Today's Blind Items - Casting Couch Marriage
Usually casting couch sex is just sex for a role or some kind of help. This one time though, a marriage came out of a casting couch situation because the pair were bonded by what happened after. The actress at the time was B list and actually approaching A list but still needed to audition for this role that she really wanted. The director made it clear what he wanted and the pair hooked up and he offered her the part. Then someone else got involved and our casting couch actress lost the part through no fault of the director. He was fully on board. The producer of the movie wanted someone else in the role and told the studio he would back out unless his actress got the role. The director and the producer argued and the producer won. It turns out that the producer realized during the filming that the A list actress he had chosen was not the right decision. She was being the worst diva ever and acting as if she had been an A lister for 25 years when she had not even been alive that long. The director would confide all this to his casting couch companion and promised her that he would get her the lead in his very next movie. She didn't get the lead, but she did get a really good role in the next movie. Meanwhile the A list diva never got another good role and is now a C+ on a good day who mainly does television.