Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Reader Needs Some Love

Today is kind of like reader day. Later today there will be a reader submitted photo you will love and a reader sent me a kitten video of her kitten, so you know I am going to post that. I am just waiting for a Russian reader to send me his homemade fail compilation video.

On a more serious note, the reader who comments under IDoTheRobot has been going through a personal tragedy that has made the news and has to be one of the most crushing things a person can face in their life. The thing I love most about the site, and the only reason it works at all is because of the comments and all of you.

Yesterday in the comments our reader updated that the baby Ben had been taken off life support. The background of the story is that Ben's father was arrested when he brought Ben to the emergency room and said that the baby had fallen off the changing table. The injuries though were consistent with shaken baby syndrome.

Here is the complete story. I want to thank the readers who told me about this and I hope you can offer your love and support to a very long time reader as she goes through all of this.


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Nadine said...

Sorry to hear about baby Ben. My thoughts are with Carol and your family during this time IDotheRobot.

AuntJess said...

Elizabeth please keep us updated. Tragedy is not the word for this. Hugs all around.

Bloggertobenamedlater said...

I only lurk here, but I felt compelled to offer my condolences and I am truly sorry for your loss. There are no words that can make any part of this better, but I wish the very best for you and your family as I know this is very far from over. Godspeed.

alisontheoriginal said...

Me too!

Anonymous said...

Many prayers for you and your family - especially for little Ben. If you ever need anything, please know that we're all here.

dbfreak said...

Like many others here, I don't normally comment, but read all the comments and love the CDAN community.

IDoTheRobot, I'm so very sorry for you and your family's loss of baby Ben. Your sister is so wonderful to turn this horrible situation into life and health for other babies. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Kelly said...

Elizabeth/Robot, I am so sorry for the loss of sweet baby Ben. You are always such a sweet and lovely commenter here. You are all in my thoughts.

alisontheoriginal said...

Heartbreaking. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Chrissy Buns said...

This is just terrible :( big hugs to you and yours. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through.

Roman Holiday said...

I haven't posted in a while but I still read the site daily, and I am truly sorry for you and your family. This is such a tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Like others, I don't post often but I do read the comments every day. I feel like I know you all and am so grateful to have found an internet family.

Robot, I can't imagine what you're going through, but you have all my thoughts, prayers and sympathy. Please keep us updated. I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope you can understand how much everyone here loves and supports you. If you need anything, anything at all, let us know and we will be glad to help. If you need anything, or just want to talk, I'd love to give you my email address.

My deepest condolences, friend Robot.

car54 said...

Godspeed, Ben.

For such a little guy, he's touched a lot of people in a short life.

His mom must be an incredibly strong person. By helping him on his way, and choosing donation, Ben will live on in many children.

kj said...

Dear I Do the Robot: I am so very sorry for your loss and for the sorrow your family is going through.
It is impossible to explain the unthinkable or turn back the clock to change the outcome.
Prayers to your family and little Ben.

L-rod said...

Long time lurker once in a blue poster.

I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and your family. Baby Ben will be a special little angel that will live forever in your heart.

L-rod said...

Long time lurker once in a blue poster.

I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and your family. Baby Ben will be a special little angel that will live forever in your heart.

Amber said...

Elizabeth -

I'm only just seeing all of this now, and I'm so unbelievably sorry for your and your family's loss. I hope you're able to find comfort in each other and I knowing that Ben knows how deeply he is loved. Big hugs to you and your family.

Seahorse said...

This is so sad God be with you Idotherobot and your entire family. Healing from this will be hard, know that I am praying for you all.

dia papaya said...

Liz, darling Robot, there are no words right now. I wish I could be there in person and hold your hand and let you cry on my shoulder for as long as you needed. I would even let you snot all over my shirt.

I wish I could tell you why this has happened to sweet baby Ben and your sister. Some things are not meant for us to be known. I do know that angels are waiting with open arms to welcome him to the otherside and he will forever be with you in your heart. A guardian angel watching over his family now and forever. And please let Carol know that it is not her fault, I think her burdens are probably the heaviest right now. She is such a brave and caring soul. Her loss gives hope to other babies and their families. Her Ben will live on in others, and his life will have new meaning. I hope she can find some solace in that.

Please take good care of yourself during the last few weeks of your pregnancy. I hope everyone in your community is rallying around you and your sister. Know that you always have a place to vent here in CDaN land and we will all understand. These connections are what build the world - not money and things, but family, friends, heart-felt connections in times of joy and pain. Much love to you!

PS - I love the name Tessa. But I think she prefers Marlowe. Your new little one seems a wise old soul.

Brandy said...

I'll join the other long-time lurkers and come out of the shadows for this... Elizabeth, I'm so sorry for you and your family and you're in our thoughts. I'm glad that out of this tragedy there is the hope that Ben will be giving other children a second chance at life with his organs. Your sister is amazing for being able to set aside her agony and give others such a gift.

