Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Youngest Female Billionaire In The US Is 30 - Been Married 3 Times - Races Cars - Owns In-N-Out

For much of the past two years, Bloomberg has been trying to track down hidden money or hidden billionaires and have found close to 100 that Forbes never had on any list. One of the most recent billionaires they found which doesn't seem that hard f you think about it is Lynsi Torres. Lynsi is 30 years old. She has been married three times and loves racing cars. She has a set of twins and is the youngest female billionaire in the US. Oh, and the reason I love her other than her obvious fondness for getting married frequently is that she owns In-N-Out. When she turned 30 she got half the company and when she turns 35 she gets the other half. Yeah that's right. Free In-N-Out if you marry her. She had me at double double. Animal style. Lynsi inherited the company after a series of deaths in the family which left her the sole surviving family member. No one is sure whether she will keep the company or sell it when she turns 35. I hope she keeps it because if she sells it then there is no way the new owners won't franchise it and then it will just be another fast food place.


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