Sunday, February 03, 2013

Selena Gomez Searches For Self-Esteem - Finds None So Spends The Night With Justin Bieber

I'm pretty sure if you are a friend of Selena Gomez you must be shaking your head and wondering what is going on with her. I guess she has some severe dependency issues when it comes to Justin Bieber. The guy cheats on her constantly, often the same day that he is with her, but she does not seem to care. She can be publicly humiliated by the cough syrup drinking chain pot smoker and she is perfectly willing to give him another shot. Friday night they spent the entire night together and she was seen walking out of his place the next morning. I'm sure that if some tween girl was asking her for advice this is not the advice she would give, but Selena would probably say this is different and that no one understands and make excuses for him and whatever. She is an idiot.


  1. She's about as dumb as Rihanna. Can't feel sorry for the girl if she keeps going back to the guy that treats her like crap.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Can we get Tweener Free March?

    Poor kid. I hope she gets it together and leaves his skinny butt.

    Damn, she has gorgeous hair! I wouldn't be hiding those locks under a hat!

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Tweener free March! Tweener free March! Tweener free March!

    2. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Tweener free March! Tweener free March! Tweener free March!

    3. No Lindsey, no Kardashians and no tweeners won't leave us much to read about.

  4. idk she obviously lost her virginity to him. plus you know, its JB! like mah gawd! so in way shes probably feels like "this is justin bieber for f sakes. what cant i make himi happy? what happened to us? women are dying to be in my shoes, so why do my shoes hurt like a bitch?" plus there is chance she doesnt read all thats in the paper, that wouldn't surprise me much. as she is young, and ahs people telling her what she wants to hear anyways. Girls usually have to go through one super bad relationship before they move on to men

  5. well its her choice and she just has advantages out of that.

    gets some
    gets pot
    gets pap attention
    media coverage

    and maybe she shares some of those other people in the room too.

    she does no bearding, adoption, chris brown, piven, valderama or heavy drugs. If not fo bieber she would not really have press and pap coverage,

    so what - she is the best, easy going, booty call ever. and hey, with that pumpkin face she wouldn´t do so good when compared. she gets beaten by rumer willis on the scale down, but then not many more.

    so, good for her !!!

    Plus, on a good day the bieber licks her until he coughs and she doesn´t even have to sleep with him.

  6. I can't imagine he would be that good in bed. Why keep going back?

  7. Women everywhere go back to the losers they just left. They know he is no good, a liar, a cheater, the biggest scum on earth...but society and the media also keep pushing the idea that we all need to be part of a couple, and that there is something terribly wrong with being single...and so that loser looks awfully good when you are faced with a Saturday night alone with your cat.

  8. That headline cracks me up. And @Unknown called it @ VIP, he goes down for days!

    1. @ethorne In that case, good for Selena!

  9. I can't keep up with these two anymore. One day she's talking about her road ahead after the break up, the next day she's spotted with him... Jeez. Soap opera plotline much?

  10. Poor thing. Hope she reaches epiphany soon! :(
    She seems like a good kid but he may be the one that had the v-card. A bit of time and experience will help her and at least he isn't beating her.

  11. I don't think she was even close to a virgin when she got with him. I also can't imagine he's any good in bed, so I have not idea except young girls are stupid.

  12. Raise your hand if you were once young and stupid and dramatic and in love...

    (raises hand).

    I just wasn't famous enough to do it on TMZ for the whole world to see!

    1. @Meg you took the words out of my mouth! (raises hand)

    2. @Meg you took the words out of my mouth! (raises hand)

    3. @Meg *raises hand* Yeah, I think everyone should give Selena a break. It's always easier said than done from the outside looking in.

    4. You're right Meg, and she's such a cutie- hope she gets it together one day.

  13. Poor thing? She got with him for publicity and knows no one cares about her without him.

  14. Maybe she likes doing drugs with him. If he's smoking pot, she is too. She still lives with her parents right? So maybe hanging out with him is a good way to get out from under her parents for a bit.

