Sunday, February 03, 2013

Super Bowl Post

Talk about the game, the commercials or why you are not watching it.


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kgirl said...

Local. We had a Sonic ad in TX.

Not A Ninny said...

How weird, the clams buying a Super Bowl ad, if only a local (Bay Area) one.

prolixe said...

Tuned in just in time to see Jones pull that move. Holy cow!

MyMamasChild said...

Funny. That play was a big fail.

smash said...


Not A Ninny said...

The aspect ratio must be off on my TV. All the halftime promos make Beyonce look fat.

smash said...

Hahahahahaha. Not thats just her look.

Frufra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Real Dragon said...

SAW MY FAST and FURIOUS trailer. I can die happy now.

smash said...

My cable keeps breaking up.

Frufra said...

All I can think about re the dome is The Simpsons Movie. Maybe everyone hasn't seen that movie as many times as I have!

Sugar said...


Pip said...

Well she clearly isn't lip syncing now. Gawd, she bugs me.

smash said...

She has oohh and awweed danced and yelled. Not sang!!!!

OneGirlRevolution said...

It must be really hard to dance like that and sing live...

prolixe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
smash said...

Obnoxious as fucking hell. She really didn't siiiiinng anything!

Tania said...

That is my go-to comfort movie! Love it!

Pip said...

She isn't even singing! Just grunting.

smash said...

She is talk singing now. With a heavy backing track.

OneGirlRevolution said...

What kind of shit song is this?

Not A Ninny said...

The former graduate lighting design student in me is agog at the cost of all that lighting!

Mary Anne said...

What's up with those ugly angle boot heels? They are so ugly. Bewolf looks like she raided Vanity's closet.

smash said...

B- that have to have something that distracts from the actual shit proformance going on.

Frufra said...

No clam ad in OK either.

prolixe said...


smash said...

Actually excited now!

OneGirlRevolution said...


smash said...

Illuminati symbol she just threw up

smash said...

Wrong. Still shitty.

Pip said...

Destiny's Child! Brings me back!

Unknown said...

I love the fact Beyonce has turned down the mic on the other destiny's child girls and is throwing them shade even tho this is actually making her show all 3 of them together... hahaha
( im a bit of a lurker..Hi :-) )

canadachick said...

that is the worst halftime show ever

smash said...

Sing bitch. You are just my backup huntie.

UPL said...

Lol they shot Kelly and Michelle up like a rocket

smash said...


Not A Ninny said...

Sorry, whenever she does "Single Ladies" all I can think of is the SNL spoof of that song.

KellyLynn said...

Oh look! It's the Supremes! Oh wait, Destiny's Child.

Pip said...

THAT was the reunion? The fuck?

UPL said...

Just was about to say the same thing! Their mics are half as loud as hers!

smash said...

Lets see...

Susan said...

This is just reminding me that so many Beyonce songs suck, and that Destiny's Child was fabulous.

canadachick said...

i'd be more impressed if she gave birth on stage to Pillow Baby

OneGirlRevolution said...

She totally should have kept Kelly and Michele out there.

smash said...

We get it. You are live, just sing the fucking song and stop being over the top.

UPL said...

Halo was the best part

OneGirlRevolution said...

B, all I can think of is the Jonas Brothers spoof.

MAC said...

Lol to whoever said she raided Vanity's closet. That's all I can think about when I look at her now.

smash said...

Seriously the only moment I enjoyed was my brief trip down memory lane with destinys child. Otherwise bull cocky. Atleast she sang live :) right guys! Right?!

Rickatoo said...

I guess when you can't lip synch as planned you go ahead with a Destiny's Child reunion?

auntliddy said...

I dont get what people see in beyonce. She just meh.

M52799 said...

Nice background track Bey.

smash said...

Auntliddy- she has a large booming voice and it can be pretty. But she has just dog gone went to damn far.

Laura said...

This Jeep ad is making me cry!

FSP said...

That performance was almost as good as her pregnancy act.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Lol, Rick that's what I was wondering...did she only give in after the lip synching debacle?

Rickatoo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
auntliddy said...

I dont get the fuss over beyonce, i really dont. Shes just meh.

OneGirlRevolution said...

That Jeep ad was really, really moving.

smash said...

Fsp- Great AVI as usu. (short for usual) and pitch perfect comment.

Anonymous said...

Beyonce was MEH....

but it IS definitely hard to song and dance.

Pip said...

Ugh, I wish she would've lip synced now. That sorta blew. The two seconds of Destiny's Child was the best part.

Maidstone said...

