Sunday, February 03, 2013

Super Bowl Post

Talk about the game, the commercials or why you are not watching it.


  1. Oh ok. I'm not watching because I don't give a shit about any sport but hockey. And I especially don't give a shit about commercials.
    I don't even know who's playing today, but I know Jim Harbaugh is involved, and I had a crush on him when I was 10.

  2. Not a big football fan so I'll skip it. Last few years I had to work, so it's nice to do nothing except goof off!

  3. Homeland for me!!! All day season 1 and 2...wahoo!!

  4. Murderer vs Homophobes. Not much to root for, there, so I'm going to try and stream the Puppy Bowl.

  5. @me - 'Homeland' is a guilty pleasure. I criticize while I'm watching, but manage to enjoy it, nonetheless.

  6. I only watch HS and college football, so no go for me unless it's my beloved Saints.

    I'm watching West Wing's debate episode (btw Jimmy Smits & Alan Alda as the Dem & Repub candidates respectively). I *seriously* wish this episode was how real debates went! They both did a fantastic job on that episode - it was filmed live and there are some slip-ups, which makes it seem even more real.

    I need a Sunday dessert... anyone have suggestions? I'm thinking maybe brownies...

    1. Prolixe- I made microwave chocolate cake last night and it was very easy and very tasty. It is called mug cake. The recipes is only a few ingredients so if you want it let me know. :)

    2. Omg! I totally used to make this when I moved out, my first yr of college. Ohhhhh!! Its soooo good =)

    3. Making my husband a chocolate, banana, peanut butter cake. It smells awesome in my house.

    4. @prolixe
      Seems like you already made your dessert, but for future reference and anyone else reading - my fast and easy "go to"...
      Take any kind of chocolate you have in the house (chips, bars) and melt in a large microwave safe bowl for two minutes. If you have or like peanut butter you can stir in a few scoops of that. Gently stir in some kind of savory cereal (chex, mini wheats, kix, or even mini pretzels.or mini crackers)
      Put in a plastic zip lock bag (or just cerfully in the bowl) toss and cover in powdered sugar. The powdered sugar will.dry and coat them into individual little bites!
      Always a hit.

  7. I always watch even though my team never makes it. Still fun.

  8. Got the kid so it is all about the Puppy Bowl and kitten half time show today. I am DVRing the super so I can see some commercials if I get bored later.

  9. Since the Pats aren't playing I'm watching the Puppy Bowl.

  10. Watching way south of the border where soccer is revered. Folks from England have already shat on a viewing. Major bar will have 4 screens. Yet another bar is showing and has food specials. I'm attending another party first. We'll see who heads down to the game with me when that is finished. Should be about second quarter at the latest. I will report back........

  11. Fast and Furious. Fast and Furious lol

  12. I'll watch Beyonce perform, that's about it.

  13. @prolixe Hershey cocoa has the best recipe for brownies on the outside of the container.

    Luv the Saints too!!

    Went to the best Superbowl NY vs NE; of what I can remember

  14. I'm not watching because my Cowboys aren't playing and because I drank too much last night and have a hangover from hell. I may tune in for some commercials, though.

    I will silently root for the 49ers because I think they're cooler than the Ravens.

    1. Love this! I feel the same way. I'm def not a football or any kind of sports fan for that matter, but I really just watch for the commercials. Also being quiet about the 49ers, only cuz I'm from Cleveland, & a lot of my guy friends would be pissed if they knew. Haha.

  15. No surprise that there aren't a lot of football fans among the CDAN regulars. However, here's a betting tip for you tyros stuck at Super Bowl parties who want to pick up some easy money: if Kaepernick drives the Niners for four first downs through the air on their first possession, offer to take the Niners plus 7. If he gets the Niners into the red zone on the first possession, take the Niners plus 10. Basically, if there's any sign that Kaepernick can pass on the Ravens, Niners will win by ten or more points. Current line is 3-4 points Niners.

