Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Reader Needs Some Love

Today is kind of like reader day. Later today there will be a reader submitted photo you will love and a reader sent me a kitten video of her kitten, so you know I am going to post that. I am just waiting for a Russian reader to send me his homemade fail compilation video.

On a more serious note, the reader who comments under IDoTheRobot has been going through a personal tragedy that has made the news and has to be one of the most crushing things a person can face in their life. The thing I love most about the site, and the only reason it works at all is because of the comments and all of you.

Yesterday in the comments our reader updated that the baby Ben had been taken off life support. The background of the story is that Ben's father was arrested when he brought Ben to the emergency room and said that the baby had fallen off the changing table. The injuries though were consistent with shaken baby syndrome.

Here is the complete story. I want to thank the readers who told me about this and I hope you can offer your love and support to a very long time reader as she goes through all of this.


  1. Heartbreaking news- my prayers haven't been this full in a really long time.

  2. Just heartbreaking. Praying for the baby and family.

  3. I tear up everytime I read one of these can people be such their own children? thoughts and prayers to the family and baby :(

  4. Really a tragic and heartbreaking event - condolences :(

  5. IDoTheRobot, I'm so sorry. My prayers are with you and Ben.

  6. For IDoTheRobot and family: I'm so very sorry for your loss. Sending you much love, peace and light to get through the dark days and nights.

    RIP Sweet baby Ben <3

  7. Oh God no. My heart is breaking for poor poor Robot.

  8. @IDoTheRobot- know that we are here to listen and do whatever we can. A lot of us shared our prayers with you this week. The story is truly heartbreaking and I hope you and your loved ones stay strong.

    Much love to my other fellow CDaNers! Enty, make us some official CDaN shirts!

  9. We <3 you robot! Stay strong!

  10. So sorry for your loss, IDoTheRobot. I can't even imagine.

  11. That is just devastating. Many prayers for her and her family. IDoTheRobot has shared her own story of pregnancy, her new little BabyRobot, and is a sweet and kind member of the CDAN family. Lots of love and hugs sent her way.

  12. This is so tragic. I Do The Robot is one of my all-time favorite posters and it breaks my heart that she is facing this unimaginable situation. I'm thinking about you and your family and sending as much love as possible your way.

  13. IDoTheRobot we are all here for you. You take time to support and heal your family and we will all be here to support you when you need us.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.x

  14. My heart hurts for you and your family Robot. May you find peace within.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Many thoughts and prayers for IDoTheRobot and those directly affected by this tragedy. Nothing I can say or do can change what has happened, but hopefully knowing that even random "strangers" (because we are all family here at CDaN) are praying for and thinking of you will help heal your broken heart.

  17. @IDoTheRobot -- So devastating. I am so very sorry... especially sorry for your little Ben. I will keep you and all affected in my thoughts. May you be surrounded by love and support.

  18. @IDoTheRobot So sorry to hear about this. Only time can lessen the pain, but we're always here to distract you from the pain with some celebrity snark :)

  19. I'm so sorry you have to experience this, wishing you all the strength and grace available.

  20. Robot, I cannot even begin to fathom the pain you're feeling. Peace, love and light to you and your family.

  21. @IdotheRobot - my sympathies and prayers for you and your family.

    @Enty - thank you for posting this!

  22. @IDoTheRobot: I'm so very sorry to hear about this. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  23. I can't think of anything worse...holding you all in the light....

  24. So sorry IDoTheRobot. There are some things in life that most of us will never understand and harming a little one is at the top of the list. My heart has hurt since you posted :( Lots of love headed to you and yours. Hugs.

  25. Love and hugs to you and yours, Robot. I lit a candle for baby Ben last night and will light another tonight.
    Rest in peace, sweet angel. <3

  26. So very sorry @IDoTheRobot. I can't even begin to imagine your heartbreak. Lots of love and many prayers for you and your family.