That sucked. Seriously. And was that pre taped? So they "filmed" her but videotaped the actual football game? Hated it.

OneGirlRevolution said...

WTF, was that commercial? (2 Broke Girls)

Susan said...

Well, the highlight for me so far was the Taco Bell commercial with all the senior citizen peeps and the Fun song. And, I am quite intrigued that two brothers are coaching each of the teams. Their parents must be on an emotional rollercoaster.

smash said...

Wow. And we are not showing our youth some over sexualized shit. Jeesh.

KellyLynn said...

I loved the Two Broke Girls promo much better than I liked the halftime show.

discoflux said...

As a Houston girl, I freaking loved the Destiny's Child reunion. Overall, though, I was wholly underwhelmed by the halftime show.

HolidayinCambodia said...

As an Eagles fan, I have to say, "Go Eagles," and "Eagles Suck!"

And, I liked the Audi commercial the best of the first half, although I watch commercials with the sound off.

Not A Ninny said...

Kat Dennings' cleavage...oh my.

kgirl said...

I'm not going to bash her because I couldn't do all that. She's a performer. Now back to the game.

OneGirlRevolution said...

I would've rather seen Janet's nipple.

smash said...

Buck Naked. I have always loved that saying.

smash said...

Lola- for sure she and JT turned the shit out that year. I watched live and couldn't believe my eyes!! That was less harsh then that fucking broke girls ad, that was gross.

Pip said...

I don't watch Two Broke Girls. Is there a reason the brunette wears that ugly lipstick all the time? It is horrible!

smash said...

Puggle- I never saw her appeal other then large boobies. She must spend lots of time on the casting couch.

Mandi said...

Not watching. I am disgusted with the part of American culture that thinks men who run and throw balls are worthy of respect and millions of dollars a year, but public school teachers can't get a respectable salary and professional consideration despite teaching millions of American children every day (and as a Kindergarten teacher, I promise I run and catch a lot of things every day.... with no pads)

Unknown said...

OMG that was it... i'd rather rewatch the hot mess that was madonna last year, that was more entertaining... hehehe

I can't believe all that hype over that crap show.. its 1.30am in the UK not that i stayed up for this ( feeding my little one) but if i did i would be disappointed.

Best bit Destiny's child. thats it.

Beyonce "preformed" better while "pregnant" at Glastonbury and we all know she lip synced then ;-) used to love her now i kinda feel sorry for her

Not A Ninny said...

Double oops....

Laura said...

Wow! Right out of the gate in 11 seconds!

Wendy W said...

Back near the end of the first half when y'all were commenting as to whether ads were local or not here in LA we had a $cientology ad!!

LA Native said...

I watched Autie Mame on TCM earlier, it just ended...that movie rocks. Love it every time I see it.

Kelly said...

Ok, I am no Beyonce fan at all. But bitch can sing, she looked fabulous, and she can dance. Ugh, I can't believe I stuck up for that fake trick. Blerg.

kgirl said...

Way to return a kick and make a record to boot!

amused bush said...

Halftime show I would rate a B-....pretty 'eh...

I would love to see a band like the Foo Fighters have the opportunity to do the halftime show, I think they would kill it.

Laura said...

One of my all time favorite movies!

Not A Ninny said...

Beyonce was better than The Who, but that ain't saying much.

kj said...

beyonce: fake hair, fake singing, fake pregnancy.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Smash,both of them are AMAZING performers. Together they were awesome. That and the U2 halftime (2002?) were a couple of my favorites.

Mango said...

mango. no spoilers for me for the Abby:)

@ Agent - I wouldn't dream of it!

Laura said...

No lights!

prolixe said...

If Jones doesn't get MVP, I will blame the Illuminati.

What's with the scanning the dark side? Did the lights go out or something?

Not A Ninny said...

Desperate Niner fan trips the lighting breakers at the Superdome....

Laura said...

Somebody n trouble!!

prolixe said...

U2 halftime was my all-time favorite. I love them beyond reason.

kgirl said...

Did the lights go out? That's what it looks like on our tv.

prolixe said...

Hahahaha@B Profane!

"Players are milling around..."

Cut to a Subway commercial about their 11" longs.

prolixe said...

@kgirl, power went on half the dome.

Color this Saints fan not surprised.

MISCH said...

Half Time was awful........I know tomorrow they will be running each second of the tape to see what she did and din't do but the music wasn't good....
But I would love those spandex sheer hose...

Wendy W said...

ruh roh

canadachick said...

i blame the Kelly and Michelle for power outage - you know what you did girls - you outshone Beyowolf and she THREW you into the electrical panel

smash said...

