Sunday, February 03, 2013

Super Bowl Post

Talk about the game, the commercials or why you are not watching it.


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smash said...

I am totally all over this white trash gypsy shit! ;) I ended up talking politics and the game with my grandma, now it's back to over the tops gorges (?) :)

smash said...

Rumnies sorry!! Gorgies are regular peeps.

smash said...

Dude has a tanning bed open next to a little child.

Xander Simon Dyle said...

Sorry everyone...
Cannot respond to anything now - oi!

I have a 2.5 year old and a beautiful wife who is 11.5 weeks pregnant who both woke up at the same time tonight so swamped taking care of both for the rest of the night.

EGB said...

Welcome, @Xander! And inside scoop is always welcome, no such thing as TMI!

smash said...

This is like ghetto jersey shore bridezilla true life.

Sherry said...

kathleen,Laura,PuggleWug,BProfane,Smash,JSierra,Sunny,Count Jerkula,FSP,Lola,GreenMtGirl,Prolixe,DiaPapaya,Seaward,Zeeky,VIPBlondie,Mango,Agent**It,Henriette,Mikey,Frufra,Dragon,Sugar,Hay,Car54,dbFreak,VMAlicia,TracySwingKid,RejectedCareBear,It'sJustin,ABlake,XanderDyle,Portlandgirl,CommaChaser,Kgirl,Dragon,MaryAnne,NeeceBryson,UPL,CanadaChick,Mae,Rickatoo,AuntLiddy,ReesesPieces,FancyScreenName,Maidone,Susan,SusanB,kellyLynn,DiscoFlux,HolidayinCambodia,Mandi,WendyW,RenoBlondie,KJ, Erik,Misch,Gorgeousgirl,LottaColada,TuxedoCat,Pugstermom, Nevamore,Kloie,Novarose,Jenn:

I've enjoyed all your input and comments. Speakingfor myself this site has brought much commaderie to us and a lot of joy to my world. Hugs to all.

Miss the comments of Old;ady and Yawnathon and all the unknowns and Anonymous Anna'

misspeg86 said...

Thanks for the explanation @prolixe :)

misspeg86 said...

Thanks for the explanation @prolixe :)

elspeth said...

Many thanks to all of you who've commented on the SB -- It's expanded my 2013 SB experience in a great way!

Also, on a more dire note, any expansion on BP's comments re NK and its policies would be greatly appreciated.

And now it's time to move on to celebrating the impending Mardi Gras [and the following Ash Wednesday :( ].

Let the good times roll while they can!!!

Gayeld said...

I think they were running in four local markets. AT this point Davey's more interested in impressing the whales than any actual recruitment.

Gayeld said...

I think they were running in four local markets. AT this point Davey's more interested in impressing the whales than any actual recruitment.

Gayeld said...

I think they were running in four local markets. AT this point Davey's more interested in impressing the whales than any actual recruitment.

Eeekalicious said...


That was nice of you to put me in your list. I enjoy your posts too.

Anonymous said...

I had food poisoning yesterday, oh and no cable, we just watch netflix.

Not A Ninny said...

Those wishing to read deeper about the capabilities and threat potential of the North Korean nuclear weapons program should peruse Carey Sublette's once-definitive website (he's no longer updating it) and search for Carey's postings in the USENET group alt.war.nuclear.

(No, I'm not Carey.)

For recent analysis you kind of have to read around to less obvious sources. Read anything that Bruce Blair publishes or posts.

Not A Ninny said...

(BTW, it is wise of you folks in L.A. to be aware of the threat, but for the rest of us...hate to tell ya', but if the Norks popped a nuke over downtown L.A. it really wouldn't hurt the US all that much. Wipe out Hollywood, sure, but with some breaks on the fallout plume...sure, we'd get our hair mussed, but not fatally.)

(And if they dropped one on Microsoft's Redmond campus, well, that would be painful and possibly fatal for me, but they'd be doing the world a favor.)

Xander Simon Dyle said...

Thanks dude. I will seriously look into this. Wondering if I should think about moving my family. Out of the TMZ at least.

Not A Ninny said...

Relax, Xander. The intelligence available through open sources indicates that the NK nuclear program is strictly a device for regime protection. Remember, NK senior leadership and SK senior leadership have been talking for seems to be pretty well understood among the relevant players that their nukes are understandably intended as a tool for abeyance. All those silly-hat generals don't want to end up dying in cells like Milosevic for the wholesale slaughter they inflicted upon their own population, so they keep hoarding and furthering their nuclear program as insurance.

(Now, why SK political leadership has become relatively sanguine about the NK nuclear program...ah, there it gets a little interesting. But don't worry, that detente isn't aimed at us.)

Norks have no prompt-launch capability that could reach any part of United States territory. They couldn't hit us with a baseball. Neither does Iran, but the proliferation potential of their program....

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Just a quick cameo to comment on the nuclear discussion going on.

1. Everyone should be a lot more concerned about Ahmadinejad(Iran)and his/their nuclear program than N. Korea for a few reasons. The most pressing being the mental instability of Ahmadinejad.

2. Attacking a country that has nukes with nukes is such a fucking bad idea because it turns into a retalitory situation that ends with the distruction of our civilization. Not that that is some big revelation, but when you are mentally unstable and don't give a shit, it's definately concerning.

3. If a nuke is sent to the USA from another country, it doesn't matter where it hits because its devastation knows no borders. Honestly, I'd rather be in the city it hits than a 1000 miles away because, from what I hear, radiation poisoning is a hell of a way to go.


Xander Simon Dyle said...

Thanks B.
When I was single I never worried.
Now that I have a 2 year old, my mind goes places it's never been...
You know, being responsible for another human being and all that.
But I will chill. Thanks again for all of your info.

iknowpeople said...

I used to hang with Jim when played for the Bears. Very simple, yet complicated guy. Sure wish he would have won.

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