    Oh, and obviously, if you can find anyone willing to bet the Ravens even (i.e., no points), take their money!

    1. Yeah yeah yeaaaaahhh!!! Where have you been you handsome devil you!!!

  16. I have many interests, but football is not one of them. In fact, I can't stand it. Needless to say, I won't be watching it. The highlight of my day is the Puppy Bowl.

  17. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Can't wait.

    ((SIDE EYE))

  18. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Love football, but since the teams I normally follow ended up 31st and 32nd in the standings this year, I don't have a lot of interest. I'll be rooting for the Niners, though, because my cousin's wife's sister's kid plays for them, and because I can't stand Ray Lewis.

    I've seen the Budweiser commercial with the Clydesdale colt, though, and cried every time I watched it.

  19. never got into football. So I'm going to play video games instead.

  20. It's also the NCA NDA dance/cheer competition. As a childhood cheerleader I still enjoy watching competitions.

  21. Still watching Golden Girls on WE, and loving it!!!!! "This is strictly off the record, but Dirk's nearly 5 years younger than I am." "In what Blanche, dog years?" Never gets old!

  22. @ MadLyb - Me too re Homeland. I bitch about it, but I'm glued to the TV. When I was watching Season 1 on Netflix they had S2 available on streaming. When I was done with S1, S2 was no longer available on streaming so now I'm waiting for them to have S2 discs available. We have Dish network and they don't have On Demand. Argh!

    (And don't get me started on Downton Abbey. I watched the season finale on Wednesday. I sort of knew what was coming but I want to punch writer Julian Fellowes in the throat anyway.)

    1. mango. no spoilers for me for the Abby:)

  23. No football for me. I watched the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet and now I'm watching old episodes of Dr. Phil (my guilty pleasure) that were on this morning on OWN. Yup, just a regular Sunday for me!

  24. Puppy Bowl is off the hook!

  25. Hey is Honey boo boo on tonight?

  26. Going to a bar here to chat with my buddies and glance at the game when everyone starts spazzing out. I have some money on the betting squares so here's hoping I win some cash-o-la!
    Go 49ers.

  27. No Pats, so I may check in a few times to see the score, but my BFF got the DVDs of McMillan & Wife for me at my birthday so it's a Mac, Sally, Mildred & Enright marathon in my house!

  28. Matchbox 20? Really?

    1. I always get 3doorsdown and matchbox confused. They both are so whiny.

  29. Has anyone seen my big fat American gypsy wedding? Woow. We got some real gems hur in murica.

  30. I took Ravens because
    I believe the Pats punishment must be complete.

  31. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Debating whether to watch...that golden girls marathon sounds mighty tempting though...

  32. @Mango, I'm with you. Let's rumble on him. I'll bring brass knuckles.

  33. I am not watching it because it hasn't started yet. I'll probably turn it on in about an hour and 15 mins or so.

  34. It's live on Australian tv but unfortunately that is Monday 10am here so I will be at work. I would consider watching a replay just to find out what the fuss is about. Also, why is it on a Sunday?! I guess lots of people will be calling in sick tomorrow...

  35. I don't have a tv. Decided I was spending way too much time in front of the boob tube and got rid of it. Now I just watch stuff online , and it has made me watch tv a lot less.

  36. I am not watching simply because I don't care about football. I've had a few boyfriends try and get me involved in the sport but no matter how hard I try I like it, I just can't muster any enthusiasm whatsoever. Basketball, MMA, soccer ( go timbers! ) all can hold some interest but football? No thanks. Plus I have to work tonight so I can think of much better ways to spend my afternoon off!

  37. @Alicia - NO PITY!

  38. I'm so not skeeved at Kaepernick citing his faith when he's talking about his tattoos. He's not a Tebow. Just a humble kid.

    Mind you, I totally hope he blows his knee out on the last play after he's buried the Ravens, because my Seahawks have to play against him twice a season.