  27. Sending many prayers to you and your family.

  28. @IDoTheRobot - I will keep you and all affected in my thoughts. May you be surrounded by love and support. I am so sorry. I cant stop crying thinking of you, Ben and your pain.

  29. IDoTheRobot - I am very sorry for your heartbreak. So sad.

  30. @Robot, I'm so sorry for your loss, can't imagine the pain your family is experiencing at this difficult moment. I have no words that could lessen your pain but just know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and your CDAN family will be here for you. Hugs and RIP baby Ben.

    Thanks Enty for mentioning this. I think it's really affected us all in the CDAN community.

  31. I'm so sorry! What a horrific tragedy! Praying you and your family find comfort and peace.

  32. My god I'm so sorry Robot. You and your family will be in our thoughts.

  33. First time poster, long time (3 yr) lurker. So sad to hear about Baby Ben. Sending you and your loved ones positive healing energy, Robot.

  34. So tragic. May you find as much comfort and love in real life as you find here. Would hug you if my arms could reach you. So sorry.

  35. Thoughts and prayers sending your way. I can't even imagine the devastation. I know we do not know one another but I will be keeping you in my thought and prayers for a long time. Condolences.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. So sorry IDo...

  38. @IDo the robot-I am so sorry for you and your family. You are all in my thoughts

  39. Prayers out to you Robot. I do hope it was not BabyRobot.

  40. Love, prayers and hugs @Robot. Words have no meaning in this situation but know we are thinking of you.

  41. terrible and heartbreaking. maybe consider joining a support group to help navigate your way through the trial, and work through grief. so very sorry, peace be with you.

  42. My heart hurts for you and your family IdotheRobot. My prayers are with you.

  43. I am deeply sorry for your loss, I wish I could hold you in my arms and tell you all the things you need to hear..smooth down your hair and kiss your brow.

  44. So sorry for your family Robot -- sending good thoughts for you & baby Ben during this awful time.

  45. Thank you for doing this. I've had baby Ben on my mind and heart all day yesterday. Prayers to Robot and her entire family.

  46. I am so very sorry.

  47. Very sorry for your loss.

  48. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  49. Robot, I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending love and good thoughts out to you and your family to see you through this xx

  50. I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. Wishing all the best for you and your family, Robot.

  51. @IDoTheRobot, I know that there are no words to make this better, but my thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm so sorry for your lost,can't even imagine what you are going through. We're all here for you!

    Enty, thanks for posting this

  52. My dearest, beautiful, sweet loving Robot,
    We all have such a heavy heart for you, your sister, and the loss of your beautiful nephew Ben. I know this is a terribly tragedy for you personally, and I can't even imagine how your sister is dealing with the pain. I was talking to Dia about this the other night, and I could say with absolute certainly I would have to be committed if I were walking in her shoes. You know me, and I promise you I will keep praying that your family will find comfort as you attempt to heal from this senseless tragedy. Much love to you xo

  53. Dear Robot, my heart grieves for you and your family. i send love and prayers for your healing process to begin. There is nothing that can take away your pain in moments like these yet you must know that the life energy never dies, it just transforms. And so it is here. Through all your understandable grief let a little light shine on that place in your heart where you can take comfort in this.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Very long time lurker but I always read all the comments and I adore how everyone here pulls together no matter where in the world you are. It really is like a family. @robot, I am so sorry and hope you can find some kind of solace in knowing that you, your family and especially Baby Ben are in all our thoughts.

  56. Robot - I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. If there is a silver lining in this, it's that Ben's father will now pay heavily for what he did. I hope that at least gives you a modicum of peace.

    Karma has a way of finding its way to those most deserving of it.

  57. I am so very sorry Robot. No words just ((hugs))

  58. So sorry to hear this Robot. You and your family are in my prayers. Godspeed babyBenRobot.

  59. I am a first time commenter but been reading you long enough to acknowledge there are some really nice people around this site, starting from Enty.. Sending lots of love to Robot and baby Ben, he sure is in a good place right know, precious soul.

