Friday, February 22, 2013

Twilight Actor Sentenced To Probation For Peeing On Airport Floor

I'm trying to think what it must be like to have to pee so bad that you would have to pee on the floor at the airport. Not in a corner or in a plant, but right out in the middle of everyone. I know if you are drunk out of your mind and high on meth that it can be hard to read the signs to the bathroom, but you couldn't pee in your carry on bag or something other than peeing in front of everyone? Yesterday Bronson Pelletier pleaded no contest to public intoxication and was sentenced to two years probation and ordered to attend two AA classes a week after being arrested for peeing on the airport floor right in front of everyone.


  1. Heres what its like: you're so f*cked up you dont know what you're doing or where. Gross

  2. When you're blackout drunk, you have no idea what you're doing. I saw two guys in college do this (one peed in the corner of his living room, I was sleeping on the couch and there was no stopping him; the other peed into his closet (boyfriend at the time, I woke up to the sound of piss hitting his gym bag).

  3. I know a guy once who was so drunk that when he was taking the train home, he thought he was stepping into a bathroom too pee (which should have been his first clue, since Chicago L trains don't have bathrooms), but he was actually stepping into a conductor's booth on the train.

  4. It's so funny that he tried to say it was all lies until the video came out. If he weren't married, I'd say he and Linds were a perfect match.

  5. lol @ Lotta. I saw that video. He was so wasted I think he was being honest because he just didn't remember.

  6. My guy friend peed in my girl friend's drawer in college once.

    My other friend's boyfriend (now husband) woke up in bed, faced his pillow, and peed on his own pillow, splashing my friend with pee.

    A guy who lived on my ex's dorm floor pooped in the corner of the hallway once.

    I could go on forever. When you're smashed, you don't know up from down let alone where the actual toilet is. It happens.

  7. Once I was so drunk I was sitting in front of the toilet trying to throw up so I could go to sleep. Instead, I peed everywhere. I was so confused, I started crying cause I hadn't realized I peed all over the floor. My friends bought me depends after I told them. Luckily, I have no shame and I am in no way embarassed by this :)

    1. Haha thank you @christopher cruz

    2. I almost peed laughing at this, rcb

  8. That picture is not Bronson...

  9. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I have never lost the bathroom, but I did bend over and puke under a table at a bar once. I think the 1/2 to whole bottle of patron silver combined with a six pack of beer and shots of gold schager had something to do with it. I also puked in the truck, all over the garage and slept on the balcony naked....I recall none of this, but my roomate loved telling the story.

  10. Uhh is it just me or does he look alot different from the last time we saw him? Pretty sure that guy is not Bronson.

    This is Bronson.

  11. I have never peed anywhere public (unintentionally hehe)but I have woken up completely naked and soaking wet on my bed that had been stripped of all of it's sheets and blankets. When I went in my bathroom I discovered all of them in the shower with all of my clothes and the ripped down shower curtain. Apparently I had peed myself and decided the best solution was to shower myself and all of my belongings.

    The worst part was the chunky vomit of my midnight snack caked into my beautiful black shag rug. Never ever eat stale corn tortillas with mayo, american cheese slices, and salsa when you are ridiculously drunk.

  12. Thats the same guy? He looks way different.....

  13. When I was in college, my friend came to visit with her roomate. We got wasted & in the middle of the night, the roomate dropped her panties, squatted over my hamper and peed in it.

  14. I peed on my bathroom rug in college (I was SO close, dammit!). My friend peed in her open suitcase on the floor. Too much alcohol=your "give a damn" is busted. I can't imagine adding meth, but I'd say that's pretty much what happened to this fella. AA classes are probably not a bad idea.

    1. Oh. My. God- I need to party with every single person on this thread!!!

  15. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I don't think enty watched the video. He looks like he's trying to leave to go to the bathroom but an official in a red jacket is stopping him. If the guy had just escorted him while waiting for the cops he probably wouldn't have peed. When the cops arrive, while he's peeing, I think they use to much force as they knock him to the ground (didn't need to) and knee him while slapping on the cuffs.

    click here to see video

  16. New Year's 1998 in SFO, a friend and I were s!ht faced to oblivion. Got a taxi ride back to Sausalito. The driver was an ass and took a scenic route to get more money out of us. Well after being driven in circles for too long, I peed all of the vodka in me out onto the back seat of his cab. No way it costs more than $100 to get from Union Square to Sausalito. He could use the extra money to get his back seat cleaned.

  17. I misread this at first and thought, "Bronson Pinchot was in Twilight?!"

  18. Is that really the same guy?

  19. I hope to God I never have to pick anyone out of a line up...they looked the same to me until I studied the faces more.

  20. I have far too many incriminating stories of drunk times to even count. I myself did the corner squat whilst drunk as well. My boyfriend woke to hear me pissing in the corner.
    Thank god I don't get drunk like that anymore.

  21. Bahaha these stories rock! A CDAN get together would be trouble indeed.

    And no, that is not actually Bronson. Idk who the heck that guy in the picture is.

    This sweet little cherub is Bronson. And this and this. Who knows, maybe he got a nose job.

  22. Sophomore year of college I came back from the bars wasted. Came out of my room like a zombie and made my way into the lounge where after having a brief conversation (I'm told) with the 6-8 ppl in the mixed crowd, I calmly stood up, unzipped, and pissed on a couch. I then calmly walked back to my room.

  23. New Years Eve, about 10 years ago. Friends house, much drinking, brand new Reno, brand new carpet, vomited all the way from the room I was in, down the corridor & finally in the toilet. Vomit on me, showered fully clothed, walked home as I couldn't handle being in a moving vehicle. They moved interstate. Oh well.

  24. Never got this drunk myself, but witnessed a guy in college come downstairs, open the door to the fridge in his frat house, and pee in the fridge!!!

    A girl in my sorority wHile wasted freshman year went into the wrong dorm room, shoved everything--including a computer--off this guys desk and went to sleep there. She then woke up and peed in the corner of his room. We called her Betsy Wetsy.
