it Enty! What's the dirt?

  20. As an hollywood liberal she probably doesn't have to worry about the press digging into any dirty details and even if they do all will be forgiven.

  21. I actually think she'd be a good senator. She's very smart and stands up for women. Running for senator is not an easy task and I wish her all the best. Also, I want her to smack the living daylights out of Mitch McConnell.

    1. @greenmmountaingal I wrote a really long post spilling the tea on Miss Ashley, guess it was eaten. I worked w/ the Judd's back in the 90s, & she's even more batshit insane than Catherine ZJ, Halle Berry, & Julia Roberts, the last two, of whom I've also worked with, seen it first hand. Slapping assistant, spitting on a maid, throwing stuff around the room, multiple times, screaming, cursing, crying, pulling out clumps of her own hair, needing a 24/7 minder to get her

  22. McConnell has a 15% approval rating a really good Dem could I say REALLY GOOD

  23. She is a complete & utter political moron and is going to get trounced.

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  25. Wait...Kentucky has BOTH Rand Pual and Mitch McConnell as Senators? Damn. You're giving Texas its run for the money for shittiest Senators.

  26. I love how actors think they can effect change never having been in Congress before. It's not as easy as one thinks. She should have a conversation with Ahnald to see what it's truly like.

  27. Ashley Judd is intelligent and articulate. She has been an advocate for women and girls for years through her partnership with PSI and YouthAIDS. Guess what: she became an educated advocate even before Saint Angelina Jolie did. Yep, her friendship with Bono inspired her many years ago. She would be a great senator for Kentucky.

  28. Has she actually bought a house in Kentucky yet? Her legal residence is in Tennessee.

    Mitch McConnell vs. Ashley Judd: The Ultimate Doucheoff.

    1. @Dewie
      As far as I know she does not. I don't like either of them but why could they not find a candidate that is not a celebrity, knows Kentucky politics, and actually live in the state. Not someone who is just going to buy a house so she can run. Pitiful...

  29. Judd is a Democrat taking on a hated Republican. The MSM will cover up and ignore everything even remotely negative about her. Al Franken is a mental case who should be locked up and he won in his state because no one called attention to his erratic behavior. Judd will get a free ride as well, if not outright help.

  30. A great deal of Senate work is not giving speeches and appearing on television shows. In addition to the usual back-room bargaining, there's a lot of constituant service involved. It can be as individual as helping a kid in your state get into West Point (candidate nominations come from Senators and Representatives) or as political as XYZ town in your state has a widget plant, and wants more federal orders for widgits, or wants to you to stop a new law regulating widgits.

    Anyway, as Enty points out, politics is about people, people, people. You are constantly surrounded by people and need to manage a large staff of people. And you need to do a lot of kissing ass to get anything done.

    If Ashley Judd isn't a people person - which her career so far seems to indicate - she'll be a lousy senator. I really don't care if she blew the entire U Kentucky basketball team - I don't think its relevant.

    When I lived in NYC, Hilary Clinton was my senator, and I was not too keen on her when she was elected, because she had never lived in the state. But she really won my respect. She constantly visited the troubled cities and towns of upstate New York and did her very best to serve them. Would Ashley Judd do that?

  31. everything Greenmountaingal said.

  32. I'm with @DisplayName.

    and I might add that there is some serious ashley judd hate on this site.

    no one flinches when its hinted that ben affleck might run for senate at some point.

    there is a thing that happens when women have ambition that is outside of the box that is "socially acceptable". certain people think that they have gotten too big for their britches and try to shoot them down.

    lena dunham is experiencing it now, with her big success.

    its very tiresome.

    1. No, Ashley Judd is a terrible person, known for being borderline abusive towards her staff, refuses to allow lesser people to speak to her unless she's specially granted them that privilege, will make eye contact with you and ignore you if you attempt to ask her a direct question, is an emotional wreck who required constant assurance from her handlers, is supposedly unable to perform basic functions such as taking a shower and getting dressed without a handler to prop her up and talk her through it. I don't know that she has the emotional fortitude to be a politician (or do any job where she has to talk to people). It's not because she's a woman, it's not because of her personal life (I don't care if she's promiscuous or married or divorced or what) I simply don't think she has anyone's best interest in mind, and she is known for being one of the craziest bitches in Hollywood, and that's saying something. If she is the lesser of two evils that is incredibly bleak.

  33. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking "Damn, I wish I could see the rest of that dress, because I'm really liking what I can see so far!" Can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something about this picture that makes me think "Politician...hmmm...she does kind of look like one there...hey, if she can pull it off, more power to her." I suppose we'll see...

  34. @whocaresnow I was thinking the same exact thing. I remember reading this a while ago. I'm glad my memory isn't shot to hell....yet!

  35. No one thinks more of Ashley Judd than Ashley Judd.

  36. I'm not a huge fan, but like some of her movies and love that she is thinking of running against the heinous Mitch McConnell. People vote for names they know. It's not right, but that's the way it is in this country - brand names. If she runs, she has a good chance of defeating him, and I think she'd make a good Senator.

  37. Media will either give her a total or pass or crucify her.

  38. I'm guessing she's never done anything at any level of government before, including student government?

  39. I don't have any feelings one way or another about this, except I seriously think celebrities should cut their teeth on a lesser office first. Even Jesse Ventura had been mayor of Brooklyn Park for four years before he ran for Governor of Minnesota, and I don't think he liked being Governor much.

  40. Please, Himmmm, tell all of her secrets to the world! I remember him saying somewhere on this site that she was a drug-addled slore back in the day.

    1. In my twenties, I was known to enjoy all manner of intoxicants and it wasn't uncommon for me to enjoy a new man every couple of weeks in my single days. I would hope THAT wasn't enough to preclude me from future jobs. I don't care about Ashley's secrets or past. I care that I think she's not a very likable person and treats others very poorly. THAT is what we should be focusing on in determining if she'll make an effective leader.

  41. Narcissistic personality disorder in action. It is hilarious to read her comments and hear her speak about how bright she thinks she is, while she is apparently unable to grasp the mechanics of the English language sufficiently to speak and write in grammatically correct form.

  42. My problem with Judd would have nothing to do with her personal life, but rather that I see her as a pseudo-false intellectual who thinks she's smarter than she actually is. Along with that, I believe her to be out of touch with the regular person, as well as seeming to have a lack of ability to accept/handle criticism of any sort. Lastly, it is my opinion that she follows what she believes to be trendy, rather than any strong personal convictions.

    That's just how I see her, and IMO that all makes for a poor politician. I wouldn't want her representing me.

  43. "Judd's like an eighth-generation Kentuckian, and probably the Wildcats' most-famous fan. Those things matter a lot in Kentucky."

    Most of those of us who are Wildcats fans actually can't stand her.

    Where are my other 'Cats fans?! Back me up! :-)

  44. There are so many politicians out there with dirty pasts that are nothing compared to Ashley's.

    I just read, "The Last Living Slut" by an ex-groupie. She goes out with George Galloway, the prominent British politician who boasts about sex parties and having sex with underage black women. She doesn't out him in the book, but people figure out its him.

  45. @Sherry, don't you think all candidates whether actor or attorney or pizza company owner run because they think they can effect change?

    @Amy, Ashley Judd has a Master's in Public Administration from the JFK School of Govt at Harvard. She has been a national convention delegate and done a lot of campaigning for Democratic candidates. She's worked with YouthAIDS as a global ambassador for 10 years and with other global NGOs working for the rights of women and against genocide. So I would say she has as much or more background as many other candidates.

    @Dale hale, funny you should say that as certain people like to complain about the 'Hollywood Elite' but who elects Hollywood types like Reagan, Bono, Schwarzeneggar, Thompson?

    Whatever we think of her as a celebrity Ashley Judd is an intelligent woman and has prepared for a role in public service. Can she or any Democrat beat McConnell? Perhaps. If the Tea Party run someone against him in the primary he will have to veer far right and then Judd can claim the center. And I'm convinced that Harry Reid left filibuster reform on the table so that McConnell could get hoisted on his own petard and have to run against being the source of all Senate intransigence.

    @Topper, I would agree but clearly party people are coming to her encouraging her to run and providing backing for her to run. So should she say "No, I'd rather run for mayor of Lexington"?

    This is not an endorsement of Ashley Judd, rather an endorsement of people from all walks of life participating in public service. The problem isn't just the notion of career politicians placing re-election over country. The vast majority of the people who have left the Senate in the last several years have gone either to Wall Street or K Street (meaning lobbyist firms). So from governing to influence peddling in one step. If you don't like what's going on, step up.

  46. Hahaha. Yeah, they will dig up all the dirt like they did with Arnold Schwarzenneger. He had a child with the maid while he was the governator and we found out years later.

  47. I don't want her to win because I hate seeing assholes win at anything. Hopefully there's a third option that hasn't come to light yet.

  48. It will be interesting to see what the Kentucky AG does. He ran against Rand Paul and came in close.
    I don't understand all of the Ashley Judd hate. She is an accomplished woman who has worked hard for causes affecting women, children and poverty.
    She had a crappy childhood and has made lemonade out of those lemons.