  60. First time poster, long time lurker. Robot, my heart goes out to you and your family. Sending you all positive healing energy.

  61. I'm so sorry this happened to you and for the loss and grief you and your family are feeling. Please be strong, my prayers will be with you snd your family. May beautiful baby Ben rest in peace.

  62. @Robot, I'm so sorry for you and your family.

  63. I am so very sorry, Robot. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family :(

  64. Much love to you and your family, Robot. You and your family have been in my thoughts.

    Very kind post, Ent.

  65. I have been thinking about baby Ben and your family IdotheRobot since your post yesterday. I am so sorry.
    Prayers and thoughts your way for all of you and your baby angel

  66. IDoTheRobot, thinking of you and your family, dear. I know this must especially hard right now - hope you and the baby are able to get enough rest during this stressful time. My heart breaks for you and your sister. :(

  67. Sending my prayers to Robot and her family. My son was on a Challenger baseball team with Ryan Sanders, who was shaken. His mom, Catherine Sanders, runs a nonprofit to help educate the public and support others impacted by shaken baby syndrome. If anyone wants information or support, please visit her web site at

  68. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I've been lurking on this site since the beginning, but I don't post very often. I'm so, so sorry to hear this awful news, @Robot. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to offer our condolences to @Robot and all of baby Ben's family.

  69. IDoTheRobot,

    I am so very sorry. I wish I had or knew the right words to say to you that would offer you and your family some comfort. I hope one day you'll tell us about Ben.

  70. Hugs and love to you, Robot.

  71. Anonymous10:21 AM

    warm hugs, soothing thoughts and prayers@IdotheRobot.

  72. Robot, stay strong! Hard words to hear at such a tough time, but I am sending you warm hugs from Paris, France. xo

  73. Love and light to baby Ben and his family <3

  74. I'm so sorry, Robot! I will say a prayer for you and offer his name (I'd say yours too if I knew it) at Shabbat services. The people at my temple are as lovely as the ones here and all of that focused love and good energy is bound to reach you!

  75. @IDoTheRobot - Keeping you in my thoughts and sending hugs and positivity your way.

  76. I am so, so, so sorry for your loss and the horrific events which lead up to it. Things like this should not ever happen. I pray for healing and peace in the time to come. At this very moment I pray that you find the resources you need to help you get there. I am so sorry :(

  77. My deepest condolences to you, IDoTheRobot. The Heavens have gained, where our loss is felt to the core.

    I send love, light and prayers to you and your family during this time of grief.

  78. Robot you and your family have my deepest condolences.

  79. Very sorry to read this. Will keep all of you in my prayers.

  80. How terrible! My deepest sympathies and prayers to you and your loved ones. Hugs...

  81. Holding you close in thoughts and prayers, Robot. I hope that you and your family are strengthened by all the love.

  82. IDoTheRobot - I cannot imagine what your family is going through right now. This is beyond tragic, I hope your family finds strength and support in one another; my heart breaks for you.

  83. I too enjoy the ido the robot a super alot . I have nothing but sympathy and empathy for all the family. And now theres a special new angel winging his way to heaven. Hugs to all.

  84. Robot, words cannot express the sadness for you I am feeling at this moment. Hold your sister and family close and know that you have a lot of friends here who really do care. Is there any hope for Ben? We'll all keep praying that he makes it through.

  85. To IDoTheRobot,
    You and baby Ben are in my prayers. I hope you have loved ones around you to offer you comfort. I am so sorry for the loss you are going through.

  86. I am so sorry, Robot. Sending love and light your way.

  87. I just wanted to share a quick story about I Do the Robot. I was raving in comments about this beautiful vintage headband that she was wearing in her Reader Photo, and she repeatedly offerred to mail it to me. She truly is a shirt-off-her-back kind of person, and a wonderful mother to her beautiful daughter "P". She's about to give birth to her second daughter any day now, and really needs our positive vibes and continued prayers

  88. I can't stop the tears. I am so sorry @IDoTheRobot.

    I will keep your family in my prayers.

