Monday, March 25, 2013

Another Amanda Knox Hearing In Italy

An Italian court today will decide if there should be a retrial in the Amanda Knox case or if the appeals court made the correct decision in freeing Amanda Knox back in 2011 after police screwed up the investigation. The murder victim's family will be on hand and wants some questions answered. prosecutors want a retrial. Even if they get the retrial though, the US is probably not going to extradite Amanda to Italy so as long as she remains in the US for the rest of her life, nothing will probably happen to her. If the court says that the case is closed for good, Amanda Knox could try and get compensation from Ital for false imprisonment.


  1. Here we go. the "she's guilty" "she's not guilty" shit storm begins!

  2. Interesting. Who's in the picture? It's clearly not Knox unless she's had facial reconstructive surgery.

  3. It looks like Meredith Kirchners sister

    1. I thought that right after hitting publish.

  4. She looks like Sammi from Jersey Shore.

  5. She does look like Sammy.

  6. poor family will never get justice

  7. She has very buggy eyes.

  8. She did it . Yes I said it

  9. I agree, she did it.

    1. Being all drugged up, i think she honestly doesnt know if she did or not. Personally i think there is enough reasonable doubt not to convict her.

  10. Anonymous8:23 AM

    She looks like the female version of Lord Voldemort. Whoever this women is she's giving me the creeps.

  11. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I've read the accounts, and I really don't think Amanda Knox did it. She's just a hippie from Oregon or Washington, she doesn't look like she'd hurt a fly. You never know though. I'm going on the side of Amanda Knox didn't do it. Now, this creepy girl in the picture? Maybe she did it.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      That's the victims sister, you retard.

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      That's the victims sister, you retard.

    3. I don't know what's worse. Implying that the victims sister looks suspicious or calling someone a retard. Wow.

  12. Geez, that picture is of the victim's sister, have a little respect!

  13. Anna's comment was harmless. I didn't even realize the victim had a sister until I read the comments. I can see someone not knowing who this woman is, seeing the headline, and thinking this person could have something with the murder.

  14. Read the details of that investigation and trial without shaking your head and I'll be amazed. What a clusterf*ck! She's kind of an oddball, but I don't think she did it.

  15. It's amazing how botched the investigation of this was.
    Poor Meredith Kercher. She went through absolute horror. I think the right person is in jail.
    Oddball seems an accurate description for her but I don't think she and Raffaele Solecito did it.

  16. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Meow! Someone got a little offended personally by remark I guess. I'm going to say that you calling me a retard for one of my countless snarks on this snarking website for snarkers says more about the kind of person you are Lizzeh.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. From what I know (and I admittedly have not read all accounts of the crime), I think Rudy Guede committed the murder.

    Barton Fink had some interesting thinks to say about the Knox trial the last time Enty posted about it. Maybe he'll weigh in again.

  19. Yes, "retard" is a horrible word, but, what you said was pretty stupid.

  20. There's a line between "snark" and being a jerk.

  21. I will add this about Amanda Knox: While I do not think she committed the murder, there is very definitely something "off" about her.

  22. From what little I read I got the impression she didn't commit the murder. But then I wasn't at the trial when all the evidence was presented either.

  23. Rudy Guede's bloody handprint was found at the scene, his DNA was on her body and his um...excrement was found in the toilet.

    They found what may or may not have been a spot of Amanda's blood on a knife that (if I remember correctly) was taken home by the crime scene tech before being processed.

    The only 2 witnesses saw a black man running down the street in front of Meredith and Amanda's house during the time frame covering when she died (the time of death was narrowed to only a 4 hour window because police prevented the coroner from checking her body temp in a timely manner).

    This is not the first time that the prosecutor's ethics have been questioned nor is it the first time the police and the lab have screwed things up.

    All of that is just the tip of the iceberg.

    I think they've got their man in jail already.

    I also think Both Meredith and Amanda have been victims in all of this.

  24. I don't think she did it, but I think she was there and that she knows what did happen. Probably Guede "did it", and while Knox and her BF didn't participate, they were too drugged up/nonchalant to really protect the roommate from him.

  25. Didn't the guy admit to killing her?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Anna, for someone who has been so abused in her home life, you come off as obnoxiously cruel in this blog. It sails right past snark into unnecessary asshole land, and this is definitely not the first post that I have noticed it on. IMO you picked up more than just a few bruises from your husband and you make it hard to feel sorry for poor Anna when you constantly dole out the same treatment to celebs and readers on this site.

  28. Oh, I hope Barton shows up; I would love to hear what he has to say. I could waste time reading about these kinds of stories for hours and hours.

  29. Read the addendum to the book "The Monster of Florence" by Douglas Preston for another take on this story. The book is about another real life murder case in Italy which features a lot of the key players from the Amanda Knox case. It was this story, and the author's take on things, that made me feel that she may be innocent. And it's a damn good book.

    1. @Lisa. I was trying to think of the name of that book. The author almost got railroaded by the same prosecutor. I dare anyone to read it and think Amanda is guilty.

    2. Lisa In KVegas, terrific book. Hi, Lola !

  30. Going by the evidence and investigation that was so botched, it would be hard to convict Amanda. I think she might know more than she's saying but I don't think she was involved in the murder.

