Monday, March 04, 2013

A Baby With The AIDS Virus Is Cured

Yesterday, I Tweeted about the child from Mississippi who has been functionally cured of AIDS and it was one of those times where you were so happy to help spread such great news. The child is a little over two now. Within 30 hours of being born, doctors started the baby on drugs and this was before they were sure the baby was even infected. Apparently by starting the drugs so early, the HIV had no chance to try and find a hide out in the body. When they get a hideout, then they come back and reinfect all the clean cells so it is a never ending process. This would be only the second known cure of anyone with AIDS. I think to me what it shows, besides helping eradicate a deadly disease is that it gives you hope in the fight against other viruses.


  1. Why do so many people use HIV and AIDS, as if they are interchangeable? The baby was cured of HIV, not AIDS. It's still a really big deal and a great thing, but the kid was NOT cured of AIDS.

  2. Is the second case Magic Johnson?

  3. They talked about the 2nd guy this morning on the news - he's called the "Berlin patient". He was cured with a combination of drugs and a bone marrow transplant (the transplant was for another disease) - they think that's the combination that did it. They're excited about this cure because it's not as invasive and not as much medicine. I don't know why they're not doing bone marrow transplants to help adults with HIV. Or perhaps they're doing testing right now.

    1. I think it's due to the availability of bone marrow.

  4. @Karen - or Tommy "The Duke" Morrison?

  5. HIV is the virus AIDS is when the virus has mutated into the full blown disease.....
    so this means if someone is diagnosed early enough they can kill the virus in their system...and that is fantastic news.

  6. Wow this is wonderful news. I can't wait for the day when there is a cure for this devastating disease.

  7. Sorry to say that cures are not as profitable as treating the illness. Whats the motivation of big pharm?

    1. Stronger, i agree and same with cancer treatment.

  8. Sorry to say that cures are not as profitable as treating the illness. Whats the motivation of big pharm?

  9. They have never actually cured a virus....the best has been a vaccine to prevent it...

    This case is very unusual ....

  10. Magic Johnson still has HIV. They failed to mention the mother of the child went MIA with the baby for months. She did not give the child any of the proper medication. When the doctors tracked them down, the child only had small traces of the virus, despite the fact that the asshole mother did not treat her for seven months.

  11. How it happened this is great news and yet it does give hope to eradicating so many other incurable diseases

  12. Interesting. Has there been any known side effects?

  13. @PuggleWug, that's a horrible story! What kind of mother does that? Did she not know about the HIV?

    1. Ixxie, a mother who is a junkie, thats who. Inwish baby good health fir life.

  14. Anonymous7:06 AM

    @susan B: the way I understood it is that the Berlin patient received a marrow transplant from a person who is naturally immune to the virus. Natural immunity is extremely rare and bone marrow donation is very painful therefore it is a) very difficult to find a donor with natural immunity b) the donor and recipient have to be a "match" much like organ donation and c) you need the donor to be willing to donate once the other two stipulations are met.

  15. They can't force anyone to get tested...
    And now they don't even do blood tests for marriage license's

  16. @Empress of Socks - thanks - I listened to this on HLN this morning as I was getting dressed, didn't hear that part of the story.

  17. This is exciting news! While its only a "functional cure" it means great things for other people infected with HIV - the virus that causes AIDS.

    I've been reading every story I can get my hands on this morning. It's a very unique case bc the mother didn't know she was infected either and had no prenatal care of any kind. Normally they would both be treated prior to birth. Regardless, it feels like a little miracle for everyone with this disease, especially for other innocent babies born with HIV.

  18. And yes I'll be the spoilsport: I hope the mother isn't a crack addict who is going to capitalize on this baby by trying to exploit her or sell her.

  19. @ProfaneGhostieBurritoWhore. I need the sparkly pink pen back so I can draw hearts around your name.

  20. Wonderful story.

    The ghostie burrito whore made me LoL.

  21. @Izzie, they immediately treated the infant after the birth. So, yes, the mother knew. She too is HIV positive, but didn't take the proper less while pregnant, to prevent the child from possibly contracting it. I believe she treated the child for a bit outside of the hospital, and then stopped. They didn't say why she went MIA, only stated "life circumstances". The baby got extremely lucky. The mother is a dumbass who should have the child taken away.

  22. @Izzie - what I heard was that the mother didn't tell anyone until right before the baby was about to come out. At that point, the hospital in Mississippi didn't have any of the technology/medicine that they usually use on infants born to HIV+ mothers, so they used the regimen they use on adults?

  23. The doctors never confirmed hat hte baby actually was HIV positive before they began giving her drugs.

    This is crucial. If they chiuld was NOT HIV positive, nothing was ever cured. Thus, she was given the drugs for no good reason. HIV and AIDS medications are very toxic. That may possibly be why the mother stopped the treatment.



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