Friday, February 08, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Adam Levine in a very bizarre photoshoot.
Leonardo DiCaprio spends some time in his hotel room with Miss Kosovo.
One big happy family. Jennifer Lopez and her boyfriend and Marc Anthony and his girlfriend and a whole mess of kids.
You know what I like about Amy Adams? She gets coffee for everyone.
You know your nightclub is going to suck if the biggest celebs you can get to come to the grand opening are Paris Hilton and
Tara Reid. I feel like it is 2006.
Amanda Seyfried lugs her bags to the airport as she heads to London.
Also headed to London and the BAFTAS is Jennifer Lawrence.
Sofia Vergara filming Modern Family yesterday.


  1. God I want a Burberry coat.

    1. @Sarah, I just bought a pair of Burberry boots on sale 80% off! Last pair was my size. I feel like I won something!!

    2. Me too. That coat and the trench with leather sleeves are everything.

  2. Amy Adams stole Jessica Alba's order from the counter.

  3. @Ingrid, I was going to ask if she saw Jessica Alba get coffee for everyone first.

  4. why is it important to have celebs at your opening? since everyone knows you paid them, isn't that kind of uncool? anyone know?

  5. My theory on Leo and the endless rotation of models: he has the drugs/connections.

    Just a guess to his allure, because I don't see it.

    1. The allure is that he put Giselle and Bar on the map

    2. I think he was hot in "The Departed"

    3. I just think his hotness departed

    4. Lmao Sarah...his hotness departed...true that!

  6. Amy <3

    Well at least Marc And JLO are friends for the kids sake

  7. @Me, I think it's so more people will show up to see the celebrities and then buy what you're selling.

  8. I thought Parasite was obsolete..

    Eeeewww @ Sofia..

  9. Anonymous12:23 PM

    @Leo Dicrappio -I guess taking time off to save the environment means banging beauty queens in hotel rooms.
    I guess sucking his peen creates a smaller carbon footprint than flying to fashion shows.

  10. Why is JLaw dressed like a pimp?

  11. Why do actors wear parkas on set?

    1. Because it's been super cold here well at least by SoCal standards it's cold.

  12. Even if she may have low self-esteem, I love that Amy Adams is so professional in her work. You never hear any BS or diva crap coming from her. As far as I've ever heard of course. She's been nominated 3 or 4 times for Oscars already. Most actresses would get an attitude by now.

    Also I always love seeing Amanda Seyfried. She's never too try-hard, seems real. Loves dogs more than men. Smart cookie.

    1. ITA @ libby, I like Amy and Amanda, they seem down to earth and professional oh and they actually have talent. Wouldn't be surprised if that BI about Amy copying Jessica Alba was planted by Alba herself lol

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Replies
    1. Blonde Americans for Free Trade Agreements.

      A Blonde American

    2. @YourNameHere. They are the British Academy Awards.

  15. Aw, Adam Levine and Rihanna got matching tattoos!

  16. British Acadamy of Film and Television...awards show?

  17. From the dirty sexy discussion earlier today: Adam Levin maybe? He looks pretty doable here, I'm ashamed to admit.

    1. My friends and I call it a shame*uck. Lol!

  18. I think I can see Adam's puffy skin. That is obviously not a Grammy advertisement.

  19. @Frufra
    I would do Adam so fast his head would spin!

  20. Yeah, Reno, I'm thinking he'd be a "do", even though you'd probably regrets it in the mornin'.

  21. Wow, Leo is basically Jack Nicholson version 2.0.

  22. Day Three of the Douchetool Balcony Report.

  23. Audrey - he wishes he had Nicholson's talent. Sadly, no.

  24. @ Amartel - you got that right!

  25. I love Amanda Seyfried and Jennifer Lawrence.

    Adam is pretty even though he has that Rihanna tattoo. I totally would, but I would hang my head in shame forever. Worth it.

  26. Adam IS hot. That first scene in American Horror Story :Asylum, when he was about to have sex with Jenna Dewan, and he licked his hand and then lubed up his peter....well that was swoon worthy to me.

    Judging by the pic here of him, I wonder if he is hoping to get a part in season 3 of AHS.

  27. Leo gets women because of fame and $$ drugs that come as party favours are just part of the scene I'm sure.

    And I love Amy Adams!! I still don't buy that entry reveal...or choose to not believe it!

  28. Lots of Adam lately - is he releasing something new?

    Leo on a balcony. Slow pap day.

    I'm glad Skeletor & JLo all get along. Much better than bitter.

    This picture reminds me a lot of Megan Follows (Anne of Green Gables).

    Are Paris & Tara at Club Lice?

  29. Dayum! Is That what's on AHS? I need to watch that. But why does Adam look like he has breasts?

    Leo does not have a great body. He looks pasty and doughy. Maybe he dickmatizes the models?

  30. Sherry - In as much as his dick is in the same longitude as his wallet, I'm sure he does.

  31. Adam Levine is soooo skinny. Are we sure he's not anorexic?

  32. I still think Leo's crew are the ones you get close to if you want the good stuff on regular basis, which is paramount when you have to stay model-thin.

    If he isn't an example of coke-bloat, I don't know who is.

    Sure, he's famous and rich, but VS models have their pick of companions (they date/marry mega-stars, athletes and musicians, after all.) who are as well. So why is it always him?

    LOL @Sherry and Mr. Wolf.

  33. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I am am a huge fan of low rise pants on men shaped like Levine.


    Tara cleans up nicely! #dothedamthinggirl

  34. I don't get that harmonious vibe ( like Bruce/Demi)with JLo and Marc...

  35. Wow, Tara Reid looks really good!

  36. THAT's the big rainbow-themed party for the twins JLo was talkin about?! Six crappy strands of crepe paper an two lame-ass balloons? Oh I'd be sooooo pissed.

  37. I just saw a billboard here in Reno that Paris is opening a nightclub. Hahaha, she's been downgraded to Reno openings. No offense to RenoBlondee, but Reno isn't exactly big time.

  38. Omg @Sea That was Awesome! Hahaha

  39. Btw, wait, you are in Reno right now?

  40. Adam Levine is hot. He's definitely at the top of my laminated list.

    I like Leo. I think he's very talented and he doesn't apologize for being a modelizing manslut.

  41. Leo, come on dude, we like you, grow up a little huh?

    p.s. Amartel, I also love Jack Nicholson, but he plays himself in every role. Leo always pushes himself (it doesn't always work), but i really do respect him (outside of his love life). His performance in Django was amazing and underrated. I have never seen a more truthful portrayal of a rapist (and all around bad guy) in my life. As someone who has been raped, this performance really struck a cord with me.

  42. I honestly had to zoom in on the Adam Levine picture. I thought he was carrying a bloody baby carrier.

  43. I totally thought it looked like Adam had some tittays too!!!

  44. I loved the picture of J Lo and her extended family. It's nice when exes can let their issues go and let the kids enjoy themselves.

  45. @tuxedo cat, I came here to say the same thing. I have a tremendous amount of respect for divorced couples who find a way to still get along when kids are involved. It's so much better for the kids, props to JLo and Marc.

  46. Is it wrong that I like Tara's outfit?

    I get along so well with the exes it's sickening, but the fam loves when we're all together so WTH
