Sunday, February 03, 2013

Super Bowl Post

Around 1pm my time I will put up a Super Bowl post so everyone can talk about the game or the commercials.


  1. Yeeeeeaaaaah!!! Thank you enty! I am home alone and need some ladies to gossip with during the game! :) hope everyone is having a fab weekend!!!

  2. Got my Bud Light Lime and snack foods ready to go!

  3. WE is having a Golden Girls marathon all day long! I'm watching the Golden Girls bowl! Woohoo!

  4. Yessss!!! My hubby is there so if you see a wild man with tons of purple and his face painted he's Mr. S.Joy!

    1. I always read your name as Soy Joy, because I've been watching 30 Rock, and in one episode Pete gets his hand stuck in the vending machine trying to steal a dangling Soy Joy bar. I keep trying to stop myself from reading it that way, but it is impossible.

    2. LOL hilarious! I'm a 30 Rock fan but I don't think I've ever seen that ep. Is it recent?

      Sidenote: My first name is Shanelle and my middle name is Joy :-)

  5. Watch for an ad by Co$ .

    1. Agent- they have set up a nice office here in seattle. I am always tempted to go picket. Last time I walked by they were handing out flyers and I said "proudly an atheist no thank you!" The guy said "thank can always change" as I walked away. :) how sweet.

    2. That can always change*** chrimminy.

    3. smash, next time they hand you something scream "Where's Shelly?" at them. It scares them:)

    4. Agent- next time. I didn't know about Shelly at that point.

  6. Oh also, I'm not a football fan but I'm veeeeery excited to see Beyonce.

    Hubby says he'll use halftime to use the bathroom so he doesn't have to hear her warbling lol.

  7. I'm already watching pregame while cooking. WTF is Rachel Ray doing there? Really!? How about someone local, assholes, like Emeril who can actually cook & is from new orleans? And the Play 60/ NFL kid has an amazing story. Good for him.

  8. I'm lucky: my b/f doesn't care for football. ;)

    I wrenched the hell out of my back a few hours ago: propped up, wearing my Onesie, heating pad at my back and popcorn and York Peppermint Patties at my side, with coffee. LOL

  9. I'm watching hockey but will watch the game until Downton starts. I made nachos and burgers and I have plenty of kind bud to last me the evening! I hope SF wins because I do not like the Ravens (Steeler fan here!)

    1. Love hockey. Next Saturday I'll be outside watching a doubleheader here in Omaha. Can't wait for that.

    2. @imakenosense that sounds awesome! My team won! My brother went to a game yesterday and got to sit in a fancy luxury suite!

    3. Rej you have....bud or Bud Light? Lol happy Sunday

  10. @rcb, I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but your avi is *adorable*!

    1. Thanks @prolixe that's my beautiful niece who just turned 6 months!

  11. I don't particularly care about football but because I live in San Francisco, go 49ers!

  12. I'm watching a Law and Order marathon while stuffing my face with Superbowl snacks. I have a wicked hangover.

  13. @Agent. LOL My best friend and I had an encounter with the folks at the Dianetics Center in Royal Oak, MI about 30 years ago... I would soooo love to scream, "Where's Shelly?!?!" if I still lived there!! ;)

  14. dishes are clean, clothes in the washer, one dog in crate eating a bone, bigger dog out of crate eating a bone, talked with mom and kid, have a pile of work to do before the game but i will happily blog @ smash.

  15. Wow KJ you are hardworking! :) two dogs are rough. I ran mine this morning and after taking months off it actually felt great! My latte is fresh, dishes done and laudry in the wash. When the boyfriend goes out of town I get so much more done!

  16. @sugar, right across the Bay from you, technically in Raider territory, but I'm a way bigger 49 fan, it's a beautiful day to win a Super Bowl!

  17. I grew up in Napa! :) the Raiders would train at a middle school near my parents donut shop and they would come in sometimes. That was ages ago! My bfs mom lives at the south end of the pier right across the street from the Giants baseball field. I paid big money for Seahawks vs 49s tickets a two years ago, Seahawks won! But I will be cheering on the 49s tonight.

    1. @smash, your boyfriends mom lives in the coolest area! We can take the ferry to Giants games from our town, I love that neighborhood!

    2. E gee be- it is really beautiful. She is on the 12th floor and has a stunning view. I haven't been in a few years but she still lives there.

  18. All Im waiting for is my FAST AND FURIOUS 6 movie tv spot.

  19. I've been clicker-training my rescue dog for most of the morning. He is a smart little guy and of course food is an endless motivator. Now I'm trying to find a non-locker room stream of the Puppy Bowl and plan on going out with my sister and daughter later on.

    Can't wait for the next Beyonce "scandal" and will definitely be watching clips from half time tomorrow when I'm supposed to be working.

  20. Apparently Jay-Z and Beyonce are handpicked tools of the Illuminati. Yeesh - I lived in Salt Lake City for many years and even had lunch with a self-professed Illuminati, so am both fascinated and amused by this shit. The Mormon church lifted most of its temple ceremonies from the Free Masons, so Illuminati conspiracies in that town are ripe.

    1. I've read a little on the whole Illuminati conspiracy. It is interesting and amusing, as you say. That being said, it would not surprise me one iota if the Beyonce/Jay-Z turned out to be minions of Lucifer.

  21. @Reeses I'm so sorry about your back and hope you feel better! The onesie, heating pad and popcorn sound sooo good though.. enjoy!

  22. @Sugar, E Gee Bee & smash-I'm envious of you all for living (or lived) in SF/surrounding areas! It's my fave part of the country, hands down.

    I'm sad the Niners lost, but glad we have a good team and looking forward to the next few years! #Faithful