    God speed gentle Ben.

    Thanks Enty for this post.

  89. I am so sorry, IDoTheRobot. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  90. Robot, I've been thinking of you, your sister, grandparents, etc since yesterday. Love, light, and hugs.

    I work at a hospital and spend part of my time in labor and delivery. We see elation and heartache, never such thoughtlessness and cruelty.
    I'm so sorry this monster wasn't caught ruined so many lives. There will be a special place in jail and hell just waiting for him.

  91. Robot, continued love, peace, and light your way. I have felt the awesome power of prayer being directed my way, and I hope you do, too. Know that you and your family are in my thoughts many times a day.

    Thanks Enty, for giving us a designated spot to post and send our love to IDoTheRobot and her family. The CDaN community is truly one of a kind <3.

  92. My sincerest condolences, Robot. I cannot fathom the loss of a child and I cry at the thought of it. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  93. @Robot,
    There are so many laments for the chances gone. Ben, in his short journey here brought joy and love, and has left that love for you and his mother. I hope that joy clings to you both through the darkness. He is the light for your hearts.

  94. Robot, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Please know that all of us here care so very much about you & your family and that we are here to support you and help carry your load.

    Thank you, Enty, for sharing this with us. I hope these messages of love & sympathy help Robot in her time of need.

  95. We love you, E. Stay strong.

    RIP Baby Ben.

  96. Robot, a candle is lit here for Baby Ben, thinking of you and your family and sending love and light.

  97. @Robot -- Strength and prayers for you and your family.

  98. Hugs and kisses to you Ido. I am so sorry and we are here for you!

  99. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Robot. Many hugs...

  100. @Robot. I'll help you hide the body.

  101. No words, just such sadness. :(

    Your family will be in my thoughts, @Robot.

  102. I want to sincerely thank each and every single one of you. I am overwhelmed by the love, support, prayers and hugs. My husband just asked why I was upset and I had to show him this thread. You all are so kindhearted, I want you to know if I could I would hug you all in real life. I apologize, I'm not very good with words right now. I just want you all to know how much I appreciate you.

    I know I updated yesterday and said that he was being taken off life support. It was postponed to today. He will be taken off today and will leave this Earth in a mere 10 hours.

    For those that asked, my name is Elizabeth. My sister's name is Carol. She needs prayers badly.

    If it is ok with everyone, I will come back and update on this thread with what happens.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so very much. <3

  103. I read this in the news and am so shocked to learn it's a CDANer's family.

    All good thoughts & wishes to you.

  104. Oh, IDoTheRobot, my heart aches terribly for you and your family. I will pray for you all.


  105. Robot - Please let your sister know she has a whole community of support and love here on CDAN. We are all holding her hand and sharing her tears. She is not alone. None of us are. Love surrounds you, your family and little Ben's white light.

  106. Elizabeth,

    My heart breaks for you and your sister, Carol, and sweet little Ben. I wish I had the words that could provide sufficient comfort. My thoughts are with you.

  107. Robot - I'm so terribly sorry for this, it isn't anything that anyone should have to endure - for you or Baby Ben. I hope he is at peace. Sending up prayers for healing, comfort and love for you and yours. The days to come will be so difficult, I hope you find a way to press forward. Much love and endless condolences. Xoxo

  108. I hope everyone's positive words and thoughts and prayers are making their way to you, IDoTheRobot. It will take a lot of strength for your family to come through this. Please know that you have a lot of love coming to you. Though this site might be a fun distraction, we are all human behind the keyboard. I join the rest to stand with you and offer my love.

