Friday, February 15, 2013

When A Secret Daughter Is A Downer - Gossip Wise

When you see a Congressmen Tweeting during the State Of The Union and you discover that the person he is Tweeting is the person photographed above you start thinking to yourself this is going to be massively juicy. Then you discover the Congressman is single so it will be less juicy, then you discover that the 24 year old bikini model is actually his daughter and then you feel bad for thinking what you had been thinking and that the guy was just having a conversation with his daughter but really couldn't because she was a secret that he only discovered three years ago and people would jump to the wrong conclusions about their relationship. Not that we would do that. The only people that would do that are those that judge. None of us judge.


  1. Why secret I wonder? Was the girl's mother married to someone else?

  2. If it's Tweeting its all public, so it's a lot less likely to be juicy than say, IM'ing.

  3. My brain hurts now.

  4. I just read a news story about this - didn't say she was his daughter, said she was a long-time family friend. I'd guess her mom is or was married to someone else at the time of her conception. Classic neighborhood hanky panky, I'd say.

  5. Obviously not a secret for the past three years.

  6. No not any of us would judge hhmmmm.....

  7. Judge timebob is here, court is in session!

  8. I can't really blame him for anything. It sounds like he's only known for three years and even when he found out three years ago, what good would it do for him to publicly announce it? That would just embarrass her - I feel bad for him that he lost out on the first 21 years of her life.

  9. Frufra--He did confirm she is his daughter. I'm pretty sure she was kept from him all those years, that he didn't know. But I've slept since I read that last night.

  10. So is it the implication here that the congressman and his daughter are having an inappropriate relationship? If so, I don't think they'd be publicly Tweeting, so I'm kinda lost.

  11. Speaking of fathers and daughters did you guys see the article in the DM about Jessica Chastain's alleged father?

    Jessica Chastain alleged father dies

  12. phoenix---All that happened is that people following the Congressman's Twitter thought he had a secret super-young hot GF. Turns out she was his daughter, and they hadn't gone public yet, but had to now to dispel the dating rumor.

  13. This is actually a nice story, imo. It seems Rep. Cohen - who has never married or had other children - is trying belatedly to enjoy a relationship with his now adult daughter. So he didn't hold a press conference to announce that 25 years ago he got some lady pregnant - worse things happen every day.

  14. Ahh ok.. thanks much libby :)

  15. Lotta---oooh. Does she want that subject brought up just now? That's awful. IF he's not her bio-dad, I hope the tabs stay off her until she has time to mourn him.

    1. @libby, it says that she never acknowledged him but that he was following her career. Lots of pics. I was shocked!

  16. Re: Jessica, why oh why is her last name listed as Howard before it was changed? Enquiring minds want to know!

  17. I know this guy personally and he is a great person. Works hard for the City of Memphis and is one of the most fair minded people I have ever met. I am glad he found his daughter.

  18. RE: Jessica C...I never believed the Ron Howard story and this kind of confirms it for me. I think she resembles her supposed bio-dad, even; I think it's the jawline. Sad story all around, though, kinda, and I didn't know about her sister, either.

  19. Thanks @Lotta, I never knew about her sister, so sad. It looks like he was following her career & posting about her for awhile.

  20. I didn't know Jessica Chastain had a sister either! Then again, those are probably the things she's been so secretive about. They listed her age as 35 in that article which I found interesting since the dad was 55 when he passed.

  21. I'm with Rosemary, man finds out he has a daughter, establishes relationship with her. Good on him.

  22. I can be cynical, but this could all be 'housecleaning' for Chastain's image/privacy. More complicated coverups have been accomplished.

  23. All above is tight snd true, but u shouldnt be texting during state of union address. Thats the dopey part.

  24. Okay--My last comment, probably for the day.
    Chastain ALWAYS talks about how hard she worked. She has worked so hard to get here--she will bring that up in every single interview.
    Every time, even before I knew the 'Howard' thing, her insistence of how hard she'd worked bothered me, because don't we always bring up what we're most sensitive about? Isn't that the stuff we always are working to disguise--our biggest secrets?

    Nepotism, or fear of it, could explain that sensitivity. I know she went to Julliard, blah blah...but thousands of people have gone there.
    (There is a science called "Statement Analysis" that I've mentioned before. One of the biggest clues to anyone's truth are those sensitivity markers in conversation, like with JC.)

    BYE ALL! Thanks for always seeming to tolerate me! Mwah!

  25. LMAO, Enty!

    Libby, we don't "tolerate" you, we love you! And your armpit!

  26. Lotta, thanks for that link. I now believe her bio dad is the musician, she has his face.
    Sad that her mum took her and her sister from their dad. I think in years to come she will regret not trying to get to know her father. Also, the outrage she showed over wiki listing her real age, you are in great shape Jessica, but guess what, you look 35.

  27. This is a happy story. Guy who doesn't have any kids discovers he has a lovely daughter. He establishes a relationship and was happy to hear the she has taken an interest in politics. Good for them!

  28. I don't buy this story. I am from Memphis and I think he is one of the most shady politicians.

  29. Anonymous7:59 AM

    must have been a love child.
