Friday, March 22, 2013

Amanda Bynes Sure Does Love Drake

Despite the fact that Amanda Bynes spends most of her day following a different guy around, she obviously has a special place in her vagina for Drake. Yes, the always laugh a minute actress who would probably be under the care of a physician right now if she had a normal family and friend life, made one of the most interesting Tweets you will ever read. It is pictured above. I guess Drake knows who to call if he is ever lonely and in need of murdering a vagina. Wouldn't you have loved to been sitting next to Amanda when she came up with this thought and then decided the entire planet needed to know it with her.


  1. Which was that stalker blind we were guessing could be her? Would Drake fit for the guy?

  2. Does no one love that girl? A aunt, or grandmother, a cousin, anyone???

    Ima 'bout to file a 72hour hold on her myself.

  3. Oh Amanda, you are so edgy and shocking with your cheek studs and the need to inflict pain upon your vagina.

    She does have impecciable taste in sunglasses.

  4. The Enties with another reveal!

  5. Drake? Really Amanda?

  6. you know, i love following celeb news but lately reporting and/or "making fun" of certain celebrities, like Amanda, has really started to bother me. These girls are sick. They're not mentally healthy and yes, i know they do it to them selves, but let me reiterate, they are mentally not well!! I think we should have more compassion for these girls.. the public making fun of them cant make things any better for their well being. I dunno, just my random thoughts..

    anyhow, i wish her well.

  7. I am ever so grateful social media wasn't available in the Dark Ages when I would spout off wtf-isms. But really? Murder my vagina? LOL

  8. I'm happy to wish her well AND make fun of her.

    Unlike Lindsay who I will just make fun of. :P

  9. @Carolinec. I totally get what you're saying. I feel bad for this gal. She clearly needs help and as ^above poster said: isn't there anyone who gives a damn about her?

  10. If anyone finds a vagina lying in a ditch, it belongs to Amanda.

  11. Bwahahahahahaaa Lotta!!! Oh god, we're horrid people! We burnin', babies! :D

  12. @Lotta-Lololol- We're going to need you to come give us a positive id on this vagina.

  13. Oh hell no, Ethorne!! Hellllllll no!!

  14. What a horrible thing for her to say. She must be either absolutely vile or really mentally ill. Sad.

  15. How crude can someone possibly be?

  16. Lol @ ethorne!

  17. I wonder what her vagina has done to warrant such treatment.

  18. There was a "skit" on Robot Chicken several years ago with Amanda Bynes and LoHag fighting to the death.

    It's sadly coming true. Mental illness + drugs + no one who cares = disaster.

    I feel bad for Amanda. She may still be save-able. @Donna, call in that hold! LoHag, no way. She's a gonner and likes it that way :(

  19. haha, this is hilarious! come on, i see people writing shit like this all the time. its funny!

  20. That's a good one; I should call up my boyfriend while he's at work and drop that line on him. He's going to be like WTF have you been drinking.

  21. I hear people saying things like this all the time and I never think much of it... just crude humor. But because I suspect that Amanda has been sexually abused, this just makes me sad. Poor lost girl.

  22. Nevermindthat - I actually said this to my boyfriend last night after I read this on twitter and he gave me the WTF look at first, and then just kinda shrugged his shoulders and said OK. hahaha - Men. I tell ya.

  23. I should also state that I said I wanted HIM to murder it and Not Drake.

  24. This poor girl is so lost. She's trying so hard to get attention. I guess she didn't get it Wed when she took credit for the phrase "LOLOLOL".

    Who do we send our pennies to when we use her phrase?

  25. @carolinec - I agree - she's veering very close to Britney territory - to me, mental illness is off limits. Lilo, on the other hand, isn't mentally ill, just narcissistic, self-entitled and rude - she's fair game.

  26. Amanda is a really sick girl. My heart goes out to her the same way it went out to Brit Brit when she was sick. heart never went out to. No sympathy for her. Not even because of the trash parents that raised her.

  27. Replies
    1. Hey TV - lovin the Seldfeld reference!

    2. That would be Seinfeld! Typing too fast...gotta let my brain catch up...

  28. Someone help her. And everyone have a good weekend - I am glad for this week to be over. Too much sadness all around.

  29. I think she should've given herself the power in the situation and said that she wants to dominate that dick.

    Let the vagina triumph!!

  30. She would have more luck if she wanted to murder his vagina.

  31. Reminder: The Library of Congress is archiving EVERY SINGLE PUBLIC TWEET ever posted to twitter, even the ones that are deleted within seconds. This one will live on forever.

  32. This one's a freaking legal "adult", so no one can do anything except watch her crash and burn.

    Been there once before, watching this same shit unfold from a distance now.

    Drugs, mental illness, and worthless "friends" do a number on weak, lost people.

  33. Yeah, I feel bad for her, in a way. That lard ass Schneider is partially responsible for her downfall, if what's been hinted at in past blinds is true.

  34. Someone wrote on Twitter that after this tweet Frank Ocean said to Amandas vagina "Come with me if you want to live"

  35. You guys are killing me! I know I shouldn't laugh but seriously funny comments from Lotta, to Barton to dunduhdundun.

    Have a great weekend all!

  36. She is so obviously bi-polar. Impossible to treat unless she cooperates.

  37. When did we become a society where it became appropriate to announce to the world your every inappropriate thought? If some could pin point a exact date and time I feel like it might be useful on Jeopardy sometime.

    Maybe I'm a prude but I often keep the thought 'do I want my parents to see this'?

  38. So, if Drake does murder her vagina, is that premeditated? Or self defense?

  39. It's as bad as those notes Prince Charles wrote to whatsherface, his current wife, that got leaked. Something gross, like envying her feminine hygiene products? Ewww.

    1. Ick, Zeeky! Who would envy a tampon? Especially on heavy days. I've been dealing with the Crimson Tide for over a decade, and still get grossed out. Prince Charles is fucking nasty.

  40. Gotta admit, I chuckled at this. Seriously, after more than three years of post-divorce vaginal disregard, I would be amenable to at least a minor break and enter.

    1. Chachi: that was just pure T funny. I presume there will not be any police intervention.

  41. Ha, Chachi! I'm pretty immature, because I found this tweet hilarious. It came from nowhere. This is a though better left in your head, but I'm sorta happy it was tweeted.

  42. Thought* I think I need to give up on correcting my autocorrect mistakes.

  43. I thought this was pretty funny. If Sarah Silverman had tweeted it I would have chuckled. Personally I wish Drake would stop murdering my ear holes.

  44. Amanda needs to write a tell all book about her time with Dan S. while she still has her mind. That's a woman in distress. But the tweet made me giggle.

  45. Anonymous11:23 AM

    If that's not the evidence of prior sexual abuse in some form, I don't know what is. That she thinks that sex is a man " murdering" her vagina. oh girl, no. Someone that loves her needs to call the authorities. She needs to be evaluated by a professional.