  109. Sending prayers to baby Ben, Robot & family! Heatbreaking story for sure.

  110. I'm so sorry to hear about this senseless tragedy. Prayers, hugs and good juju to you Elizabeth, your sister Carol, sweet little Ben, your husband and your baby robots. It's been a rough week for bad news, I really hope April brings better things to come. :(

  111. My heartfelt prayers go out to you and yours during this most difficult time and may grace, mercy and strength help ease your sorrow.

  112. Robot/Elizabeth, I can't say anything that hasn't been said - but add me to the chorus of best wishes and prayers. I hope that somehow the positive energy we're sending can envelop you and Carol and Ben. Peace and love.

  113. Robot E, how are you doing? I know you're due to deliver a baby any day now. Please take care of yourself, too. Many many hugs and prayers of support for you, Carol, and the rest of your family. xoxo

  114. Unimaginable. I would like to donate money because the last thing Elizabeth needs to worry about is medical bills. Praying so hard for you and your sweet angel.

  115. Very sorry to hear this. My condolences to Elizabeth and her sister and families.

  116. Elizabeth, Carol, and Ben, and the rest of your family, I am so, so terribly sorry. I pray for all of you.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Robot -- lots of love and hugs to you and your family. I am so sad that you are having to experience the worst of the world personally. May you find strength in this experience, and comfort in your cdan community that is crying right beside you.

    Cdan-ers - let's remember this thread for a long time. Despite all the arguments, trolling and disagreement, this site is at its best when it rallies around our virtual family. I love you guys!

  119. Oh, Robot, my thoughts and prayers are with you!

  120. Thinking of you, Elizabeth. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  121. Robot- a bout a month ago my best friends nephew passed away at 2 months and his name was also Ben. My thoughts and prayers are with and your family, life doesn't make sense when babies go. I find comfort in the fact that the Ben I lost will find your Ben and they won't be alone.

  122. I'm so sorry about your baby , all my prayers & good thoughts for U and your family. May God give U strength & confort during this heartbreaking times. Love

  123. We are thinking about you, Robot. So sorry for your tragedy.

  124. Robot, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's truly the saddest tragedy. I am hopeful that with time you will emerge from your grief and cherish the beautiful memories of Ben. Please accept all of the love and help offered to you. I'll say a special prayer for you and Ben.

  125. @ Robot. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Whatever we can do to help out during these dark days, please let us know. As previously mentioned, if there is a fund that we can donate to, I know that many of us would like to be able to contribute.

  126. this is terrible and tragic. keeping idtr in my thoughts, healing thoughts for baby Ben.

  127. Robot I wish there was something I could say to make this time easier for you and your family. Please know my family and I are sending you and yours love, hugs and prayers and comforting thoughts.

  128. @IDoTheRobot My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family at this very difficult time. God Bless Ben, your little angel.

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. We are all diminished when a child leaves his life this way. Wishing you and yours strength and peace.

  131. Long time lurker, first time poster, but I couldn't lurk after reading this.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to baby Ben, Elizabeth, Carol and the rest of your family, Robot. I can't imagine how difficult this has been and will continue to be. I hope that you can find some solace from coming together to see Ben through this and surround him with your love. May you find all the strength you need, from within, from each other, and from those of us who are sending it your way.
    Peace, love and light...

  132. @IDoTheRobot - I just saw the comments from yesterday and this story. I am so sorry for what your family is going through. I can't even imagine your sister's pain. You will all be in all of our thoughts as you navigate these difficult waters. You always have your (semi)anonymous crew to vent to. Please don't hesitate to turn to us.

  133. Elizabeth, I am thinking of you and Carol during this difficult time.

  134. RIP Ben.
    My heart is with IDoTheRobot and everyone in her life.

  135. Elizabeth I am so so sorry for your, your sister Carol and your family's loss. I am devastated to hear of Ben's condition. I so prayed the outcome would be different.
    Please take good care of yourself, your baby, Carol and your family.

