Ashlee Simpson's Out Of Control - Pete Wentz Wants Full Custody Maybe
Radar has a very vague story about Ashlee Simpson and her partying ways. I think that is pretty much common knowledge right now. She is out of control and rarely spends a night not partying. The story says though that Pete Wentz is considering filing court documents to give him full custody, at least temporarily. I don't like that word considering. make a statement. I'm considering exercising this year. Probably not going to happen, but I'm considering it. You can't go wrong with that word. You know how you know that it is a squirrely word? Politicians always use it. "I'm considering running for office." "I'm considering the needs of my constituents before I vote." "I'm considering hiring an escort as a staffer." Pete is supposed to go on some tour which means that if he gets full custody it will be his girlfriend who essentially has full custody since she appears to right now anyway.