    1. B- doesn't the bible state our bodies are temples. So you paint all over the temple. I never got that. Body art is one thing but getting a tattoo of the word FAITH is a bit beyond tacky.

    2. And it's on his right arm. Is he left handed or does he not jackit because he is celibate.

  39. Oh god, Namath looks like an old queen!

  40. I hope San Fran wins. It's beeeenn awhile...

  41. B- I worked on a boat doing catering. We would go around lake union and lake Washington. The most fun were game days.

  42. I don't really watch sports. If I remember I will probably flip over and watch the Beyonce show but usually I forget and watch it online the next day.

  43. I'm watching but I'll be letting the dog out and taking the garbage out during half time!

    As a Steeler fan, I just cannot root for the Ravens. So let's go Niners!

  44. I ended up making an espresso brownie bites recipe... the batter was yummy, but the brownies didn't set up right. Grrr.

    @misspeg86, Sunday is a no work day for most people in the US (that is, most traditional/office/corp jobs). The general idea is that HS games are Friday nights (homecoming games are played on Friday so the dance is held on Saturday), college games on Saturdays (so the students can party Sat evening & have Sunday to recover from hangovers & ready for school on Monday), pro games played on Sundays prior to the big Monday night football games.

    This link gives some idea of how it works.

    (Oh, and every year, there is a bunch of discussion about moving SP to Saturday. Those against cry tradition, those for cry convenience. NFL change is PITA.)

  45. That would be the Super Bowl, not SP.

  46. Jennifer Hudson did good. Alice is a little pitchy but they both sang live.

  47. Well smash, if you worked catering on Lake Washington I've bet you've got even better stories about Husky game days.

    Sonny Sixkiller rules!

    (BTW, who the hell would ever make onion dip with lite sour cream? If you're gonna shovel horribly unhealthy gobs of milk fat into your mouth, is the little extra fat gonna make that much difference?)

    1. Husky games days were THE best. We had some major sailgating going on. One time we had all three of our boats hooked up side by side. My coworkers were all also my friends so we would drink or smoke and not get in trouble.

  48. Yay, Chris Collinsworth! Sadly, Ray Lewis probably will make it into the Hall.

  49. im not watching. I couldnt really care less. Im not really into sports. If i do however watch sports its things like UFC and fifa... i dont even really care about olympics since it promotes barriers.

    Id rather watch a good action movie tbh while i crochet

  50. No I'm watching the Gold Girls marathon

  51. LOL I mean Golden Girls

  52. My number one question to dudes who watch football. Is what percent of those through the middle passes actually work. It always seems like they are just running into a wall of men.

  53. Well, I've already seen all of the commercials....

    (Budwiser and Taco Bell were the best, imo.)

  54. Niners running some very sophisticated formations at the start, but makes no difference.

  55. What do you mean by "middle passes," smash? Crossing patterns?

    1. Trying to just pass and rush through the middle, I don't know what it is called. :(

  56. Going to a Super Bowl party to hang out with my friends and have some adult beverages! I could not care less about the game itself, though I have decided to root for the Ravens, because ravens are cool, mystical birds with supernatural portent. Also, I believe these are the Baltimore Ravens and one of my favorite TV series of all time is The Wire :P

  57. I guess when you only need a few yards it works

  58. I got a little choked up at the Sandy Hook chorus.

  59. If the 49s can't snap back with something big I think this is going to be a shut out.

  60. 5 wideouts? And it worked. Some very sophisticated offensive coaching on both sides so far.

  61. Hahahaha wow I will never take bud seriously.

  62. I will hope for a Ravens win because I used to love the Baltimore Colts and never forgave them for leaving.

    I realize that makes no sense however, since I don't really care about either team...

  63. Love m and ms my favorite snack junk food

  64. I tried to post here , but blogger ate it. We will be watching after my husband gets home from work. Until then, I am watching my daughter play Arkham Asylum and I am making some finger foods. I also have steaks marinating in the fridge.

