Monday, March 25, 2013

Amanda Bynes' Parents Are Concerned

Amanda Bynes is 26 years old and her parents have never interfered in her life before which is probably why Amanda has ended up one step away from a complete breakdown and a 5150 hold somewhere. Oh you know it is coming. Her parents say they are concerned and would like Amanda to move back to AL so they can watch her. Huh. How about they move to NYC or at least go for a really long visit? They won't though because I don't think they really care all that much. They made their money and have always told Amanda she can do what she wants. This is the same dad who was convinced his daughter did not drink or do drugs. He probably also thinks that her piercings are just glued on. I have never seen more hands off parents. Say what you will about the Lohans, at least they are all over Lindsay. There is no way she is making any money without them knowing about it and taking their cut so they are right there all the time. Not actually parenting, but right there.


  1. I'm pretty jaded with celebrities...but Amanda Bynes is scaring the living crap out of me

  2. She needs to get her vagina murdered.

    1. @FSP- Holy shit your avi is golden!

    2. it's hard to tell on my phone but is that lilo w/ king khans ass in her face or is it my eyes just wanting to believe it is.

    3. Hahaha! Vagina murderer!
      She should become a foot hooker. Its really a thing. I'm looking into it.

    4. @sugar- I know some foot hookers in NYC, if you have tattoos, you get way more money.

    5. Good to know, carebear. I have a little space between my big toe and the rest. Like my big toe is too good to stand near the others. I also have high arches. No tats though. I wonder how much my feet can bring in?

    6. Sugar and RCB - I'm scared to google foot hooker before breakfast. Either of you want to throw down a PG - BB version?

      Thanks! I must be getting old. All these things the youngsters do for fun these days. I just have no idea ;)

    7. @Dia, I think it's when a foot is used, rather than a hand to get the john off.

    8. Well I certainly learned something new today.

    9. My friend got paid 200 bucks for some guy to just touch her tattooed feet. Just touching, no jobs.

  3. "He's rocking that incest face" --Amanda Bynes actual tweet.

    1. @Lotta-gtfo! Seriously?

    2. @ethore- for serious. Her tweets are all over the place.

  4. Well in the pic with Playboy hair, she totally has vaginal homicide in her eyes.

  5. This is going to end very badly, I think. This isn't the same kind of trainwreck Lohan is. This is Britney territory.

  6. Omg, Lotta. That is twisted. I hope someone gets this gal some help. I know when I was younger, I used to say wildly inappropriate things...okay, I still do sometimes...and I believe that to be because of the abuse I suffered as a child.

    I've got the sads for this girl. :(

  7. I agree with what Amber said.

  8. Somehow I think Dan Schneider is the root of all this.

  9. When I was 26 I lived thousands of miles away from my family and could get any kind of f**ked up I wanted to.

  10. So disturbing and sad. Hope she gets some sort of help very soon.

    @Amber, hope Vegas treated you well! :)

    @FSP-great avi!

  11. Enty, they relocated from Texas to CA to be near her, as a result she moved to NY.She needs to write her memoirs while she can and name DS.

    1. What agent said. Her parents try to be with get bit she keeps running way.

  12. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Maybe the parents knew what was going on when she was a kid (abuse) did nothing but collected the money. Now they can't face her because her crazyiness is a direct by product of them standing by and letting their little girl be abused for profit. There's a special place in hell for them if that's the case.

    As for Amanda, something is really off. But she's 26, unless she's committed its all voluntary. I feel for her.

  13. @curly - it did, thank you! I even got to have a pool day which is a nice change from snow and ice. :)

  14. It is always so sad to watch people spiral out of control publicly. But at the end of the day, she is a 26 year old woman, no longer under the control legally of her parents. They cannot be held responsible for the decisions that their adult daughter makes and I don't think it is entirely fair to denigrate them for not doing anything to help. Whether they want to help or not, they are now bound by the laws that dictate the process required to get people professional help. Just as in the Lindsay Lohan case a rehab facility cannot force someone to stay against their will, we cannot force someone to get mental or medical help against their will unless you can get a court to mandate it

  15. I've said it before - she seems to be slipping into Brittney Spears territory - mental illness.

  16. Once "kids" pass that magic age of 18, they can't get help unless they threaten someone.

    Sad but true. As I said the other day - watching this go down with a family member.

  17. To elaborate, they were put on a 5150 for threatening the judge at their arraignment for domestic violence.

    Good times.

  18. SusanB, yes. What I think is happening in her spiral is that the abuse she had in hollywood (including being given all kinds of high grade drugs) has caused her personality to keep splitting to cope. Problem,that requires an altered state of mind and always newer and more potent drugs. That can actually cause bi polar state. My 2¢

  19. She's not an official mess until nude pics are made public.

  20. You can only be involuntarily commited if you are suicidal it homicidal, I think. While I don't doubt drugs are an issue here, I think mental illness is the root of the problem.