  15. Totally agree, Geebz! He's a douche, he cheats, but he is no Fist Brown. The first time falling in love is an amazing feeling. The break up with that person seems like the end of the world. Selena and Swift need to go boy free for awhile. Maybe they will realize that being single, and finding great loves, in the form of friends, is pretty great.

  16. Anonymous10:45 AM

    She is young and clearly thinks she loves him. He is probably her first love, first everything. I give her a pass on this one.

  17. Ex sex and if he's willing to give oral pleasure hello! I've been guilty of going back when I should have stayed away.

  18. What Sherry said - a guy who is willing to give oral and who you're familiar and comfortable with can be hard to find.

    Who hasn't gone the ex-sex route? It may not be advisable, but sometimes it can be hard to avoid, particularly when you are used to a certain amount and are going through the transition of being in a relationship to being single.

  19. Maybe she's playing him as hard as he's playing her?

  20. Apparently the woman the Biebs gave oral to for five hours has now been cast for the next season of Bad Girls Club. Klassy.

    1. @Puggle- she has nowhere to go but up from here! The sky's the limit!

  21. I can't wait til this heaux is on BGC spilling the beans on Beiber's tongue skills. Or lack of.

  22. idk she obviously lost her virginity to him.

    @ Claritysk - you're new here, aren't you?

  23. she needed some of that puff puff

  24. Those abs, and those pants, tho (rolls eyes in back of head and has seizure).

  25. My Godson said:
    "You know what's weird? Some people don't have enough self esteem, and other people have way too much. People are very strange."
    Thanks KeShawn for summing up my feelings about these two!

  26. Agree with prolixe - let's do tweener free! I'd love to give the 'no Kardashian, No Lindsay, No Tweener month' a try.

  27. Or maybe she was horny and made a booty call.

  28. As someone pointed out, everything seems much more dramatic at their ages. They've been together for a couple of years. I think it's normal to feel pulled back. Better that way than to feel so bad or be so pissed off that they can't talk.

  29. @ Claritysk Selena was no virgin. Enty revealed a blind about her & Vanessa Hudgens. Supposedly Vanessa was sweet & innocent but she was pissed because she was being called a slut. When Selena was the one getting all the action & everyone thought she was fresh a a daisy.

  30. But Enty, you already said she is a tweener. Why say idiot, too? That's like saying chubby bacon-lover. Redundant.

  31. I guess Enty has never been friends with a teen girl before. This is a rite of passage.

  32. I'm sorry but Justin looks like a 12 year old little girl playing dress-up as Usher. Why people obsess over him is beyond me.
    Plus "he" is from Florida. meh.

  33. Idk the Biebs is growing on me. He sounds like a pretty generous kid, what with all the lean rillos and all you can eat buffets, is he really all that bad? Music, clothing, "swagger", and oddly feminine face aside, he really isn't all that bad.

    1. @JSierra- put all that aside & what's left lol? Now tell us what we really want to hear-Beyonce stalking!

  34. @claritysk

    I especially enjoy your posts .... I was so glad to see you were posting a bit more this weekend!

  35. Ethorne free drugs? And if you are bi, the best of both worlds I suppose...

    The stalking was slightly successful, I caught a glimpse through a window but didn't witness anything spectacular. They had all the drapes locked tight and the garage was in the back of the house so all you could see was a driveway lined with cars. We did drive by several times hoping to see something of Beyowolf and Blue Ivy, I'm sure an SUV with a bunch of girls hanging halfway out the windows wasn't suspicious at all. At least the house we were staying in was only a few doors down so it wasn't tooo bad.

    I feel like I failed on my mission :/ She is performing at the Metairie Country Club tonight and my friends will be there so hopefully I can get some good goss tomorrow and redeem myself

  36. @JSierra, OK you got me with the first line. Keep us updated! This might be a stupid question, did you go to the Super Bowl?

  37. everyone else on this site gets a pass for ex-sex. so what? one night for a little somethin-somethin.

  38. No one would be desperate for Ali Lohan. She is seriously hideous to to look at.