    If I get some gumption in the next few minutes, those brownies mentioned up above sound like a great idea.

  65. I like your reasoning! Me, I'm rooting for Baltimore, because they were named as an homage to "The Raven" and Edgar Allan Poe...and because I <3 The Wire :)

    1. @DB my phone flipped out on me, was responding to your post!

  66. Ok I'm now watching because husband has put the game on and hid the remote.

    Anyone want to gossip about anything other than the game? 90210 or any 90s gossip perhaps? Whatever is your fancy.

  67. Budweiser trying to launch yet another new brew? They are so desperate. The microbrew movement has been destroyingAnnheiser-Busch!

  68. As an owner of an Audi I would most definitally allow a 17year old to drive it.

  69. Yes cus bullying bully's is cool. Go daddy really fucking ewww.

  70. I do not subscribe to cable so I am watching the game online courtesy of CBSSports until the Sunday night shows get posted. "Mrs. Brown's Boys" should be posted soon by our friends across the pond.

  71. Doritos has been pulling it out lately.

  72. Ugh I thought Alicia was horrible and off pitch. Jennifer was great.

  73. Do you think the kid playing "Walter" did that ad for free?

    1. I'm sure he would have! For some reason I was thinking, "what if that was his first acting gig?", if he ever won a SAG award he would have a pretty interesting "how I got my SAG card" story.

  74. That play!! Why! It just causes confrict!

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. That was my favorite of the Doritos entries.

  77. Kaepernick looks uneasy in the pocket--oop, but there's an example of why you run crossing patterns!

  78. @ prolixe - yes! I have a No Pity scarf I adore:) are you a fellow rose city occupant?

  79. I could have done without the sound in the GoDaddy commercial.

  80. Niners are running a lot of draws. Unusual this early in a game.

  81. I guess it does work sometimes. Is it rushing up the middle?

  82. And if the Budwiser Clydesdale commercial doesn't make you tear up, you have a heart of stone.

  83. Kaep checks off again--but it works!

  84. A draw is when you fake a run and then hand it off to one of your backs.

    Checking off again!

  85. Yes 49s!!!!!

    Prolixe- it has some blonde bimbo making out with a fat nerd with the lovely sounds of saliva and lips A smackin!

  86. "Call the Midwife" has been posted so no more game for me. I may keep the window open to peruse the commercials.

  87. Checking it off- I hate that play. He looks scuuurd.

  88. Defensive better step it the f up.

  89. So the sack shuts down the Niners drive, but Kaep's legs clearly have the Ravens 'backers worried.

  90. Smash, it's Bar Refaeli.

    1. Thank you Lola. A clothes bimbo none the less since she is a "model".

  91. Amy P BBY commercial way funnier than those insipid Will Arnett Windows Phone ones.

  92. Raves are cool kids (the new normal)

    Hahaha best buy got their money's worth. Hahaha. 50 shades should thank her also.

    Fuck Budweiser. Buy local. Fremont Brewing Co. Always. Always!!

    Big Bang got a smile from me.

  93. I don't watch because I couldn't care less about sports.

  94. Fremont Brewing is great! I'm partial to Diamond Knot - love their IPA's.

  95. (My cousin and some buddies got sucked into a taste test for a new Annheiser-Busch brew a few years ago. They said it was terrible. Apparently Michelob has lost so much market share they're gonna take it off the market.)

  96. Is it Steven Soterburg who is going Oz? What else has he done? Beautiful imagery.

    Soda companies are getting desperate.

    No one cares that much about Oreo. USE iSTAGRAM dammit!!!

    1. I think the director is Sam Raimi who did Spider-Man.

    2. Thank you V. I have not seen spider man. It is a bummer they are limiting it to pg.

  97. V- my favorite is their summer ale. Every summer I buy a keg. And the ipa is fantastic.

    1. Agree on all points.

      I love the abundance of micro-brews in the PNW. My only issue is that I don't have time to try them all!

