Wednesday, February 20, 2013

When Cute & Cuddly Animals Attack


  1. Most of these people are just incredibly stupid.. The guy and the cow was funny though.

  2. Agree with the stupidly acting people - who doesn't know you don't mess with a buffalo? Emus scare the hell out of me too - I took my niece & nephew to a zoo once and 2 emus tried to break through the fence to get at us (and we were just standing there). The cow thing was funny, true. As was the cat.

  3. An emu will F you UP. Right to be scared of them.

  4. I will forever more see Taylor Lautner when I see an alpaca! :/

    I was once bitten by a turkey and that is no lie! I was about 3 and at the zoo or some place in San Diego-I think that is why I'm not too crazy about turkey. lol

    And, yes! Do not mess with animals!!

  5. The penquin one was adorable.

  6. I love the penguin one too. That's #1 on my bucket list - take a cruise to Antarctica and give a fish to a penguin.

  7. Aren't at least half of these animals WILD animals? The people petting the kangaroo were particularly idiotic (as were the people who let them do it, who definitely should know better). Kangaroos are NOT CUDDLY. They will beat your head in with their feet as soon as look at you. And they smell absolutely terrible - think goat times 1000.

    All I can say is the morons in these videos were incredibly lucky that these "cuddly animals" did not draw blood.

  8. love the gymnaist monkey i give him an 8

  9. Leave the animals ALONE!

  10. This was funnier than I thought it was going to be. The menacing alpacas and the possessed cat were my favourites :)

  11. @Canadachick - I'd give the monkey at least a 9. He totally stuck the landing.

  12. That psycho cat was hilarious. Really thinks he's some'n!

    Tourists come to Banff in the summer (Canadian Rocky Mountains) and I can't believe the idiosy of these dumbasses. Top down on convertibles, walking with babies & camera to get 15-20 feet away from WILD animals. bears, caribou, moose. Wildlife officers have patience of saints!

  13. Thug-paca gang! About ten seconds into that one clip I started humming, "When you're a jet, you're a jet all the way...."

    Black bears are no big deal as long as you don't get between a mama and he cubs, but I'm pretty careful when I'm hiking around bison, and a pissed-off moose can be a real danger.

  14. Heh, I've actually been one of those dumbasses driving through Banff in a convertible. I knew how to correctly gauge the risk from the fauna, but some of those other idiots, yes, I wanted to kick in the ass.

  15. Damn straight you don't mess with Roo's! That was idiotic as were the people with the bison.

    Psycho kitty Qu'est Que C'est..Hum it to the Talking Heads tune..Loved the cat!

  16. The guy screaming and piss-bolting from the cow (didn't even have horns and was probably called Maybell) was pretty funny.

    I loved the spider monkey too! And those naughty puppies assaulting that car.

  17. Honestly though, those idiots messing with the kangaroo were lucky he only retaliated with his arms - he could beat you to death with his tail and kick you to bits with his legs. Kangaroos are NOT to be messed with. In fact pretty much all Australian animals are not to be fucked with - Koalas can gut you with their claws, Wombats can run very very fast and are always in a strop about something, platypi have deadly poisonous back spurs but I've lived here my whole life and have never seen one in the wild so I'm not so worried about them. And that's just the cuddly looking creatures. People are stupid approaching any wild animal.

  18. Emu oil is the only good thing I can say about an Emu.


  20. Oh no! But it's made out of emus! Emus are cool.

  21. Didn't Enty post the buffalo video before? And we discussed at great length how stupid those people were?

  22. Emus and ostriches are mean as hell, like a chicken's pissed off big brother, coming to kill me for all that Popeyes.

  23. Yeah emus are pretty mean - but only if you get near them - there used to be one in a paddock I walked past to go home after school and it couldn't give a shit about me - I could get about 10 metres away without any fear of it. He wasn't tame - I think he just jumped into someone's paddock one day and decided he liked it there - there were no farm animals to harass him or anything.