And Tessa is an AWESOME name. Take care of yourself during this tough time!

bigtexashair said...

Dear Elizabeth and carol,

I'm so sorry to hear of this news, it's truly terrible. I don't have much experience is losing a loved one, but I will think of you tonight when I pray and hope you can find comfort in something, anything, each other.

Much love from Texas

AndyCane said...

Much love and strength sent to you

2shy2post said...

Rest in peace baby. There is a new angel watching over you Robot. Prayers will be sent your way.

2shy2post said...

Rest in peace baby. There is a new angel watching over you Robot. Prayers will be sent your way.

Teresa said...

Adding my sorrow, support, and strength to the CDAN pile, Robot...everyone here wishes we could take a share of the pain for you and your family.

Jenn said...

Elizabeth, you, your sister, and the rest of your family, including sweet baby Ben are in my prayers.
My condolences on your loss.

Jimmyvq said...

I am so sorry...and I hope someone told Robot about Crime Victim Compensation. It is a fund set up to pay for medical, burial and even counseling expenses when someone is injured or dies from injuries caused by a crime. The hospital should have told her about it, but here is a link:
Sending healing thoughts to you, Robot.

annanaannnaaaa said...

For Baby Ben, Carol, and Elizabeth... thoughts and prayers be with you. I cannot even imagine.

LA Mac said...

So so sorry this has happened to your family Robot, you are in my thoughts. Little Ben has touched the hearts and lives of so many, may his spirit live on in the lives he saves with your sisters selfless donation

Unknown said...

Another first time commenter here. Elizabeth, I am so incredibly sorry for your family's loss. My little boy is 16 months old and from day 1 even the thought of ever losing him is shattering to me. You, your sister, and sweet, innocent baby Ben are in my prayers. He is in a wonderful place now where no one will ever hurt him again.

L'auteur said...

You and yours are in my thoughts. Life isn't fair. I'm so sorry.

NeverNudes said...

There is a special place in God's arms for those precious babies that leave us too soon. Thought and prayers Elizabeth.

Halfsicilian said...

Elizabeth and Carol,
Sending all the strength and prayers I have tonight. My heart aches for you. I am truly sorry to hear about sweet baby Ben. May God give you strength, healing and peace during this time.
Sending love from Florida,

Bad Secretary said...


My thoughts are with you and your family. With love from New Zealand.

M xx

Gossiping Gertie said...


I am so sorry for your family's loss. I can't even begin to think of words that could even come close to expressing what a horrible tragedy this is. I am sending you, your sister and family love and prayers.

aradia said...

Dear Elizabeth.
I have been reading this blog for years but have only commented a few times but just wanted to say that I am so so sorry for your loss and your sisters. May baby Ben rest in peace. Lots of love being sent your way.

Rest up. I also love the name Tessa. xx

Agent**It said...

Elizabeth, much love and prayers for all, from Clare in FL.

Alicia said...

We lit a candle tonight for Baby Ben, Carol and Elizabeth. Sending lots of warm love and light. And strength.. Reservoir after reservoirs of strength. I hope you can find moments of peace as you heal.

Miss Nomer said...

Can't lurk through this one.

At this point I am echoing the words of so many others. I cannot imagine the pain you all must be going through. Sometimes it is hard to believe the world we live in. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Alicia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DisembodiedThumb said...

My condolences to your family, Elizabeth. Godspeed, sweet Ben. So very sorry to hear.

ms_jacqui said...


At such a sad time, I am at a loss for words, but please know that I am thinking of you, Ben, Carol and all of your family. Wishing you love, light and strength from Melbourne, Australia - Jacqui xxx

TSA said...


You, Carol & Ben have been on my heart since I first read your post the other day. I hope all the comments & prayers are bringing Carol & your family some comfort. Bless you all for donating Ben's organs. A part of him will live on in other precious lives. God Bless You.

Sending love & prayers from TN to Fort Smith, AR!

elspeth said...

IDo the Robot [E, C, B and all in your circle], You have our hearts, thoughts and prayers. I pray that knowing that you've touched us all, and that we're trying to send our messages back to you, that you are helped at least in some small measure in this difficult time. You have touched us, and we hope to support you in any way possible.

feraltart said...

IDoTheRobot, hope that the thoughts of all here on CDan help in some small way. Again, my heart goes out to you and your family. May Ben be at rest.

Kerrimoo said...

Beaming you and your family loads of love and hugs and more love from me and my family. I know the pain of losing a beloved child, and my heart is breaking for you and your sister. xxxxxxx

libby said...

E, I commented earlier, I just wanted to say a special thanks about the organ donation. It's so hard to keep a clear head in case of such sudden tragedies. Thank you for thinking of those anonymous sick people little Ben will save now.
I am so sorry for your loss, and best wishes on your new little girl a-comin'.