    2. I have a sensitive system when it comes to any alcohol and it is really nice to be able to enjoy a glass of there beer with little to no side affect.

    3. That is good to know. I have a friend who is sensitive to alcohol too. Maybe now she can enjoy a pint!

  98. "Checking it" is useful when you only need a few yards I guess.

  99. My "Budweiser" when I'm in the Bay Area is Gordon Biersch Maerzen. I'm drinking out of a G-B bock assortment 12 today.

  100. Boy has got an arm.

  101. "Checking off" is when the QB changes the play at the line of scrimmage. When Kaep was stepping up and yelling at the linemen and wideouts, he was changing the play.

    Flacco is getting very lucky...

  102. B- I mean when they pass it and go up the middle.

  103. I love the Rock. He is a cutie pie. A whole new level! :) haha.

    1. Was that Billy Crudup as the villain? I so can't wait for FF6, I love the series - a guilty pleasure :)

  104. Dragon! I hope you didn't miss it!

  105. Toyota has a great marketing team. I hope they get paid.

  106. Does Vin Diesel do anything but F&F movies anymore?

  107. B- no. Well their was that action sci fi series Ridyc? Or something.

  108. Well, I'm not watching it first because I'm in Brazil and second because I don't care about football... or soccer...

  109. That is more like it!! Get back into the game.

  110. I get it now, those calls Kaep is making in the shotgun are not check offs, although he did make one check off in this drive Yeah, they're option calls.


  111. Doritos is pulling it out like I said.

    I like a real mans body not a Barbie doll.

  112. That Calvin Klein commercial was spectacular.

  113. Trust us. We are watching for the half time show.

  114. I'm in Ireland. 2nd qtr has just started. It is 12.15 am .
    I have beer, nacho's and salsa so I'm all set. I love the Super Bowl, even if I don't really understand everything that's going on. (I am a soccer girl, although over here THAT is football).
    Hope you all are enjoying the game.

  115. Smash, I think she gets more bimbo points for dating Leo than for being a model. :p

  116. I like the conceit of the Calvin Klein ad: 99% of the guys watching the game don't have the body to wear that underwear.

  117. Sitting here in Austin with my Flacco jersey on and fingers crossed:D

  118. I adore the Rock too. He's so cuddly, lol.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @prolixe
      the pretzel version is awesome. I started with just plain chocolate and chex long ago, but just keep experimenting with different ingredients all the time. Different kind of nut butter's are awesome as well.

    2. Good riddance Sam Adams! I'm so glad that guy is out of office!

  120. Peanut butter, dark chocolate chunks and vanilla bean ice cream. Just putting that out there.

  121. U, where do you get nacho chips in Ireland? Crisps, sure, but tortilla chips?

  122. Pelicans pub is also a very good beer.

  123. I'm old enough that I remember when Bud Adams was PDX mayor....

  124. B, I would imagine that tortilla chips are fairly ubiquitous.

  125. Dammit, not Ribisi! He's a clam.

  126. @Pro @smash Pelicans Pub is yummy! I agree about taking the trip down to Pac City.

    I remember hearing about the Sam Adams suit, I hope it was thrown out!

  127. No Budweiser.

    The godaddy commercial was much better and much more like reality.

  128. Please, please, please forgive me for typing Jillian Michael's - I am going to go and shave my head in shame for violations against the grammar gods.

  129. Prolixe- who cares.:)

    Why do they keep making the dark deep voices the evil characters! Why can't he have a high pitched voice?

    All I saw was the rock and milk. Hahaha.

    Plastic cars!!!!!!

    Congrats for the 104th season of Survivor!

  130. How about spending less on milk advocacy ads and less on dairy subsidies!

  131. Man, the 49ers are playing like shit.

    (Says Captain Obvious)

  132. I feel like there has been a lot of animosity in this nfl football season. Watching the Seahawks games almost every game there was some tiff .

