Thursday, February 28, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Fergie heads into a show at Paris Fashion Week.
Cher was there too. This is the first time I have seen Cher papped in a long time.
Halle Berry and the dog from Legally Blonde. Maybe. Probably not.
Heidi Klum filming Germany's Next Top model in Hawaii.
The guy who designed these pants must just laugh everyday that Justin Bieber was such a sucker to buy them.
Jodie Foster takes her son out for some food.
Yeah, I could see why Liam Hemsworth would want to spend some alone time with January Jones.
Kristin Cavallari seems to do a lot of traveling for not much return.
Alanis Morisette and her family.



  2. Heidi Klum I don't know it's like she is not aging well or something.

    The little girl looks so ridiculous with those pants. They look like training pants hehehe.

  3. The Legally Blonde dog's name was Bruiser.

    And yes, I'm not ashamed to admit I know that.

  4. Where did Alanis buy those mom jeans? K-Mart in 1992?

  5. Sylvia I agree. She does not look well there.

    I had no idea Jodi Foster had a son that old!

  6. LOL Alanis' kid has a mullet. <3

    1. @Amber

      Oh no! It's only a matter of time before mullets come back in style.

  7. Cher looks absolutely stunning! Gorgeous! She is the queen! I love her. :)

  8. Heidi looks jetlagged and tired maybe even hungover.

  9. Sunglasses at night - stupid. That is all

  10. @Lola. Who's? Bieber's or Fergie's? What the hell is she wearing? I had better maternity clothes and I bought them second-hand.

  11. I liked (I think it was MK's) the reference to JB raiding Will's Fresh Prince wardrobe. What are they supposed to be? A cross between Hammers and skinny jeans? And please tell me that look will not catch on.

  12. That poor dog looks terrified.

    Nice matching outfits, Alanis. Speaking of Alanis, her song Hand In My Pocket makes me want to bang my head into a wall. It's so annoying.

    2 more men - Fergie Fug and Cher.

    I can't believe there are people lining up to shag the wearer of those pants.

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      2nd you on the hand in pocket song. If it comes on while skipping radio stations in my car I scream out loud. Not only is it annoying it is an ear worm too.

  13. Fergie looks like the humpty dumpty toy in that getup.

    Heidi looks so happy! I cannot stand her, this is my fave look.

    Move over, Justin needs a diaper change STAT!

    Whoa, Jodie's son looks a lot like her! I feel you, sister. My son towers over me, it's annoying.

    Is the Kristin C a reveal?

    At least Alannis is smiling, right?

  14. @Gayeld...

    I was talking about Little Pickle (that's what Chelsea Handler kept calling him when he was on her show) but Fergie has nothing to be proud of.

  15. Kristin needs a burger yuck!

  16. Jodie's older son Charlie will be 14 in July...he is just soooper tall. Her 10 yr old is a peanut. :)

    They are great kids.

  17. does anyone else notice alanis morrisette's son looks like dave coulier

  18. I can't believe how popular Justin is wearing those pants. He looks he's wearing a HUGE wet diaper. I thought that style went out a long time ago. You hard ever see guys wearing those stupid pants anymore. So out-dated.

  19. I'm worried about the dog. Halle has crazy eyes.

  20. Anonymous1:17 PM

    well this is an ugly as group of pics

  21. Kudos to Eva for being able to control a dog that big. I'm dragging my old lady down the street every chance I get!

  22. Fergie looks as sick as I feel lately.morning sickness is a bitch

    1. @LiteraryLauraEtc. Oh God, if I never see another saltine in this lifetime it will still be too soon. Have you tried potato chips? Sounds weird but they helped (but, sadly, not the salt & vinegar ones) and so did plain bagels. Good luck!

    2. I will be trying chips asap! Thank you!

  23. Anonymous1:35 PM

    this is what happens when you get dressed high Bieber, of course pink leopard diaper pants go with a studded yellow trucker hat, holds breath... ere!

  24. I just had to post this quote from Michael K at Dlisted. January Jones claimed placenta-eating prevented her from getting postpartum depression:

    "So if you had the post-baby sads in a bad way after giving birth, it's because you didn't swallow down a box full of Placentaburger Helper. January also went on to say that if taking placenta pills doesn't help with your depression, just follow your baby daddy's wife to the grocery store, find her in the produce section, go up to her and while you're stroking your bald baby's head, say to her, "Isn't he beautiful. He has your husband's eyes, bitch." It'll take you higher every single time."


  25. Halle doesn't seem like a dog person.

  26. I don't care what anyone says about January Jones. Everytime she opens her mouth or does something it's gossip gold and I don't think she intends it.

    She just acts like an ice queen to hide the insanity.

  27. God I love Cher so much! I even watched that horrible Burlesque movie just because she was in it! She was awesome of course, the rest of the cast....

  28. Fergie is channelling her Ozzy Osbourne here.

  29. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Justin Beiber reminds me of The Emperor Who Wore No Clothes. I can't wait until he's old enough to realize what a douche he is. Does he even make music still? I loved it when Patrick Carney called him on his stupid shit.

  30. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Justin Beiber reminds me of The Emperor Who Wore No Clothes. I can't wait until he's old enough to realize what a douche he is. Does he even make music still? I loved it when Patrick Carney called him on his stupid shit.

  31. Oooh, I wanna kick those pants in the crotch so bad

  32. "Oooo, Justin Bieber! I want to get you out of your pants! Because seriously bro, they're hideous!"

    Joking aside, I've seen a few Finnish boys wearing pants like that over the last maybe year or two. Finland's got some strange fashion counterculture, some people like to put together loud, odd vintage pieces.

  33. Those don't even look like pants--it kind of looks like he is wearing a sweatshirt upside down. I saw a special once on the guy with the worlds largest balls and he had to do this instead of pants and it looked exactly the same.

  34. January looks gorgeous. Maybe Miley should stop starving herself to get the body of a 12 year old boy and grow out her Justin Beiber hair if she wants to keep her man.

  35. @javamomma - you have piqued my interest with talk about a show about the guy with the world's biggest balls. Just had to say, that's quite the mental image!

  36. you think the pants are bad, find a pic with him from the front and take a look at the front of the hat. And the goofy glasses.

    If he was older I'd say he was having a mid-life crisis.

  37. He's trying sooooo desperately to make those pants happen. I'm so thankful he hasn't succeeded...yet. :/

  38. Omg @g. strathmore that is GREAT!
    And yes, JJ is a beautiful lady, but gurl be CRAY!

  39. I don't understand all of the random stuff about January Jones. The title of the Jason Segal/Michelle Williams split said "and January Jones is not to blame" and then here it talks about Liam Hemsworth. It's obvious I missed something about her somewhere....but what?
