Monday, March 25, 2013

$100K To Lindsay Lohan From "Clothing Company"

So, why would Lindsay Lohan be going to Brazil this Wednesday? Well, first of all it looks more and more like she will be going to prison because there are no lockdown rehab facilities in the US. You would think prosecutors would know this, but they didn't. Turns out no rehab facilities will hold you against your will. Anyway, Lindsay is headed to Brazil this week and she is set to earn $100K for her trip down there. Supposedly some clothing company there is willing to give her that amount of money to go to an event or two and promote their clothes. The line is called Stolen which makes sense. They also have lines called Blow and My Parents Turned Me To Drink. So, basically perfect for Lindsay. You are probably also wondering if this is just some kind of story to make Lindsay look better and that the $100K is coming from Mr. Pink Energy Drink or one of his buddies who want to count Lindsay's freckles in person.


  1. I love her face in that picture - Nobody understands MEEEE!!!

  2. Another day, another 100k for ass to ass.

  3. Yes, but is one of the lines called bumba com bumba?

  4. That or can you say she is off to one of the cosmetic surgery capitals of the world for a nip/tuck

  5. Count her freckles in person ! Hahahahaha enty

  6. Free ass to ass!

  7. Can the IRS garnish these wages because lohag owes them so much? With all the publicity with what she "earns" on these big trips you'd think she'd be paying off what she owes. Oh wait. It's lohag...

  8. I wonder if she'll do A2A w/the chick in FSP's av.

  9. Mark my words: La Lohag will outlive us all.

    1. Unfortunately, I concur. COKEROACHes can even survive nuclear fall-out.

    2. Yep. At the end of the world after either the Ayatollah or The Seed Of the Kim John Eel blows the rest of us all to smithereens in a nuclear holocaust, the only people left will be Fidel Castro, Keith Richards, Betty White, and Lindsay Lohan. Which really spells a tragic future for the human race...children of Blohan and Castro and Richards...oh, we're talking serious baby mama drama...just be glad none of us will be around to see it. ;-)

    3. @scratchy kitty, LOL at Betty White! Definitely!

  10. How is it possible that both the prosecutors and Mark Heller didn't know there was no lock-down rehab available? Does this mean she'll go to jail for 25 minutes?

  11. @Jamie - IDK, but if she was sentenced to serving it in NY, wouldn't she then serve her time in NY jail? I think her sentence was to be locked up for 90 days and as part of the plea bargain they chose to do the 90 days lock up in rehab. Does anyone else know?

  12. Redmond O'Neal was sentenced to lock-down rehab by a judge, so I don't see why this isn't possible for Lindsay.

  13. The fact that there is this much confusion on the part of the court only underscores the preferable treatment she's receiving -- it's probably fair to say literally no one else has ever gotten the deal she's cut.

  14. @surfer: TMZ says the only lock down rehab in CA is part of the prison system and only available for felons. Redmond is a felon; Lindsay isn't.

  15. FSP, you are too much. xo

  16. Beats me, Amber. Can a CA judge sentence you to prison in NY? This is a purely local matter.

  17. Interesting, jamie2. Maybe she needs to be jailed in New York, @ Rikers, where she won't get early release. After all, that's where she's living now, right?

  18. (+)-(+)Jeans- You won't believe the fit. ;)

  19. Can some/anyone explain how it came to be that her crime/s were committed in CA but she was sentenced to do rehab in NY?


    Thoroughly Disgusted with this Trick.

  20. @Jamie - Well I think as part of the plea bargain they asked if they could do it in NY since it's where she currently lives. So yeah, if they can't do the lockdown in NY, she may have to go back to LA. What a mess. I bet that judge is absolutely pissed. Though I'm confused as to why neither side vetted this in advance.

  21. I don't think it matters where you live; it's where you commit the crime. In federal cases (which this isn't), the judge can sentence you to a facility close to your family.

    I mean, if CA judges could sent prisoners to jail out of state, wouldn't they? Ease the overcrowding, save CA the bill.

  22. Amber, I'll bet the judge rips the prosecutor a new one. Nothing like being made to look stupid on national TV by a prosecutor who hasn't prepared.

  23. Anonymous7:13 AM

    FSP, is that Lohag in your new avi? Where on earth did you find that? Hilarious! My favourite Lohag pic yet!

    1. @katydid- yep. Lotta found it.