  136. I am so sorry IDoTheRobot. Sending healing thoughts your way.

  137. Dear IDo The Robot, I am devastated and soo sorry for little Ben. I cannot find the words, but sending a warm embrace, to him, and you, and your family.

    May his soul find peace.

  138. Rest in Peace Ben.

    Elizabeth and Carol, sending you all the love, light, and strength I can muster for you both. Please remember that you are not alone through this intensely painful time, even when it feels like it.

  139. @IDoTheRobot - I'm truly sorry that your family has to go through such a devastating loss. I hope you will find comfort knowing that our hearts go out to you and we are wishing you the strength and comfort to get through this.

  140. This is so sad. Thinking abt you @Idotherobot & your family. Also I loved @sunny's story about you, you guys seem awesome.

  141. Robot, thoughts and prayers to your family. What a horrible thing to have to go through. I am sure that Ben brought love and joy to your sister and your family. I hope that is what remembered most.

  142. Sending you lots of love and hugs Robot

  143. I can never understand why anyone would ever hurt our children. My thoughts are with you and your family and we are all here for you.

  144. Elizabeth,

    I rarely post, but just had to let you know how truly sorry I am for this horrible tragedy that Carol, you, and your families have experienced. I lost my 3-month-old son to RSV pneumonia years ago. I can assure you that there is healing over (a very long) time, but the pain is never forgotten and is not erased. I pray especially for all of you during those final hours once the support is removed.

  145. Thinking of you, your sister and baby Ben. Sending you strength in this hard time and hoping that someday, somehow, you will all know a measure of peace.

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Hugs, love, and light to you and your family, IDoTheRobot. RIP to baby Ben. <3

  148. Thinking of you all, robot, stay strong, love x

  149. Elizabeth, I add my prayers to those of this amazing online family, and offer you, Carol and the rest of your loved ones my deepest condolences.

    May that little angel rest in peace...

  150. @IDoTheRobot - Sorry to hear about baby Ben. Sending my prayers to you and your dear family. Please look after yourself as I hear you are due soon xoxo

  151. Robot-Prayers and love to you, your sister and dear baby Ben. I am so sorry for your family.

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. Sending love and peace to you, your sister and your family Elizabeth. Be strong for your new baby, hugs and warmth to you from me and mine

  154. aww Robot, I'm so sorry to hear this. I pray you & your sister have 1/2 as many people in your real world to love you, hug you, listen to your pain & bring you a wee bit of humour as you have here. Praying for some gentler times ahead for you all.

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. My heart is with your family during this unimaginaly painful time Robot

  157. I have been here for years but have only posted once or twice. I love this community and am so sorry for @IDoTheRobot and baby Ben. My prayers will be with you.

  158. Couldn't lurk in the shadows any longer.... Sending love and light to you Elizabeth and your sister. The next 10 hours will be the hardest in your lives and I can't imagine the pain. There is no justification or divine plan in my book when something so tragic happens. You don't have to be strong. It just sucks.

    Nice to finally "meet" you all. You have been my escape from work and reality for some time now and I really appreciate and enjoy the community here. Maybe now I'll actually start commenting :)

  159. Sending all the love and prayers I have in my heart your way.

  160. We are here for you.

  161. IDoTheRobot, please add my thoughts to you and your family amongst the rest. Take time to be with your family and know that justice will be served to the person that did this to baby Ben.

    Rest well Ben among the angels

  162. Long time lurker (since 2008). First time poster. As many have said before me, I couldn't stay in the shadows anymore.

    @IDoTheRobot My prayers & thoughts go out to you, your sister, your family & baby Ben. The love & concern is very prevalent in the CDaN family, so I hope you can find strength & comfort amongst us.

    I have no sage advice as others have been so forthcoming with. All I know is sometimes all you can do is take it one hour, one minute, one second at a time.

    You & your family will continue to be in my prayers.

  163. I never post but wanted to offer my heartfelt sympathy and parayers to you and your family IdotheRobot. Baby Ben is a precious little angel.