Madona hammered the last nail in her coffin last year with that crap. She was aweful. Beyonce has got pipes and she can belt it out. This was not that great.

smash said...

All of the light all of the lights.... Kayne did some amazing things with his short film for dark fantasy. I liked it.

prolixe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
portlandgirl said...

Ever go to one of Bud's balls?

OneGirlRevolution said...

@prolixe, I do to.

smash said...

I want to start a bring back Janet campaign. She was wicked hot in the 90s.

OneGirlRevolution said...

HAHA! The extended Ironman 3 trailer.

smash said...

So now they pull out every commercial that didn't actually pay for a spot?

smash said...

I wonder if all Of Bey's lights had something to do with it.

Not A Ninny said...

Think of how much extra money CBS is gonna make in ad revenue from the delay.

amused bush said...

@smash, I thought it was good too. As much as a doofus I think Kanye can be, he does some cool stuff, and a pretty good live show.

Erik said...

America: we can put on huge spectacles, yet we can't keep the lights on. How embarrassing.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Smash, I suspect (but don't know for sure) that there are ads that are guaranteed to be shown and then there are, "we'll try to get you on" ads...with ad time costing somewhat less.

JSierra said...

I was pretty impressed with the halftime show, not with this power outage though, wtf NOLA?

BUT I did see Beyonce in person! Welll kind of. We saw her through the one window with no drapes closed in the house she was staying in. This was after we drove by several times trying to catch a glimpse, no sighting of Blue Ivy though :(

Pip said...

Smash, I blame Bey and her stupid lights. No one can tell me otherwise.

GorgeousGirl said...


FSP said...

According to Clark Griswold, he was just testing his 2013 Christmas lights.

KellyLynn said...

I guess we're over the Super Bowl brouhaha. We're on Animation Domination now.

smash said...

Fsp- maybe they didn't check ALL the light bulbs.

kgirl said...

My hubby just said everyone is going to blame B for the power outage. He doesn't do blogs at all but I laughed because he's probably so right.

GorgeousGirl said...

and anyone who says any different was not watching the same show!!!! lol

Laura said...

I just got a picture in my mind of you driving around stalking Bey!! How did she look?

Not A Ninny said...

The CBS color guys are already blaming Beyonce for the power failure.

libby said...

I love anything blamed on Beyonce. I guess I'm mean.

smash said...

Power outage countdown clock! Hilarious.

libby said...

I came to the blog for it. HI everyone!

prolixe said...

Hahaha, Will Ferrell tweet:

Will ‏@WillyFerrell
*Kanye walks in and turns off the lights* "I'm sorry Baltimore, Ima let you finish but BEYONCE had the best performance of all time!"

Not A Ninny said...

Hee, now they're saying it was due to a failure of an "outside power feed." And I'm just imaging that desperate Niner fan skulking away with a giant pair of wire cutters.

smash said...

This crap is eating up my DVR.

LottaColada said...

Beyonce was good. Not the best halftime but whatevs. I enjoyed the Destiny's Child reunion and whoever believed Michelle before when she LIED that there would be no reunion, you got Rick Rolled!

Please fix the lights already, this is getting ridiculous.

Eeekalicious said...

I didn't really have time to watch today. I taped it though so I can watch the parts I want to. My self-and-family-imposed holidays are pretty much over, so I have to get back to work .... I'm really looking forward to the Puppy and Kitten parts.

LottaColada said...

Ahh, it worked!

JSierra said...

Laura, blurry! I was a little surprised that there weren't a bunch of other cars doing the same thing, but the house is in Old Metairie and I think a lot of people assumed she was staying downtown. Our friends we stayed with lived a few houses down on Iona so we didn't look toooo stalkerish with all the drive by's.

Sarah said...

Can anyone translate that? Lol

JSierra said...

B.Profane the CBS color guys? Color me confused

PugsterMom said...

Best part of half time was Destiny's Child. Too bad their mics were turned down. Bey's ass shaking and hair flipping got old fast. What a slutfest. Wanted more singing and less pole dancing lap dancing moves.

smash said...

Why do they always use dobermans to look viscous. I have a big red male dobe with his head on my lap. Fuck bud light.

nevarmore said...

Clam ad was a national one.

smash said...

My favorite commercial was the M&M's. I love a good ballad.

prolixe said...

@JSierra, color guys are the sports commentary guys.

smash said...

Use the laces. Haha. They couldn't say laces out like I am sure they would have liked to.

OneGirlRevolution said...