  31. Weren't Amanda and her boyfriend just stoned, as in weed? People don't black and murder folks while high on weed. You'd need something like PCP or even booze -- but you'd be so sloppy at killing that the cops would probably find you slumped over your victim, while you're still holding the murder weapon.

  32. I can't believe that there are people who still use the "r" word and its derivatives. No other words scream "I'm trashy" than the "r" words... except "I'm trashy," I suppose.

  33. Wow, You Know Me, what a nasty thing to say. Why the fuck are you bringing up the domestic violence? Let her have her fucking opinion, she didn't when know that was the sister.

    I probably should no longer bring up anything personal now that I see assholes will throw it in your face of they don't like your comments.

  34. "she didn't know that was the sister."

    That's true, but the appropriate response after finding out would be "I'm sorry, I didn't know that." Not to try to deflect onto someone else's mistake.

  35. I thought Casey Anthony did it

  36. The black guy did it. He took an easy deal and pointed at the two rich kids. The prosecutor had no case and a history of forcing charges where no case existed. It was a railroad of two hipster dumbasses who were immature and dumb as fuck about their legal rights. The poor victim and their family got justice. Discounted justice while the prosecutor grandstanded and acted like a circus ringmaster. The guy who did it is in jail.... just not for long enough.

  37. His DNA and bloody handprint were at the scene, right? I read a bit about this, and Knox does seem like an oddball, socially inept in a way. If anything, she may know a bit more than she lets on about the murder. I do think the right person is in prison.

  38. Thanks so much for the book recommendation. Anyone want to maybe go into it more? I'm too impatient to wait for it to come from Amazon and would love to know more in the meantime...

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I don't know if she did it or not, but keeping her locked up like that for years on end was really awful.

  41. Nothing will come of this, but I hope the victim's family will get some answers that help them find some peace.

  42. @Colleen...

    In a nutshell...

    Douglas Preston (who writes awesome suspense thrillers) moved to Italy with his family to research a book. When he learned the olive grove (garden?) of his house was the scene of a murder by the infamous "Monster of Florence", he becomes almost obsessed with trying to discover the killers identity (the police and prosecutors have botched the investigation and have jailed and released many people). He meets an Italian crime writer and they begin to investigate. As they start to question the authorities' conduct they become the target of the investigation and the Italian guy is jailed and accused of being the "Monster". Douglas Preston is brought in for questioning and threatened with prosecution for obstruction of justice. This all sounds like a work of fiction but it is absolutely true. Douglas Preston and his family ended up fleeing Italy because he was very fearful that his freedom was at risk.

    The prosecutor (and police) are the same ones involved in the Knox case. As with the Knox case, there are tales of cults, devil worship, witchcraft, drugs...these are not the only two cases where the prosecutor as been accused of attempting to railroad people in the drive to get an arrest and conviction.

    That was a pretty big nutshell, but it's an excellent read and it becomes easy to see how a young, naive girl could so easily become railroaded by a system which is quite different from ours.

  43. If I recall, the evidence against Knox was that she didn't show remorse, and changed her story several times.
    There was something about minute amounts of blood and finger prints on a knife that all parties had access to and had used for cooking and dna on the deceased bra clasp. The family has closure, there is a man in jail for the crime.

  44. @ You Know Me -

    1) Your post would carry more weight if you wouldn't have made a profile so you didn't have to post under your usual blogger name.

    2) FUCK OFF

    As far as I'm concerned the gloves are off where celebs are concerned. I'm not going to wish that LiLo was dead like some here have, but I'm sure going to dish the snark and if you don't like it, maybe you're in the wrong place.

    You've acknowledged that Anna has been abused in her home life. Why don't you cut her some slack and thank your lucky stars that you didn't have to live through the same nightmare that she did, instead of spending your time making up fake names and posting nasty messages.

  45. Victims of domestic abuse are allowed to be snarky!!!!!!

  46. It sucks being the victim's sister. I wouldn't wish it upon anybody.

  47. Just because you've suffered abuse doesn't give you license to abuse other victims, like Merediths sister above she isn't a fucking celebrity she is a victim too

  48. She said she looks suspicious, not knowing it was the victim's sister, she didn't abuse anyone. Hell, I said she had bug eyes, before realizing that this was a family member of a murder victim. Chill out.

    1. You fucking chill out, and mind your own business nobody made you the CDAN spokesperson

  49. Also, Anna never once acted as though her past gave her license to abuse others. That statement was made by someone else.

  50. Thanks, Lola. I spent a good 45 minutes on Amazon last night reading the different reviews about the book and ended up ordering it. I have a 10 hour drive back home to NY on Friday; I'm hoping it arrives before we leave so I can read it while it's my husband's turn to drive.

  51. update,she will face retrial per uk daily mail.

  52. im calling you a troll, troll!

    dayum take a valium b4 you burst a blood vessel CunT

  53. Not bursting anything except your lying bubble bitch

  54. If anybody wants to understand the reasons why Amanda Knox was convicted of murder, I recommend reading the translation of the official sentencing report which can be downloaded from the Perugia Murder File website:
