Monday, February 04, 2013

Shirley Maclaine Waited Outside The Room While Her Daughter Lost Her Virginity

Sachi Parker spent most of her life with her father while her mother, Shirley Maclaine focused on her acting career. According to Sachi's new book though there was one activity that Shirley really wanted to share with her daughter and that was Sachi losing her virginity. Sachi and her boyfriend were over at Shirley's house. Sachi was 17. Shirley had two sex therapists at her house and said that since they were there that this would be a good time for Sachi to lose her virginity. They watched as Sachi and her boyfriend went to the bedroom and when Shirley had felt it had been the appropriate amount of time, knocked on the door. "Once our mission was accomplished, we had to face the next hurdle: reporting back. We hid out in the bedroom until we heard a light knock on the door, and Mom’s voice, 'Is everything OK in there?'"

Shirley of course denies the story, but honestly, it totally sounds like something Shirley would do.


  1. Tsk, she could have avoided if she'd lost her cherry the old-fashioned way, like I did: in the backseat of a car at a drive-in.

  2. "...avoided her mother..."

  3. I wonder what the Dowager would say..

  4. Disturbing! I would be mortified if my mother did something like that.

  5. This is why my wedding night will have to be in a different hotel than my family and friends will be staying in--I don't want to run into anyone the next morning BECAUSE THEY'LL KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING. I can't imagine being instructed to go into a room and have sex.

  6. I really think Shirley has lived a good part of her life on another planet. She would make a great Scientologist.

  7. I read this last night on Dlisted and immediately needed to bleach my brain with wine. The fuck?!?! Shirley is totally the polar opposite of my mom, who threatened my life on a daily basis throughout my teens if I had sexy times before walking down the aisle. LMAO.

  8. This right here is why oftentimes the children of hippies become tax accountants and good church-goers.

  9. When these celebrity offspring books come out, it makes me excited for 30 years from now when Suri & Apple, etc. write their books.

    1. Ooooo and Lordes. I don't think miss Francis Bean will write one though.

  10. Shirley may be an ass for doing this, but c'mon why didn't the daughter flat out refuse! So to me the daughter is just as nuts as the mother for agreeing to it?? Weirdorama.......

  11. Oh god, was about a Beatles-esque band, like that film that Hanks did except much earlier.

    1. @B. That Thing You Do!! I loved that movie when I was a kid, I think I even had my mom buy it for me.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I know a friend with near-incestuous closeness with her children, and I've learned (hideously, painfully) that there are women whose sexuality does include their own children. Usually the interplay is vicarious and peeping-ish, but yuck. Total yuck.

  13. I second the Total Yuck on that!! Eeeewwwww!

  14. I once learned that they were planning to have her oldest son "take" his girlfriend's virginity on the mother's bed at the stroke of midnight beginning the gf's 18th birthday. "Will she be wearing one of your nightgowns, too?" I asked, and she didn't like that question.

    1. Yuck, just had breakfast, keeping it down, yes it is staying, barely. What the fuck!!! Are you still friends with her & did the plan actually happen?

  15. What!?! @Barton-I think your story is freaking me out more than Shirley's!

  16. Couldn't the daughter have said that she already lost her virginity in previous lives? Surely Shirley could relate to what past (life) experiences would impact the current one.

  17. OMG, Barton. Gagorama.

  18. @ Barton, Where did you find these people? Just asking so I can steer clear of there :)

  19. This is disgusting!

    If it were her father standing outside her door listening to her having sex, we'd be calling him a sick pedophile. Well, this is what Shirley ans her sex therapists are. Voyouer pedophiles.

    I'm sure to save face and her mother's reputation, she left out the part where her mother was in the room with the therapists giving them directions and videotaping the whole thing. There were black-out curtains, and candles burning throughout the room.

    1. If a father was outside his daughter's room listening to her have sex, I'd automatically think it was Hulk Hogan.

  20. Stars! They're just like us! (insert eye roll here).

  21. This is b.s., when I was a kid I used to always read the old lady gossip columns and I distinctly remember Shirley AND the daughter talking many times about sharing custody with the father and seeing pics of her and the daughter together ALL the time.

    Homegirl didn't move out until well in her thirties and I remember wondering why you never saw them together anymore. It's kind of effed up that everybody on Dlisted believed all of this without question and called Shirley some really filthy crap. Hey, if she believes that she's been reincarnated that makes her a bad mother.

    I know that these blogs are just entertainment, but the way rumors and crap that bloggers just want to run because they're crazy (the bitchy site)is getting out of hand.

  22. @janele

    HAHAHA!! Good one.

  23. I am surprised that Shirly was a Mommie Dearest type ?

  24. Shirley is an odd one. I worked at Starbucks in Santa Fe, NM through college and she used to come in all the time ... nice, but definitely eccentric. And I'll never forgive her for convincing my crush that his "destiny was in Austin" ... he moved there 2 weeks after she told him that. Silly woman.

  25. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I read her books and loved them. She is who she is. But this takes the cake, way too much, way too close, really weird stuff. Poor Sachi.

  26. Where&39;ss Shelly? love your name.

  27. How much you want to bet Goldie Hawn did something similar with Kate? Hawn strikes me as another narcissistic nut like MacLaine.

    I can see both Hawn and MacLaine doing this to their daughters. Both of them cannot separate themselves from their children or their children's choices.

    Bet Sachi's book is going to be another Mommie Dearest, but with crystals.

  28. Ethorne me too! I personally can't wait for Blue Ivy's and the Jolie-Pitt kids.

    Barton one of our neighbors is obsessed with her teenage boy. During swim team season she will watch him in his speedo and talk about how cute his butt looks, she makes him sit on her lap and she weirdly pets him and fawns over him, one time he was dancing and she made a comment about how sexy he was dancing. It was like she loved her son and was just overwhelmed with how good looking and "hot" (the kid is 13) he turned out. It gives everyone the heebie jeebies, including the father.

  29. It was the 1970s and Shirley Maclaine, I'm not surprised.

  30. JSierra, it's just too much to handle, sometimes. This is the wife of a friend, and last year I sat down to help them figure out some of her Munchausen (not by proxy, although sometimes I wondered if she was poisoning her daughter, to be honest) and we got into a long talk about some of her stressors. Her sons all were taking her aside to describe their masburbation routines and their every sexual experience (from duration to how it smelled) and I was all like, "Um, boundaries. Boundaries. Y'all need some boundaries." I figure if they escape without actually committing incest, we all will get trophies.

  31. @Pink Kitty weird and messed up, yes, but you need to step off the pedophile claims. She was 17. Pedophilia is about being sexually excited by PRE-PUBESCENT CHILDREN. Your claims dilute true pedophilia, and I have a problem with that.

  32. @Bart- You NEED to write a book! I would buy it in a NY City minute. (and adult diapers, because I suspect I will pee myself laughing the entire time)

  33. Scientology wouldn't take Shirley Maclaine. She's just too strange for the world of Scientology.

  34. Pini, i totally disagree with you. By shirleys, sachis and the fathers account, shirley left sachi in japan with her father when she was barely two. She saw her mother maybe once a year. Her father wasnt around much either, and the girl had a lonely upbringing with nannies, by herself alot. Having no sense of self worth, and being with mom for a week or so at 17, im sure she went along with her mothers deflowering plan. She had no tools to fight back. Parenting is one area shirley will tell you she screwed up on. Its just so hard for me to believe u could leave your child esp a 2 yr old- they are so appealing, but everyone makes decisions they have to live with.

  35. Too strange for me..,

  36. @JSierra: The entire time I was married, my wife's grandmother doted on her son (my father-in-law) to the point it eventually adversely affected my mother-in-law's mental health. On more than one occasion the grandmother would gushingly describe her son as "The love of my life!" and disparage her daughter-in-law in front of the whole family, her kids included. I think she would have married her son if it were possible to have done so. Good times!