The pistachio commercial is disturbing.

Wendy W said...

What was the clam ad?

Did anyone else have the Sciento ad?

LottaColada said...

My favorite commercials have been the Taco Bell, Jeep and the VW commercials have been my favorites so far.

That T shirt commercial with the guy doing the walk of shame was pretty funny too.

Laura said...

@jSierra the color guys give color commentary, or behind the scenes player information.

Unknown said...

Thank You. Preach.

kgirl said...

Wtf was that weak punt?

UPL said...

Now we've got a game!

If the 9ers come back to win, we will have to hear for weeks about the effect of the power outage and how it wasn't fair.

Kloie said...

My highlights were 1) the commercial with the goat eating Doritos, and 2) the B-more defensive player who did a dance much like Beyonce when he sacked Kaepernick.

OneGirlRevolution said...

My favorite commercial.

smash said...

Tears! Actual tears! I love horses. :)

Laura said...

That Bud Clydesdale commercial just made me cry too! I'm such a sap, I also have the flu so I dont need any extra fluids.

OneGirlRevolution said...

When I watched that this afternoon, I cried like a baby.

OneGirlRevolution said...

WTF, Ravens?

kgirl said...

Clydesdale commercial got me.

smash said...

Poor Laura! Don't cry! Whenever I am sick and cry I get a massive headache.

Whenever one of us go out of town we hide from the dogs in the yard. When they find us it is the most beautiful display of joy and happiness. That's what it reminded me of. Then I cried again!

OneGirlRevolution said...

Kickers have nice butts. It's almost a universal.

Xander Simon Dyle said...


@greenmountaingal said:
Anyone want to gossip about anything other than the game? Whatever is your fancy.

That Calvin Klein commercial was spectacular.
Okay, so inside scoop gossip coming up…

@B. Profane said:
I like the conceit of the Calvin Klein ad: 99% of the guys watching the game don't have the body to wear that underwear.

B. Profane! I’m interested in a later post or context to talk about your info on Los Angeles/North Korea etc. (wondering if there are good websites whatever to check – seriously wondering if I should spend more time in my house 60 miles outside of L.A. instead of my one in the TMZ).

So, in general “Hi” to everyone, I’ve been reading/lurking a long time – but only just started posting. I’ve been in “The Business” in multiple capacities my entire life (since a kid). I’ve been “above the line” and “below the line” on several levels. I’ll probably share more as time goes on…

But as an ex-male model (not that exciting or glamorous); but also more recently behind camera on lots of photography shoots…
CK totally “enhances” 95% of their male models if you catch my drift. Totally not really what it is really.
I think the idea to them is that they are just selling “sex” – so I’m not sure if their market is to women? Or gay men? Or guys who think that underwear will make them look better? None of those guys are packing as much as CK makes them appear to be.

Just for a correlation/inside scoop – if it’s underwear that is sold at J.C. Penny’s, or Sears, or something that is supposed to just be “normal guy” underwear – they actually choose models who don’t have a lot to show down there. They want “small” – because they don’t want to “offend” (in their words) Middle America. So they choose those guys, or make them “tuck it” slightly, to not be overtly sexual in any way. So they have a completely opposite viewpoint on their pictures and advertisements.

I know – TMI perhaps – but that’s how it works on sets.

NoraRose said...

LIPA apparently handles the power at the super dome

smash said...

Xander- if you want politics.

OneGirlRevolution said...

I'd totally name a kid Leon Sandcastle!

Henriette said...

The Niners are coming back! One touch down away! If Bewolf was the reason for the power outage, bless her entension headed soul! She gave my Niners the time they needed to come back. A replayed field goal? Unheard of! The Niners got one.

JSierra said...

Ahh thanks guys, I'm in this for the commercials so I have no clue about any sports lingo, other than the obvious touchdown, first down, timeout, etc.

Hey there Xander, how disappointing about the enhacement! But I guess we can't have our cake and eat it too :/ I look forward to your insider stories, as I do with all our in the know readers. It's nice hearing actual experiences instead of relying solely on the blinds for for info.

JSierra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JSierra said...

Is anything good on TV tonight? Girls is being DVR'd but I couldn't think of anything else.

Please no Downtown Abbey suggestions, I am not quite ready for that relationship yet.

O'Really said...

I took the Ravens too. After they beat my beloved Broncos and then blistered the Patriots, I knew they were gonna kick ass.

smash said...

Nice! Go 49s!

Laura said...

Thanks Smash, I was not prepared to cry at the Superbowl commercials! And now they are playing the God made a farmer one. It is amazing the connection we can have with our animals.

kgirl said...