    2. Just clicked on your profile to get a better look at your avi, FSP. LMAO! On CDAN here its small and I thought it was a man posing with a horse. Boy was I way offf!!! Great avi!

  24. The daily mail had some amazing pics of her this morning. I found my new fav "Lindsay's a Mess" pic!!


    Someone need to make a calendar of her best shots or something haha.

  25. I wish somebody could help her. She is beyond helping herself in her addiction. Everyone makes fun of the "Cracken". I did too. Now I just wish to see her get some help. Put her in jail for more than 30 days. That is the only way to get her sober.

  26. You know, I would seriously not be surprised if she decided to stay there rather than go into rehab and/or jail. Then in a year when she decides to come back she'll be shocked, SHOCKED to be arrested. There is no end to the bizarre drama with this chick.

  27. There is a prison/rehab program in Nashville too. It's called DC4. At a certain point in the program they take the high level people out too AA meetings as part of their reentry into the normal world. Pretty good program actually.

  28. "The additional option is some sort of lockdown rehabilitation treatment facility. Here, individuals will also be admitted voluntarily , but for an arranged length of time and when they enter in therapy, they are not able to leave before the decided time frame has lapsed."


    1. ^this. I was wondering why they can't make it a part of her sentencing. As in, order her to remain in the facility for the entirety of the 90-days - no day passes, no leaving, no nothing. Period. And if she were to even remotely violate that stipulation, she goes to jail for the full 90, no credit for "time served." The other thing I don't understand is why she didn't take the jail option. She seriously would have been in and out again already if she had just bit the bullet. What do you think she'd stay for? I say 24 hours. Max. That's gotta be easier than 90 days worth of withdrawals.

    2. Jacq, also the 45 days to report. That's half of her 90 day rehab. I don't get that.

    3. Agent**It Are you kidding me? This 45-day freedom period counts towards the 90-day rehab? Grrr...This bitch!

      Her rehab sentence oughta be served in a Co$ Narconon facility where they never let you leave voluntarily.

      Who knows? Maybe Lilo would find Shelly.

  29. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I too LOVE that PIC!!!! It's like " Get OUT of my Way!! Can't you see I'm important? I can't handle this, why won't they leave me alooooooone????!!! Wait where are they? Oh yes, leave me aloooooooone!!!"
    "Stolen Clothing" huh? sounds right up her alley, watch her O.D down there.

  30. There is something more there with the not taking jail option. I think they may have moved her up in "need" and she knew she would NOT be released since she's been there 2-3 time already. Is that a possibility?

    Also FSP your Avi's never cease to amuse and amaze. Awesome!

  31. How is she allowed to leave the country?

  32. No kidding, Paris! And you need a visa to go to Brazil - I wonder if it will go through (I think Snoop was denied entry into Australia, Norway and maybe England too)

    I just want to tour around in a VW bus, and slap every idiot that keeps employing this fool. I may have to involve some ferries, but I think this is doable

  33. I wish Enty would always use that duck lip pic for LiLo that FSP previously had up as his avi. That was priceless.

  34. Agent: I did the same search and found similar results, but I couldn't find a single clinic with a website that offered lock-down. The site you mentioned (and others like it) are all referral sites who make money by connecting you to a clinic.

    However, I don't see why she cant be put on "house arrest" in a residential rehab center with GPS ankle bracelets and an alcohol/drug monitoring bracelet. That's almost as effective as lock-down. The difference is that I can't see LL making it for 90 days w/o an armed guard!

  35. As parissucks asked, why IS she allowed to leave the country? And doesn't Brazil have a high level of rich people being kidnapped for ransom? Hmmmm. I wonder if Lohag with suddenly disappear down there a note will appear asking for ransom. We know SOMETHING dramatic will happen to her down there, and I could see her staging a "kidnapping" hoping it will make the courts throw out that pesky 90 day thing out of sympathy.

    1. Exactly - we all know damn well that's something's going to happen when she goes to Brazil. She lives for drama.

  36. "bumba com bumba"


  37. (I think we should start using that phrase. It's so much more lyrical than "ass to ass.")

  38. What were her charges for? I can't even remember

  39. As someone who is unemployed and looking for a job that will probably make 1/2 of what I made last year this totally pisses me off.

  40. Brazil = No extradition. Boom

  41. Why the hell is she being allowed to leave the country? Better yet, why will she be allowed back IN with $100K? Won't that be immediately garnished by the IRS?
