Monday, March 25, 2013

Al Pacino Super Cut

This is pretty damn good.


  1. I forgot how terrific he is he goes so over the top, but its never too much.

  2. I saw him last night on that Phil Spector thing on HBO - good God does he go over the top in that! Gave me nightmares last night!

  3. I've never considered him a great actor. He chews the scenery, as they say. Excellent in the Godfather, but not much of an actor elsewhere. He's picked good projects, but his primary acting tools seem to be screaming at people and losing it.

    I liked him in The Graduate and Rain Man, though.

    Just kidding. I always mix those two up.

  4. And Justice For of my favorites, but really, so many of Pacino films are (my fav's).

    And yes, the man still does it for me. But probably b/c we look alike, LOL.

  5. I still think his best work was In The Godfather.

  6. @ califblondy - I agree. I love 1 and 2. 3, not so much.

  7. Scent of a Woman. I love this man. I would do the dirtiest of things to him on my kitchen floor.

  8. Enjoyed this clip, but I've always been a fan of Pacino's work (as well as DeNiro and Scorsese). Funny, because I have NO trace of Italian in my bloodline.

    What's really remarkable about this clip is that there is not a single scene from any of the Godfather movies.

  9. Similar sort of thing for Nicolas Cage.
