Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Trouble In Paradise - Nick Lachey Canoodling With Other Women

In the new issue of Star, they claim that Nick Lachey was at a pre-Grammy party and latched onto Stuart Brazell which, I also agree is the most unusual name for a woman I have heard in quite some time. The only thing crazier would be if someone named their daughter Maxwell or something. Anyway, at this party, Vanessa Lachey was nowhere to be found and Nick, who will be away from home all summer long with thousands of women begging to be with him hung out with Stuart for hours. Apparently he would not leave her side and begged her for her phone number so they could continue talking after the party. You know for business. He needs an assistant on the road for the tour or something. Costume mistress?


  1. Vanessa must have signed a pre-nup, Nick isn't giving up the money he got from Jessica and if he's this brazen he's not worried..

  2. Costume mistress! LOL

    Good on Jessica Simpson for cheating on him. He was probably cheating on her too, but with less famous people who kept their mouths shut (I'm looking at you, Bam)

  3. Stuart Brazell did an interesting interview with Sarah Lane, the "Black Swan" ballerina who did the film's more intricate moves.

  4. I hate stories like this because its 'guilty until proven innocent'. Just because she sold a story doesn't mean it happened. Like what's her point? To warn other unsuspecting women of the perils of nick lachey? Did they sleep together?

  5. I didn't realize he was in 98 degrees; they weren't that famous in the UK. Anyone going to the LA or Anaheim shows?

  6. I'm not buying this. Not to mention, this woman is a step down from Vanessa.

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    She could have pumped the story up a bit. Perhaps Nick did find her attractive. Its not a crime. But that other stuff sounds like she believes her own hype. I'm sure many men can't resist her. (Eye roll)

  8. Her dress is ill-fitting.

  9. Is Stuart really a man? Lol

    I'm not surprised by anyone in the entertainment industry cheating. Nick and Vanessa bore me.

  10. I just think people shouldn't get married if they're going to want to cheat or be with other people. Then they can be honest with the person they're with and say "I don't want to commit to just you. I want to also be with other people." Then the person they don't want to commit to, can make the choice of whether they want to stay or leave. Unfortunately, this is not a reality, because people are selfish by nature. I even told my boyfriend. I don't own you. You can be with anyone you want and cheat on me with anyone you want...but when I find out, I'm out the door and you can't have me anymore.

  11. i have no idea if this story is true or not, but in a twisted way i feel bad for nick lachey. i've always had a sneaking suspicion that vanessa lemonjello was his rebound girl, and he was just stupid enough to marry her. he's not a bad guy, and the story i got was he genuinely loved jessica and absolutely did not want the divorce. i think he's one of those relationship guys bc after jessica i remember how agressively vanessa persued him...she was still landing a few random 'hosting' gigs and she totally zeroed in on him as his target. from what i understand, she was the first and only person he dated. i don't condone cheating, but it sure does seem as if it finally hit him and he's wondering what else is out there.

    1. I get with what you're saying. Vanessa seems like a social climber to me. Didn't she used to date Derek Jeter? I guess when she couldn't snag him, she moved on.

    2. He also dated Kim K and Kristen Caveleri. Vanessa was probably a step up from them

    3. He also dated Kim K and Kristen Caveleri. Vanessa was probably a step up from them

  12. He probably didn't lie. If he said he was hanging out with Stuart, Vanessa would think it was an old drinking buddy.

  13. I don't know. I'm kinda rooting for Nick and Vanessa. They seem sweet.

  14. Future parents of the world: Stuart is not a good name for a girl. I'm all for androgynous names but some of them, just no.

    Wasn't there a blind recently about a new dad that wasn't staying home with his wife and new baby? Can't remember it, or if they would fit... earlier this week maybe?

  15. @Pookie, totally agree with you about Vanessa. She locked her claws onto him... Nick always seemed pretty naive about women. I wouldn't doubt it if he's now going, what did I do??! But he does have his kid at home to think about. And cheating is never the answer (if he in fact did and Stuart is not a fame-seeking liar)... if you're not in love anymore, you want to be with other people... leave. The kid will be better off growing up with 2 parents who are not together but who are happy, than parents who have a horrible relationship and cheat on each other.

  16. Yep, wait til he is on The Package Tour this summer.

  17. exactly what i was thinking Char...of that blind about new dad not so into the whole daddy thing

  18. Whatever, I don't buy this one. Nick has always seemed like a really loyal guy. And yes, I was in high school when newlyweds was on so I watched every episode :)

  19. This has to be that blind about the new Dad living in a hotel. Am I right???

  20. naww i dont want to believe this!

    does anyone else remember when a commenter posted something about nick and vanessa being ridiculously sweet to each other while at a club or something?

    anyone? bueller?

  21. I tell you, I would have no problem signing a pre-nup with a rich or famous guy, but you had better freaking bet that I would include a clause in there that says the whole thing is null and void if he gets caught cheating :)

  22. Not that a give a dam for Nick lachey but come on this Star magazine. next!