    Is the incest thing a quote from a movie? I follow her on Twitter too, and had no clue what the hell that was supposed to mean. Reading her twitter is like watching a car wreck.

  21. Lindsay will outlive them ALL! (in secret i root for ms. lohan) lol

    1. @it took forever; YES! Say what you will about Lindsey but there's something very cockroach-y about her lol. Amanda is headed for a complete nosedive; I'm kind of expecting her to be the next celebrity to-aaaah... Leave us.

  22. You may stop being legally responsible for your children at 18 but you never stop parenting them. Maybe it's just harder. They can step in at an time. Parenting is so much more than legal decisions.

  23. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Amanda Bynes is truly scary. The picture of her with the white beany and the thirsty thirsty weave ( as Michael K says)is horrifying. That's like "I've been camping for two weeks in death valley and haven't had access to a shower or sink" kind of fugly. Good Gawd woman, run a brush through your hair. I agree with Enty about the parenting, if anyone gave a shit, she'd be in a much different state of mind right now. She needs help.

  24. You know, I didn't know that her parents are from Alabama. That said, how is that a bad idea, Enty? Didn't you think Brit should go back to Louisiana? I feel bad for this girl.

  25. I'd guess it is a whore that only does foot worshipping sessions for the deranged and stunted men that are into feet. They war bottom of the barrel pervs.

  26. I'm sick of her. Can we put her and LiLo together in a cage and take away their booze? Real life celebrity deathmatch

  27. The 2 of them in a cage doing a "crack rock on a pole" match would do big business at Wrestlemania next week. No spandex and sports bras though, evening dresses or mini dresses.

  28. Sugar and RCB you're scaring me! LOL

    She seemed to go from a sweet girl to something sexually crazy. I agree she's moving into Britney territory.

    Agent It sounds like you're suggesting dissociative complex or something? Make perfect sense.

  29. Sadly, my first thought was that the money must be drying up for them to take an interest, all of a sudden. Poor girl. :(

  30. That lower right photo is heartbreaking.

    When Amanda was living in CA I had presumed her IMDB bio was accurate and her parents were still up the road from her in Thousand Oaks and was wondering why they weren't helping her. If they were in Alabama that's no excuse; they should have gotten their asses to CA and done something to help their daughter. Britney's father Jamie is a shadowy puppeteer but he's there doing something to make sure his daughter doesn't end up in NYC tweeting about vagina murders.

    @ primacornice - If Dan Schneider is the root of this, he should have his balls removed with hot pincers.

  31. Mango - They had moved somewhere else (Texas or Alabama?) but did come back to California when she started to fall. No idea if they left California, now that she moved to NYC.

  32. I don't know that much about Amanda Bynes, but weren't her parents selling their house in TX & relocating back to CA to help her?

    Next thing I read, Amanda was moving to NYC to be a fashion designer (cough, cough). I figured she was trying to stay 1 step ahead of her parents. Hasn't she been living in NYC for close to 6 months?

    What I don't understand is why her parents had to wait to sell their house before helping Amanda. Then once they got to CA, it appears that no one has gone to NYC to try & help her.

    As someone above said, while it's harder (legally) to get Amanda help at 26, you never stop parenting.

    Then again, maybe they have reached out (not counting her dad's initial idiotic statements), but aren't seeking the media spotlight while doing so.

    Hey, I try to be optimistic. Don't hate. ;-)

  33. Yes, you don't stop parenting. You just can't get them to accept help unless they admit there's a problem.

    Parenting doesn't equate with enabling. That's the root of the issue with the effed-up family member. Person def has untreated bipolar or schizo, aggravated by drug use, but they refuse to get help. Whenever someone suggests it, they run off with their enablers and shady drug fiend "friends". They continue to spiral. It's sad and a waste.

    1. @Lioness70 Totally agree with you.

  34. It may be the family can't afford to relocate or otherwise follow her. They may have regular jobs they can't leave without taking a serious financial setback.

    I don't know their situation, they could be set for life. I'm basing that on my family, how if one of us got into some trouble it would be very difficult for the other family members to come to that person. Paycheck to paycheck living FTW!

  35. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Foot whores are still whores. Selling/trading sex for survival is one thing (still tragic, dangerous and demeaning, but sadly understandable for some persons in certain situations), but venturing into any aspect of the "Sex Industry" merely as "a little something on the side", or in order to supplement an already existing income, is just idiotic. The "easy money" aspect of it can be very tempting, but even casual and sporadic sex for money deadens and hardens people in ways that you won't see addressed in movies like "Pretty Woman", or television programs such as "The Client List." Some things can't be unseen or unlearned. Or undone. Sex for money is a very bad idea. Even if only a foot is involved...