    McConnell should be worried and Ashley should not worry about dirt that could possibly come out. McConell's will be much worse.

  49. Agree scally with above. She is educated, interested and invested in womens issues. Whether she flops or soars, you dont know. Remember, a woman is like a teabag- u dont know how strong she is til u put her in hot water. (Credit to eleanor roosevelt). I believe her heart is in the right place.

  50. UNAUTHORTIZED SNARK REMARK WARNING!!!!!!!!! Whats going on with her face??

  51. "Public service"? That's a bunch of bolony. The only thing "public servants" are doing is fattening their wallets, receiving lifetime healthcare benefits, and obtaining access to companies which will pay them big bucks to lobby for them.

    Ashley seems to be using fillers AGAIN.

  52. Shame on you, Enty, for being one of those people who judges politicians or aspiring politicians for personal indiscretions.

    Easy there, Christine, don't get your knickers in a twist. Enty doesn't care about all that. All he cares about is the clicks and posts. And you fell for it. Gotcha!

  53. I am excited to see all these Kentucky people on this blog. I miss living in Kentucky!

  54. Well as long as we're electing and worshipping celebrities, why not get a real one? Don't let the fact that she's an oblivious, egocentric, spoiled, profoundly stupid person stop you! Yay, change! Except not really. Psych!

  55. @Kloie, The Himmmm comment on that childhood rape story rises to the level of hatred he vents toward Ryan O'Neal, an accused abuser. Something strange about that.

  56. I agree with Reese and Cecilia00. I don't have to worry about her because I live in California, but Fox News and Matt Drudge are going to have a field day with her. I hope all her finances are in order.

  57. Sorry, @greenmountaingal, still having commenting issues. Ok, back to the post, she had a minder who got her from the bed into the shower & supervised it, until the meds kicked in, then it was just 50/50 chances, after that. Sadly, my friends in the business say it has gotten much worse, no one wants to work or deal with her, hence her move to politics. I dont have skin in the KY game, but she needs to go somewhere quiet, do whatever volunteer work she can, when the days allow for it.

  58. She is the definition, the epitome, of the word "cunt". Too bad she wasn't on that Lockerbie flight, she is insufferable and seems to think that the world gives a shit about her and her opinions. She's also one of the ugliest women out there, her mouth looks like a puckered anus and her face is bloated and laughable due to all the plastic surgery/fillers. I hope an asteroid falls on her and Mitch McConnell (and nobody else gets hurt), he's a yellow fever scumbag who's married to a bitch who sent our jobs to her home country of China when she was Secretary of Labor so fuck them both. Kentucky deserves better.

  59. All I know is the radio personality I listen to in the morning went to an event in Hollywood that AJ also attended. She was sitting in a chair outside waiting for his car when she came out to get hers. Apparently, with everyone leaving at the same time, it was taking quite a while to get the cars out. This radio personality stood up and said, "Ms. Judd, would you like my chair?" She gave him a really dirty look, turned to her assistant and said, "tell that man that he is not to speak directly to me or to look directly at me."

    To this day, that radio personality, who used to be a huge fan, LOATHES her. And has, since telling g his story, heard quite a few other less than flattering things.

    She may be smart, but I don't like her because she treats the "little people" like shit. Maybe she'd be a good politician, who knows? But it's hard to respect someone who acts like that and I suspect many more stories will come out of the woodwork if she runs.

  60. Thanks for the link, Kloie. Interesting that many people had such similar experiences. I think there is something to the idea that her past trauma could have much to do with her adult behaviors. Did anyone ever figure out who Himmmm's babysitter was?
    And Bri, always appreciate the intel. My BFF works on a popular show in Germany, and though it was only one weekend, has a very similar story.

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  62. I write this as a lifelong Kentucky resident: for the love of God we have to get rid of Mitch McConnell! And Rand Paul too for that matter....ugh! I apologize on behalf of our state.

    I could see people voting for Ashley because she's our #1 Wildcat fan (eye roll) famous, and a lot of people dislike McConnell. After reading bri swartley's comment, I'm hoping for a good third candidate.

  63. I don't know anything about her politically, but I do know she would backstab and kick down anyone who got in her way. Girl is a BITCH in the truest form and thinks of herself first and most importantly. Good luck to you Kentuckyans, it sounds like you have 2 bad choices.

  64. She's an educated cunt; bless her heart. Probably her husband will have some interesting tidbits to share.

  65. Even having a choice would be nice. I'm stuck with Jeff Sessions and Shelby.

  66. Back when Ashley was still in starlet shape she supported her sister on an Oprah episode, one where Wynonna discussed her troubled life, her mother keeping her real father's identity a secret for most of her life and her lifelong weight problem, by sitting in the audience wearing a sexy spaghetti strapped barely there dress. She apparently left her bra in her hotel room.

    I was so taken aback by it I called a friend and told her to turn it on to see if she was seeing what I was seeing. She agreed there was some passive aggressive sibling rivalry stuff going on. That's why I now laugh at her current complaints regarding how the media treats the way her looks have evolved.

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  68. Sheesh, I clicked on Kloie's link, and was amazed at how many have dealt with rape and molestation. Life can really suck, to say the least!

    I know nothing about the politicians in Kentucky. I had no idea Rand Paul was in KY until just now. I do think many politicians are assholes to begin with, so I doubt that would work against her.

    Now to be very superficial. I hate what she has done to her face. She was gorgeous, and should not have messed with plastic surgery.

  69. @Nunyabiz: Get your own name! Geez, you can't even be original?

    Everyone else: Don't know who that person is, please don't confuse him/her/it with me!

  70. Nunaurbiz after all this time, I finally "get" your name. Took awhile to sink in there. I also don't get a lot of jokes. Something in my brain chemistry I guess :)

    I know politics gets Cdan peeps good and riled up in the first place, add a controversial celebrity and we've got a hot mess on our hands. If anything, the language is pretty over the top in some comments. Calling a woman the C word is the ultimate insult and you posters who wrote that know it. I sincerely hope you're not female. I'd be even more disappointed as you are simply breaking a woman down to her genitalia, regardless if who she is. I'm open to listening to all sides but you lose me when the argument goes that route. Plenty of other ways to point out that she's x, y & z.

  71. One more thing: I was really disgusted by what Himmmm wrote in the thread linked above. Outing a woman's STDs, her multiple abortions and the like is DEPLORABLE, and indefensible no matter how you slice it. This may be an unpopular opinion due to Himmmm's heralded status on here by many, but that was straight up awful and you cannot justify that in any way.

    His story about loving and thanking the sitter who abused him sexually was creepy and wrong. Some things you keep to yourself, and so many readers on this board have had traumatic abuse underage and after that I'm pretty sure it triggered some people besides myself.

    End rant.

  72. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. I don't believe calling a woman a cunt is any worse than calling a man a prick. I think douche is more insulting.

  73. She's nuttier than a fucking fruitcake! But so are all politicians.

  74. @scallywag - Bill O'Reilly has the same degree. It doesn't hold anywhere near the same prestige as a true Harvard degree. It is a bought and paid for diploma without the work to back it up. Sorry to rain on that parade.

    @annabella - Really? Success is having a show that less than 900,000 people watch? Even Ashley's ABC show had more viewers.

    Regardless of what I think of Mitch McConnell (and regardless of the sex of the celebrity), I hate seeing celebrities step into politics at this level without having worked their way up through the system. She has never done anything more than repeat what others have written for her. If this gets to debates, she is going to be obliterated - as would most celebs. She needs to start small if she is serious about serving. Start with mayoral or state level legislatures and earn respect instead of trading off her celebrity for votes.

  75. @annabella sorry but as a resident of the state of Massachusetts, trust me we all CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE when we hear any hint of Affleck for senate.

    As should the people of KY. As bad as McConnell is, Ashley Judd is not the solution. Is she smarter than a majority of actresses (based on her interviews and her recent post-graduate degree at Harvard's JFK School-- although agreed, it is not the same as Harvard Harvard)? It would seem so. Is she also completely looney tunes batsh*t? Um, yeah. Case in point, the recent interview she did on Anderson Cooper's talk show where she stuffed her face with cupcakes while talking about world hunger, with food in her mouth. Literally. It was WILDLY inappropriate. You can tell she thinks she is the smartest and best person around, and if other gossip sites are accurate, the stuff that @Principessa brought up is for real. So I dunno who I would rather have, a old guy who is going to die soon anyway (MM) or a batshit crazy lady who may be in the senate for a long time. Since Dems hold a majority now... if these are the only two options... sad as it is were I in KY I would vote against party just because I cannot abide the idea of a person like her having any amount of actual political power. I liked her better when she was just a cute kid who liked the Wildcats.

    (and come on if she was that into it that day I doubt it was just the players she was messing with... ahem Rick Pitino)

  76. I'd vote for her. The steaming turds of misogyny in this thread don't surprise me in the least. How dare a woman aspire for anything more? So what if she's an asshole--so are all the white male pieces of trash that run every damned thing. I'll bet that she doesn't worship Moloch or rape children. The less men in power, the better off we'll be.

  77. Also: who gives a shit who she's had sex with?