Thank goodness the 9ers didn't get the conversion. The Ravens are killing me softly right now.

KellyLynn said...

Hi @ Xander Dyle, and thanks for coming out of the lurker closet. That does make sense in regards to the underwear modeling. Catalog models tend to be more "average" than the fashion models, anyway, right? Or is that just how they are photographed?

Henriette said...

Niners! I feel it! This team lives for this stuff. It kills me, but works for them.

Xander Simon Dyle said...

Thanks. I will check that out. Mostly interested in what B. Profane was talking about earlier this week - so hopefully some of that info will be on there.

Xander Simon Dyle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
smash said...

Laura- I saw this meme "I didn't want to have kids to I got my girlfriend two dogs". Truth. :)

PugsterMom said...

Awww the Clydesdale commercial touched my heart. Best commercial ever.

smash said...

Love Benz.

smash said...

I think the 49s really are making a good come back.

Xander Simon Dyle said...

Sorry I am trying to read and post on my kindle now which takes forever.
it is definitely on purpose.
catalog models they do not want people to focus or be offended on too.much sexuality. Small is a bonus for those models to get booked.
Ck and more fashion underwear they choose the.model for body fist, face second, then enhance.the package for selling the subconscious sec of it all.
Cant update typo here it is supposed body first

OneGirlRevolution said...

Has anyone watched Person of Interest? Is it any good?

smash said...

B- what do you think of Apples stock price? For a company with so much income why is their stock taking a hit?

OneGirlRevolution said...

Smash, I'm obvs not B but I just read this earlier today...interesting view on why Apple's stock is suffering while Amazon's is thriving.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Fabulous call for the safety.

smash said...

Thanks Lola!!!! Very interesting. We always talk about amazon and I agree they have a very niche market. Apple is used widely throughout the world. Everyone wishes they could have an apple product, I would love a new Mac book, even though I have a kick ass PC having a Mac is so much easier with my iPhone syncing. My bf thinks apples stock is high priced and that is what scares people into selling, it will always climb back. He thinks they need to do a stock split and lower the price. I think even if you did that it would climb again about the 200 mark. Sorry for my very off topic rant.

prolixe said...

Holy pickle snatch, that was *too close*!

Kloie said...

And that's how we do it! Yea, Ravens!

Laura said...

It was one if the better SB games! So close and when the brothers met up, that must be tough.

Sunny said...

Shivakamini Somakandarkram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kgirl said...

If I never see/hear that GoDaddy commercial again, it would be a blessing.

smash said...

That commercial is really above and beyond gross.

OneGirlRevolution said...

I think conventional wisdom is that there is no reason that a stock split should generally heighten overall stock value since even if a lower share price brings in more small investors and makes the price bump up substantially, it is likely to be offset by a selloff by a large investor. Apple might be an exception in that regard since Apple buyers often have an emotional investment in the company that they don't have with other companies.

But that is my total armchair quarterbacking analysis since my investment knowledge is purely amateur.

greenmountaingal said...

Welcome! Thank you for the interesting insider info. I look forward to hearing more :)

Sherry said...

Jsierra,Sunny, et al. Just got home from.Blanc Debris and traffic was excellent! The Opster just made a beer run and commented on how the game must now be over because there was no traffic when he walked across the street and now there is gridlock. I sumise from the last score we heard that the Ravens won? Sad day (eve) here in the bay area. I know there are a lot of posters here from my hood so to speak. Sorry kids.

Oh jeez, mow the sirens start. WTH. That happens when you live in the city. Miss the quier of the country already.

Sunny said...

Sorry, lady. I actually wanted the 49ers to come back (Sorry Dia!), so I was a little bummed. Off to get the kiddos in bed, but I wanted to say goodnight :)

Jenn said...

I just Season 1 of Lost Girl on Blu-Ray...I don't watch football unless LSU is playing.

smash said...

I am watching the engagement with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Renolds. It is super cheesy but cute.

JSierra said...

Sherry indeed, the Ravens have proved victorious. But IMO you guys won the battle of locale if that makes it any better! No offense Baltimore. Enjoy your beer though, I am trying this weird new thing sobriety so drink up for me!

JSierra said...

Smash TLC is running an American Gypsy Wedding marathon if you have never checked out that fine television specimen.

JSierra said...

And Walking Dead marathon, season 1 episode 2 is on right now. I almost had a shit fit earlier when I thought the new episode was tonight and I had missed it.

ablake said...

YEAH Ravens!!!
:D :D :D

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