  37. Yes as I recall this is directly from Sachi's book. It does sound like something Shirley would do but then she denies it. Maybe she just doesn't remember.
    Barton...That is some weird shit you're going on about! Those people do need some boundries.

  38. Robert ya gotta love in-laws! That sounds like a trip.

    Barton that makes me want to vomit, I can't imagine hearing that my brothers got some last night, let alone my son. Gah I feel like I need to shower now.

  39. I'm just glad that it wasn't pervy Uncle Warren who did the deed. I feel that he had no boundaries at all. If it was young and pretty, he would hump it.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Isn't there some Middle Eastern culture where the women watch the bride and groom do it on their wedding night? That woulda been fun on my wedding night. It woulda been a cross between the old ladies watching the Kim K sex tape and Joe Rogan watching 2girls1cup.

  42. Count: For hundreds of years, that was standard practice with a lot of royal European families, and it wasn't just the female members of the family--the whole court would be in the room watching the proceedings. Supposedly George III was the one who put a stop to it in England before his wedding night, but then, he was the king. Very often it was the same story when the queen/princess gave birth as well. I think the official rationale is that there was lots of proof the marriage was consummated or that the lady in question actually birthed said baby, but methinks voyeurism played a big role as well...

    What you're probably thinking about is the old "hang the bloody sheet outside the house" routine, which still goes on in a lot of Middle Eastern societies, Christian and Muslim alike, and was not unknown in other cultures as well. People are just way too obsessed w/newlyweds' sex lives, IMNSHO.

  43. The great rumor in England after James II's new Catholic wife gave birth to a son was that the real baby was stillborn or was a daughter and a male infant was swapped for it. All this a plot by Jesuit priests to return the Church of England to the Catholic faith. the story is nonsense of course but it might help to explain the need for witnesses to the impregnation & birth of the heir to the throne. Anyway that baby was exiled to France when his father abdicated & spent his days known as "The Old Pretender".

  44. Ugh. European Royals ruins it. It was kinda cool to ponder when it was a guy and some chick his father bought from a neighboring village for a couple chickens and a goat. The constantly inbreeding Royals makes it more like a family sitting around watching 2 cousins hump. Throw in some meth and it sounds like the ending of many a Florida BBQ.

  45. What Auntliddy said.
    This stuff isn't simply rumors, it comes directly from Maclaine's daughter.

    20/20 interviewed Sachi last week about her life. The stories were terrible... she was shipped off to Japan as a small child, to live with her father, who wasn't around either.

    She went to boarding school in Europe in her early teens, and one year nobody showed up to get her at Christmas. The school was fully closed, as in sleep-in-the-street-closed. No money, no idea where literally in the world her parents were, no way to contact them. A random family took pity on her and took her home for the two week holiday period.

    All through the interview she stressed how much she loved her mom, and how much she desperately wanted to be with her, to have a mom-daughter relationship. It's possible she's lying, but I don't think so. There are a lot of crappy parents out there.

  46. I remember in the 80's when Sachi was given a role on a TV soap opera, much like like Michael Wilding, Elizabeth Taylor's son was. (Sometimes it's handy to have a mom who's a superstar -- one phone call, and they can get you work on shows thousands of other actors with real acting experience are auditioning for.)

    But Sachi was very appealing on the show and I think she could have actually done fine as an actress. That was the only time I ever heard of her or saw her. It must have been hard as hell living in Shirley's shadow, especially after Shirley went all New Age/crazy.

  47. I'm not sure about this. I too had the impression that Shirley was not very present in her daughter's life day to day.

    The thing is, Shirley has told every embarrassing story on herself in the past--and I agree --she is who she is--but I think if this was true, she'd admit it.

    I can't see her calling her daughter a liar if she knew it was true--she has never been sensitive about some of the crazy things she's done in her life.