  164. Dear Robot,

    I am so sorry for what your family is going through. I cannot begin to imagine. I am posting this from a town on the outskirts of London. I have been lurking on here every day for a good few years now, and with a tendency to shyness this is the first time I have posted. I have come to love the sound of
    all of your vitual voices and the daily warmth and wit and actual conversation.

    I am sure this warmth and love will be some comfort to you. I hope it will help your sister, if only just a little, to know that her son's passing has been felt in all the CDAN outposts around the world and that his life and death mattered to many.

    Sleep tight little Ben.

  165. Robot I'm so sorry. I've been praying like crazy for your sitter and Ben and will continue to do so. Can't imagine. Thank you for updating, I didn't see yesterday's post and he's been on my mind and heart since I read your first update

  166. IDoTheRobot...I don't have time to post every day, but I remember the post where you first mentioned your nephew. I have been praying for you ever since.

    I am so glad enty sent us to this thread. Thank you Xander as well. I will gladly buy one of these shirts! I have a few friends who might want them as well! Thoughts and prayers will keep coming your way!!

  167. Fort Smith is my mother's hometown and I'm related to about half of it, so I'm probably related to IDoTheRobot. Regardless, what a horrible thing to have to live through. Please let us all know if there's anything that needs to be done to help.

  168. Sending love from my family to yours. Xoxo

  169. @Just Browsing and @rejected: I am so very sorry for both of your losses. My prayers are with you. If you want to talk, my email is linked in my profile. Hugs. xoxox

    @Frufa: I am hanging in there. On bed rest and contracting. I have 18 days to go and I'm just praying I can keep her in. We can't decide on a name and it's driving me nuts. Either Marlowe Claire or Tessa Claire. Suggestions? Thanks for asking. <3

    To those asking, there is a fund set up and you can find that info in the news article Enty linked.

    Also, thank you Enty for this thread. The love is amazing and know that it is felt.

    Ben will be donating his liver, kidneys and heart valves. May he be a blessing to others and continue his life with them.

  170. Sending all my love, Elizabeth. And bless your sister for donating his organs - I'm a nurse at a children's hospital and I know how much so many children need organs to survive. I am wishing for your strength as well as your sister's to make it through this awful time.

  171. Unimaginable what you must be going through. Brings me to tears. Prayers your way.

  172. Long-time reader, first-time poster. Love the people on CDAN for their kindness and just wanted to add my love and deepest sympathies to you and your family at this terrible time.

  173. So sorry that it ended this way Robot. As you said yesterday, I hope that his organs can be used for others in need, so that some good comes from this tragedy. Best wishes to you, your family and your new little one. And please do keep us updated, we obviously all care very much.

    Also, to those of you who've asked about donating, if you follow the link to the actual news story, which Enty included in his post, you will see how to donate at the end of the article.

  174. Elizabeth/Robot - So very sorry for your family! It's absolutely heartbreaking... heartbreaking and senseless. I wish for you and your family peace and love, and that your hearts are able to heal.

  175. God Bless You, Baby Ben! I love you without having ever met you because you're an angel. My tears of sadness are somewhat overshadowed by a glimmer of hope that Baby Ben is in a much better place than us. My prayers and love are with Robot and the rest of the family.

  176. Elizabeth & Carol, I cannot even begin to understand what you are feeling right now, but me and my family are praying for you & yours. This is something that no one should ever have to endure. Deepest sympathies.

  177. Elizabeth,

    I cannot imagine what your family is going through. Please know that my prayers are with you and yours, and I grieve your loss.

  178. @IDoTheRobot - I am so very sorry. You will be in my prayers. Be strong.

  179. @IDoTheRobot
    I am so, so sorry about this. prayers to all of you.

  180. I'm so sorry, Elizabeth. I only know you through comments on this blog, and don't know your sister, but I send you both all my love and support.