Just btw,
I knew a smart, GORGEOUS brunette girl in HS named 'Mina' , which was derived from her father's name 'BenjaMIN'. She pronounced it MY-na, like the bird, but I've also seen/heard that name as MEE-na.

So my suggestion is 'Mina Claire'.
Both YOUR names are adorable though. Take care, and remember you have 100's of strangers who are thinking about you. We care about you, E!

Fairmaiden327 said...

I Do: sending prayers, hugs and love.

Fairmaiden327 said...

I Do: sending prayers, hugs and love.

Tara said...

I'm so sorry for your family's terrible loss, but bless you for choosing to help others even in this darkness. May that light in you gather and shine ever brighter. And sweet travels to baby Ben. We send all our best kitty spirits to Whiskerkiss, Nosenudge and guide.

IDoTheRobot said...

Hi everyone, just updating that Ben went home to be with the Lord last night.

Thank each and every one of you for your prayers, thoughts and love. They are greatly appreciated.

In Love,

Sunny said...

Oh, Elizabeth
Carol must be an absolute mess. I really hope she has someone to stay with her. I'm so sorry

skimpymist said...

@idotherobot my deepest condolences to you and your sister carol.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Elizabeth, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences for your family. <3

ForSure said...

Elizabeth, I think Tessa Claire is beautiful.

Thank you so much for donating little Ben's organs. I have a personal connection to organ donation, and I am grateful for every person who makes this generous and courageous decision. xoxo

love/hate said...

Lots of love and hugs to you Robot! You are stronger and more wonderful than you can possibly imagine. <3

EGB said...

Oh, Elizabeth, stay strong and know you are loved. Please take care of yourself, we are all thinking of and praying for your family.

Diane said...

God Bless you & your family. I'm so heartbroken to hear of your loss. Thank you Enty for listening to your readers & for caring for your readers.

AKM said...

Marlowe Claire is BEAUTIFUL. So is Tessa Claire.

I also love libby's suggestion of Mina; it's a lovely old German name and it would be a precious tribute. <3

(OT, slightly: libby, *I* knew a girl who matches that exact description, but in college. Wonder if it's the same Mina...)

Hugs to you today, Elizabeth.

Unknown said...

I am late to this thread, not even sure this will be seen.
@IDoTheRobot....I live 1 town over from where this occurred (Pocola is where I'm at). It touched my heart when I 1st saw it on my news channel. I had no clue anyone from my favorite gossip site was involved at all.
I am deeply deeply sorry this happened to your family.
If you have any local fundraisers, or if I can help out in any way whatsoever...I would love to volunteer
Prayers with you & yours, especially your sister and her precious Ben.

ChrisO said...

Robot/Elizabeth -I cannot even imagine the loss you are experiencing right now. If it is of any consolation to you and your family, as someone who had a loved one who was an organ donation recipient, the families that little Ben will be helping will never forget him and the wonderful gift of life he has given. Prayers and love to you all.

sylmarillion said...

So sorry for your loss, Robot. Sending love your way.

Anonymous said...

@Robot, sending huge love, thoughts and hugs from the UK

IDoTheRobot said...

I just wanted to share the updated news story:

MollyMo said...
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MollyMo said...

Elizabeth, I am from Fort Smith, and I read this site daily. I am so sorry for the loss of your nephew Ben. Just know that the Lord is holding him close in Heaven and he is smiling and happy and feeling no more pain from that evil man. Let me know if there is anything I can do for your family! God Bless.

AuntJess said...

Oh gosh Liz! Carol is a survivor too. Tell her we love her and that's she's a survivor too. I'm not gonna lie this will be the worst thing she's ever gone thru but there is comfort. Know that people care and are keeping Ben with us. Thank you again for giving the gift of life! We have connected with the 2 people that received my step dads corneas. It's a heartbreaking miracle to them. All my love!

hotchacha said...

Unfathomable. I am beyond sorry. My love to you and your family.

f00bby said...

Much love to you Elizabeth and your loved ones. I hope justice is served.
And may I applaud Carols decision to donate organs to other children in need so that their lives may be enriched by his short one.

cheesey.burrito.whore said...

I have no words, my heart hurts for you and my eyes are filled with tears. I just don't understand. Like so many others here I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Charley said...

@IDoTheRobot, my condolences on the loss of baby Ben. Sending positive vibes your way and am thinking of you...

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Robot, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your sister.

Lauren said...

Robot, I am completely heartbroken for your family. I haven't been on this site in months, and I missed the community banter that keeps me here, and today I saw this post that had me in tears. All of these people here care very deeply for one another and it shows. Stay strong and know that everyone has you and your family heavy on their minds and tucked deeply in their hearts. Love and light.

Ella Bee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ella Bee said...

I just can't even imagine this, my heart is breaking for you Robot and your beautiful family. May that little boy burn the brightest for all of eternity ( **HUGS**

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