  133. Kaep checked off again and then threw a pick. Boy is rattled.

  134. Star Trek! Zachary Quinto! Spock! Fuck you, Ray Lewis! Wooop!

  135. I sure hope no one took my betting advice....

  136. Get your hormones under control ladies!!

  137. Oooooohhh girl.
    I can't wait for this half time show!!! :)

  138. Clever! The Harbaugh boys are going at each other hammer and tongs.

  139. He must not have crossed his heart the right way.

  140. More of a basketball fan, here. But Wifey is a huge Niners fan (originally from the bay area), so I root for them and she's happy.

    They're the ones with the gold helmets, right? Kidding.

  141. Dang on that fake! Nice plan, poor execution.

  142. This commercial is racist towards islands. Totally joking. :/

    Sex, music, guns, men.

    Bey bey!

  143. I found nothing offensive in the Volkswagen commercial.

  144. HA! The VW commercial amuse me. Especially since some groups were all up in arms about it being discriminatory and then the president of Jamaica was all like, "we love it!"

  145. I was joking puggle. It was fine.

  146. Kaep checked off twice on that play! Something is really screwed with the Niners play calling.

  147. Smash, I didn't see your comment until mine was published. I was talking about all the stink that was made about it.

  148. Ravens are fired up!

  149. D* it, smash, I already did a Meredith! You should've spoken sooner!!

    @V - I should've clarified that it was a cease & desist letter that they sent before they knew that SA PDX was an actual mayoral candidate. They settled with an "it's OK for the campaign" statement. I freelance for local rags and was assigned research on the story back then for one of them. Unbelievably boring, despite the headlines - wading through 18 pages of lawyer-speak just to pull the quote that basically said it's all good.

    Article a couple of days ago where a bunch of people bent about the VW commercial, saying it makes Jamaicans (implied "black people") look like they're happy all the time - the Jamaican tourism board responded with... WE ARE, come find out! LOL

  150. Well as someone from "the islands", I found the VW ad spectacularly offensive. I mean shouldn't that have been a Red Stipe ad? Just sayin...

  151. I LOVE this ad! (Taco Bell)

  152. It wasoffensive pass interference!

  153. @B Profane you can get tortilla chips anywhere. Hotter the better!!!

  154. I liked that Taco Bell ad..

  155. Talk about spectacularly bad defensive coverage!

  156. Not watching it for the first time in my adult life. Why? Unrepentant homophobes on the 'Niners and Ray Lewis. I can't get invested in either team no matter how hard I try.

  157. These 49ers are killing me! This group likes to come from behind. I'm used to old school 49ers who just beat the other team outright.

  158. Is the puppy bowl still on?

  159. @B - not necessarily. They did come back on ATL...

  160. @V
    Exactly! They LOVE to come from behind! Greenbay and New England were nail biters too.

  161. Puggle ~the puppy Bowl is still on animal planet.

  162. Kaep is no Montana when it comes to comebacks...but, man, that kid has a gun!

  163. If he can keep throwing them like this 49s would have a chance.

  164. NOBODY is Montana! Ask dufas Tom Brady who swears he is.

  165. How long will it take them to build her "stage"

  166. Hope the Ravens can keep it up. Now for Bey

  167. I already know what's going (is happening now) to happen. Ravens are going to get cocky and blow the second half. Jim is going to do his magic in the locker room and different team will emerge. It's so classic with this 49er team.

  168. Under the Dome was SUCH a good book. Can't wait for the show!

  169. I am actually excited this year for the Grammys!

    Under the done sounds cool. I was hoping M night shamylans (not spelled right) village would be like that . I was disappointed when it wasn't.

  170. Ahhhh, clam ad! Was that a local or national ad?

  171. Everytime they show that Grammy spot, it's hard to believe Whitney has been gone almost a year.

  172. I didn't get a clam ad. I did get a snip of wa state fair but it cut out.