  181. And Elizabeth - I adore the name Tessa Claire. Absolutely precious. "P" is going to love being a big sister. Remember to take long, calm deep breaths, and I hope your family is feeling some comfort knowing Angel Ben is saving other precious lives

  182. Elizabeth,
    Sending you virtual hugs!! I'll be sending good thoughts to you and your family.

  183. I posted earlier but had to come back again. My heart is broken with the latest news.
    Baby Ben may have had a short life but it was complete. He has inspired love and touched hearts all over the world. He must be amazing. And now to give the gift of life to other children is truly what an Angel does. I am in awe.
    Elizabeth and Carol my deepest sympathy.x

  184. My heart breaks for you & your family. I am sorry Robot. I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. God Bless you all.

  185. Elizabeth...just checking in to see how you're doing. I adore the name Tessa Claire! Tessa is a variant of my given name, Theresa. I go by Reese, but Tessa is such a lovely, lovely name. Keep as calm as you can and know that you have a gaggle of gossip snarkers rooting for you and yours. Sending you tight hugs and love. <3

  186. I have tears and chills after reading all of this, and my heart is breaking for you, Elizabeth. You are going to have to be strong for your family, including the soon to be here baby Robot, (love both names, Marlowe is lovely). I ache for your sister, Carol, and cannot imagine her pain. Bless her for thinking of others during this time. Rest in peace, sweet Ben. Love and healing vibrations to all of you.

  187. Robot, I am so very deepest condolences to you and your family *hugs*

  188. This comment has been removed by the author.

  189. Robot/Elizabeth, Carol and family, I thought abt you all day. My heart and love are with you. Always keep I your hearts that baby Ben is now known and cared for by hundreds of people. I am going to send all my goodwill and thoughts in a prayer meditation for you tonight. I also want to thank you for giving the gift of life by donating this precious love's organs to babies in need. Thank you!

  190. Sending thoughts and prayers to you baby Ben, and Carol. Please take care of yourself in preparation for your baby girls arrival!

    So much CDAN love!

  191. Dear Elizabeth,

    I can only echo what everyone else has said. My heart is breaking right now for your family and your sister, especially. Please know that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Sweet Ben will be waiting up in heaven for all of you to get there, and he will be well taken care of until you do get there.

    I will pray for you all to find peace somehow in this tragedy. Please know that there are lots of people out here thinking about you and your family.

  192. I just want to cry hearing such a sad story and also at your sister's selflessness at donating Ben's organs. I nannied a little boy who needed and received a liver transplant. I hope your family can take some sort of comfort in knowing that Ben is saving others.

  193. @Robot/Elizabeth--I'm so, so sorry for you, your sister, and the rest of your family, and for little Ben, who has only been here such a short time. Do whatever you all need to do to try and deal with things, and remember that our whole snarky dysfunctional little CDAN family is thinking about you and sending you love. We can't change what happened (damn it...), but we can at least support you through it. Take care of yourself, OK? *hugs*

  194. I am so sorry to hear about little baby Ben. I will pray for him, your family and the children his donation will help. Peace be with you and your family.

  195. Love to you all and thanks for the comments on the name. :)

    I just wanted to share the news today:

    I don't know how to make it clicky. I apologize.

  196. Words cannot express my sorrow for you. I posted something on another thread today from my 12 year old daughter who has wisdom within her that I can only hope to have one day. And I want to share the spirit of what she said.

    I hope in the time to come that your sister, Carol, and you, Elizabeth, never let the darkness and sorrow of Ben's passing overshadow his light and the goodness he brought with him.

    And I hope that your sister will always hear his angel wings when she dreams.

    You and yours are in my thoughts.

  197. @IDoTheRobot - I am so, so sorry and am thinking about your family during this terrible time.

  198. thoughts are with you Robot. your sister is a beautiful person for allowing little Ben to save other babies lives. may your family find solace in each other and your precious new baby
